I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 212 Can You Teach Me About Love?

Chapter 212 Can You Teach Me About Love?

The title of "A Bridge of Fate" made fans excited.

Zhou You debuted from "Journey of Heart", in this love drama, fans are used to Zhou You's CP, but Zhou You is not good enough, he just didn't give fans a chance.

In the romance drama, the whole vacation is bad.

He didn't take talking about sweet love seriously at all.

Until Zhou You and Li Qingyao sang "Big Fish" together, everyone started drinking "Green Oil CP", and they have been looking forward to them being on the same stage again.

I didn't expect them to be on the same stage again this time.

After Zhou You said the title of the song, the host left.

The lights on the stage also turned into a misty blue, and on the big screen behind the stage, images of ancient armies fighting on the battlefield appeared.

The song arrangement information emerges.

It's all free and easy.

Zhou You and Li Qingyao followed the previous rehearsal positions, with Zhou You on the right and Li Qingyao on the left.There is a distance of about three meters between them.

There is no prelude.

Zhou You began with a cappella.

"In the Qin Dynasty, the moon is bright and the Han Dynasty is the pass. The Long Marcher has not yet returned, but the Dragon City Flying General is here, and the Huma is not taught to go to the Yinshan Mountain!"

The starting tone of traveling is very high.

Although there is no accompaniment, the a cappella is still very shocking.

Without accompaniment, everyone's attention is on the lyrics.

"Fuck!! Let you write lyrics! You write poetry again."

"The lyrics are so awesome! It feels better than the poems I endorsed."

"A poet who can't write poetry is not a good creator."

"This lyrics! This singing voice!! I fell into the pit in a second."

"Representative of the Chinese class, please help me appreciate the lyrics."

The audience started to discuss.

Barrages poured out of the live broadcast room crazily.

At this time,
A-level creators such as Qian Qiuyuan, Zhai Nan, and Lu Yu are all watching the program "The King of Songs".Because just now, someone announced in the group of A-level creators and masters that they will be on the weekly show and sing a new song with Li Qingyao.

A-level creators entered the live broadcast room one after another to observe.

The first lyrics sung by Zhou You instantly shocked the A-level creators in the per capita master group.

"What the hell!! This word can't hang us?"

"Don't just hang us! How many S-level creators can write such words?"

"Xiaoyao is really a freak."

"Kneel down and worship!"

"My fucking face was on the ground. I instantly felt that my A-level creator was in vain."

"Hey, how can you compete with a genius monster?"

A-level creators are envious, jealous, and hateful.

Why can't I write such words?

Who said God is fair?

It's not fair at all!He prefers to travel.

After Zhou You sang Wang Changling's "Out of the Frontier" on the stage, the prelude to the song still did not sound.

Li Qingyao also sang a cappella.

"Thousands of wolves and thousands of miles of mass burial mounds, lonely souls in troubled times, no one to visit, silent heaven, pen and ink cold, pen and knife spring and autumn are paid with blood..."

Li Qingyao's angry voice burst out instantly on the wolf smoke's word "wolf".

The word "pen knife" in Pen Knife Spring and Autumn broke out again!

It shocks people and gives people a different audition experience.

That singing voice seemed to have its own gold and iron horses, chaotic, vast, smoldering, wild and chaotic...

This piece of lyrics was written by Fang Wenshan, it's definitely there, it's actually right up with "Out of the Frontier".I have to admire Wenshan's strength.

The angry voice exploded, making the listener's scalp numb.

"Damn it!! Li Qingyao sang the line "Wolf Smoke and Pen Knife" so cool."

"Is this the Qin opera singing method?"

"Qin opera, angry tone, shouting!! This is the first time I heard a pop song with this singing style! I was instantly attracted."

"It turns out that Li Qingyao also has such an explosive side."

"Love love!"

The song was well-received by fans both in terms of lyrics and singing.

The song enters the chorus.

