I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 177 Check the night wandering god, the police are paying attention to you, Yuzhou

Chapter 177 Check the night wandering god, the police are paying attention to you, Yuzhou

You are the night wandering god, right?
Looking at Li Yan's sharp eyes, at that moment, Zhou You felt a little guilty.

How could the people of the Xia Kingdom deceive the people of the Xia Kingdom...

Zhou You wanted to fool around vaguely, but Li Yan didn't give him a chance, "Before I wondered what you were doing with your computer secretly at night, and I didn't doubt it too much when you said you were dealing with work..."

"But later, Ye Youshen asked me to take part in "Legend of Sword and Fairy" by name and surname. I rejected the role of Li Xiaoyao because of the schedule, and then asked me to participate in "I'm Not the God of Medicine". , why is he so nice to me?"

"At first I thought it was you who recommended me to Teacher Ye Youshen, which is very reasonable."

"But just now! When I thought of the words ghost blowing lamp, a flash of lightning gave me inspiration."

"If you're the Night God! Then everything makes sense."

The analysis is in place, and I can't refute it... The matter has come to this point, Zhou You has nothing to hide, and he admitted generously: "Yes, I am the God of Night Tour."

"Damn!" Li Yan exclaimed when he heard the words, "It's true!"

"Then...that Xiaoyao is also your vest?" Li Yan asked.

"Yes." This has also admitted.

"Fuck me, fuck me..." Li Yan's astonishment and shock couldn't be added more, the case was solved, I have solved the case!
slept with him for so long...

Nonsence!With him for so long! !I just found out now.

Sha Rui, Zheng Hudong next door, heard a voice coming over, "What's the matter? Hastily."

Li Yan really wanted to make this matter public at the moment, but he held back and couldn't sell his teammates, he said: "Cockroach! There was a cockroach just now! It's such a big cockroach!"

Zheng Hudong: "Can you be a little bit, man?"

Li Yan: "Ah~~ Yes, it's so abrupt." He smiled awkwardly.

After Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui left, Li Yan realized why his first reaction was to say cockroaches... Then he suddenly remembered that in "The Devotion of Suspect X", when Shishen heard the murder of the mother and daughter, his first reaction was also to say There are cockroaches at home, just now I was fighting cockroaches.

I must have been deeply influenced by this novel.

In the following time, Li Yan seemed to have discovered a new continent, and kept asking Zhou You: "How did you do it? We have been traveling all the time, how can you be so productive."

Zhou You stretched out his hand: "Have you heard of the hand speed of being single for 21 years?"

Li Yan: "!!!!"

Ah hello.

Please be serious.

After Li Yan's excitement passed, Zhou You said, "Keep it secret."

Li Yan: "Keep your mouth shut." He made a zipper movement around his mouth to signal that he would shut up. "Can you write me a song? I like singing."

Zhou You: "Yes."

Li Yan: "Really? Really?"

Zhou You: "Now I have inspiration."

Li Yan: "What?"

Zhou You: "Ji, you are so beautiful."

Li Yan instantly thought of that shameful underwear advertisement, this guy is still laughing at me! ! !angry.

Zhou You didn't pay attention to Li Yan any more, he immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the Kunlun platform app, and found the episode of "Traveler" Ranwu Lake.

Drag the progress bar to the relevant place.


When editing, Wang Hou didn't cut the dialogue of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", otherwise, viewers and fans of many details may find the "Hua Dian".

The identity of Ye Youshen could not be concealed at all.

Zhou You breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhou You started browsing Weibo.

On Weibo, "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" and "囍" are on the hot list.

NO.2 The new work of Night Tour God is coming!Create a new genre of tomb robbery!

NO.3 As soon as the suona sounds, a coffin is added to the Xi’an
NO.5 Yeyoushen listen to me thank you

As soon as the suona sounded, the cloth was covered, and the whole village, old and young, waited for the food to be served.

The combination of "Ghost Blowing Lantern" and "囍" quickly made it out of the circle.

With the gimmick.

It quickly aroused the curiosity of countless people.

"When I saw the title, I didn't dare to read it. I have never liked horror stuff, but when I heard you talking about tomb robbing, I wanted to read it instantly."

"Isn't it really scary/"

"It's not scary, it's trivial. It's mainly about tomb robbery, and the weird elements are only a small part."

"Looking good!! Recommended for cracked walls."

"The poison has been tested! Good grass, it can be slaughtered."

The word-of-mouth of "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" continues to ferment.

There are no tomb robber novels in this world.

"Ghost Blowing Lantern" is definitely unique, unique, and pioneering.

Zhou You is not worried about its sales.


After Shen Xiaolong saw the news of the release of "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City", he immediately bought a copy and came back.

But because the writing task of the day had not been completed, he never had time to read it.

It wasn't until early in the morning that he finished writing the manuscript that he slowly picked up "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City".

"Tomb robbery?" It was such an interesting subject, and he was instantly attracted.

The paper tying man and the corpse in the deserted tomb behind him are drizzle for someone who often writes horror and dark novels.

