I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 205 Sunny day, rainy day, domestication

Chapter 205 Sunny day, rainy day, domestication

Chu Ci found that Zhou You had been staring at him.

"Is there something on my face?" Chu Ci looked at Zhou You.

It's kinda nice...Zhou You denied, "No. I was just wondering how the ugly duckling turned into a white swan."

"Plastic surgery." Chu Ci said.

"But your eyes, nose and mouth," Zhou You glanced at Chu Ci's small chest, "doesn't look fake."

The exquisite figure doesn't look fake either.

Chu Ci was amused by Zhou You.

The eyes, nose, and mouth are all in the right place... how could it be fake.

The two took shelter from the rain under the eaves of the cafe.

In the rain curtain, there are many people like them running hurriedly without umbrellas, forming a hurried and romantic scene.

Chu Ci folded his hands in front of him, carrying a small bag.

The skirt was wet from the rain, and it was lightly attached to the body.

Zhou You looked at Chu Ci like this for a long time before looking away.

The rain came and went quickly.

After half an hour the rain stopped.

Zhou You and Chu Ci walked slowly on the wet road. Chu Ci said, "It rained a lot outside at the end of evening self-study. I was in my menstrual period that day, so I waited for the rain to stop at the entrance of the teaching building."

"And then?" Zhou You didn't know why Chu Ci suddenly brought up his school days.

"Then the rain didn't stop." Chu Ci said, "I'm the only one left downstairs in the teaching building."

"And then?" Zhou You looked sideways at Chu Ci.

"At this time, a male classmate came down the stairs, gave me his only umbrella, and then rushed into the rain." Chu Ci recalled with a slight smile on her face, which made her dimples more obvious.

"This boy should like you." Zhou You said.This is very much like the plot in the movie.And Zhou You felt that this boy should know Chu Ci.

Otherwise, it is unlikely for a boy to lend an umbrella to a strange girl... unless the girl is very beautiful!

Chu Ci suddenly stopped, turned to Zhou You, and looked into Zhou You's eyes very seriously: "Really?"

"Yeah." Zhou You nodded seriously, "Boys are very shy."

"So you gave me the umbrella and ran away?" Chu Ci's eyes sparkled brightly.

There are such beautiful eyes in this world.

Only then did Zhou You realize that the boy who "gives the umbrella" was himself.

I had forgotten that there was still this part...Chu Ci brought up the memory of his death before he came back to life.But why he gave Chuci the umbrella and ran into the rain by himself, I can't remember.

Obviously Chu Ci lives next door.

They are neighbors.

Wouldn't it be nice for two people to walk in the rain with an umbrella...

Chu Ci looked at Zhou You seriously and waited for Zhou You's answer, Zhou You's eyes were a little erratic.I got myself into it...it made me like Chu Ci for a long time.

"Let's go, the bookstore will be closed later." Zhou You stepped forward.

"It's still early, this bookstore will be open until nine o'clock." Chu Ci said.

"En." Zhou You walked in front of Chu Ci, and Chu Ci followed Zhou You's pace closely.

Neither of them spoke.

When he arrived at the bookstore, Chu Ci did not go to the manga section first, but wandered aimlessly around the bookstore, picked up the best-selling fifth volume of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" in the novel section, and suddenly asked: "What about the next plot, what will happen next?"

Zhou You hummed and looked at Chu Ci.

"Great writer, you should have thought about the following plot, right?" Chu Ci changed the name from big star to great writer.

Zhou You was slightly surprised.

But after thinking about it, "The Little Prince" asked Chu Ci for illustrations, and she could somehow connect herself with Ye Youshen... Well, when her sister invited Chu Ci to invite her, Zhou You didn't think of this level at all.Now it seems that the vest of Ye Youshen should have been seen through by Chuci.

After all, Chu Ci is not stupid.

It's that simple to drop a horse.

"Of course we won't know the story behind it." Zhou You said.

"What about fairy tales?" Chu Ci asked.

"You can listen to fairy tales now." Zhou You said.

Zhou You briefly talked about the outline of the story of "The Little Prince", "The printed manuscript is in the car, and I will bring it to you later."

While speaking, he has already reached the comic area.

Chu Ci chooses comics.

Zhou You picked up the second part of "The Missy's Confession Battle", and looked casually... As expected, the first strategy failed, and the eldest lady adjusted her strategy and carried out the second strategy.

I really want to read it in one go.

Because Chu Ci wandered around and read two pages to put together "Missy's Confession Battle".

"This comic is very good-looking." Chu Ci said.

"Really?" Zhou You said, "Then I'll buy a copy and take it home."

