I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 173 Immediate promotion, successful pretense, and the birth of the top 3

Chapter 173 Immediate promotion, successful pretense, and the birth of the top three
"He understands! He understands! I can't afford it!"

Zhang Cong's singing suddenly exploded.This kind of explosion seems to have increased sharply from 10 to 100. From a relatively low singing level, it has entered a "roaring" state.

Especially "he understands he understands" here, it really makes people get goosebumps instantly.

Zhou You listened in the rest area, and couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling: "Zhang Cong has completely let go."

Zhang Cong's performance this time was better than any time during the rehearsal.

Such a sense of release!
A sense of joy and dripping!
For a moment, the emotions of the listeners were agitated.

The song "Mountain and Sea" has been covered by many singers, and the better version is the version sung by Wang Xinling and Tan Weiwei.This version is called "Lingwei is not afraid".The addition of Tan Weiwei's unique angry voice and Wang Xinling's unique singing was very explosive.

There is also a version by the mage... Although Zhou You doesn't like this version, nor the mage, but I have to admit that the first time this song became popular was because of the mage's cover.

The album "Ugly Slave" won many awards.

But perhaps because of the rock and roll attribute, works such as "Mountain and Sea" and "The Big Wind Blow" did not become popular.However, after time screening, these good songs have a high degree of popularity... Of course, there are also many people who don't like it.

The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom in listening to songs.

I don't like to spray suddenly.

When Guo Pinsheng heard the main song, he teased in his heart, "This time Xiaoyao is finally about to overturn."

Judging from the main song alone, the song "Mountain and Sea" is a lot worse than the two songs sung by the Datang Band and the Black Pants Band.

It is definitely hopeless to compete for the first place.

Like most netizens, when he heard the main song, he thought that the orange band was starting to fail.

As a result, when he heard the chorus, he sat up straight with a whoosh.

"This is a big move!" Guo Pinsheng's emotions and opinions reversed quite quickly.

From soft to hard!

between breaths.

Qian Qiuyuan, Zhai Nan, and Lu Yu listened carefully.

Qian Qiuyuan: "I knew that Xiaoyao's works would not be that simple."

Zhai Nan: "It's roaring singing again!"

Lu Yu: "Squat down and make a broken sound."


When many people heard "He understands! He understands!", they immediately thought of the roaring singing style of "Dream Chaser" and the classic broken sound.

Everyone is waiting for the breaking sound of "Chasing Dreams".

However, it didn't appear.

But the most exciting thing about rock is never its lyrics, but its accompaniment!

When the song entered the interlude, that interlude made many people call it nice, "This kind of interlude enshrines the gods", "The drum set takes off", and "The interlude is invincible".

At this time, in a certain suburban villa in Jinghai.

A-level creator Su Yuexi and her husband "Jiangnan" who is also an A-level creator are also watching "Summer Band".

Listen to the song "Mountain and Sea".

Su Yuexi: "This song is full of tension."

Jiangnan: "The chorus part makes one's scalp tingle, and the interlude is quite good. It's just the lyrics, which I don't understand."

Su Yuexi: "The lyrics should be written about the past self and the present self. The present self can't give the past self what it wants... Maybe the ideals of the past have not been realized, and there is a feeling of disappointment with the present self inside."

"I listened to that boy's voice, in the past with a future, longing for a happy ending, but failed to be myself..."

"He understands! He understands! I can't afford it!"

The song comes to an end.

Everyone in the Orange Band is at their best.

Zhang Cong was completely immersed in the singing of the song.

He never thought of going to the first place.

He just wanted to sing this song well, just like the lyrics of "Chasing Dreams and Hearts", "Don't ask for anyone's satisfaction as long as you are worthy of yourself".

Make the greatest efforts!

Make the best out of this song.

It doesn't matter whether you can win the first place or not.Put all your ability and enthusiasm into it, go all out, and the result is not satisfactory, that's okay.

This kind of "relaxed" state of no desire and no desire allows him to sing this song without any hindrance.

After the song was sung, the live audience off the stage and the audience in the live broadcast room were all discussing enthusiastically.

"The chorus is so loud that it explodes!"

"The lyrics are amazing!! It seems that I saw myself! Today is my 30th birthday, as if nothing has been achieved. All my dreams have not been realized. The past me will also look down on the present me."

"There is a sense of hopelessness! But there is also a strong sense of strength."

"Is this called lying flat? You call this lying flat?"

"Damn!! Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is invincible."

"Tangerines: We outdid ourselves!"

