Chapter 215
All grown-ups were once children.

Luo Shimin was healed by these words.

She hadn't read the book yet, just one sentence gave her the urge to read the entire book.

Luo Shimin is 19 years old this year.

She became an adult at the age of 18, and since then she has believed that she is no longer a child, but has really grown up.

But later she found that she was still a child in the eyes of her parents and teachers... She also found that her mind was still a child.She thought that maybe after graduating and working, she would be considered an adult if she could be financially independent and be able to take care of herself.

She is still in the ivory tower of the school.

Luo Shimin likes the cover of "The Little Prince" very much, because she also likes to watch the sunset.I often sit alone on the grass and watch the sunset, and I often climb to the highest mountain in the school to watch the sunset.

The corners of her lips curled into a smile involuntarily.

After paying, I took "The Little Prince" and couldn't wait to find a milk tea shop, ordered a cup of milk tea, found a quiet place in the back, and opened "The Little Prince" while drinking milk tea.

"When I was six years old, I saw a beautiful picture in a book. That book was related to the virgin forest..."

After starting to read, Luo Shimin felt that this book was different from all previous works of Yeyoushen.

The text of this book is so plain and easy to understand.

It also has beautiful illustrations.

Looking at the illustration of the python swallowing an elephant, she also felt that it looked like a hat.


The "I" in the story finally failed to become the painter of his dreams under the blows of the adults, but became a pilot, and because of a crash, he met the little prince in the desert.

Thus begins the story of the little prince.

The story is not complicated. The book introduces the little prince's "pocket planet" B612, and then a series of travels of the little prince.

"This is...a fairy tale?" Luo Shimin finally realized something was wrong.

But "The Little Prince" is different from all the fairy tales I have read before.It is no longer the story of the big bad wolf and the red wolf, nor is it the eternally lucky "escape from the wolf's mouth" of the little sheep.

It's a sweet little story!

A little story of healing!

The little prince is pure and imaginative, he is also confused about friendship and love, he also feels lonely, and he also likes to watch the sunset...

"One day, I saw 44 sunsets. You know, people fall in love with sunsets when they are sad."

Luo Shimin deeply resonated with this sentence.

Because she also loves watching the sunset so much!
But she often watches alone.

A man uses his mobile phone to photograph the clouds and sky at a fiery sunset.

Watching the sun go down a little bit, waiting for the sky to get darker a little bit... This process is very quiet.It seems that at this moment, the whole world is lonely and lonely.

She thought that it would be nice if someone watched the sunset quietly with me.

Regardless of men and women.

What a wonderful picture that should be?

The little prince talked about his thorny rose, met the fox...

"Domestication is about creating relationships. To me, you are just a boy like a million other boys. To you, I am just a fox like a million other foxes. But if you After domesticating me, we will need each other. You will be unique to me, and I will be unique to you..."

"But if you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine. I will be able to distinguish a footstep that makes me hide in the ground while others' footsteps are like music, will get me out of the cave.

And look, do you see that wheat field?I don't eat bread, wheat is of no use to me, fields of wheat don't remind me of anything, it's sad.But your hair is golden, so it is a wonderful thing for you to tame me.The wheat is also golden, and when the time comes, it will remind me of you, and I love the sound of the wind blowing the ears of wheat. "

Seeing this, Luo Shimin's eyes couldn't help getting moist.

It is moving!
Moved by the words of the fox.

Isn't this the relationship she expected, the friend she expected?

The little prince thought of his rose.

The rose tamed him.

Luo Shimin thought of herself, of her loneliness, and of why it was so difficult for her to make friends who were cherished by each other...

"It turns out that I have not been domesticated, nor have I domesticated others?"

"But how can we be domesticated, how can we domesticate others, and become a unique existence in each other's eyes?"

Luo Shimin likes the philosophical words in "The Little Prince" very much.

Is this really a fairy tale?
It's not like it was written for children.

Well... kids can watch it too, but adults seem to be able to watch it more.

She wanted to know how to tame it, so she read on.

One day the little prince came to a garden, and he saw many roses, which were the same as his rose.

His rose once said that she was the only rose.

But here are five thousand roses exactly like her.

The little prince was a little frustrated.

He began to cry.

