I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 155 Encounter by chance, female thief?

Chapter 155 Encounter by chance, female thief?
Jincheng Beef Noodles are smooth and chewy.

The taste of the soup is wrapped in the noodles, as if the noodles and the noodle soup are completely integrated.

This is different from all the noodles that Zhou You has eaten before.

good to eat!

The four of you traveled back to the hotel after eating Jincheng Beef Noodles. They planned to have a good night's rest and have fun in Jincheng tomorrow.

Li Yan still turned on the TV to watch "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Episode five and six are aired today.

In the third and fourth episodes, the appearance of Jiu Jianxian brought a lot of shock and reverie to the audience.But at the same time, in the third episode, Xianjian also issued the first knife.

Grandma Zhao Ling'er was seriously injured and died by moon worshippers on Xianling Island.

In addition, Li Xiaoyao forgot everything about Zhao Linger because of Wangyou Gu.

The audience has already smelled the taste of abuse.

At the end of the fourth episode, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger met Liu Jinyuan.At the same time, the evil girl Lin Yueru also made her debut.

The actor of Lin Yueru in the Blue Star version of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is called "Tian Xi".

In the fifth episode, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger followed Lin Yueru to the woods, and saw Lin Yueru tortured a couple.

Li Xiaoyao couldn't see it and offered to help.

Conflict with Lin Yueru for the first time.

Li Xiaoyao used his magic hand to rejuvenate and the flying dragon to explore the cloud hand, and successfully pulled Lin Yueru's bellyband... well, underwear out.

And then, as Lin Yueru pierced Li Xiaoyao's chest with a sword, the relationship between the two of them was formally forged.

Lin Yueru "killed" Li Xiaoyao with a sword and fled in panic.

At this point the barrage went crazy.

"Fuck! What kind of show operation is this?"

"Li Xiaoyao's death, the end of the whole play."

"Finish flowering?"

"This Lin Yueru is so annoying!"

Many people in the barrage and comment area scolded Lin Yueru.Of course, some people are asking why the screenwriter is so bold?

Just when he didn't know how the plot would develop next, Zhao Ling'er cast the Avalokitesvara spell to save Li Xiaoyao from life.

But casting the Avalokiteshvara mantra comes at a price.

The plot of the fifth and sixth episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" also began to get on the right track. Lin Yueru appeared on the stage, Zhao Linger's snake body first appeared, and Li Xiaoyao embarked on a long journey to find his wife.

The image of the moon-worshiping leader who believes in science has gradually become fuller.

"Every character in this play is fully portrayed." Li Yan commented.

This play lunatic has a deep research and understanding of the characters.

At this moment, he especially replaced Li Xiaoyao.

Because the role of Li Xiaoyao was almost played by him...if he didn't record "Traveler".

If I were to play Li Xiaoyao, how would I act...he was thinking about it while watching the play.

And just as he was immersed in the plot, he received a call.

Caller ID: Wei Qiang.

"Aqiang." Li Yan answered the phone.

"Little San, are you in Jincheng?" Wei Qiang asked.

"That's right," Li Yan said, "I just arrived today, how do you know?"

"I saw a fan posted on Weibo that you guys were eating beef noodles." Wei Qiang said, "I'm also in Jincheng, what's the matter, come out for a drink or two?"

"Why did you come to Jincheng?" Li Yan asked.

"Participate in the Golden Fruit Music Festival in Jincheng." Wei Qiang said, "The music festival opens tomorrow."

After understanding the situation, Li Yan said, "Where is the music festival? I'll come to you tomorrow. Let's forget it tonight. My back is sore and my legs are hurting."

Wei Qiang said yes, and then said to send the address and location to Li Yan's WeChat, and then hung up the phone.

Zheng Hudong heard the word "music festival" and asked, "What music festival?"

"Jincheng is going to hold the Golden Fruit Music Festival tomorrow, and a friend of mine who plays in a band happens to be attending the music festival. I want to have dinner with me on the phone," Li Yan said.

"Music festival." Zheng Hudong was very excited, "What a coincidence? Why don't we join in the fun tomorrow?"