Taking advantage of the trend, Zhou You found a reasonable and non-embarrassing reason to buy a copy of "The Young Lady's Confession Battle".

It was you who recommended it to me.

"This "Seniors Please Respect Yourself" is also good-looking." Chu Ci said.

"This is also a copy." Zhou You picked it up and saw that the author was "Su Ci", "This cartoonist's name is very similar to yours."

"My vest." Chu Ci said.

"Huh?" Zhou You looked at Chu Ci in surprise.

Chu Ci blinked and blinked, "I said that I will definitely become a cartoonist, although I am not a very famous cartoonist yet."

Zhou You didn't expect this rich lady to become a cartoonist.

This is the counterattack of the scumbags...

Look at those students with good grades in the past, the best ones are the screws of big factories... So in this world, it is very important to have a diploma, but it is more important to have the skills to make a living.Chuci realized her dream and lived her dream.

When Yuan Shen first signed with Jiahua Entertainment, at that moment, what he thought was that his dream would come true.

Chu Ci's identity as a cartoonist made Zhou You quite curious.

But Zhou You and Chu Ci didn't talk much.

Zhou You wanted to invite Chu Ci to dinner, after all, he owed her a meal, but Chu Ci said, "I'm not hungry yet, but I wrote down the meal owed to me in my notebook."

Zhou You invited Chu Ci to sleep on his dark blue Pagani Zonda.

Chu Ci was not curious about Zhou You's sports car.

Luxury cars should be commonplace for her.

"What about fairy tales?" Chu Ci asked.

Zhou You picked up the printed "The Little Prince", and roughly talked about the style of painting he wanted.It cannot be drawn, it can only be described in words.Chu Ci listened very carefully. She said that she would read the story first, and after reading the story, the little prince would grow in her mind.

It's as if her brain is pregnant.

Zhou You sent Chu Ci home.

Chu Ci's home is in the "Peach Blossom Spring" villa area.

The Taohuayuan villa area is the top three villa area in Jinghai. It focuses on a quiet and ecological living environment, and the greening is very good.

Chu Ci did not invite Zhou You to sit at home.

After all, she had never brought a boy home.

"I will draw it as soon as possible." Chu Ci said.

"En." Zhou You nodded.

After getting out of the car, Chu Ci stood outside the car and said goodbye to Zhou You.

"Let's go." After Zhou You said, he started the car and drove away from the Taohuayuan villa area.


Chu Ci waited until the blue Pagani Zonda disappeared from sight before turning around and opening the door to go home.

There was a smile on his face.

The walking pace is unusually brisk.

The first thing I do when I get home is to ask, "Aunt Wang, is my dad back yet?"

Aunt Wang: "Not yet."

Chu Ci: "Is there any food? I'm so hungry."

Chu Ci, who said he was not hungry just now, wants to eat now when he gets home... Girls are always duplicity.

Chuci's parents are both in business.

Dad has endless meetings.

Mom runs a branch in Datang.

Parents' ambition is to move the headquarters to Datang, make the group bigger and stronger, and become the leading enterprise of Star Federation.

So there are often only Aunt Wang and Chu Ci at home, as well as that huge, silly Samoyed with snow-white fur.

Maybe he heard Chu Ci's voice. While Chu Ci was changing his shoes, the fat as snowball Samoyed ran down from the second floor with joy, and then circled around Chu Ci, wagging its tail.

"Little Ba, you miss me." Chu Ci reached out and touched Samoyed's dog's head.

Xiao Hachi seems to enjoy his master's touch.


Then Pidianpidian followed behind Chu Ci.

Chu Ci sat down at the dining table, and Aunt Wang brought over the food heated in the microwave.Accustomed to eating slowly, she ate very quickly today, which can be described as wind and clouds.

Because she wants to finish eating as soon as possible, and then watch the story of "The Little Prince".

Aunt Wang asked how it was to meet a big star today.

Chu Ci said he was happy.

Then he took the Samoyed upstairs and went back to the room.

She sat upright, straightened her back, and opened the manuscript of "The Little Prince" printed by Zhou You.

When Chu Ci was reading, he was very focused and quiet.

Just like when she secretly put the comics under the table to read, she didn't even notice when the teacher walked in front of her...

The story of "The Little Prince" flows quietly.

"When I was six years old, I saw a very beautiful picture in a book. The book was related to the virgin forest. The picture was called "True Story". In the picture, there was a big boa constrictor about to devour the beast. Here is a copy of the picture:"

It was clear that a painting was needed below.

Chu Ci followed the text and imagined the image of a boa constrictor devouring an elephant, and imagined a "hat".

