I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 160 The Band of Summer, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"

Chapter 160 The Band of Summer, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"

In the evening, Zhou You and his party settled down at the hotel in downtown ZY.

Go to the night market in Zhangye to eat fried pola, fried cannon, grilled lamb sausage, rubbed fish roe...

Stir-frying and pulling is to stir-fry the chopped lamb liver, lungs, intestines, etc. on a cast iron griddle with chopped green onion, garlic and other seasonings.

When frying, the whole cast iron griddle is burning! !
It can be said to be a very popular delicacy.

Soft fat intestines, crispy and chewy lamb tripe, tender and not fishy lamb kidneys, oily mille-feuille... spicy and oily, fat but not greasy, very delicious.

At the same time, the sixth episode of "Traveler" is also broadcast tonight.

The sixth episode of the program is different from the previous five episodes. This time it is broadcast simultaneously on Kunlun and China National Tourism Channel.

There were also new guests Sha Rui and Zheng Hudong joining, so this episode of the program was a hit as soon as it aired.

The top ten of the Weibo hot list is almost occupied by "Traveler".

Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui are among the most popular.

Ice Cream Assassin, Biangbiang Noodles, Terracotta Warriors and Horses from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Huashan Mountain, etc. are also popular.

"Trouble Song" also became popular again.

Of course, fans also discovered a new easter egg, the song "Song of Chang'an People", which appeared as background music and quickly became popular.

"The music of "Traveler" is fully customized by Xiaoyao, right?"

"What should I do if I want to go to Chang'an? Is there a team!"

"The previous song made Jinguancheng popular! Now Xiaoyao wants to write a song about Chang'an?"

"The people of Chang'an are homesick after hearing this. On behalf of the people of Chang'an, welcome everyone!"

Sure enough, the city of Chang'an soon became popular.

But compared to the sixth episode of "Traveler", Zhou You is more concerned about another program, the music variety show, "Summer Band"!
"Summer Band" is in its third season.

The [-]-to-[-] game will be broadcast live tonight.



"Summer Band" recording site.

Before the live broadcast of the program, a process rehearsal has been carried out.But what pieces each band will rehearse with is confidential.

At this moment, the bands are nervously preparing for the next competition.

Twelve into eight!

would mean four bands will be eliminated tonight.

The members of Tangerine were well prepared, but they were still nervous.

"Obviously I'm well prepared, but I'm still too nervous." Baozi, the fat drummer, said.

"Normal." Zhang Cong patted Baozi on the shoulder, "We greeted the competition with the best condition, the result is not important anymore."

"I hope I don't encounter the Datang Band and the Black Pants Band." Zheng Lu said, "They are too strong. And they are backed by two major entertainment companies. They have new songs in their hands. We will meet them. Not sure."

On the other side, the rest of the bands were discussing today's game.

Datang band.

Lu Zifeng, the lead singer known as Crazy Donkey, said: "Among the twelve bands, one-third will be eliminated. As far as the current situation is concerned, the odds of the four bands being eliminated are Orange, Coke, Secondhand Smoke, and Guns and Cannons. Highest. Madhouse and Black Pants are our strong opponents, so we have to be careful. When we meet them, let’s play new songs directly. Fight for a round of direct promotion.”

Drummer Chen Qiming said: "I think Orange Band should take it seriously, after all, behind them is Big Fish Studio."

Lu Zifeng: "It's not necessary. The show is up to now, have you seen that Xiaoyao wrote songs for them? Xiaoyao only supports Zhou You. Orange band, Ren Xiaoyao is too lazy to do it."

Bassist Gou Shun: "Xiao Ming, the orange band is currently ranked last among the top twelve. They don't have the strength to become our opponents."

The members of the Datang band hardly paid attention to the Tangerine band.


As time passed, the time came to [-]:[-] p.m., and the "Summer Band" top [-] competition was broadcast on the entire network.

This is a live show.

At the moment the broadcast started, a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room of the program.

There are more bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

"The top twelve competition that I have been thinking about has finally begun."

"Black pants, black pants, black pants! Come on."

"Datang Band is YYDS"

"I like Orange Band very much!! I've been waiting for Xiaoyao to make a move! If Xiaoyao doesn't make a move, Orange Band will be eliminated."

"Xiaoyao wrote so many songs for Zhou You! Why can't he bear to write a few songs for Orange Band for competitions? He's too partial!"

When the barrage was densely packed, the host of the show came on stage.

After the proficient opening speech, the host began to announce the promotion rules for the top twelve.

The top twelve players will be divided into six groups for one-on-one duels.