"Yes." Li Yan was the first to agree.

"I'm fine." Sha Rui said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhou You, and Zhou You said, "I'm even better."

So tomorrow's itinerary is finalized.

After finishing the two episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", Zhou You and the others went back to their rooms to wash and get ready for bed.

Zhou You wrote "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" for a while.



The karaoke practice room of Big Fish Studio.

Orange band Zhang Cong and others are practicing singing "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

Both Zhang Yao and Chen Luo were present.

Chen Luo would offer his own opinions from time to time.

Chen Luo: "It is no problem at all to finish the game in this state and advance to the quarterfinals."

Zhang Cong was not at ease: "We still want to practice again. After all, Xingyao's Datang Band and Light Spot's Black Pants Band are very strong opponents."

Datang Band and Black Pants Band, these two bands are considered to be the last bands to win the championship.

They are backed by entertainment giants.

The hope of winning the championship is great.

Zhang Yao: "There are still five days before the [-]th and [-]th competition, and there is still time. It's getting late today, it's ten o'clock, let's go back and rest first."

Chen Luo: "Boss Zhang is right, you can play better after a good rest. Do you want to record the official version tomorrow?"

Zhang Cong: "To be recorded."

So Zhang Cong and others packed up their things and ended today's training.

Originally, Orange Band didn't have much confidence in advancing to the quarterfinals. After all, this year's bands are too strong.

They are ready to stop in the quarterfinals.

But who would have thought that at this juncture, Teacher Xiaoyao actually wrote a new song for them!
This song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" is very good!

Now they not only have the confidence to enter the quarterfinals!

It may even hit the top six.


The next morning.

Zhou You woke up naturally at six o'clock.

Li Yan, Sha Rui, and Zheng Hudong were sound asleep.

Zheng Hudong didn't even snore.

This unscientific.

At this moment, it was just dawn, and Zhou You walked lightly, trying not to disturb Li Yan and the others, changed into sports equipment, and prepared to go to the hotel gym for a workout.

Idle is idle.

After going out, Zhou You walked to the elevator.

At the other end of the corridor of the hotel, Zhou You saw a young woman in sportswear, with a cat on her body, closing the door softly.

Then, like a thief who has stolen something and escaped from the scene of the theft, he quickened his pace and headed towards the elevator.

She is wearing a pink peaked cap.

Perhaps it was discovered by Zhou You on the opposite side.

She quickly lowered her head!

Lower the brim of the peaked cap.

The footsteps approached the elevator faster.

"Really a thief?" Zhou Youxin asked.

But it's not right... This is a five-star hotel, and the door is not so easy to open.And surveillance is everywhere.

It's not wise to steal here.

It must be the guest of the hotel.

But if it's a guest... why is she sneaking around?
Out of curiosity, Zhou You quickened his pace towards the elevator.

As soon as he got to the elevator, the elevator opened with a ding.

The woman in the peaked cap quickly got into the elevator and pressed down on the first floor.

At the moment they are on the fourth floor.

The gym is on the sixth floor.

The woman is dressed in exercise equipment. It seems that she is going to the gym... Should she go to the sixth floor to go to the gym?What is she doing on the first floor?
Women's behavior is increasingly unreasonable.

Hmm...the possibility of her going outside for a run is not ruled out.

Want to travel around here and press the elevator close button.

Originally he was going to the sixth floor, but now he changed his mind, he also went to the first floor!See what this woman is going to do?
Elevator closed.

Only Zhou You and the girl in the peaked cap were left in the elevator.

She lowered the brim of her peaked cap even lower.

Zhou You stared at her.

Under the summer sportswear, you can see the snow-white skin, slender figure, and tall figure of the peaked cap daughter... she is very beautiful.

This figure is as good as a star model.

His long black hair was tied into a ponytail, hanging from behind a peaked cap.

If she ran, the ponytail would definitely flick.

Wait...how come the more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes?

I seem to have seen it somewhere!

Zhou You quickly searched and compared in memory, and then blurted out a name: "Li Qingyao?"

Li Qingyao said three words at once.

The girl in the cap suddenly trembled slightly.

