
Chapter 666 Yan Zhuang’s Son

Chapter 666 Yan Zhuang’s Son
At present, Yan Hanhai, the governor of Shangzhou, is Yan Zhuang's eldest son. An Lushan originally planned to appoint him as the Minister of Household Affairs, but Yan Zhuang knew that his son was inexperienced and needed two more years of local experience. An Lushan agreed to his appointment. Upon request, Yan Hanhai was appointed as the governor of Shangzhou and concurrently as the military envoy of Shangzhou, controlling an army of [-] people.

Yan Hanhai is about 30 years old, relatively introverted, taciturn, and of good character. He has been the governor of Shangzhou for only three months, and he has basically restrained the army. There have been no serious incidents of military harm to the people in Shangzhou. Of course, there are many thieves. Touching is unavoidable, and it is common for soldiers to drink alcohol without being paid.

The state government of Shangzhou is Shangluo County, not Shangluo County. Yan Hanhai is currently in Shangluo County. This morning, Yan Hanhai suddenly received news that Shangluo County was captured by an army.

The news came so suddenly. Yan Hanhai was stunned for a long time, and suddenly realized that it must be Li Ye's army coming to kill him.

What should I do?For a moment, Yan Hanhai was at a loss.

At this time, his aide Wang Shaoxuan reminded him, "Your Majesty, you should hurry up and discuss countermeasures with General An at this time!"

"you're right!"

Yan Hanhai turned around and walked out of the hall.

As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw the deputy soldier An Shouli walking in quickly.

An Shouli is the cousin of An Lushan's confidant general An Shouzhong. He is a second-level general in Anlushan's army system. It is the second-level general, called the guarding side.

An Shouli was nominally the deputy commander, but Yan Hanhai mainly served as the governor and a civilian official, and basically had no involvement in military affairs. An Shouli was actually the one in charge of the army.

An Shouli said urgently: "Your Majesty, Li Ye personally led tens of thousands of troops to the north. Shangluo County has surrendered. We must withdraw north immediately."

Yan Hanhai was stunned for a moment, "Shouldn't we strictly guard the city and then ask for help from Chang'an?"

An Shouli shook his head, "We can't even defend Wuguan. How can Shangluo County be able to defend it? I'm afraid that my soldiers will surrender to the city. There are three thousand defenders in Shangluo County, so they surrendered to the city. And Li Ye We are coming to Chang'an, we must report to Chang'an in time!"

An Shouli knew very well that his army was a very defeated army. It could serve as a facade, but in a real war, they would have absolutely no fighting capacity.

The last sentence worked. Yan Hanhai was right when he thought about it. He should report to Chang'an in time.

"General An, please wait a moment while I pack my luggage."

"Your Majesty, it's too late. Li Ye's vanguard has already appeared forty miles away. They will be able to reach Shangluo County in less than an hour. If you are entangled by them, you will not be able to escape."

"Then I'll pack up the important letters and documents. It'll only take a quarter of an hour!"

"Okay! I'll arrange for a group of cavalry to wait outside the government office so that you can clean up as soon as possible. We'll meet outside the north city gate."

An Shouli turned around and left. Yan Hanhai quickly ordered his staff Wang Shaoxuan to go home quickly, pack important belongings, take his family with him, and set off in a quarter of an hour.

Wang Shaoxuan ran home in a hurry. There were only his wife and daughter at home, but his son was missing. He immediately asked anxiously: "Where is Wu'er?"

"He and several classmates went to his husband's house and won't come back until evening."

Wang Shaoxuan was so anxious that he stamped his feet. His husband's home was in the south of the city, and it would take at least half an hour to come and go. What should he do?
The wife was surprised and asked: "Husband, what happened?"

"Li Ye is going to kill him soon. The commander asked me to come back and pack my things. I will retreat in a quarter of an hour, but Wu'er is not here. What should I do?"

The wife suddenly said anxiously: "Why don't your husband leave first? Send us a message after you have settled down. I am bringing the children to join my husband!"

Wang Shaoxuan calmed down at this time. He hugged his wife and daughter and said: "These are troubled times. How can our family be separated? Li Ye is not a murderous person, and I am not an important person. I have decided not to leave."

