I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 184 Completion of the new album selection, see Zhai Nan at a leisurely pace

Chapter 184 Completion of the new album selection, see Zhai Nan at a leisurely pace
The news that Zhou You will release a new album spread like wildfire.

Zhou You didn't know how it got out. First of all, he didn't publicly mention that he was going to release a new album. Only Zhang Yao and San Jike knew about it.

Zhang Yao should not talk too much.

But there may be some news leaked from the Three Uncles... It's not that they are big mouthed, it may be that they were asked about it when they wrote the song, or the chat just happened to talk about this topic.

but it does not matter.

If the news leaks out, let it leak out.

It was advertised in advance.

"Zhou You is going to release an album? When will it be released?"

"Finally willing to open for business!! I have been waiting for him to release an album."

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet, and Zhou You hasn't spoken out yet. I think it's probably a rumor."

Fans roaming around the Internet are discussing enthusiastically.

But because Zhou You didn't come forward to talk about the release of an album, there are different opinions, and there is no conclusion.Whether Zhou You will release an album is still unclear.

Jiahua Entertainment, Shining Star Media, and Spotlight Entertainment heard that Zhou You was going to release an album, and they all inquired for news from various channels.

I want to confirm the exact time when Zhou You will release a new album.

They have no good intentions.

Just wanted to snipe Zhou You.


Spotlight Entertainment, Entertainer Lounge.

Zhang Heng, the former golden boy and jade girl, is chatting with his agent about Zhou You's upcoming debut album.

Zhang Heng: "Sister Yun, is Zhou You sure about releasing an album?"

Sister Yun: "I went to the creative department to inquire, and there is indeed such a thing. Some time ago, a colleague in the creative department accidentally heard that Zhai Nan was writing songs for Zhou You. I think it was to help Zhou You prepare a new album."

Zhang Heng: "So there are signs of Mr. Zhai Nan's departure... When will the traveling album be released? Will it hit us?"

Zhang Heng's new album has been in preparation for a while.

Li Qingyao's new album this year has been released, and he, the "golden boy", naturally cannot lag behind.

Preparations for Zhang Heng's new album began last August, and it has been more than a year now, in order to strive for the title of "Little Heavenly King".

Little Heavenly King is a name in the industry for male singers who step into the position of Heavenly King with one foot.

Corresponding to it is the little queen.

Li Qingyao is currently one of the "Four Little Queens".

The creative team that created this album for Zhang Heng is also very luxurious, and Zhang Wenyan, an S-level creator of Spotlight, is responsible for the lead production.

Sister Yun: "Probably not that fast. We are scheduled to release it on October [-]th. It is still a bit difficult for Zhou You to produce an album within a month."

Zhang Heng's new album is named "Perfect", and it is quite meaningful to release it on October [-]th.

Zhang Heng: "He released a lot of works before, which should be included in the first album. He really needs to produce only a few new works. It is not impossible to complete the production in one month."

Sister Yun: "So what if we bump into it? We have Teacher Zhang Wenyan sitting in charge this time. Don't you have confidence in Teacher Zhang Wenyan's strength?"

Zhang Heng: "That's not true, I was just thinking, if I can win Zhouyou once, it must be very satisfying."

Sister Yun: "Let's work hard, if we meet, we'll just get him down."

Sister Yun is very optimistic about Zhang Heng's new album.

Zhang Heng also felt that having teacher Zhang Wenyan in charge was full of confidence, and he even looked forward to Zhou You's release of a new album in October, and then they would have a good fight and compete.


Zhou You has already learned from the mouth of the three cheap customers that the Big Three have been eyeing him and Big Fish Studio.

But Zhou You didn't care.

Qian Qiuyuan: "Zhou You, your reaction is a bit too flat."

Zhou You: "Then how should I react?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "Being targeted by the Big Three... At least it should be a lot of pressure, let's shudder."

Zhou You immediately sent a trembling emoji.

Qian Qiuyuan said he was too fake.

When chatting happily in the group, Zhai Nan, who had been silent all this time, finally erupted.

Zhai Nan: "@小遥, the contract with Big Fish Studio has been signed, and now we are colleagues."

Zhou You immediately switched to the trumpet and replied: "Welcome, welcome!"

Zhai Nan: "How about eating?"

Xiaoyao: "Wait another two days, these two days are a bit busy."

Zhai Nan: "All right. What are you busy with?"

Happy: "Eat, sleep and play games."

Zhai Nan: "!!!" So these are more important than inviting me to dinner, right?But Xiaoyao even played games.

This is in line with Xiaoyao's personality.

When Qian Qiuyuan and Lu Yu saw that Xiaoyao wanted to invite Zhai Nan to dinner, they immediately asked if they could invite us too. It was just a matter of two extra pairs of chopsticks. If not, we can AA.

Xiaoyao flatly refused.

It is said that this is the treatment only available to colleagues in Big Fish Studio.

The implication is that the two of you will jump ship and come to Big Fish Studio.