Zhou You and Li Qingyao approached each other, singing as they walked.

Zhou You: "Talking about love and hate can't be sloppy, the drums are beating and beating, and I will make an oath with trust and I will endure it!"

Li Qingyao: "This fate is like a bridge, with flags fluttering and fluttering. If you want to leave, please draw your knife immediately and write off your love."

Zhou You: "Talking about love and hate can't be sloppy~~"

Li Qingyao: "The world is burning, burning~~"

The duet between the two is getting better.

Their eyes meet each other.

One person sings "Talk About Love and Hate", and one person should "This Fate"!
The voices of both of them soared upwards.

Due to the difference in vocal range between male and female, Li Qingyao is better at treble.

Zhou You has a perfect singing voice, soaring high pitch is not a problem at all.But in today's song king competition, Li Qingyao is the protagonist, and this is her home field.

Traveling around is just an aid.

So even though he could sing in his real voice, he purposely sang in a false voice.In this way, it gives people a feeling that Zhou You tried his best to chase Li Qingyao's high note.

"Hahaha, these two are stronger than the other."

"Zhou You: Oops! It's too high."

"I heard Li Qingyao lowered the key on purpose, did I hear wrong?"

"You heard me right, I heard it too. This is to make Zhou You feel better. Hahaha Zhou You, you must be overturned."

"Pay attention! When Qing Bao sang high notes, the vest line came out."

"Zhou You: I can't sing this song! Xiaoyao old thief, why are you writing so high?"

While the fans were pregnant, they were very happy and ridiculed wildly.

Who knew that Zhou You sang in falsetto on purpose?

My real voice opened my voice... In the end, Li Qingyao didn't win the song king, but I did!That would be embarrassing.

Li Qingyao is tall and slender, wearing a corseted white dress makes her look a bit haggard and sassy.Angry voices sang, high pitched wildly.

Because the pitch of this song is too high, it is really difficult to sing, so every time the pitch needs to rise, Li Qingyao will sing until she frowns!
That was really a performance of singing with great effort.

"Building a city of flesh and blood pierced by thousands of arrows, the armor is stained with blood and reflects the moonlight, the beard in the distance is heartbroken, and the howling of wolves suddenly shakes the border gate!!"

The word "wolf howl" launched the "angry skill" again!
Hear goosebumps popping up on people's arms.

Maybe it was because she was too immersed in the singing, but at the end of the song, Li Qingyao was completely happy, and her body movements on the stage gradually became richer.

This is very different from her previous stage performance.

This time she seemed to let go completely.

The "seal" in the body is released.

Li Qingyao's musical nature is released!
At that moment, her charm exploded.

It caused bursts of exclamation from the audience.

"This fate is like a bridge, take a look at the story, go to the end of the world, you and I take off our shirts, and dream back to the Great Wall Ballad!"

At the end of the song, Zhou You and Li Qingyao fully enjoyed it.

Into a state of ecstasy.

The cooperation between the two has also reached the extreme state.

sing a song
There was warm applause and screams one after another.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was very lively.

"This Zhou You and Li Qingyao match is perfect!"

"It feels like Zhou You has found another way for Li Qingyao to open up."

"It turns out that Qing Bao can be so sassy!"

"This fate is like a bridge, please marry where you are."

The performance of Zhou You and Li Qingyao can be described as amazing.

Li Qingyao's singing style in Qin Opera angrily broke fans' inherent impression of Li Qingyao.It used to be Qingbao Qingbao, but now this cold Qingbao seems to be a little rusty!

Player seat.

Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan glanced at each other, and there was something bad in their expressions.

Mo Shuaijie: "It's cool."

Xi Ruoxuan: "It's no shame to lose to the combination of Zhou You, Li Qingyao and Xiaoyao."

The host came on stage at this time. Before inviting Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan to the stage, the host asked Zhou You: "Why is this song called "A Bridge of Fate"?"