The winner of the duel will advance directly, and the loser will enter the waiting seat.

The six losing bands will have a second round of PK to decide three bands.

Then, among the three bands, the one with the lowest ranking will have the opportunity to challenge the first-round promotion band, and choose one for the final challenge.

Challenge successfully advanced.

If you fail, you will miss the top eight!
The overall competition system of the show is fairly fair.

After announcing the competition rules for the top twelve, the program entered the lottery session.

The lead singers of the twelve bands will come on stage to draw lots!

The bands that draw the same digital signature will become opponents and compete on stage.

The draw will be over soon.

When the result of the lottery was announced, the scene was full of exclamations, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

Datang Band VS Orange Band
Black Pants vs Madhouse

Guns N' Cannon vs Secondhand Smoke


Black Pants and Madhouse are both strong.The Black Pants Band is backed by Spotlight Entertainment.The Madhouse band has a unique style and the ability to create independently.I have sung original works before.

The duel between these two will be fierce!
The Datang Band VS Tangerine Band made the audience gasp.

"It's over!! Now the orange band has completely missed the quarter-finals."

"No. 12 band meets No. [-] band! The result will be very tragic."

"The Datang Band directly announces that they will win."

"The Datang Band will advance directly, there is no suspense."

The members of the orange band who got the sixth lottery also felt a sudden increase in pressure.

Drummer Baozi said: "It's too bad luck!"

Zheng Lu: "Come on! We can do it."

Zhang Cong: "No matter what! Go all out! I can't let down Teacher Xiaoyao's works."

Meeting a strong opponent, the members of the orange band suddenly became less nervous. At this moment, they just thought about how to use the best state to complete the next competition and challenge.

Lu Zifeng from Datang Band let out a long breath, "Is this a direct promotion?"

Gou Shun: "Sympathize with the Black Pants and the Madhouse! These two strong men in uniform fight together, it's interesting."

All members of the Black Pants Band wear the same style of black pants.

All the members of the lunatic asylum will directly appear in the patient uniforms of the mental hospital.

People called it "The Uniform Band".

The Datang Band completely relaxed, there was no pressure at all.


The band Black Pants and the Madhouse band, who were quickly drawn the number one lottery, performed on stage.

All members of Black Pants have long hair.

Long hair and black pants!

The painting style is very "trendy".

The members of the Madhouse band each have their own characteristics. The lead singer said "refreshing" as soon as he opened his mouth, and the whole band fell into madness.

It's like a bunch of lunatics making music.

What is surprising is that the madhouse band directly presented the original "Crazy Talk", with performance art performances and original tracks, allowing them to advance by one vote!

Backed by the light spot, the black pants band sang a classic song, but regrettably entered the second round.

Every band in this episode is very good.

The game was very exciting.

Finally entered the sixth group competition!

Datang Band vs. Orange Band.

"Hey! It's a pity for the Orange Band."

"I don't want to see Orange Band get eliminated."

"But their opponent is the strongest Datang band, the band with the most hope of winning the championship."

"Why is Orange Band so unlucky?"

Nobody likes the Tangerines.

If they encounter other opponents, the Orange Band may still be able to struggle.

But if you meet the Datang Band, there will be more bad luck than good luck.

The Datang Band holds a new song in their hands.

But because the opponent was the Tangerines, they ended up being useless.

Instead, they sang a classic piece by Xingyao's rock predecessors!
Make a slight change.

"Maple flavor" is full.

Although they were facing the Orange Band, the Datang Band still completed this song with a high standard!After singing, the audience cheered and screamed.

Even the judges said: "This song is very well adapted! It can even be said to surpass the original song."

After the Datang band stepped down, Lu Zifeng said: "The dust has settled."

Chen Qiyang: "I was worried that you would underestimate the enemy, but I didn't expect you to show your best form."

Lu Zifeng: "This is a competition. If they don't come up with a new song, they are already worthy of their face. They won't lose too badly."

The new song is for defeating the Black Pants!
It's their trump card.

When it was Tangerine's turn to take the stage, the atmosphere in the studio became eccentric.

Obviously not lost yet.

The atmosphere at the scene was as if they had already lost, and even the air was full of regret...

"Come on!" Zhang Cong said to Baozi and Zheng Lu.

The three look at each other!
They all saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

The host said that the competition will usher in the last song of the first round of PK. He asked Orange Band: "What song are you going to sing this time?"

""The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"" Zhang Cong leaned into the microphone holding the guitar and said.

When Zhang Cong announced the title of the song, his reaction was flat at first, because no one had heard the song before.