In the group of three sluts, Qian Qiuyuan and Lu Yu are crazy @薇南, let him reveal the place to eat, they "follow", "encounter", or let Zhai Nan have a camera on his head to take a photo with Xiaoyao. !

Zhai Nan said that this is not very good, he feels that he is betraying his colleagues.

Qian Qiuyuan crazily instigated, saying that his colleagues were just for betrayal?
In the end, Zhai Nan had no choice but to move out of the non-disclosure agreement signed with Dayu Studio, one of which was the confidentiality of the names of "vests" under Dayu Studio such as Xiaoyao and Yeyoushen.

Qian Qiuyuan and Lu Yu had no choice but to give up.


Zhou You stayed at home in Yuzhou for three days.

During these three days, I did whatever I wanted, sleeping, staring in a daze, watching movies, reading, cooking... leisurely and contented, and earned a lot of living points.

Of course, the body and mind are also extremely relaxed.

Go for a run in the park in the morning, and look at the young lady in sportswear with a good figure.Chat with the uncle who walks the bird in the park.Sometimes the uncle who walks the bird even shows off his voice and sings a joke...it's quite interesting.

"Xiao Qi, check the personal information panel."

"Good host."

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 34 points

Accumulated life points: 634 points

Number of lucky draws: 3 times

Finally made up a three-in-a-row draw.


【Congratulations on winning the song "You at the Same Table"】

【Congratulations on getting the song "22"】

[Congratulations for winning the song "Beauty"]

The triple draw turned out to be all songs.

The song "You at the Same Table" is suitable for the graduation season, but now it is the end of August, and the graduation season has passed.

I didn't expect to get this song.

Hmm... Short, big and tight works are still very good.On works regardless of people.

"22" is the work of Zhou Wang Tao Lin Zhongtao, this song is not popular.But Zhou You felt that this song was more suitable for inclusion in the album "Zhou You".

Because Zhou You will be 22 years old after his birthday in October this year.

There is a song "22" in the first album released at the age of 22, which makes sense.

"He just turned 22 on March [-]th of the lunar calendar this year. He just threw away his textbooks and wanted to leave home to see the world, but he found that he had to face many troubles..."

"He often wishes to go back to the year when he was 12. He just needs to go to school and live a simple and worry-free life..."

22 years old!It is the age when many people graduate from university and enter society.

And 22 is the first year of traveling for Zhou You.

It seems that Hua Tsai's "17 Years Old" is also very interesting.

Zhou You took stock of the works to be included in the new album "Zhou You": "Fake Monk", "All the Way North", "Change Yourself", "22", "Exchanging the Rest of Life".

Qian Qiuyuan, Zhai Nan, and Lu Yu also sent twelve songs one after another.

Zhou You selected five of them.

There are now ten songs in the new album.

At the beginning, Zhou You wanted to choose twelve songs to make an album, but after some consideration, he decided to only choose ten songs.At the beginning and end of the album, it would be nice to add an "Intro" and "Outro", respectively.

In this way, twelve pieces can be collected.

"Intro" and "Outro" will be created by Qian Qiuyuan, after all, no suitable ones have been drawn.

In this way, the selection work for the new album is completed.

The next step is to record and shoot the MV.

What Zhou You thinks is that the first album should be well-produced, and the digital album and the physical album will be released at the same time, so each song should be accompanied by an MV as much as possible.

Although the workload is a bit heavy.

But Zhou You wanted to do it.

Because of the pursuit of perfection.

Because he wanted to.

In addition, it is also because there is nothing to do!Quite boring.

It's really cool to hang out at home these few days, but at the same time, he discovered a fatal fact - it feels so empty when there's nothing to do.

So I still have to do something I like to do to pass the time.

By the way, which song will you use as the title song?

Generally speaking, an album will have about two title songs.

The first title song and the second title song.

The album "Zhou You" highlights the characters Zhou You and You, You... all the way to the west and all the way to the north! "All the Way North" is the first title song.

Among the two songs "Change Yourself" and "Exchange the Rest of Your Life", "Exchange the Rest of Your Life" can better reflect the theme of "traveling around"!
Because it tells the story of parallel time and space.

It's just right to use it as the second title song.

Go back to Jinghai tomorrow and start recording preparations.

As for the song "Beauty", of course it must be accompanied by Li Yan, isn't he begging for a song?This one is for him.

Thinking of this, Zhou You immediately downloaded the lyrics and accompaniment from the system and sent it to Li Yan via WeChat.

Zhou You: "The song you want has been written."

In the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", Li Yan, who was drinking and resting just after filming, saw Zhou You's message, and immediately clicked in.

He actually wrote me a song! !

Zhou You I love you to death!Ah no...Zhou You are awesome!Something is wrong.Zhou You... Forget it, I am grateful.

Li Yan has a musical foundation.

I can understand the score.

Read the score, then play the accompaniment and read the lyrics.