Zhou You: "It's up to Xiaoyao."

Everything can be thrown away.

The host chatted with Zhou You and Li Qingyao, and then invited Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan to the stage.

Go to voting.

The voting session of "The King of Songs" includes judges' votes and audience votes.

Voting begins soon!
The votes of Li Qingyao, Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan soared rapidly.

In the beginning, the three votes were evenly matched, but as time passed, Li Qingyao was far ahead!

Voting countdown ends,
The ranking of the votes is released!

NO.1 Li Qingyao

NO.2 Mo Shuaijie

NO.3 Xi Ruoxuan

Not surprisingly, Li Qingyao won the first place, and she got 2 million more votes than the No.400 Mo Shuaijie.

"Congratulations to Li Qingyao for winning the championship!"

"Become the singer of the third season!"

The audience cheered and screamed.

The next step is the awarding session, where well-known artists in the circle will present awards to them.

After winning the championship of "The King of Songs", the program group will fund a large-scale concert at home in the capital of Xia Kingdom for the champion.

After Li Qingyao received the award, when she delivered her speech, she focused on thanking Zhou You and Xiaoyao.

Regarding Jiahua Entertainment, Li Qingyao didn't mention a word.

At the end of the award presentation, the program group asked champion Li Qingyao to sing a song, and Li Qingyao sang Zhou You's "A Diao", which blew up the audience.

After singing "A Diao", the third season of "The King of Songs" came to an end.

The host said goodbye next season.

Zoom out.

The show is over.

Li Qingyao came down from the stage and thanked Zhou You again.

Li Qingyao's mother, Dong Wenshu, also had tears in her eyes. It was not easy for Li Qingyao to win the championship this time.After all, not only did Jiahua Entertainment not give enough support, but it was also dragging its feet.

Thanks to Zhouyou.

"Mr. Zhou You, thank you! Thank you very much." Dong Wenshu also kept thanking Zhou You.

But soon Dong Wenshu said: "I'll answer the phone, you two talk first." She walked out of the studio quickly after speaking.

Li Qingyao won the championship, Mo Shuaijie and Huang Xiaohua came up to say congratulations.

Xi Ruoxuan also congratulated.

Foreign aid guests Zhang Heng and Qi Haoyang came to say hello to Zhou You.

Zhou You, Zhang Heng and Qi Haoyang, had heard the name before, but this was the first time they met in reality.

Seeing that Qi Haoyang added Zhou You's WeChat message, Zhang Heng also took out his mobile phone and scanned Zhou You's business card.

After some playful play, everyone dispersed.

At this time Li Qingyao said: "Can I treat you to dinner?"

Li Qingyao was beautiful and sassy on stage just now, but now Zhou You felt like a cautious little girl.

"Someone treats guests to dinner, why not?" Zhou You said.

Li Qingyao actually didn't think about what to treat Zhou You to eat, and didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

Zhou You saw the clue and said, "I want to eat steak."

Li Qingyao: "Well, good."

At this time, Dong Wenshu just came back, Li Qingyao talked about treating guests to dinner, Dong Wenshu said: "You guys go to eat, I just need to go back to the company for something."

Li Qingyao seldom eats steaks outside.

She said that a western restaurant is a place suitable for a date.

She hasn't had a date.

"Who said you can only eat steak on a date?" Zhou You felt more and more that this cool star lacked experience in eating.

"It's like this on TV." Li Qingyao said.

Zhou You recalled it carefully. In TV dramas and movies, western restaurants seem to be almost related to dating... Before Dong Wenshu strictly controlled Li Qingyao's diet, it seemed that she had no chance to eat steak.

"Your mother doesn't care what you eat now?" Zhou You asked.

"Yeah." Li Qingyao said, "After we met in Ganzhou last time, she has relaxed a lot. But I will pay attention to it myself."

"Good thing. Living like this is meaningful." Zhou You said.