"Now I understand the meaning of this sentence! "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" and "Chasing Dreams" are both Wang Zha's songs, surpassing myself! Isn't it just surpassing the two? This is the most low-key pretense Most provocative!"

The explosion of the chorus of "Mountain and Sea" and the universality of the lyrics have resonated with many listeners.

There is always a gap between ideal and reality.

Have all the ideals and ambitions of youth and frivolity come true?

Someone made it happen.

That's a minority.

Most people, as the lyrics sing, "failed to be themselves", or failed to become what they wanted to be.

Someone in the barrage said that I wanted to be a scientist when I was a child, but now I am a scientist...

Someone wanted to be an engineer, now he's a siege lion...

Someone who wanted to be a poet, now a wet man...  

Some people want to be in the air force, but they don't fly the plane, but they want to be proficient in flying... This game is very fun.

Of course, some people's dreams came true, they became cavalrymen and infantrymen, got their driver's licenses, became old Siji, and were happy to be with other people in the world of mortals.

Soon the host came on stage.

Star fans are invited to comment and comment on the performance of the Orange Band.

Jiang Shan: "He understands! He understands! I can't afford it! When I heard this, I got goosebumps. This is music! A very serious work. I voted for this."

Tan Fei: "A performance full of vitality. When you sing, I feel that you are singing about yourself and all of us. I am very touched. This vote is for you."

Zhang Wei: "Mountains and seas, life goes through mountains and rivers, crossing mountains and seas! I really like the idea of ​​this song! The roar singing in the chorus! It's great. I support you." Zhang Wei cast his vote.

Gu Shu: "I'm a little jealous of you guys who can perform such a work. If Xiaoyao can write me such a song, I will feel that I will die without regret."

Gu Shu is a singer with few words and full of personality.



Make music with your heart.

He said such words, which shows his appreciation and love for this song.

Gu Shu also voted.

Guo Pinsheng did not comment.

He just said, all four of them said what I wanted to say.Then he hit the vote button.

So far, the orange band has won all the votes of the five star fans.

Celebrity music fans are very representative, and their opinions and opinions will affect ordinary music fans to a certain extent.

When entering the voting session, the Orange Band's votes rose rapidly.

100 votes!
200 votes!
400 votes!
Then 444 votes!
When it reached 444 votes, everyone thought that the number of votes was fixed here, but the number on the big screen behind the stage jumped again.

It became 447 votes!
The number of votes has increased rather slowly.

At this moment, everyone tensed up, held their breath, and fixed their eyes on the numbers on the big screen.

"447 votes!! It's almost there, can we get to 450 votes?"

"The Orange Band also has 450 votes, so that's interesting! All three bands have 450 votes, and then we'll compare."

"I'm more nervous than checking my college entrance examination results."

Among the three scumbags, Zhai Nan is very concerned about the success or failure of the Orange Band.

Because he is betting with Zhou You.

Although this is not the new song list of the music platform, many problems can be seen from the voting situation.

Black Pants Band and Datang Band also became nervous.

They hope the Tangerines vote count stops here!

Never 450!

It's too uncomfortable for three bands to fight together.

Never exceed 450!At least they still have a chance to compete for the first place.

Bands, guests, fans... each has their own thoughts.

"The Orange Band finally won the votes..." The host saw that the number would not change, and was about to announce the final result of the votes.

The whole place was silent.

Someone sighed in their hearts... After all, the Orange Band still didn't get involved.

However, just as the Orange Band was about to announce, suddenly, the numbers on the big screen jumped again.


At this moment, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Just one vote away from 450 votes.

Tension and anticipation are running high.

Could it be 450 votes?

Wouldn't it be fixed at 449 votes?It would be a pity if so!
next moment!
Number Flip!


Screams, shouts, and exclamations erupted from the audience.

"451!! No. [-]!! Orange Band won No. [-]."

"Fuck! Don't surpass anyone, only surpass yourself! This wave of pretense has succeeded."

"I'm so nervous! I thought it would stop at 449 votes!"


"So they really are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, right?"

Orange Band, Zhang Cong, Baozi, Zheng Lu and others were also extremely surprised at this moment.

This... is this the first?
It feels like a dream!

When they came on stage, they really didn't think about taking the first place, because the Black Pants and Datang Band performed so well.

I didn't expect to advance directly to the top three in the first round.

But I didn't think about it, but I won the first place! !Why not surprise?
Chubby Baozi's eyes were moist in an instant, "Brother Cong!! We are the first!! We are the first!"

