I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 179 Travel around Zhang Village to thresh millet?rural youth, family

Chapter 179 Travel around and go back to the village to thresh millet?rural youth, family

Gu Shu, a star fan of "Summer Band".

After the show ended, he added Zhouyou WeChat, saying that there was a chance for him to introduce him to meet Teacher Xiaoyao.

He wanted to find Xiaoyao to invite him to sing.

In the show, he also mentioned that he envies the orange band and the like, and can sing works created by Xiaoyao.He also expressed his admiration for Xiaoyao many times.

Now he finally found Xiaoyao.

Zhou You immediately accepted Gu Shu's friend application, and sent a greeting emoji, "What kind of work do you need?"

Gu Shu quickly replied: "It fits my personality, I always hope to sing a work that makes me die without regret."

The work of dying without regret... Zhou You said: "It's a bit difficult."

At present, there are still works such as "Childhood", "The Fragrance of Dao", "Encounter", "A Laugh in the Sea", "A Bridge of Fate" and other works that can be provided to other singers for singing.

These songs are all classics, but Zhou You felt that they were a little bit lacking in meaning to make people die without regrets.

And it doesn't go well with ancient trees.

Gu Shu is a very simple and simple person.

He has an indescribable artistic temperament.

He is suitable for that kind of work with background.

Gu Shu: "It's a bit difficult... Can Teacher Xiaoyao write it?"

Xiaoyao: "You can write, but it takes time."

Gu Shu: "I can wait."

Xiaoyao: "I can't say how long it will take... Maybe a few days, maybe a few months, maybe a year or two."

Gu Shu: "No problem."

Xiaoyao: "Okay."

Gu Shu: "How did you charge?"

Xiaoyao: "Guaranteed share. We'll talk about the details when the work comes out."

How to charge... It always sounds weird.I'm a serious creator.

Gu Shu heard that Xiaoyao had a weird personality, so he invited him to sing. Xiaoyao might not accept the order, but he didn't expect that the first time he invited him, he would succeed.

It's not as difficult to contact as it is said in the legend.

Still very good at talking.

Hmm... Could it be that Zhou You mentioned to Xiaoyao that he wanted to invite a song, so Xiaoyao agreed?This should be.

The next time I see Zhou Youde, I will thank him very much.

After finishing the conversation with Gu Shu, Zhou You wrote down the matter of Gu Shu's invitation to sing.

In the future, if you draw a suitable song in a lottery, you can give it to Gu Shu.

The impression of traveling around ancient trees is not bad.


The next day, Zhou You didn't sleep in and got up early.

Because I'm going back home today.

The only car in the family was driven away by Dad.

He and his mother, Su Jin, don't have a car.

So Zhou You and his mother ate a bowl of Yuzhou noodles downstairs in the community, took an online car-hailing car, brought two sets of clothes, and returned to their hometown together.

It is the time of threshing millet, and the villagers are busy threshing and drying the millet.

Under the scorching sun.

But all of them had smiles on their faces.

Seeing Zhou You and Su Jin, many people who knew them greeted the villagers.

"The big star is back!"

"I haven't seen you for half a year. You're even more handsome."

"My granddaughter watches "Traveler" in front of the TV every Friday, and she likes you."

"Are you going back to our village to record a program?"

The people in the village are very simple and warm.

It's quite strange for a big star like Zhou You, after all, how many villages can produce a big star?Well, of course, you haven't seen many "live" big stars.

This time they saw "live".

Zhou You didn't have any airs, and responded to them just like before, calling uncle who should be called uncle, aunt who should be called aunt, and mother-in-law who should be called mother-in-law.

Stepping on the drying millet and passing by the dam.

Back home soon.

Su Jin had already told Zhou Qingyun that they were coming today, so they hadn't gone out to thresh millet yet.

As soon as they arrived at the door, the three children rushed up when they saw Zhou You, "Second Brother! Second Brother!"

Zhou Qingyun is the eldest among the three brothers of the Zhou family.

Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu are the older children at home.

Zhou Lingyu is called the eldest sister, and Zhou You is called the second brother. Of course, no matter in the past or now, his siblings are veritable kings of children.

These three children are only seven or eight years old. The twin boys belong to the third uncle's family, and the older girl is the second uncle's youngest daughter.

