Chapter 608 Arranging Personnel
The day after Xiao Shuping took Gu Siwei and his wife to see the temporary residence of the office, they solved the housing problem for the employees. It was also a house of the supply and marketing company, of the same nature, and it was still a rental house, with two small dormitories. Each room is only twenty or thirty square meters.

Gu Siwei looked at it and felt a little dissatisfied. But what time is it now? When you have money, you may not have a place to use it. Gu Siwei can't express any opinions. Anyway, he will make do with it for now, and wait until he really changes to open a big store. When the flag is raised, you can just buy land to cover it.

So they stayed in the provincial capital for three or four days, during which they met with Yu Yingzhi's family and had a family dinner. The couple then planned to return to the county seat by car.

Before leaving, Gu Siwei and his wife were packing things at the provincial guest house.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Gu Siwei said towards the door.

Xiao Shuping, who was standing at the door, replied: "It's me!"

Gu Siwei quickly walked to the door, opened the door and saw Xiao Shuping holding a kraft paper briefcase in his hand, so he extended his hand to invite Xiao Shuping into the house.

"Hey, where is Luo Yugang?"

Gu Siwei was a little surprised that he didn't see Luo Yugang behind Xiao Shuping.

Xiao Shuping said: "He had something to do at home, so he rushed back in a hurry and did not say goodbye to you in person and let me say goodbye."

"What are you so polite about?" Gu Siwei smiled and led Xiao Shuping to sit down on the small sofa against the wall.

"Are you starting to clean up now?" Xiao Shuping asked when he saw Hu Yanqiu sitting on the bed and cleaning up.

Gu Siwei said: "Pack it up first, so as not to be a little confused when I leave tomorrow morning."

"Well, I won't be able to see you off tomorrow morning. I'm rushing to the north," Xiao Shuping said.

Gu Siwei said with a smile: "Is there anything you can give me away? We don't have to be separated for a long time. We will meet again after a while."

It is true that we cannot be separated for long. The cherries in the village have probably started to bear fruit now. It will take more than a week at most before the first batch of cherries arrive. By then, the two liaison officers Xiao Shuping and Luo Yugang will definitely appear. After all, this is our first time working together.

"I brought you the car, which is on display downstairs. Where are the driver and the liaison officer here? I also selected a few people for you. You can see which one is suitable. If you don't like it, we can choose again in two days. ...".

As he said this, Xiao Shuping put the brown paper bag in Gu Siwei's hand.

Gu Siwei took the brown paper bag, pulled the thread around a few times to open the bag, and pulled out a stack of forms from inside.

There is a photo on the form, and it is a very rare color photo. However, the quality of film in China at this time was really average. Even if it is a color photo, it looks like there is blush on the person's face.

There are a group of young men and women above, the man is the driver, the woman is the liaison officer, they are all in their twenties.

Gu Siwei looked at them one by one.

After looking at a few pictures, he said to Hu Yanqiu who was packing his things: "Yanqiu, do you want to come and take a look?"

Hu Yanqiu said: "What I see is up to you."

Gu Siwei didn't say much and continued to flip through it. After flipping through it once, Gu Siwei asked Xiao Shuping: "Which two do you think are suitable?"

Xiao Shuping smiled and replied: "I think they are all suitable. They have all been selected. First of all, they must be politically qualified, have a clean family background, and be honest. If you have trouble choosing, just close your eyes and choose." ".

Gu Siwei looked at the form in his hand and said to Xiao Shuping: "Is there anyone among them that I don't want to come? If so, please help me pick them out."

Xiao Shuping was a little embarrassed now, but he was getting along well with Gu Siwei now, and strictly speaking, Gu Siwei was his brother-in-law. Although everyone didn't reveal it, Xiao Shuping thought so in his heart.

Xiao Shuping is different from his wife Gu Minjun. This person has a bigger picture, is upright and serious in doing things.

"How did you know?" Xiao Shuping asked sheepishly.

Gu Siwei said with a smile: "It's strange if there isn't. Most of them are soldiers who are about to retire or leave the army, and the conditions in their hometown are definitely not that good."

Hearing what Gu Siwei said, Xiao Shuping said with a smile: "That's true. I forgot, you are still Gu Siwei, not just Su Siwei."

Isn't this obvious? Those who can serve as soldiers at this time, which family is not both prosperous and professional? To put it bluntly, they are poor and poor families. Everyone is proud of their own status, and everyone hates the capitalists. Now listen If you say you want to work for a capitalist, it’s strange that you would be happy with it.”

After hearing this, Xiao Shuping stretched out his hand to take the thing from Gu Siwei's hand, and began to turn it over. After turning it for a while, he pulled out one piece, and about five or six pieces in succession.

He put the rest on the table and pushed five or six in front of Gu Siwei.