Zhang Cong was instantly enveloped in complex emotions such as joy and disbelief. He stared at the number of 451 votes, and it took him a long time to recover.

Off the stage, Jiang Shan said, "It's well deserved."

Zhang Wei: "It's too dangerous!"

Among the three scumbags, Zhai Nan took a sip of water to suppress his shock, "In the first round, I won the game with ease."

Lu Yu: "The two songs haven't been uploaded yet, so the overall situation is still undecided."

the other side,
The members of Black Pants Band and Datang Band didn't look very good.

I thought they could still compete for the first place... In the end, the orange band directly shattered their hopes.

Now we can only continue to fight for the second round.

The members of the Madhouse Band and Guns and Cannons also felt their hearts sink slightly.

The Orange Band advances!

Black Pants Band and Datang Band will participate in the second group PK.PK with these two bands, Yali Shanda.

After a while, the host announced the result after confirming that the orange band got 451 votes!

"Congratulations to Orange Band! The final vote was 451 votes!"

"Congratulations for winning first place in the first round of qualifying!"

"Congratulations to Orange Band for directly advancing to the top three!"

As soon as the host said this, the audience suddenly became excited again.

The members of the Orange Band burst into tears.

Made the cut!
The host conducted a brief interview with Zhang Cong and others after the results were announced.

Host: "Win the first place and directly advance to the top three. How do you feel now?"

Zhang Cong: "Excited, surprised."

Host: "It's understandable to be excited, what do you mean by accident?"

Zhang Cong: "We didn't think about winning the first place, nor did we think about advancing directly... The result now is unexpected."

Zhang Cong's words made the fans boil immediately.

"I didn't think about winning the first place, I didn't think about advancing directly... Then I won the first place and advancing directly!! I suspect they are in Versailles."

"Hahaha they installed it."

"Looking at their dumbfounded looks, it doesn't look like a fake."

"How can the Datang Band and the Black Pants live?"

"Why are these words so familiar?"

"Zhou You said: I didn't want to be popular!"

If you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will make shade.

Probably the case of the Orange Band.

Zhou You watched everything in the lounge, very happy for Orange Band.

The world is unpredictable, many things can't be forced, many things can't be asked, many things can't be asked... Who can say for sure?The key is to look at people's mentality and attitude.

[Help the orange band successfully advance to the top three, life points +2]

After the Orange Band left, Zhou You congratulated them, "The state is very good! But you can't be proud. There is no need for a second round of PK. Take advantage of this time to rest and adjust your state."

"The result is very important, but in the process of the game, temporarily see the result clearly."

Together with the orange band, Zhou You analyzed the opponents that the top three might encounter.

The Black Pants and Datang may advance in the end.

The madhouse band is a variable, and it is possible to advance.

When Zhou You will appear as a supporting guest depends on the situation!Zhou You is a trump card, when he plays, it is the moment to win!

In the following time, the Orange Band seriously prepared for the three-strong championship competition.

I also occasionally watched the frantic fight between the four bands in the second round.

Black Pants VS Guns and Cannon!

Datang Band VS Madhouse Band!
The Black Pants win the cut.

The show between Datang Band and Madhouse Band was very exciting.

The Datang band took the lead on stage.

However, what people didn't expect was that the madhouse band was really crazy!In this round, guests are directly invited to play as assistants!
In one fell swoop, the Datang Band was defeated and qualified for promotion.

This is equivalent to throwing Wang Zang directly when fighting the landlord.

Each band has only one chance to invite guests to help.

The Madhouse band used up.

It is also for the sake of the follow-up that there will be no such powerful killer as the guest of assistance.

Datang Band was very depressed.

Because being a loser means that if you want to advance to the top three, you must complete a challenge!

This consumes a lot of work and energy.

No time to adjust status.

Rest and rest.

Datang Band and Guns and Cannons, in the fan voting process, Datang Band got the higher number of votes and qualified for the challenge.

I don't know if the Black Pants and Oranges are too strong, or the Madhouse band is relatively weak, or it's out of revenge for the Madhouse band!
The Datang Band directly chose to challenge the Madhouse Band.

The Asylum has used up all its cards.

Although this time it is also a full-scale fight.

But it ended in failure.

The top three are born!

Orange Band, Black Pants Band, Datang Band!
The battle of champions is about to begin!


First update.Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

The results of the college entrance examination came out, but I didn't pass the exam, so I decided to add a new update today... Readers, have you all won the gold list?Envy, blessing~pi~~
(End of this chapter)

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