The fox told him that it was not an ordinary rose, it was your rose.

You water it, shield it from the wind, you listen to its complaints and boast, you even listen to its silence, and it is because you have spent time for it that it becomes unique.

You have to go back and find it.

You are forever responsible for what you tame, you are responsible for your roses.

Luo Shimin finally found the answer she wanted.

If you want to domesticate someone, want to make friends with someone, then spend time on him, to irrigate, to manage... She began to reflect on her former self!

Before college, she only cared about grades, and all she thought about was getting higher grades every day. She didn't spend time getting along with people and communicating, so she didn't develop this skill.

When she arrived at university, because it was difficult to take the first step, and because she had no friends, she spent more time in the library.

"I spend more time, more thought, more kindness making friends..."

At this moment, she finally understood a sentence: Good friends are spending a lot of time together doing boring things.

She found the answer and reflected on herself.

I like "The Little Prince" more and more.

The little prince tamed the little fox.

But he had to say goodbye to the little fox.

The little fox told him: "Don't use your eyes, the essential things can only be seen clearly with your heart."

Luo Shimin didn't know how long she watched "The Little Prince" in the milk tea shop.

Because it is too fascinating to watch.

After reading the whole book, she realized that she hadn't drunk her milk tea yet.

And the eye sockets are moist.

The clerk's little sister handed over a tissue, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Just now I saw you crying and laughing at the same time."

"It's nothing." Luo Shimin said, taking the tissue to wipe away her tears, "Thank you...I was watching it just now."

She picked up "The Little Prince" in her hand and said, "I was moved and cried."

Little sister: "Does reading have such magic power? But I doze off when I read a book..."

Luo Shimin smiled and said, "No, this book is very interesting, it has many illustrations, it shouldn't make me fall asleep after reading it. I'll give it to you."

Little sister: "Can you?"

Luo Shimin: "Yes."

The other party did not reject the book, and Luo Shimin didn't know until a week later that the little sister who fell asleep while reading had finished reading "The Little Prince", and then went to the bookstore to buy "Jieyou Grocery Store" by the God of Night Tour, and finally fell in love with reading.

Luo Shimin walked out of the milk tea shop only to feel that the wind was very light and the sun was very warm.

She went to the bookstore and bought a new copy of "The Little Prince".

Then I bought four cups of milk tea and went back to the dormitory, gave each of my roommates a cup, and shared the excitement of the book "The Little Prince" with them.

She suddenly found that the relationship with her roommate was much closer.


At this time, many readers have finished reading "The Little Prince".

On Xiaguo's largest reader exchange website "Golden House", readers are discussing the book "The Little Prince" enthusiastically.

"My aunt laughed and watched the whole process."

"It's really super healing!! The words in "The Little Prince" are really beautiful and philosophical."

"I never thought that Ye Youshen's new book would be a fairy tale! But this fairy tale, I, a 30-year-old uncle, still read it with great interest and endless aftertaste."

"Every adult was once a child... I really cried to death!! I remembered my naive and carefree childhood."

"Here's to the childhood we all had together."

"This fairy tale is too childish for primary school students, but just right for college students."

"Hahaha it should be too naive for minors, but just right for adults."

"So this is an adult fairy tale!"

"Brother dei, you'd better tell a serious adult fairy tale."

The discussion on "The Little Prince" in the Golden House quickly reached 30.

It can be said that this short fairy tale has aroused the resonance of countless adults.

Readers are inspired by it.

Healed by the philosophical text and exquisite illustrations in the article.

Some people are also discussing the topic of "don't rush to grow up, and don't be afraid of growing up", and some people have initiated topics related to "childhood", but the most popular topic is "every adult was once a child".

Readers share their experiences and feelings under the topic.

There are also enthusiastic readers, as well as book bloggers, who quickly completed the collation and excerpts of the classic quotations from "The Little Prince", made them into videos and posted them on the short video platform, forming a viral spread.

Quotations from "The Little Prince" became popular all over the Internet.

Many people are attracted by these quotations, and then go to buy and read "The Little Prince".

In this way, "The Little Prince" quickly became popular!
Countless college students and office workers have bought this book!
The end result is!
"The Little Prince" sold 500 million copies in three days.

"Fuck! Five million copies in three days, this must be the sales record of Daxia Publishing House."