"Hello." The girl in the cap sighed, and finally raised her head slowly.

And the moment she raised her head, she saw a handsome face that was both familiar and unfamiliar, "Zhou...Zhou You!"

Li Qingyao was extremely surprised.

She didn't expect to see Zhou You again in this way.

Zhou You was also surprised when he saw Li Qingyao's beautiful face.

Zhou You: "Why are you here?"

Li Qingyao: "Aren't you in Chang'an City?"

The two asked at the same time.

Before the two could speak, the elevator opened to both sides with a ding.

Li Qingyao had a strong sense of concealing her identity, so she immediately pulled down her peaked cap to cover most of her face.

Li Qingyao walked out of the elevator first.

Zhou You followed closely.

Zhou You understood Li Qingyao's scruples.

Li Qingyao is a popular singer, and Zhou You's popularity has not been low recently.

If the two of them walked together and were photographed and posted on the Internet, they would inevitably be fired!
So Li Qingyao walked in front, and Zhou You just followed behind to keep a certain distance.

After leaving the hotel gate, Zhou You asked, "Are you going out for a run?"

Judging by her attire, it seems so.

But she cared so much about being discovered, there was absolutely no need to go out for a run, and she didn't have such troubles at all on the treadmill in the hotel gym.

"No." Li Qingyao said, "I'm out for breakfast. How about you?"

"I thought you were a thief." Zhou You explained the reason of the incident again, "Eat breakfast, there's no need to be sneaky, right?"

"I can't be discovered by my mother." Li Qingyao said, "I want to eat Jincheng Beef Noodles. Before she got up, I sneaked out to have a meal. I was wearing sports clothes to find a reason to go out. He asked where I was. , I said go exercise."

Li Qingyao doesn't look like a cold star at the moment.

Rather cute.


It seems quite pitiful again.

To eat a bowl of Jincheng Beef Noodles, you have to avoid your mother.

"We also ate there yesterday, and that one was pretty good." Zhou You said, "I'll take you there."

"Okay." Li Qingyao had a happy smile on her face.

Li Qingyao and Zhou You arrived at Jianqiang Beef Noodle Restaurant one after the other.

It was only past six o'clock.

There are no customers in the store.

The boss still remembered Zhou You. Seeing Zhou You coming with a beautiful girl with him, he kept asking, "Or is it Erxie?"

"Second secret." Zhou You said.

"What about you?" The boss asked Li Qingyao.He obviously didn't recognize Li Qingyao.

"What is the second secret?" Li Qingyao asked Zhou You.

"It's the thickness of the noodles, and there are capillary, three-thin, wide noodles, etc." Zhou You said.

"I also want a second brother." Li Qingyao said in her heart that I would eat whatever Zhou You ate.

"Add a piece of beef each," Zhou You said to the boss.

"it is good."

Zhou You paid for the two meals after ordering.

When Li Qingyao asked the boss how much it was, Zhou You had already paid it.

The two sat in the backmost position of the store.

This can save them a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Zhou You and Li Qingyao sat opposite each other.

Li Qingyao raised the brim of the peaked cap, and Li Qingyao's beautiful face looked more refined when viewed from a close distance.

Today she has no makeup on.

Facing Zhou You completely without makeup.

Even with no makeup, Zhou You can give this appearance a nine-point... She is really a natural beauty.

She has a well-proportioned figure.

Fine where it should be.

The place that should be strong is strong.

The scale is moderate, neither too big nor too small.

A pair of eyes are very beautiful and good-looking.

Li Qingyao looked at Zhou You and said, "After watching yesterday's trailer, I thought you were still in Chang'an."

Zhou You: "I just arrived in Jincheng yesterday. How about you? Why are you also in Jincheng?"

Not only in Jincheng!
Still staying at the same hotel.

What a coincidence.

Li Qingyao: "I was invited to participate in the Golden Fruit Music Festival in Jincheng, which opens today. Because there is still a simple rehearsal, I came here one night in advance."

It turned out to be attending the Jinguo Music Festival, Zhou You said, "We were still discussing going to the music festival today last night."

