I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 171 Ji You Are Too Beautiful, "Summer Band" Night of Champions

Chapter 171 Ji You Are Too Beautiful, "Summer Band" Night of Champions

The news that Yeyoushen's new book will be released on the Ghost Festival spread like wildfire.

In the promotional warm-up, the title of the book was not mentioned.

But the line "Hungry Ghost Festival, people light candles, ghosts blow lamps, don't enter if you are timid", fully aroused the curiosity of readers.

"Yeyoushen has published a new book?"

"I said it! Don't read the dramas and novels of Ye Youshen! Whoever sees it is a dog."

"Ghost blowing lights? This slogan is creepy to look at! Scary."

"It's still selected to be released on the Ghost Festival!! What do you mean, what is your intention? Do you want to create an atmosphere? Are you trying to scare me? Don't watch it!"

"Kill Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, Jiu Jianxian and others! After writing about immortals, let's start writing about ghosts, right?"

"Hahaha, Jiu Sword Immortal has become Ghost Sword Immortal. Zhao Ling'er has become Zhao Ghost Mother!"

Obviously "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has no relationship or connection with "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

But because the popularity of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is still there, the audience's "resentment" has not disappeared, and they just unfold their associations and imaginations, linking the fairy sword and the ghost blowing lamp.

all dead!
Don't you become a ghost?

These people can really think.

Moreover, in the system of oriental myths and legends, gods and ghosts have not been separated from each other since ancient times.The spooky stories of the underworld will always occupy a place.

Just judging from the words "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", this novel should involve weird stories, or like "Legend of Sword and Fairy", it is a work that is so sharp that people can't breathe.

Everyone has been stabbed to the point of psychological shadow.

"I always feel that this book is the type that I dare not read. People light candles and ghosts blow out lamps. It feels a little scary."

"Yeyoushen started to write ghost stories!"

"It's very interesting to release it on the day of the Ghost Festival!! What the hell, did you choose this time on purpose?"

"I'm timid! But I really want to join in, what should I do?"

"You can't watch this stuff, and I strongly recommend that you don't watch it! The God of Night Tour will not make it easy for you."

The popularity of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" began to rise.

The book hasn't been released yet.

But the discussion is already high.


The writer Shen Xiaolong, who is good at brain insights, is writing the fourth part of "Star Abyss".

He hasn't finished a single novel yet, and today he saw the news that Ye Youshen wrote his third novel.

"The Devotion of Suspect X", "Jieyou Grocery Store", "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"... This guy changes themes every time.

He finished chasing the drama of Immortal Sword.

Shen Xiaolong has to admit that Ye Youshen is very good at writing scripts and telling stories.

But Shen Xiaolong couldn't understand Ye Youshen's routine at all.

"Strange and strange subject matter?" Shen Xiaolong frowned deeply.

In the previous two works, I thought that Yeyoushen was a healing reasoning writer.However, this ghost blowing the lamp...can't be connected with healing anyway, right?
But the warm-up slogan is very itchy.

Want to see.

The most important thing is that Shen Xiaolong has written a lot of dark horrors, and he also has many ideas about weird stories in his mind.Unexpectedly, before he wrote it, Ye Youshen wrote it first... and Ye Youshen, and Ghost Blowing Lamp, seem to be a good match.

He wanted to see how Ye Youshen would present the weird tales.

In addition, as we all know, he, Shen Xiaolong, is the originator of the dark brain hole and the horror of causing depression.In his opinion, Ye Youshen's "Ghost Blowing Lamp" somewhat challenges him.


Topics related to "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" continue to ferment.

Zhou You never asked about these remarks.

At the moment, he is writing the script of "Hurricane".

The story of "Hurricane" on Earth unfolds in Jinghai.

It just so happens that Blue Star Xia also has Jinghai.

And because Blue Star's review is more open.

Therefore, there is almost no need to change the background of the "Hurricane" script.

With the blessing of hand speed skills, the script is written very quickly and smoothly.

In addition, during this period of time, Zhou You was still traveling to the Western Regions.

During this period, he rehearsed "Shame on the Ground" online with Orange Band through video.To Zhou You's surprise, Zhang Cong was able to control this song very well.

Because Zhou You was only helping the guests, during the rehearsal, Zhou You gave Orange Band more opportunities to perform, and he tried his best not to steal the limelight.

Night of Champions is qualifying!

Preparing a song is certainly not enough.

For this reason, Zhou You gave as much support as possible to the works of Orange Band.

In the past few days, he has completed two lottery draws.

Got two songs.