"But isn't it said that Li Ye is the Ksitigarbha demon?"

"Hey! Those are all nonsense. I know that he does not kill civilians. On the contrary, he is the protector of civilians."

Wang Shaoxuan immediately wrote a note and asked his entourage to bring it to Yan Hanhai. He could not leave his family behind, so he stayed in Shangluo County for the time being and would come to join him later.

Yan Hanhai has already packed a big bag and is waiting on horseback at the door for Wang Shaoxuan and his family. His wife and children are in Luoyang. He is planning to marry a concubine in Shangzhou, but he has not yet met the woman he likes. He is currently single and can be married at any time. You can go.

A quarter of an hour had passed, but Wang Shaoxuan's family still didn't show up, and Yan Hanhai was worried.At this time, the entourage came galloping on horseback. Yan Hanhai stepped forward and asked, "Where is Mr. Wang?"

"His son went out and couldn't come back, so he gave the envoy a note."

The attendant handed the note to Yan Hanhai. Yan Hanhai read it hastily and sighed, "Let's go!"

As soon as he urged his horse, hundreds of cavalry escorted him and galloped towards the north gate.

Outside the north city gate, seven thousand troops were waiting in line. They were basically infantry. There were only three hundred cavalry in total, all of whom were Anshou Li's soldiers.

An Shouli saw Yan Hanhai coming from a distance and immediately ordered: "Let's go to Lantian Pass!"

The team rushed north along the official road.

Half an hour later, Pei Xiu led 1 front troops to the foot of Shangluo County.

Chief Shi Li Rulin led a group of officials to surrender outside the south city gate. "Shang Governor Shi Li Rulin led all officials to welcome the imperial army into the city."

Pei Xiu pointed his riding whip and asked, "Where is Yan Hanhai?"

"General Qi, he ran away with the rebels half an hour ago. There is no soldier left in the city!"

Pei Xiu didn't dare to be careless. He turned around and ordered one of his generals: "Take five hundred brothers into the city to check!"

"Follow the order!"

The general led his five hundred men and ran towards the city.

Pei Xiu then said to the officials: "You all go back and perform your own responsibilities. His Royal Highness King Lu has his own arrangements. The county magistrate stays!"

The officials all went back, and the county magistrate came forward and said: "Zhang Bo, the magistrate of Shangluo County, is a humble official. Please see the general!"

"I need to know how much food and supplies are in the city?"

"Reporting back to the general, I know that I have not had time to take away the [-] shi of military rations and [-] shi of official rations. The other warehouses are mainly the military's armory ordnance warehouse and the state material warehouse. I don't know the specific supplies. The total is Just four warehouses.”

Pei Xiu nodded and asked: "The Shangluo County Magistrate said you were the original chief registrar of Shangluo County, right?"

"Exactly! Beizhi is a local. The Yan army came to kill him. He resigned and went home. However, they forcibly invited him to be the county magistrate. If he didn't agree, my people would suffer. So Beizhi had no choice but to take office."

Pei Xiu asked again: "Are there any confidants of Yan Hanhai among the officials just now?"

County Magistrate Zhang Bo shook his head, "These officials are all transferred from outside. They are mysterious and unpredictable. Their backgrounds and positions are unknown. Among the officials in Shangluo County, only one with a low position is the original official, and the others are sent from outside." .”

After a pause, the county magistrate Zhang Bo said again: "It seems that Yan Hanhai's confidants didn't have time to evacuate. I just saw him."

Pei Xiu was overjoyed and said, "When King Lu's army arrives, invite him here. His Highness King Lu wants to know some information and tell him not to be afraid!"

"I humble my duty and obey the order!" County Magistrate Zhang Bo left.

At this time, his general came back and reported, "General, there is indeed no enemy in the city!"

Pei Xiu ordered two thousand soldiers to enter the city and take control of Shangluo County.

He led [-] cavalry and continued to chase north.

According to Li Ye's deployment, Nan Jiyun led [-] cavalry and was waiting a hundred miles ahead. Then Pei Xiu's [-] cavalry surrounded him from behind, and [-] cavalry attacked in front and behind. An Shouli's army would be unable to attack. There is a way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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