But soon the audience reacted.

is it a new song?
Unfamiliar song title!
Big Fish Studio!
It is easy to think that this is a new work created by Xiaoyao.

When they heard the title of the song, the members of the Tang band trembled slightly.

Chen Qiming: "Too bad."

Gou Shun: "Damn it."

Lu Zifeng: "Has Xiaoyao made a move?"

There was an ominous and ominous feeling in the hearts of the three of them.

They can take Tangerines lightly.

But never dare to underestimate the creator Xiaoyao! !
This is a ruthless person who cut down A-level creators by leaps and bounds. He is a frequent visitor to Yueting's new song list, and he became a C-level creator in two months.

The expressions of Lu Zifeng and the three of them became serious.

The barrage in the live broadcast immediately exploded at this moment.

"Is this Xiaoyao's new song?"

"Fuck!! I'm already getting excited."

"Xiaoyao finally made a move!"

"Xiaoyao: It doesn't matter, I will make a move!"

"Who said Xiaoyao only supports Zhou You? Isn't this the beginning of the orange band?"

The barrage is dense.

The host was stunned for a while and asked, "Is this a new song?"

Zhang Cong: "Yes."

Host: "Who is its creator?"

Zhang Cong: "Mr. Xiaoyao."

Teacher Xiaoyao's words were like a bomb, and the scene exploded directly.

Although everyone has guessed it.

But I heard Zhang Cong say the name Xiaoyao!Everyone was still surprised.

The show has been running for so long and I haven't written a song for Orange Band!Now make a sudden move!It really caught everyone by surprise.

The Datang Band and the others, who were already sure of winning, couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment.

Lu Zifeng's palms were sweaty, "I still underestimate the enemy."

Gou Shun: "It's okay, we won't be eliminated anyway. It's just one more round."

The Black Pants were gloating from the sidelines at this time, they were devastated by the Madhouse Band, and they were also very happy to see the Datang Band being beaten up by the Orange Band.

And in the "Traveler" program that is being broadcast next door, many people in the barrage are saying: "Hurry up and watch "Summer Band", Xiaoyao has a new song!"

"Really? Go see it now!"

"The Orange Band is about to come back against the wind!"

For a while, many viewers who were watching "Traveler" ran to the live broadcast room of "Summer Band".

at this time,

On the stage, the host has already left.

The lights on the stage were also dimmed.

The audience, judges, and contestants held their breath.

Zhang Cong leaned closer to the microphone and said, "I like the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" written by Teacher Xiaoyao very much. When I was playing music, my family was against it. Everyone knows that the band was almost killed in June. Disband."

"Fortunately, we met Big Fish Studio, which allowed us to see another possibility."

"My parents object to my playing music, and only my grandma supports me at home. It is precisely because of my grandma's support that I have the opportunity to get to where I am today."

"Grandma once said to me, you must see me singing on TV."

"But this wish has not been fulfilled. She passed away due to illness two years ago."

"I miss her."

"Now I'm on the stage and on TV, but she can't see it. Today I want to sing the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" by Teacher Xiaoyao to her. She should be able to hear it, right?"

Zhang Cong's sensational words quickly paved the way for the mood and tone of the singing.

Soon the prelude to the song started.

Zhang Cong played the guitar.

Slowly sing the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

"Can the brightest star in the night sky be heard?

The loneliness and sighs of those who look up

Can the brightest star in the night sky be remembered

The figure who once walked with me and disappeared in the wind~~”

Zhang Cong's eyes were moist when he sang here.

Grandma's kind face emerged in memory, forming vivid pictures.

The figure who once walked with me and disappeared in the wind~~ For Zhang Cong, this line of lyrics is a deep yearning for grandma.

"Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence, whenever I get lost in the dark night, the brightest star in the night sky, please guide me to you..."

Zhang Cong has a lot of confusion on the road of music, and he wanted to give up many times.

But every time grandma firmly supports,

Every time I think of grandma's encouraging words and eyes,

That kind of confusion will soon disappear, allowing him to continue walking forward.

"The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", different people will hear different flavors of this song.

Someone heard missing.

Someone heard inspiration.

Some people hear about love.

Somebody hear camaraderie!

With the sound of singing,

The audience off the court were all moved by this song!
"It sounds good."

"Why are my tears streaming down?"

"I also thought of my grandma."

"Whoooooooo onions! There must be onions in this song."

When Lu Zifeng from Datang Band heard this song, his face changed, and he leaned back weakly, and said with a little despair: "It's over."



Second update.Still more than ten minutes late.Will gradually come on time.Allow me to write some manuscripts.

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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