[Congratulations for winning the song "Mountain and Sea"]

【Congratulations on getting the song "No Hesitation"】

Of these two songs, one is relatively new and the other is relatively old!But they are all classics.They are all suitable for competition.

In addition, Zhou You is still worrying about one thing, the recording of "Happiness".

Originally, for the song "囍", if there were conditions for recording, Zhou You could have recorded it with a perfect singing voice, coupled with his proficiency in theatrical accent, and changing his voice into a female voice.

No one wants to take my money!

But now he is in the Western Regions, without a recording studio.

So I had to find other singers to record.

Who to look for?
Zhou You thought of Tao Yiran who Zhang Yao had just signed.

Zhou You had Tao Yiran's detailed information, he had minored in opera, and singing "囍" shouldn't be a problem, so after explaining to Zhang Yao, Zhou You didn't ask about it again.


"Summer Band" is about to usher in the championship qualifying competition.

The audience is looking forward to it.

At the same time, the top five bands are preparing for the "Night of Champions" decisive battle.

Every band in the Night of Champions needs to invite supporting guests, but the list of invited guests is kept confidential.

The band doesn't know.

Can only guess.

At present, the orange band invites Zhou You, which is the consensus of everyone, and there is no need to waste brain cells to guess.But Black Pants, Datang, Madhouse and Guns and Cannons, the guests they invited to help the battle, everyone can't guess, and opinions vary.

A week passed quickly.

"Summer Band" ushered in the day when Night of Champions aired.

The Night of Champions has not only attracted the attention of countless viewers, but also the creators and singers in the circle are also paying attention to this episode.

After all, after Xiaoyao triggered the involution of "Summer Band", several bands and the companies behind them are crazily involved.

Invite creators to write songs to help!

Invite guests to help!
No matter which one is teasing people's nerves.

This final is no longer just a simple duel of five bands, behind it is the competition among creators, as well as the game of major entertainment companies.

Blue Star's entertainment circle, among several major entertainment companies, seems to be peaceful on the surface.

They even often cooperate with each other and share resources.

But there is also fierce competition in private.

Who doesn't want to be the boss of the industry?
Therefore, in the "Summer Band" finals, the entertainment companies hoped that their band would win, and invested a lot of resources for this.

Qian Qiuyuan, one of the three scumbags, was very curious about what works Xiaoyao created for Orange Band.

But it was not easy to ask directly, so I asked Zhou You.

Zhou You could only give vague answers.

Qian Qiuyuan: "The Orange Band asked you to be a guest vocalist, right?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Then you are in Jinghai today?"

Zhou You: "Just landed."

Qian Qiuyuan: "I knew it. I managed to get a live ticket, and I will go to see your performance live at night."

Zhou You: "I'm just a singing assistant."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Although that is the case, everyone guessed that the Orange Band will invite you. Since yesterday, netizens have been discussing tonight's game. There are also bars and barbecue stalls, saying that there will be an open-air audience tonight." Movie', live broadcast of the game! If you are a member of the guerrillas, you will get a [-]% discount on the whole game. It's very interesting."

Zhou You knew what Qian Qiuyuan said.

There are quite a few bar and restaurant owners in the guerrilla circle, and they specialize in traveling around.

Zhou You met Qian Qiuyuan at noon and had a quick lunch.

It is worth mentioning that Li Yan also flew back.

This day was idle, so he simply changed the schedule and came back to shoot the new underwear advertisement... It's not shabby to make money.

Although at first he was a little bit resistant in his heart, then he was tempted by money, and later, when Zhou Lingyu showed him the new advertising plan, hey!Quite creative!Very interesting!

This ad, this flip!
Absolutely shocked the jaws of the audience.

Li Yan was impressed by the creative advertisement of Dayu Studio.

Big Fish Studio can really make a living.

Zhou You and Li Yan met Qian Qiuyuan together.Li Yan was very respectful to Qian Qiuyuan.

As soon as Qian Qiuyuan saw Li Yan, he said: "Your lipstick advertisement is perfect! Didn't you wear lipstick in private?"

Li Yan: "My lips are naturally red."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Come back or shoot commercials?"

Li Yan: "Yes."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Skin care products?"

Li Yan: "Clothes...clothes!" Those two words can't be said~~~
Qian Qiuyuan was very simple. When he asked which brand it was, Li Yan said kindly.Zhou You answered for him.Qian Qiuyuan said: "Big brand! You have Qiantu. Uh, wait... Isn't Liren a lingerie brand?"

Li Yan's face turned red instantly.

Qian Qiuyuan understood in seconds.