She conjured up many kinds of pictures in her mind.

But she didn't pick up a brush and paint.

Instead, immerse yourself in reading and go down in one breath.

"I" dreamed of being an imaginative painter. I drew a picture of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. The grown-ups said it was not a scary hat.I am interested in painting, but the adults only advised me to focus on geography and arithmetic, study hard, and improve every day.

So instead of becoming a great painter, I became a pilot and met the little prince in the desert.


Chu Ci found "The Little Prince" more and more interesting.

As the book says, adults are often bored because they only care about work and making money, and have lost their most precious imagination.

Chu Ci remembered his own experience in front of him.

She likes comics.

Like painting.

But I'm not interested in mathematics at all.

She is obsessed with comics.

Studying is poor.

He is a poor student in the eyes of teachers and is often invited by parents.But fortunately, my father said, "If you like painting, you can paint. If you don't like math, don't learn it. Even if you get a zero score in math, it doesn't affect that you are my most precious daughter."

It just so happens that my mother also has such an educational philosophy.

So even if the daughter's grades are poor, the teacher often asks the parents, but her parents never blamed her.

Dad also said: "In the future, even if you paint all your life and don't earn any money, Dad will support you for the rest of your life."

At that time, the family was not as rich as it is now.

Thinking about it now, she was really lucky to be born in such a family.I am really lucky to have such parents.

It is precisely because of this experience that she can empathize more and more when watching "The Little Prince".

The little prince begged "me" to help him draw a sheep.

But he didn't like any drawing, and finally drew a "Schrödinger's sheep" locked in a box, and the little prince smiled happily.

The little prince comes from an asteroid called B612, which is a very small planet, not much bigger than a house.

For a long time, his only pastime was to enjoy the sunset again and again.

"One day, I saw 44 sunsets. You know, people fall in love with sunsets when they are sad."

The little prince raised a rose on the planet.

It likes this rose.

But the rose has thorns and sweet words, which makes him feel that such liking is very heavy.

So he fled the planet and made a long journey.

He met a king, a vain man, a drunkard, an industrialist, a lamp bearer, a geographer... and finally came to Blue Star.There are many "kings", many "geographers", many "lamp bearers", many "industrialists", many drunkards, many vain people...

Here he met the fox.

fox said:
"Domestication is about creating relationships..."

"To me, you are nothing but a boy, just like a million other boys. To you, I am just a fox like a million other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be unique to me, and I will be unique to you."

You are responsible for what you tame, you are responsible for your roses.

Chu Ci was very moved when he saw these words.

I really like this fox.

She glanced sideways at the Samoyed who was quietly accompanying her.

Samoyed felt the gaze from the master, and barked twice.

"Silly little eight."

"Wang Wang!"

Chu Ci didn't spend a lot of time watching "The Little Prince", but after reading it, there were already many chaotic pictures in his mind.

She starts tidying up.

Start picking up a paintbrush.

First draw the little prince and the little fox, outlining the outline, processing the details, and coloring...


On the other hand, when I got home from traveling around, my sister Zhou Lingyu was watching "Hurricane" while eating potato chips.

Seeing Zhou You come back, he immediately raised his head: "Go to see Chu Ci?"

"Yeah." Zhou You admitted.

"Have we been chatting about fairy tale illustrations for so long?" Zhou Lingyu looked like I wanted to eat melons.

"By the way, I bought two comics." Zhou You raised the comics in Yang's hand, "Do you have food?"

"The temperature is in the pot, it should still be hot." Zhou Lingyu went to serve food and rice for Zhou You, and reheated the cold dishes and soup in the microwave.

While Zhou You was eating, Zhou Lingyu said, "You didn't invite anyone to dinner when you met alone?"

Zhou You: "She's not hungry."

Zhou Lingyu: "You can believe what girls say."

Zhou You: "..."

After dinner, Zhou You washed the dishes, and then washed a plate of green grapes for my sister.

For the sake of warming her own meals, treat this sister better.

After returning to the room to take a shower and dry his hair, Zhou You lay on the bed and sank into the system consciously.

Accumulated 28 life points.

Hanging out with Chu Ci for an afternoon today, he actually earned 9 living points. Chu Ci's "explosion rate" is very high.

"Lucky draw!" Zhou You shouted in his heart.

[Congratulations for winning the song "Sunny Day"]

【Congratulations on getting the song "Rainy Day"】

So is it raining or sunny today?



First update.I have to go to the hospital in the afternoon, and the second will be later.I will try to find time to write a book, and I will not stop updating.Also as much as possible.It is also very convenient to code on mobile phones now.

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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