Not intimidated.

What really attracted him was the tomb-robbing element.

Hu Guohua was just an introduction.

The real protagonist is Hu Bayi... In Zhou You's version, because he was born on August [-]st, Hu Bayi was called Hu Bayi.

Ye Youshen's name was too hasty.Shen Xiaolong muttered in his heart.

This world has not experienced the special period of the earth, so there is no such thing as jumping in the queue. In the version written by Zhou You, it is written that Hu Bayi and others support Gumeng and contribute to the development and construction there.

The role of Fatty Wang is impressive.

Shen Xiaolong likes it very much.

The plot soon entered the nine-story demon building in Kunlun Mountain...

The ladybugs and the overlord salamanders took a breath away.

Later, they reunited with Fatty Wang, got acquainted with Da Jinya, returned to Niuxin Mountain, and started their journey of tomb robbery.

Faqiu Tianguan, Mojin Xiaowei, Qianshan Taoist, Xiling Lishi, the setting of the tomb robbery genre is presented in front of you.

There are also some "touching gold" rules.

When the lights go out, you don't touch gold, and when a rooster crows, you don't touch gold.

Anyone who digs a large tomb must light a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb, and then open the coffin to touch the gold. When doing it, the remains of the deceased must not be damaged, and one or two treasures must be left for the deceased at the end. When the candles are extinguished, or the golden rooster stops crowing, you must put back the property you have acquired as it is, and respectfully kowtow three times...

Shen Xiaolong read it with gusto, "The writing is too detailed."

As if he was really immersed in the matter of tomb robbery.

The description of the tomb, the description of the details and rules of the tomb robbery, all seem to be narrated by a person who has experienced the tomb robbery!

If it weren't for those fantasy creatures such as ladybugs and overlord salamanders, Shen Xiaolong would really think that everything written in this novel happened in real life.

Shen Xiaolong read it all at once, and it was already three o'clock in the morning.

But he didn't feel sleepy at all!

"Fuck!! Is this the end of writing?" Shen Xiaolong couldn't stop thinking.

I still want to see it.

This theme is so fresh and beautiful that people can't stop it!

The world of tomb robbers with ghost blowing lights is so interesting.

Looking at the winding mountain by looking for dragons and gold, one level of entanglement is one level of gate, if there are eight levels of danger in closing the door, there will be no yin and yang and eight trigrams...

Shen Xiaolong, who is still unsatisfied, logs into the Golden House, and wants to share with readers his feelings after watching "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City".

Surprisingly found!

The topic of ghost blowing lamps has spread in the Golden House.

It's so hot.

"Damn it!! The ghost blowing the lamp of the night tour god is so exciting."

"It's really sour to watch at night."

"My big boy can't sleep with the lights on now."

"Lighting? Candles? Be careful to put out the candles~~"

"The details of the tomb robbery in this novel are too real! It looks like it happened in real life. It's not fake."

"Is there a possibility... Ye Youshen is a tomb robber?"

"It doesn't look fake! The police uncle checks this night god!! Take off his vest and let us see his real face."

"The police uncle checks him +1"

"The police uncle checks him +1"

I don't know who took the lead in making a fuss, but the words "Uncle Policeman Chacha Yeyoushen" floated everywhere in the Golden House.

The most outrageous is!

The next day, the public security bureaus of all major localities used their official accounts to release a message about "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Kyoto Public Security Bureau: I have paid attention.

Jinghai Public Security Bureau: Continuing to pay attention.

Air City Public Security Department: Watching closely.

The Public Security Bureau is pretty skinny now!All of a sudden the heat went up.

Readers responded enthusiastically.

"Fuck!! Really check?"

"Yeyoushen: Oops, I'm going to squat."

"Reader: Oops! No part two."

"Public Security Department: Don't worry, we will let him continue to confess the crime of tomb robbery...by writing a novel."

In this way, "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" became even more popular.

Some policemen from the Public Security Department looked at this book openly to find out.


Zhou You didn't know about it at all.

I slept in the hotel until ten o'clock in the morning.

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

Li Yan yelled as soon as he woke up, "Zhou You Zhou You! It's incredible."

Zhou You was confused: "What?"

"The policeman has paid attention to you." Li Yan said.

"What do you follow me for?" Zhou You felt puzzled.

"Because the ghost blows the lamp!" Li Yan immediately put the phone in front of Zhou You, and Zhou You quickly browsed it.

This matter is so troublesome...isn't it?You don't think I'm a grave robber, do you?
The earth is really invited into the bureau to eat public food because the tomb robbery novel is too realistic!
Ghost Blowing Lamp... can't it?
Fortunately, no relevant department contacted Ye Youshen.

Zhou You took a look at Weite and Golden House.

As he expected, "Ghost Blowing Out the Lantern" plus "Hi" was described as the opening of the Ghost Festival!The gimmicks are full and the heat is high.

"囍" has successfully entered the third place in the new song list of Yue Ting music platform.Second only to "No Hesitation" and "No Place to Shame".

"Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" went on sale at [-] pm yesterday.

Yesterday's sales were not exaggerated.

Only 60 copies were sold.

But after a night of fermentation!

The popularity of "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" exploded.

Before the major bookstores opened in the morning, many readers were already waiting outside the bookstores. When the doors opened for business, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City of Essence" was sold out in an instant.

The major bookstores had to put up signs that "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Ancient City" was sold out.

"Damn it!! All the bookstores are sold out immediately."

"It's the weekend!! Don't you all sleep late? You didn't leave me a single book."

"Seeing the discussion of the Golden House, I really want to read it!! But I can't buy the book. Friends, where can I buy it, please let me know."

"It's gone everywhere, wait for the goods to arrive."

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City of Essence" once again has a hard-to-find situation.


Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui had brunch at the hotel, and then said goodbye with their luggage.

Sha Rui flew to Kyoto.

Zheng Hudong and Li Yanfei Jinghai.

Zhou You didn't plan to fly to Jinghai, but flew to Yuzhou first, and then went home.

After time travelling, she lived with her beautiful and beautiful sister, but her parents, grandparents and grandparents in this world have never met.

In the original memory,
Grandparents and grandparents are still alive...Compared to those protagonists who grew up in an orphanage, Zhou You feels that his time travel is very healthy.

Three and a half hours later, I traveled around and landed in Yuzhou.

As soon as I landed and traveled around, I felt the enthusiasm of Yuzhou.

It is indeed one of the four furnaces of the Xia Kingdom.

The heat wave is coming.

It burns your feet when you step on the ground while wearing shoes... Of course, this may be Zhou You's psychological effect.

But it was hot.

It was so hot that he wanted an ice cream assassin.

The first-class pick-up driver will send Zhou You to the "Boyaju" community in the North District, which is actually the teacher's family building.

Many years ago, the middle school where my mother Su Jin taught was planned to be built, and the teachers of this school subsidized the purchase of the house.

So they moved here from the original old community.

Living conditions and environment have been greatly improved.

Sitting in the car and seeing the undulating urban scene outside the car window... This is really a mountain city! 3D Magic City!

Compared with flat cities such as Jinghai and Jinguancheng, it is more attractive.

and also! ! !

The girls in Yuzhou are really top notch.

Very hot.

Baba fit hot chick.

There is no less feast for the eyes on traveling all the way.

[Appreciate Yuzhou beauty, life point +1]

Unscrupulous and weird ways to earn life points have increased again.

Zhou You returned to Yuzhou without telling his parents.

He wanted to surprise his parents.

When I got home, there was no one at home...

This weekend, the two of them are not going to work... Where did they go?
Zhou You put down his luggage and searched the refrigerator, but there was nothing to drink... Also, it's normal for parents to have no drinks in the refrigerator at home.Reluctantly, I had to pour myself a cup of cool water and drink it.

Then visited the "new home".

Three rooms and two halls.

Parents live in the master bedroom.

According to the memory of the original body, he came to his room.

The room is decorated with "music", guitars, CDs, photos of well-known singers from various countries in the Blue Star Federation are pasted on the wall, and there is a retro tape recorder on the table, and there are many tapes beside it.

Although I haven't lived in the room for a long time.

But the room was still tidy and clean.

Not a speck of dust on the CDs on the table.

Apparently mom Su Jin often comes to clean.

Next to his room is the room of his sister Zhou Lingyu.Zhou You went in and took a look.My sister's room turned out to be pink! ! !
Even this elder sister who often lied to her pocket money and beat her up to tears, unexpectedly has a girlish heart.

"Do you have a love diary or something?" Zhou You randomly picked up a notebook.

Hmm... But it's not a diary, but a journal made by my sister, all about two-dimensional beautiful girls.

After shopping around, Zhou You leaned on the sofa for a while, took out his mobile phone and called his mother.

Soon the phone was connected, and Su Jin's voice was noisy, there was a bang bang bang sound, Zhou You was about to ask where his mother was, Su Jin spoke first: "Son, what's the matter."

Without waiting for Zhou You to answer, Su Jin's voice came again: "Hu! Shanhu [-] barrels!"

Got it!
I'm playing mahjong.

Shanhu [-] barrels...Mom, do you also watch "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"?Good guy!Hu Bayi figured it out for you.

Zhou You: "It's okay, you play mahjong first."

After finishing talking, Zhou You hung up the phone and transferred 1 yuan to his mother Su Jin, hoping that her mother would have fun playing cards.

After resting for a while, I looked at the time, it was four o'clock.

"Let's cook." Zhou You made up his mind.

Mom has always been in the kitchen. He hasn't cooked for his parents yet, so he will cook one today.

Open the refrigerator.

There are quite a lot of dishes in the refrigerator.

Zhou You took it out selectively, thawed, processed, cut vegetables, cooked... he was very busy.

[Cook to prepare dinner for parents, life point +1]



Second update.Monthly ticket lottery draws 100 manuscript fees, thank you readers for your support.

Still asking for a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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