I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 196 Cowardly?Happy birthday to me, sales are skyrocketing

Chapter 196 Cowardly?Happy birthday to me, sales are skyrocketing

Zhang Heng's new album "Big Bang" is full of gimmicks.

S-level master creator Zhang Wenyan is the producer of this album.

The S-level creator is the sales guarantee of this album.

Besides, Zhang Heng is also a little heavenly king at any rate, with good strength and a good fan base.

Therefore, for Zhang Heng's "Big Bang" and Zhou You's "Zhou You", many people are more optimistic about "Big Bang", after all, it has S-level creator Zhang Wenyan in charge.

"Xiaoyao has met a ruthless character this time, I'm afraid he will stumble."

"It's time for the S-level creators to suppress him! Recently, he has become too popular and has become more and more arrogant."

"But I always feel that the album "Zhou You" is not easy! Have you seen the cover line? That is not a casual cover line."

"Xiaoyao cannot be guessed according to common sense, he still has a chance of winning."

People in the circle speculated a lot.

Some people even bet, betting on Zhang Wenyan or Xiaoyao, who would win this "battle".

Because Zhang Heng took the route of the press conference and had an on-site signing, so at [-] noon, the album "Big Bang" was released as a whole.

The physical album and digital album will be released simultaneously.

The sales volume of "Big Bang" quickly exceeded 20 copies as soon as it went on sale!

"Sold 20 copies in a few seconds? That's too exaggerated."

"As expected of Zhang Wenyan's blessing!! According to this trend, the sales of this album will explode."

"It feels like the million-dollar club can be reached easily."

"What about "Zhouyou"?"

"Big Bang" sales are booming.

Many people immediately thought of Zhou You's "Zhou You".

Of course Zhou You's die-hard fans hope that "Zhou You" will be forwarded to Dashang.And many creators hope that Xiaoyao will stumble here.

But Zhou You didn't give a chance to those who hoped that he would stumble.


Zhou You didn't release the whole album, but like Li Qingyao released the new album before, he released the prelude song first.

The whole album wasn't released at once.

"Ah! Just a prelude?"

"How can this compete with "Big Bang"?"

"Is it intentional? I feel that Zhou You and Xiaoyao are giving in this time."

"Concession? What do you mean?"

"It just means that I don't want to compare with "Big Bang". I'm afraid of losing face, so I released it as a prelude song."

"If that's the case, Zhou You's new album can be completely withdrawn from the release, so why bother? Let him go!! Listen to the song first."


The four people in Xu Wenjun's entire dormitory have been guarding in front of the computer at 11:30, waiting for the release of the new album of "Zhou You".

In the end, I just waited for the prelude song "All the Way North"!
Xu Wenjun and others were about to buy it, but found that the song "All the Way North" was not available on the Yueting music platform.

This song was only released together with the MV on Weibo.

Yanyan: "Why isn't it online? Did you forget to upload it?"

Xu Wenjun: "Probably not! Is there a possibility that Zhou You really just wants the prelude song to be popular, so that we can listen to this song for free on Weibo?"

Yanyan: "Is that so? Ahhh! I'm touched!! I love Zhouyou to death."

In the blue star music scene, when the prelude song is generally released, the official version will be released on the music platform.Like Zhou You, it was only released on social platforms for fans to listen to for free, but not yet.

So what is traveling around?
Xu Wenjun and others don't quite understand.

But no matter what, who doesn't like prostitution without spending money?

"Play it quickly, let's listen to it together." Yanyan looked impatient.

"Okay." Xu Wenjun clicked the play button.

The MV starts playing.

The first picture I saw was Zhou You driving a car in a dark night, slamming on the accelerator and roaring the engine!
The name of the song and the singer also appeared in the MV.

The arrangement of lyrics and music is naturally free and easy.

After the roar of the engine, the dynamic prelude of the song sounded.

Then the camera switches from inside the car to outside the car. It turns out that the car driven by Zhou You is galloping on the winding mountain road, drifting and cornering, and then came to the starting point of the road racing!
It turned out that there was a racing competition here.

"Zhou You is so cool driving and drifting!" Xu Wenjun exclaimed.

Following the beautiful young lady, the flag was waved down.

The racing begins.

Zhou You's singing also sounded at this time.

"The world in the rearview mirror, farewell farewell, you turn to the north, the side face is still beautiful..."

After the sentence that the profile is still beautiful, everything in the picture.

Switched to the beach.

Many beauties are lying on sun loungers on the beach.

Iori Ono wears sexy and short beachwear and travels on dates.