The three brothers of the Zhou family all had their second child.

The third uncle is the strongest. He gave birth to his son Zhou Jun in his first child. He wants to have a daughter just this year. After all, the eldest brother and the second brother both have daughters, so he also wants to have a padded jacket.

It turned out that the second child was a "twin" son.

Oh shit!

Another 20 years of work.

It is said that when the third uncle learned about the two sons, the original words were like this...

"Come here, I brought you gifts." Zhou You distributed the snacks and toys in his hand to the three children.

The three children beamed with joy, and even said thank you to the second brother!
Then he took the things and went to "divide the spoils".

"Dad." Zhou You finally met his father from another world.

The hair is very thin... Dad, you have to take good care of your hair.Zhou Qingyun is tall and wears glasses. At the moment, he is barefoot and wearing long-sleeved clothes stained with mud.smoking.With scrawled hair.It is very similar to the intellectuals who went to the countryside in a certain era on earth.

"Second Uncle, Third Uncle." Zhou You greeted with a smile, "I brought you good wine from Xuzhou, I know you like it."

"Come back when you come back, what do you do with the money?" The second uncle said while taking two bottles of Xuzhou fine wine, "Our family makes wine ourselves, so don't you think it's expensive. Okay, I'll drink it today and bring it back with You Boy." The best wine in Syria."

The second uncle knows how to make wine in ancient ways.

I opened a wine shop in Yuzhou, and the business is not bad.

"You've grown stronger." The third uncle pinched the firm muscles on Zhou You's body.

"Isn't this going to come back to thresh millet?" Zhou You said.

"Second brother." While talking, Zhou Jun, the eldest son of the third uncle, greeted Zhou You.

Zhou Jun is two meters tall, the tallest in the Zhou family, and a member of the school basketball team.

"Xiao Jun," Zhou You threw a signed basketball, which he entrusted Zhang Yao to find, "Which university did you get into?"

"School of Physical Education, Jinghai University." Zhou Jun said.

"Yes!" Zhou You said, "They are all in Jinghai, and they can take care of each other."

"Where is grandpa and grandma?" Zhou You asked in Yuzhou dialect.

"I heard that the second brother is coming back. Grandpa and Grandma went to catch chickens and ducks. Today they killed a chicken and a duck."

As soon as Zhou Jun's voice fell, Zhou You heard the crowing of the chicken and the crowing of the duck. The grandpa and grandma grabbed the chicken and the duck and turned around from the side of the house.

"Grandpa and grandma!!" Zhou You immediately went up to meet her.

"Hey! You boy! You're here." Grandma was happy, "Let me see my big star grandson, his body has grown even better!"

The family gets together to enjoy themselves.

Grandma dragged Zhou You to ask questions, and chatted for a long time.He also said that she watched every episode of his recording.

An old house where a treasure.

There are two in Zhou You's family.

After chatting for a while, father Zhou Qingyun and his second and third uncles were going to threshing millet in the fields.Zhou You asked how much he hadn't played yet. "We can finish playing today." Second Uncle said.

"I'll go with you," Zhou You said.

"A big star going to the farm?" Third Uncle said, "Stop doing such rough work and help grandma prepare meals at home."

"What big star?" Zhou You said, "When I was young, I did a lot of work every summer vacation. It's not that delicate."

"Okay." The third uncle said, "Jun, find your second brother a set of clothes for going to the field."

"it is good."

Soon Zhou Jun found long-sleeved trousers that he didn't usually wear.

He changed it himself.

Zhou Qingyun's three brothers, Zhou You, Zhou Jun and Grandpa, a total of six people, went to the fields together to thresh millet.

Grandma, Su Jin, Erniang, Sanniang, and the women of the Zhou family are responsible for cooking at home and drying the millet in the dam.

The three children play as they please.

Traveling around for a while has the illusion of returning to my childhood.

How happy it was then...

The six men collected the millet from the last field in one morning.

Many villagers were surprised to see Zhou You, a big star, going down to the field to thresh millet.

It's rare for big stars to work in the fields.

Someone took a video and posted it on a short video platform.

"Look, the big star has come back to threshing millet."

And I don't know anything about this tour.