"The God of the Night is the God of the Night!! Writing fairy tales can become so popular."

"The only fairy tale that children read less and adults read more"

"Hahaha should be the only fairy tale that children can't understand, but adults can read just right."

"I love this book."


"The Little Prince" became a phenomenal bestseller.

It can be a bedtime story for little ones or a "healing story" for adults.

The audience is extremely wide.

Because of its popularity, some people even call Yeyoushen "the new generation of fairy tale king".

It caused quite a stir in the fairy tale world.

No one thought that the night tour god who wrote "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" would now start writing fairy tales.

Some people even speculated about his age, marriage and childbearing status based on the fact that Ye Youshen wrote "The Little Prince".

So there are many rumors about Yeyoushen on the Internet, saying that Yeyoushen is married and has children, and that "The Little Prince" is a bedtime story written for his daughter.

Zhou You was stunned when he saw these speculations.

when did i get married

And a daughter?
I do not know how.

Zhou You did not respond to these discussions, but her sister Zhou Lingyu often used them to make fun of them.

"Dear brother, where is your lovely daughter? Why don't I, a sister, know?" Zhou Lingyu said.

Sometimes Zhou Lingyu would ask Zhou You: "Hey, do you like a daughter or a son?"

Zhou You: "Of course it's a thoughtful little padded jacket."

Zhou Lingyu: "Give birth quickly."

Zhou You: "..."

First of all, I have to have a wife...ah no, I have to have a girlfriend first.Zhou You also has the means to fight back against his sister, "Sister, why don't you make a proof with your husband?"

Then began to gossip about my sister's emotional life.

It's strange to say that Zhou Lingyu used to not talk about boyfriends when she was busy at work, but now Dayu Entertainment "fines her for overtime work", she doesn't work overtime, and she still goes home on time after work every day, and she doesn't know how to date boys.

How can you get married like this?

Zhou You is worried about her sister.


Li Qingyao has been busy with the concert in Kyoto recently.

December 12 is approaching.

Dong Wenshu, the manager's mother, has already sorted out the concert process with her. The program team of "The King of Songs" is funded and organized, and Li Qingyao only needs to rehearse the program according to the program list.

Don't worry too much about it.

She also noticed the popular "The Little Prince" recently, and asked her accompanying manager Dong Cunli to buy a copy back.

I read the whole book in one go while I was not working.

The little prince, the fox and the rose all left a deep impression on her.

Especially the "domestication" part.

She is not good at socializing.

As a little queen, she was misunderstood as aloof by outsiders because she was not good at socializing.

But in reality she often feels lonely, and she often longs for friends.If she could, she hoped that she would be an ordinary girl with girlfriends, not a big star that everyone was looking at now.

So she can actually resonate deeply with the little prince.

She felt that she was very similar to the little prince, they were both exploring, learning, and stumbled on the lonely road of life.

Every grown-up was once a child.

Every adult wishes he was still a child.

And every child wishes he was an adult.

Adults are always envious of children, and children are also envious of adults... Li Qingyao was deeply touched, and at the same time, she seemed to understand something.


Both love and friendship need domestication!
And take responsibility for what you domesticate.

"The first step, taming and roaming..." she thought in her mind.

According to what Mr. Shudong said, try every means to interact with Zhou You, and then spend a lot of time getting along with him, and spend a lot of thought to domesticate him.

She must earnestly pursue her own love.

"Did these illustrations be drawn by Ye Youshen himself?" Li Qingyao was rather curious. She liked the illustrations of "The Little Prince" very much.

Turn the book to the end and find that there is a note there.

Illustration: Su Ci.

Su Ci?

Isn't it the cartoonist who drew "Seniors Please Respect Yourself"?

Li Qingyao discovered this matter, and many readers also noticed it. Many readers in the "Golden House" are discussing this matter.

"The illustration of "The Little Prince" was actually drawn by Su Ci!"

"Ye Youshen and Su Ci know each other?"

"The true identity of Ye Youshen! We can confirm it through Pasuci's network!"

"But... Su Ci is just a vest! Su Ci has never shown his face."

"Is it possible that Ye Youshen is Su Ci?"



First more.

Is there a possibility: I am robbing your monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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