Li Qingyao: "Really?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Li Qingyao: "It would be great if I could sing with you."

The two were chatting with each other, and the boss had already served two bowls of beef noodles.

"I forgot to tell the boss not to put oil and spicy peppers." Zhou You said.

"It's okay." Li Qingyao said, "I want to eat."

Li Qingyao picked up the chopsticks, her lips and teeth chattering.

"The soup is delicious. You can have a sip of the soup first." While talking, Zhou You picked up the noodle bowl and took a sip of the soup.

Li Qingyao imitated Zhou You's appearance.

"How is it?" Zhou You asked.

"It's so delicious." Li Qingyao's eyes were shining.

After drinking the soup, stir the noodles evenly, so that the spicy oil and noodle soup can fully blend.

Zhou You thought that Li Qingyao would take small bites.

As a result, Li Qingyao not only ate big mouthfuls, but also very fast.

A bowl of noodles is eaten in two or three bites.

And drink the noodle soup to the bottom of the bowl.

Then he let out a long, full belch.

After hiccupping, Li Qingyao's face turned red obviously, and she said, "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay." Zhou You didn't care, "This is the real you. Your mother is not here, you can present your most comfortable and original state. You don't need to suppress yourself."

"Okay." Li Qingyao said, "Eating and talking with you, I feel very relaxed."

"That's right." Zhou Youdao, "My dad always said not to eat too fast, it's not good for the stomach. No one will fight with you, so you can slow down."

"Yeah." Li Qingyao said, "I got used to it when I was working. I always eat very fast."

"Slow down to enjoy the delicious food." Zhou You said.

He ate noodles and drank soup slowly.

Li Qingyao put her hand on her chin and watched from the opposite side.

He is too leisurely...... She said in her heart.

【Enjoy Jincheng Beef Noodles leisurely for breakfast, life point +1】

[Take Li Qingyao to eat Jincheng beef noodles, life point +1]

He even gained two life points.


After eating the beef noodles, the two returned to the hotel together and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

It is not advisable to exercise just after eating.

The two are just pretending.

Show it to Li Qingyao's manager's mother.

"Thank you for the beef noodles. I will treat you next time." Li Qingyao said.

"Okay." Zhou You agreed.

"Can I add your WeChat?" Li Qingyao said.

This is the second time they meet...the last time I didn't have time to add WeChat.Zhou You took out his phone and showed the QR code.

With a ding sound, the WeChat message is successfully added.

Large size for both sides.

Li Qingyao's trumpet is only used to "operate" the black fan group and communicate with gamers.

Zhou You's trumpet game world is only used to bubble up in Li Qingyao's black fan group... Hey, classmate Li Qingyao, you actually added your black fan friend.

No matter what, this black fan experience must not be revealed... Zhou You thought to himself.

After contacting Li Qingyao twice, Zhou You found that Li Qingyao was not annoying.

It seems that it is also very inconsistent with the high-cold image that I usually see on the Internet.

As soon as she finished adding WeChat, Li Qingyao's manager's mother called to ask her where she was. She said, "I'm working out on the sixth floor."

After hanging up the phone, Dong Wenshu came to the gymnasium on the sixth floor.

Seeing that Zhou You was also there, she greeted him politely.

After all, Zhou You is the person that Xiaoyao strongly supports.

You have to have a good relationship.

Dong Wenshu: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to live in this hotel."

Zhou You: "Yes."

He didn't want to say much at first, so he hesitated a little and said: "Just now she almost fainted due to hypoglycemia. It is important to keep fit, but it is more important to be healthy. There is no need to control the diet so strictly."

I didn't faint...but Li Qingyao soon realized that Zhou You was helping her, pretending that I was a little dizzy.

Dong Wenshu: "Okay, we will pay attention."

Zhou You nodded and left the gym.

Back in the room, Li Yan and the others had already woken up.

They said go for beef noodles.

Zhou You said that he had eaten.

After that, Li Yan and the others went to have breakfast, Zhou You changed his clothes, and went downstairs to find them.

Started the next day's itinerary.



First update.There is a second update.Went there around 11 o'clock.

Ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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