[Threshing millet in the fields, life points +3]

[Have a good relationship with the second and third uncles, life points +2]

Zhou You, who has the physique of a special soldier, threshing millet is a piece of cake for him, lifting the machine, picking millet, Zhou You can do it effortlessly.

While they were threshing grain, other families were harvesting it.

Most of the villagers who travel around know and have impressions.

Especially the younger generation.

Most of them are childhood playmates.

But in some large fields, Zhou You saw a few strange figures.

"Which family do those young people belong to?" Zhou You asked, "Why haven't I seen them before?"

"College student village officials later in the year." The second uncle said, "He took the lead in planting and breeding, and the other students he brought over are working on entrepreneurial projects to revitalize the countryside."

"You can see that the fruit trees in that mountain are all grown by them, and the fields are all shrimp fields. The rice field shrimps are raised and rice is grown at the same time."

"Why don't you say that this college student has a good brain, and a few people made a lot of noise. Everyone in the village has indeed benefited."

"That's it." Zhou You understood the situation and expressed his admiration.

There are not many young people who are willing to grow and harvest rice by themselves. "Buy some of their crayfish to make spicy crayfish at night?"

"Yes." Uncle San said, "Let's have a summer outdoor barbecue."

Uncle San, you know how to live.

The third uncle's house has a barbecue grill.

During the Chinese New Year and holidays, they use his family's barbecue grill.

At noon, Zhou You's family had a big meal together.

Grandma's cooking skills have always been very good.

The third uncle poured good wine from Xuzhou for Grandpa.Grandma also drinks.In fact, grandma still smokes.Definitely a cool grandma.

Grandma said, "Our family is all alcoholics."

But at noon today, father Zhou Qingyun, second uncle, and third uncle did not drink baijiu, but cold beer, which is more suitable for summer.

Zhou You also drank two bottles.

This stuff tastes good to drink.

Flying with a cool heart.

[Hot summer goes better with beer, life point +1]

After lunch, the neighbor sent a bucket of crayfish and half a bucket of crucian carp, "Sent by Xiao Zheng."

Xiao Zheng is the college student village official.

Grandma: "There are so many, how can you be ashamed?"

Neighbor: "Every family has given away."

Grandma: "Xiao Zheng is really thoughtful."

Grandpa and grandma said that Xiao Zheng often sent crucian carp and crayfish to neighbors nearby.Neighbors also gave Xiao Zheng some vegetables grown by himself.

Xiao Zheng is a foreigner.

Rent at Lao Wang's house.

Lao Wang's son bought a house in Yuzhou, and he seldom comes back to the village. The house is vacant, so it is better to rent it out.

"Why don't we ask Xiao Zheng and the others to come over for dinner tonight." The second uncle said, "It's always like this. Except for some vegetables, we haven't given anything back to others."

"Okay," Uncle San said, "I'll go and tell them."

In the afternoon, Zhou You and Zhou Jun took the three children to wash and clean the crayfish, and cleaned them up so they could be eaten at night.

Dad and the second and third uncles drove to the city to buy the ingredients needed for the barbecue.

Mother Su Jin, grandma, Erniang and Sanniang played mahjong around a table, and occasionally went to dry the millet in the dam.

For fifty cents.

Granny wins alone.

I'm so happy.

After Zhou Qingyun and the others bought the barbecue ingredients, Zhou You and Zhou Jun were busy processing them again, stringing them up with bamboo sticks.

Harvesting of millet started at [-]:[-] pm.

Build it up.

Cover up.

When the sky is getting dark, we will grill in the dam.

Before Xiao Zheng and his party came, the third uncle called again, and Zhou You went with him.

As a result, Xiao Zheng was still preparing dinner at home, where he also handled the crayfish.

"Xiao Zheng, are you doing a live broadcast?" Third Uncle said.

When Xiao Zheng was handling the crayfish, his mobile phone was on the left front bracket and was broadcasting live.

Zhou You followed Uncle San from the right, and came to Xiao Zheng who was handling the crayfish, and happened to appear in the live broadcast.

Immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited.

The barrage is dense.

"I'm going!! Am I reading that right? Is that Zhou You?"

"The real Zhou You! Why did Zhou You appear in Viagra's live broadcast room?"