"Hey, there are quite a few left. I originally thought it would only be one or two at most." Gu Siwei happily took the document.

Xiao Shuping said: "These are particularly difficult situations in my hometown. I can't do anything when I go back. Now the whole family doesn't have enough to eat. They just want to open their mouths when they go back."

Gu Siwei started to turn over.

"Let's take this!" Gu Siwei said, taking a piece of paper in his hand and giving it to Xiao Shuping's hand.


Xiao Shuping did not expect that Gu Siwei would choose this.

"Why, you can't choose him?"

Gu Siwei asked with a smile.

Xiao Shuping said: "No, but he is a bit old."

Now the person chosen by Gu Siwei is almost thirty years old, has a family, and made a small mistake. He was not on the original list, but he has no relatives and friends. This person's superior and Xiao Shuping are classmates. Listen After talking about this, I went to find Xiao Shuping and brought this person in.

This man's surname is Zhang, and his name is Zhang Jinjiang. He is a man from the northwest. His hometown is very poor, and there are not many people in the family now. He originally had a chance to get a commission, but later because of something, he was not able to get a commission. After the New Year, maybe Arrangements will be made for him to be discharged from the army.

He is retired from the army and has a wife and children. If he were a cadre, he could still find a job. But now that this happened, he had to forget about work and go back to his place of origin to farm.

Xiao Shuping's classmates liked him very much, but his classmates could not arrange a job for him, so when they heard that Xiao Shuping had an opportunity, they arranged for him to come in. No matter what, the family must have a place to eat. When I go back to my hometown, it can be said that I am hungry for several meals in three days. How can I survive the day when I have to take care of my family?

"It's better to be older and take care of the family. Young people have too many ideas. Only those like this are practical," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Xiao Shuping said: "Okay, if you think it's good, then it's good."

After choosing the driver, Gu Siwei looked at it again and picked out a little girl. This little girl was not a soldier, but an educated youth who had returned to the city. She was average-looking and had two big braids of this era. , you can describe her in four words: ordinary.

Gu Siwei picked her because this girl actually knew a little English.

"That's it." Gu Siwei returned the rest to Xiao Shuping.

After Xiao Shuping took a look, he said: "Okay, I'll inform them later. If you have time, meet them in the evening."

"Are you here in a hurry?"

Gu Siwei felt that he was a little too anxious at night.

Xiao Shuping said: "They have nothing to do anyway. Zhang Jinjiang may have to wait a little longer at night because he lives on the outskirts of the city. It takes about an hour to ride here. Huang Yan will arrive very quickly. I will make a call later." , you can get there in about half an hour...".

Gu Siwei said: "Then let's have dinner together. Just let them arrive before dinner is late. Let's just chat casually."

The staff here are quite simple. Gu Siwei didn't say when it will be used. It is just a temporary office. If these two people perform well, then Gu Siwei will naturally take care of them from now on.

If their performance is average, then they will be given a job to do in the future, and it will be up to them to be good or bad.

Of course, if things go wrong, Gu Siwei wouldn't mind returning them to Xiao Shuping.

In short, this matter is simple.

"Would you like to go see the car?"

Xiao Shuping said.

In order to cooperate with Gu Siwei, Xiao Shuping's superiors specially approved a car to be temporarily used by the Marvel office. This is a pretty good treatment. At this time, I will arrange a car for you. There is definitely no such thing as a county magistrate. With such treatment, the exclusive car must be above the municipal level.

As for where the county magistrate should sit, it is already very difficult to get on a small green jeep.

"Forget it, let the new driver take a look later," Gu Siwei said.

Gu Siwei was not interested in looking at the car he had borrowed for temporary use. Even if he didn't look at it, he knew that it was either the Old Magic City brand or the Old Capital brand. As for the comfort of the ride.Forget it, it’s better not to say anything.

After listening to Gu Siwei's words, Xiao Shuping stopped talking. The two chatted for a few more words, and Xiao Shuping stood up to leave.Gu Siwei returned to the bed and continued to pack things with his wife.

After the two of them arranged their clothes, Hu Yanqiu said to Gu Siwei: "Siwei, are so many cherries easy to sell?"

Gu Siwei smiled and asked, "Why do you care about this?"

Hu Yanqiu said: "I'm afraid the cherries won't sell well, so you put money in them."

Seeing Gu Siwei's confusion, Hu Yanqiu continued: "It's not that I don't want to give up money, but it's really hard to be a good person. There are too many examples of great favors turning into enemies. You think you have done a good thing, but in the end, others don't appreciate it. When you do good deeds, you have to do it openly. Even if others want to say something behind your back, they can only say it behind your back. But if you do it in the dark, and what other people think when the time comes, then you are no longer a human being. ”.

Hu Yanqiu talked to her husband about the price of harvesting cherries.

(End of this chapter)

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