Ah, it's okay for a man to shoot a lipstick ad, but now you want to shoot a lingerie ad?The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

Although I find it unbelievable, Qian Qiuyuan is quite gossip, and asked if the filming will take place in the afternoon, can I go and see it together?
So in the afternoon, Zhou You, Li Yan, and Qian Qiuyuan went to the shooting site of Liren's underwear advertisement.

Watched this "shame" scene.

Li Yan changed into sexy women's clothes, put on makeup, put on a wig and came out of the styling room. Both Zhou You and Qian Qiuyuan were stunned.

Qian Qiuyuan: "Damn!"

Zhou You: "Very good."

Even older than Jiang Chuxue... When Zhou You thought of Jiang Chuxue, Jiang Chuxue sneezed twice.

Li Yan put on women's clothes and a wig, facing Zhou You and Qian Qiuyuan, feeling very ashamed.

I'm a little afraid to watch the tour.

Qian Qiuyuan asked Zhou You, "What do you think?"

Zhou You: "Look at it intently."

Qian Qiuyuan: "It's pretty, a potential stock."

Zhou You: "The buttocks are pretty sticky."

Qian Qiuyuan: "???" That's not what I meant by potential stocks... Help, this old driver is driving again.Then Qian Qiuyuan's thoughts diverged, "Pythagorean shares", "investment shares", "dry shares"... these words instantly had an additional meaning for Qian Qiuyuan.

The extensive and profound language and culture have been polluted.

Li Yan felt that Zhou You and Qian Qiuyuan's eyes were burning, and said, "Don't stare at me with that kind of eyes...it feels weird. Isn't it strange that I look like this?"

Zhou You: "Very good. Ji, you are so beautiful." At this moment, a basketball is thrown towards you.

Li Yan: "?"

Zhou You: "You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are so beautiful, you are such a beautiful sister~~~"

Zhou You sang for a while.

Li Yan is ashamed now... Zhou You!You are too much!Although this song is quite nice.Although, besides... well!I made an ad.

Zhou You didn't stay at the commercial shooting site for a long time. He went to the "Summer Band" studio around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Of course, he entered the exclusive lounge of the studio through a special passage.

Before the show aired,

The supporting guests are not allowed to show up and must remain mysterious.

In this way, they can become the highlight of the show when they appear on stage.

As the time goes,

Guests and band members all arrived at the scene one after another.

There are staff who communicate with resident guests such as Zhou You individually about the competition system, programs and competition procedures and procedures.

In addition, the program group also provides a closed rehearsal hall.

The guest vocalists and the band can conduct final practice and rehearsal in the closed rehearsal hall.

In the closed rehearsal room, Zhou You once again met the members of Orange Band in reality.

"Brother," Zhang Cong said excitedly, "we finally meet again! Thank you so much for taking time out of the recording of the "Traveler" program to come back and help us complete the competition."

"They're all from our own family, and don't speak the same language." Zhou Youdao, "My brother."

The phrase "my brother" made the members of Orange Band respect Zhou You even more.

Travel around! !

But the new "golden boy".

Together with Li Qingyao, they are called "New Golden Boy and Jade Girl".

No arrogance at all.

Zhang Cong and others have regarded him as an idol.

If they have a chance to develop well in the future, they should keep a humble and low profile like Zhou You, put away their arrogance, and treat others equally.

After the staff's explanation, Zhou You knew the competition system and rules of the Champions Night.

First of all, the five bands will be "ranked"!
That is, in the first round, five bands take turns to play, sing a track, and fans vote.

Then rank the popularity according to the number of votes!
The band with the No. [-] popularity ranking advances directly.

The second round, group PK.

The [-]nd, [-]th and [-]th ranked in the first round will be drawn for PK, and the winner will advance to the next stage.The two failed bands who get the most votes will get a chance to challenge.Choose one of the three advanced bands to challenge, and if the challenge succeeds, it will replace it.

So far the top three bands have been determined!

It is the top three bands competing for the championship.

According to such rules, Zhou You and the members of Orange Band discussed the game strategy.

They have prepared three songs!

"No Land to Conceal", "Mountain and Sea", "No Hesitation".

All three songs were carefully rehearsed.

"Because everyone doesn't know what kind of works each other's bands have prepared, so there is a game in determining the order of singing songs." Zhou You said his own thoughts. "The first direct promotion in the first round is very tempting, so we..."

Strategy agreed.

In the following time, the band rehearsed the process again.

Zhou You and other supporting guests did not show up.

They can see the whole rehearsal process through the big screen in the lounge, and they are quite familiar with the program flow.

Finally time came to [-]pm!

The much-anticipated "Summer Band" Champions Night begins!


The first update, and the second update.Already writing, no water.

Is the monthly pass still required?Monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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