She took pictures of Zhou You.

She took pictures with Zhou You!

Everything is like first love.

After the date, Zhou You drove Ono Iori home, and they held hands in the car. When the car stopped downstairs at Ono Iori's house, suddenly Ono Iori kissed Zhou You!
There came an affectionate goodbye.

Xu Wenjun felt an inexplicable excitement when holding hands before!You must know that when you watched "Heartbeat Journey", what you looked forward to most was that Zhou You could hold hands with a certain female guest.

No result!

But now for the MV, he not only held hands, but also kissed!

Immediately, Xu Wenjun, Yanyan and others all screamed.

"Kiss! This is a real kiss!" Xu Wenjun thought it was borrowing a seat at first, but the camera turned everything around, and he really saw the lips of the two touching and interlacing together.

Your lower lip is next to my upper lip.

"Ahh! My Chinese cabbage." Xu Wenjun didn't feel excited, but felt sorry.

Chinese Cabbage Zhouyou was actually slapped by Ono Iori.

"I went all the way north, leaving the season with you, you said that you are so tired, you can no longer fall in love with anyone..."

And at this time, after the screen jumps to a certain period of time, Zhou You sees Ono Iori hugging another rich man.

"Zhou You" is broken in love!

At this time, the comments and barrage of the MV have exploded.

"Let go of that man! Let me do it."

"Excuse me, Zhou You, do you still lack a heroine in your MV? I want to play it!!"

"Is this the first on-screen kiss I traveled around?"

"Damn it!! I'm broken in love."

"I'm also broken in love."

Fans have said that they are broken in love.Some fans said that Zhou You's bewildered after being kissed was the best acting in the entire MV.In an instant, someone came out to refute, is that acting?It was obvious that he was really bewildered by the kiss.real reaction.


Jiang Chuxue followed the prelude song of Zhou You's new album almost immediately.

At first I still lamented how handsome brother Zhou You was driving with one hand, until Ono Iori appeared, saw Zhou You and Ono Iori holding hands, and then Ono Iori kissed Zhou You!

Jiang Chuxue immediately felt sour.

Like an enemy!

How can you kiss my brother Zhou You...

Why is the heroine not me?
Jiang Chuxue really wished that she was the heroine!Eh... Brother Zhou You didn't even think of asking me to shoot the MV.Brother Zhou You has forgotten me?

For a while, Jiang Chuxue had many strange ideas popping up in his head.


The "Kiss Goodbye" in the MV of "All the Way North" quickly became popular, and its popularity soared on the micro-hot hit list.

At the same time, the number of plays of the song "All the Way North" has also increased rapidly.

By 3000 p.m., the number of MV views exceeded [-] million, and it continued to increase.

Because the official version has not been released, there is no shadow of this song on the new song list of Yueting music platform.

At the moment, the title song "Big Bang" of Zhang Heng's new album "Big Bang" ranks first on the new song list.

And paid playback has exceeded 1000 million times.

It sold quite well.

Of course, the 1000 million pay-per-play singles of "Big Bang" does not mean that the digital album "Big Bang" has sold 1000 million times.

Listeners can choose to buy the songs in the album instead of buying the whole album.

Those who buy the entire album are generally die-hard fans.

Compared with the tens of millions of paid plays of the star single "Big Bang", the sales volume of the album "Big Bang" at this point is only 100 million copies.

You know it's only been two hours!
Sales of a million digital albums is already scary.

Everyone in the master group of A-level creators is discussing.

"The results of "Big Bang" really exploded!"

"Sold over one million copies in two hours!! By twelve o'clock tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be 24 million copies sold in 400 hours."

"I'm afraid the album "Zhou You" won't be able to hit it."

"Now "Zhou You" only releases the prelude song, and it's free, so there's no way to compare the data."

"Zhou You is a rogue!! Just don't release the official version! In this way, there is no win or loss."

"But this is equivalent to the album not making money."

Everyone is discussing Zhou You's coquettish operation, but I don't know what Zhou You thinks.


Zhang Heng and Zhang Wenyan are also paying attention to the data of "The Big Bang" and "All the Way North" after finishing the press conference and signing.

Of course here is the single of interest.

"Big Bang" is the lead single from the album of the same name.

As the prelude song, "All the Way North" should also be the title song of "Zhou You".

"The "All the Way North" MV has been played 4000 million times," Zhang Wenyan said, "Our "Big Bang" has been played 1200 million times, which makes me very embarrassed."

Zhang Wenyan has the face-saving thinking of an S-level creator.