"The popular Zhou You went back to his hometown to thrash millet! What the hell, Zhou You's hometown is the village where Viagra is the village head, right?"

"Ahhh!! I'm so envious."

"Viagra!! Let Zhou You say hello."

Xiao Zheng sat there with his head down handling the crayfish, and when he heard the voice, he raised his eyes and saw Third Uncle, and he also saw Zhou You impressively.

Fuck!Why is Zhou You still here?

I was still running the live broadcast... Sure enough, when I looked sideways, the live broadcast room had exploded.He continued: "Water friends, let's stop here for today's live broadcast..."

As soon as he said that, he was about to cut off the live broadcast.

Zhou You immediately said: "It's okay, let's broadcast it." As he spoke, Zhou You leaned over to say hello to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Speaking of which, the original body was the anchor before participating in "Heartbeat Journey".

He is no stranger to live streaming.

There is even an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Seeing Zhou You say hello, the audience in the live broadcast room became more active and restless.

"Travel around!"

"Wooooow, I finally saw Zhou You again."

"Zhou You, are you really going back to your hometown to thresh millet?"

Zhou You just said hello and didn't interact much with the audience in the live broadcast room. Instead, he turned around and invited Xiao Zheng, "Come to my house for dinner, everything is ready."

Zheng Wei: "Not good..."

Zhou You: "What's wrong? It doesn't affect your live broadcast. You can keep it on."

Zheng Wei was a little flattered by the big star's invitation, he is really a fan of Zhou You, and he likes Zhou You's songs very much.

But never thought that one day I would see Zhou You in reality.

Not to mention going to Zhou You's house for dinner.

Third Uncle: "Let's go, where are Lu Tao and Fang Xiang? Call the two of them too."

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all urging Zheng Wei to go, and Zhou You and Uncle Zhou You came to invite him in person. It seemed too shameless not to go... The Zhou family invited him once in the afternoon. The reason why he didn't go was because he thought Zhou You was there not very convenient.

Now Zhou You came to shout in person.

Go ahead.

He decides in his heart.

"Okay." Zheng Wei agreed, and then called Lu Tao at the top of his voice, Fang thought.

The two came out of the house quickly when they heard the sound. Both of them were wearing aprons. It was obvious that they were busy in the kitchen just now.

A big yellow dog followed.

This big yellow dog looks like Erha.

Not too smart looking.

Lu Tao and Fang Xiang were quite surprised to see Zhou You, "You... hello."

Zheng Wei said: "Let's go to Uncle Zhou's house for dinner tonight, let's bring the prepared ingredients over there."

Lu Tao: "Oh~ well, good."

Apparently they didn't expect that Zhou You would personally come over and invite them to dinner at home.

The three of Zheng Wei quickly packed up and wanted to turn off the live broadcast, but the fans reacted too strongly, and Zhou You also said to open it, and they can chat with fans later, and finally the live broadcast room was closed.

In this way, three people and one dog came to Zhou You's house.

Set the tripod aside and stream live.

Then the three of Zheng Wei came over to help with the barbecue.

These three boys are very hardworking.

During the chat, Zhou You also knew their names, and Zhou You asked, "Are you still engaged in self-media?"

Zheng Wei: "We operate an account together, and sometimes post some videos of the village, and also live broadcast our labor, cooking or house renovation."

Zhou You: "How many fans do you have?"

Zheng Wei: "More than 50 yuan."

Zhou You: "What's the name of the account? I'll pay attention."

Zheng Wei: "Well... called rural youth."

Zhou You immediately took out the short video platform on his mobile phone, searched for rural youths, and clicked to follow.

At this time,
The fact that Zhou You appeared in the rural youth live broadcast room has been thoroughly spread in the guerrilla circle and on the Internet.

"Zhou You appeared in the live broadcast room of rural youth?"

"My favorite host and my favorite singer are dreaming together!! Watch it now."

"Rural young people go to Zhou You's house for dinner? Ahhh! I'm so envious."


A large number of viewers poured into the rural youth live broadcast room.

The number of viewers in the rural youth live broadcast room also soared from the previous 20 to 30, then [-], [-]...

In the end, it directly rushed to the hot list of the live broadcast platform!
The heat soared.



The second update, asking for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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