Eating is a major event in life.

Without the link of eating, life will be much less fun.

Li Qingyao chose the most expensive western restaurant in Jinghai.

Please travel around and eat the top and most luxurious steak.

While they were eating steak, both Zhou You and Li Qingyao were on Werther's favourites.

NO.1 Zhou You & Li Qingyao "A Bridge of Fate"

NO.2 Li Qingyao's angry voice, so beautiful and sassy, ​​so easy to hear
NO.3 Li Qingyao's "The King of Songs" won the championship

Zhou You and Li Qingyao accounted for three of the top ten hot spots.

Fans hotly commented that Li Qingyao's winning the title of song king can be regarded as one foot into the ranks of queens.And the Kyoto concert funded by "King of Songs" is likely to make her another foot step into the ranks of queens.

Or she will release another hit masterpiece!
When the data of Xiaguo Music Network is updated next month, Li Qingyao's position as the queen will be secure.


Jiahua Entertainment.

Gao Lili and He Chunyu were very unhappy when they saw Li Qingyao winning the championship.

Li Qingyao won the championship without Jiahua Entertainment's support, that was a slap in the face for them.

Moreover, Gao Lili immediately received the notice from the superiors, and the company continued to fully operate Li Qingyao, asking her to arrange the best resources for Li Qingyao.

The "rookie" on He Chunyu's side is temporarily ignored.

He Chunyu: "What's going on?? Has the company abandoned us?"

Gao Lili: "Li Qingyao embraced Zhou You's thigh, which is equivalent to hugging Xiaoyao's calf. The company re-evaluated Li Qingyao's value. Not surprisingly, Li Qingyao will be trained as the first sister of Jiahua."

Gao Lili heard a lot of tricks from the high-level tone.

Travel around and get away!

Li Qingyao has climbed into this relationship, and her future stardom is very imaginative.

Dong Wenshu also received a call from Jiahua Entertainment just now, and they explained to Dong Wenshu that it was all a misunderstanding.

But Dong Wenshu is not Mengxin's agent, she has seen Jiahua's tricks a lot.

She didn't believe the company's rhetoric.

Of course, dissatisfaction and anger were also appropriately expressed.

But what Dong Wenshu, Li Qingyao and Zhou You didn't expect was that Jiahua Entertainment's shamelessness was beyond imagination.Jia Hua found someone to hype Zhou You and Li Qingyao's CP.

Now the news that Zhou You and Li Qingyao are dating is spreading on the Internet.

Jiahua Entertainment has explained the problem without coming forward to clarify.

You must know that in the contract between Jiahua Entertainment and Li Qingyao before this, it was clearly stated that Li Qingyao was not allowed to fall in love during the contract period.

If Li Qingyao really fell in love with Zhou You, on the one hand, Jiahua Entertainment would have the handle of "Li Qingyao's breach of contract".

If they didn't talk about it, this wave of hype, Jiahua took the opportunity to gain popularity, and then used Li Qingyao, a cash cow, to reap a wave.

But Jiahua Entertainment made a wrong calculation.

Because Big Fish Entertainment immediately issued a statement explaining the matter, and asked the creator of the topic to delete related posts and tweets.

Li Qingyao felt very sorry for this, and apologized to Zhou You: "I'm sorry."

Zhou You: "It's a small matter, you are not wrong."

Li Qingyao: "But..."

Zhou You didn't wait for her to finish speaking: "An entertainer, more or less there will be some scandals."

At night, Li Qingyao couldn't sleep again.

She wants to chat with Zhou You.

But I don't know how to talk.

So I went to Mr. Tree Hole: "Mr. Tree Hole, can you teach me how to fall in love?"



To explain the update, after my wife went to the hospital last time, I have been taking care of her recently.Writing books is always intermittent, and I can't write much every day.The update fell.terribly sorry.Two chapters will be updated tomorrow, and it may be a two-in-one chapter.

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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