Zhang Heng immediately said, "That's different. "All the Way North" is free, but we charge for it. If "All the Way North" also charges, the 4000 million views may not be as many as ours. Zhou You didn't even dare Uploading the official version, these 4000 million views is their last decent."

Zhang Wenyan hummed but didn't say much.

The album "Big Bang" received good reviews.

Overall, Zhang Wenyan was satisfied.

I thought I could fight Xiaoyao, but I didn't expect Xiaoyao and Zhou You to avoid their edge this time... Sure enough, Xiaoyao also hopes to be more decent.

Zhang Wenyan always felt like he was hitting the cotton with his fist.

No energy.

Many people who watched the excitement in the circle were also disappointed.

Zhang Wenyan and Xiaoyao didn't fight at all.

There are many people who say that Xiaoyao is cowardly.

Don't dare confront Zhang Wenyan head-on.


Zhou You looked at these remarks on the Internet, and his reaction was very flat.

He just released the song according to the original plan, there is no cowardice, and he dare not speak directly to Zhang Wenyan, but the album "Big Bang" is indeed quite strong.

Zhang Yao: "Boss, should we adjust the plan? The discussion on the Internet is not good for you."

Zhou You: "It's okay, just proceed according to the original plan."

If you really adjust the plan, that would be cowardly.

It's good to deal with it calmly.

On the second day, Zhou You still only released the MV of the second title song "Exchange the Rest of Life" on Weibo, and still did not upload the official version.

The playback volume is also approaching 4000 million.

"Change Yourself" was released on the third day, and the operation was still the same.

The creators, singers, and traveling fans in the circle were confused.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the traveling gourd.

"Damn it!! Traveling around is free to the end?"

"Counseling! It's a real hammer, it's counseling."

"What are you afraid of? Just do it!"

"The three songs "All the Way North", "Exchanging the Rest of My Life", and "Change Yourself" are all very good! Why don't you release them on the Joy Ting music platform? I beg you to charge for it!!"

Fans have already strongly suggested the tour fee.

But Zhou You remained indifferent.

No official version of either song was released.

Instead, the song catalog of the album "Zhou You" was released that night.

Including "Intro" and "Outro", there are twelve songs in total.

And the most eye-catching thing is the creative lineup of this album!
Xiaoyao, Qian Qiuyuan, Lu Yu, Zhai Nan! !

"Fuck!! This creative lineup is amazing."

"Such a strong lineup is still cowardly?"

"The meaning of Zhou You's message should be to say, I am not cowardly! Look at my lineup!"

"The album catalog has been released, the entire album should be released tomorrow, right?"

Fans speculated.

Xiaoyao and Sanjianke blessed "Zhouyou", which made people inside and outside the circle dumbfounded.

Fans exclaimed in anticipation.

The singers were envious.

How can you travel around?One album can invite four big names to help out!Although the three scumbags are all A-level creators, the three of them together can definitely achieve the effect of "Double Sword Heroes", which is comparable to the shocking power of S-level creators.

Not to mention Xiaoyao.

It's like creating a small motor.

Creation genius.

Such a lineup should be worthy of Zhang Wenyan.

So everyone paid more attention and curiosity to this album.

Sucking up the appetite.

at last,

On October 10th, at 4:[-] noon, Zhou You and Dayu Studio released WeChat messages respectively.

Zhou You: "Happy birthday to me!"

Big Fish Studio: "Happy Birthday Zhou You!"

Below is a large picture of a poster made by an artist.

Above the poster is the cover of Zhou You's new album.

Below the poster is the text of Yue Ting Music, the entire album of "Zhou You" online.Then there is a big "22".

Yue Ting music platform directly recommends pop-up windows, and "Zhou You" is launched shockingly!Happy birthday!

It wasn't until this moment that everyone realized that Zhou You hadn't released a full album and was just waiting for this day, his birthday.

Wait for him to release "Zhouyou" and "22" on the day of 22.

Not cowardly.

It's not that I'm afraid! !
People just want to release an album on their birthday and give themselves a birthday present.Give the first album in my life to my 22-year-old self!
Three songs have been free before.

The quality of the three songs has been recognized by fans.

At the same time announced the song catalog and producer list!
In addition, today is the gimmick of Zhou You's birthday!

"Zhou You" became popular as soon as it was released.

Sales are skyrocketing!


First more.

Let's go crazy for monthly tickets: ask for monthly tickets, monthly tickets, monthly tickets.Bow down to the readers!hey hey hey hey~~
(End of this chapter)

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