"You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are so beautiful, you are such a beautiful sister..."

This sounds very familiar.

Ah yes! !
Zhou You hummed a part when I was filming commercials before.

This guy really wrote it into a complete song... He really, I cried to death! !The lyrics are too messed up, right?

Immediately there is a picture of "beauty advertisement" in my mind.

"You are the flower bud in the cold winter, you are Xi Shi who disturbs the spring water...you are my beloved imperial concubine!"

What the hell are you my beloved concubine?

This is a song Zhou You wrote for him... From Zhou You's point of view, the lyrics are amazing!It's outrageous!Basic affection.

I can't sing this song!

He really wanted to say that to Zhou You.

But it's really nice.

After deliberating for a while, he replied to Zhou You: "The lyrics...can you change it?"

Zhou You: "I can't." To change the words, you have to find your second brother, I Zhou You do not provide this service.

Li Yan: "The lyrics are too messed up."

Zhou You: "Don't you want it? If you don't want it, forget it."

Li Yan: "No...that's not what I mean, I, I want it."

Finally, there is a song, how can I not?

The three-dwelling superstar of film and television songs is just watching me.

The song is "Beautiful", but I want to sing "Handsome", yes, the MV should also be more handsome... Fans will not think of the ad for beauty's underwear.

Li Yan has a lot of small things in his heart.


Zhou You left Yuzhou the next day and flew to Jinghai.

Mother Su Jin asked Zhou You to bring a lot of things to Jinghai, ranging from bacon and salted duck to small pickled pepper cowpeas... I'm afraid that Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu won't be able to eat well in the capital.

Before Zhou You set off, she repeatedly warned: eat less takeaways, because eating too much takeaways is not good for your health.

The hearts of parents in the world.

Zhou You asked her mother to take good care of her body, and the family went out for travel during the winter vacation.

After the plane landed in Jinghai, there was originally a first-class pick-up service, but Zhang Yao insisted on picking it up.

So Zhou You sat in the co-pilot, and Zhang Yao drove him back to the Junting Villa area.

On the way, Zhang Yao said, "Boss, I heard that you are going to have dinner with Teacher Zhai Nan?"

Zhou You: "How do you know?"

Zhang Yao: "Teacher Zhai Nan asked me about your preferences, and said that it was the first time we met, so prepare a small gift."

Zhou You: "He is thoughtful. What did you say?"

Zhang Yao: "I didn't say anything."

Zhou You: "Tomorrow you will pick up Zhai Nan, and come to Junting on time at seven o'clock in the evening. I will hold a family banquet tomorrow."

Zhang Yao: "A treat at home?"

Zhou You: "Home is more private and safe."

Zhang Yao: "Do you need to hire a chef team?"

Zhou You: "No, I will cook myself."

Zhang Yao agreed.

He asked Zhou You if Zhou Lingyu knew he was Xiaoyao?Zhou You said he didn't know.Tomorrow night happens to have a showdown with my sister.

Zhai Nan already knew his identity.

There is no reason to continue to hide from my sister.

Zhang Yao sent Zhou You home and went to the company.On the way, he contacted Zhai Nan and told about the happy banquet tomorrow night.Zhang Yao said: "Mr. Xiaoyao likes red wine."

Zhai Nan immediately prepared red wine.

Zhou Lingyu was busy with the affairs of the advertising department and was not at home. Zhou You took out two boxes full of "mother's ingredients".

Su Jin even made two big bottles of spicy oil for Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu, and said, "You can use the noodles."

This is mother's love.

In the afternoon, I went to Chen Luo's recording studio to record songs. Today I mainly recorded works that were drawn by the system lottery.

The five songs written by Sanjike do not have a systematic "proficiency" blessing, even Zhou You needs a lot of practice before recording.

The time was short, so after recording works such as "All the Way North" and "Change Myself", Zhou You and his sister Zhou Lingyu went home from get off work together.

Zhou You: "Don't work overtime tomorrow night, there are guests at home."

Zhou Lingyu: "Who? Girlfriend?"

Zhou You: "Boyfriend."

Zhou Lingyu: "Dear brother! When did you bend over?"

Zhou You: "When it's soft."

Zhou Lingyu: "!!!"

The next morning, I traveled around to the vegetable market to purchase fresh ingredients, and when I got home, I started preparing for the family dinner in the evening.

The time needed to prepare a decent seder meal is measured in days.

Zhou Lingyu went home early.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yao drove Zhai Nan to Junting Villa.

Zhai Nan was stunned when he saw Junting Villa.

"Xiaoyao lives here?" Zhai Nan felt his mouth dry for a moment. Any villa in Junting is worth hundreds of millions. Xiaoyao lives here. It seems that Xiaoyao is indeed the vest of a certain big man in the circle.

Could it be Mr. Bai Hanlin?



The first change, it will return to normal today, the second change will be added from time to time.

Good July, ask for a monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass.On the first day, push me up.

(End of this chapter)

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