20 years of turmoil

Chapter 149 We have this thing in our book

Chapter 149 We have this thing in our book
After about an hour, Ning Ren let go of his hands pressing on the contact point.

Ding Wugong handed over a cup of concoction mixed with thick sugar water.

Ning Ren drank it and said: "This is a very huge database, the capacity is beyond imagination. To describe it this way, it's like we suddenly approached the largest library of the Han family. We didn't even have a clue when we walked in. The direction can’t be distinguished. We need super-advanced supercomputers, which can read at least [-] million times per second.”

"Also, I've read a little bit. Mr. Ding, let's have a private chat."

"it is good."

Returning to the conversation hut just now, Ning Ren said directly: "Old Ding, I suspect that thing is alive, but in a deep sleep state. It is itself a supercomputer, or in other words, beyond our comprehension, has a supercomputer. A living body with abilities. I can communicate with it not by our ternary supercomputing, which is just a medium.”

"Can communicate, because we are the same kind."

Ning Ren was afraid that Mr. Ding would not understand, so he specially explained: "That is to say, I own the quantum supercomputer, and it also owns it. I think this matter will be kept secret for the time being, and we must protect it. I have a feeling in my subconscious that it Maybe it will bring us a miracle, maybe it can explain all the doubts in my heart."

Ding Wugong nodded silently.

Hearing what Ning Ren said, he also realized that this matter was unusual.

Ning Ren said again: "Also, what I have interpreted should be able to be analyzed with other people. There are many things I don't understand, but I believe that you may be able to know what it is, Mr. Ding."

Ding Wugong patted Ning Ren on the shoulder: "Take a break, I also need to think calmly, and then everyone sit down and talk about what you have interpreted."

Ning Ren: "Mr. Zhuge, please come here."

"Okay." Ding Wugong did not refuse.

Another day.

In a meeting room of Xiaoshan Village Machinery Factory, Ning Ren drew a huge sketch on the blackboard.

Ning Ren introduced: "This is what I saw. It is similar to the content of agricultural planting. First of all, the location must be a mountain, and the top of the mountain must be a poor iron ore area. Among the items we got, there is a seed. Let the seed be regenerated The method of recovery is very complicated, let me explain in detail."

"Now what kind of plant is this? Let me repeat what I saw. The tree has square leaves, golden flowers with silvery fine down on the petals, and silvery fruit the size of a It's about the size of an apple, and it's rhombus-shaped."

"Then, if you want this tree to grow, you must keep this picture and plant various plants around it, as well as corresponding animals, or insect groups."

Ning Ren explained in detail why he had to invite Zhuge Buyi to come over, because he believed that this is not an ordinary figure, there must be some mystery, Zhuge Buyi is definitely an expert in this field.

After Ning Ren finished speaking, he borrowed the content printed out by the ternary supercomputer and distributed it to everyone.

Those who can sit in this room are either the advisors of the village head of Shuigou Village or honored scholars. It can be said that they are all knowledgeable and insightful people.

After Ning Ren finished speaking and sat down to drink water, everyone's eyes were strange.

Ding Wugong said to Zhuge Commoner: "Brother Xian, tell me. You are an absolute expert in this field."

Zhuge Commoner was also polite, and put down the information in his hand: "It has been said since ancient times, Tochigi. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded almost simultaneously.

Ning Ren's hand holding the water glass stopped there: "This, this, have you seen it?"

"No, I haven't seen it. There are records of this kind of tree in ancient myths and legends. It's just that I never expected that there are detailed planting methods. The picture you drew...is the Qingqiu array in ancient myths and legends. This ..." Zhuge Commoner stood up: "Let me take my time, let me take my time." After speaking, he began to walk around the conference room.

Not only him, everyone had weird expressions on their faces.

Ding Wugong said at this time: "When I was studying in the Ying family, I read some Mayan legends in the Inca country. According to the current situation, I boldly speculate that the underwater city that Ning Ren saw in the cigar country was Atlanta. Tees, and what I saw in the East China Sea of ​​Yidao should be Muria."

"That is to say, these are two highly developed civilizations in ancient legends. Atlantis is a civilization of light, and Muria is a civilization of plants. According to geographical research, the Himalayas used to be the sea, and the land under our feet The earth is changing all of a sudden, the sea may not always be the sea, and the high mountains may not always be the high mountains.”

"This old man, Jiaxian, can photosynthesize. As a person, he can actually photosynthesize. His technology comes from Ning Ren and the crystal plates found in the submarine city near the Cigar Country. The interpretation of those crystal plates also relies on light. Find knowledge, and the various uses of light."

"Now, what is found in the sea off Yidao is plants, all kinds of high-end knowledge about plants."

"So, get moving, we have a new research direction. Those here may not be very good at botany, so choose the most suitable person. I am interested in light, and I believe everyone is the same. Send a report request and start making the layout now , we can quietly explore the ancient city of Atlantis again within a year."

"Now, a show of hands."

In unison, everyone raised their hands.

How can I say this, a miracle.

Absolutely miraculous.

Everyone wants to see how high the future technology brought to the Han family by prehistoric civilization will help the Han family to fly.

Ding Wugong and Jiaxian Gong looked at each other, they thought the same thing in their hearts.

What kind of sparks will be produced after the future technology brought by Ning Ren is combined with prehistoric civilization.

What's more, the "Shan Hai Jing" needs to find multiple versions to study in depth. Tochigi is a kind of tree recorded in the Shan Hai Jing, but the record is very simple, not as detailed as Ning Ren's description.

To compare.

Fooling Ningren to go to rest, Ding Wugong called all the old guys together, saying that they were drinking tea, but in fact they wanted to discuss some issues.

Ding Wugong said: "I have been authorized by Haitang Courtyard to tell the village chief about the situation among a limited number of people. The village chief claims to be from the future. I don't quite agree with it. Let me tell you what the village chief has experienced first."

Ding Wugong talked about the situation where Ningren's world encountered alien invasion.

Then he said:

"We all know a little about physics. Particles and fields in quantum mechanics. Microscopic particles are the self-organization of microscopic fields, just like macroscopic objects (including living things and people) are microscopic atoms and molecules. Then , whether our village chief is from the future, from the mirror world, or from another earth in the multiverse.”

Ding Sangong gently knocked on the table: "Let me say a few words, I think the big bang theory in cosmology is difficult to explain the uniformity and flatness of the universe. If it is a multiverse, then it is easy to explain the quantum settlement, that is, The measurement problem in quantum mechanics. The universe is mysterious, and we see an edge."

Ding Yigong said at this time: "How to explain that two different prehistoric civilizations are exactly at the corresponding angles of the planet?"

Mr. Min tapped the teacup on the table lightly, and said unhurriedly: "What I care most about is when I will be able to photosynthesize, not these fuzzy quantum theories, but something practical. , What kind of tree is Tochigi?"

Zhuge Commoner: "In the legend, the fruit that people can't look at, we temporarily understand that it can increase people's IQ? Or improve the power of brain development. According to ancient legends, this is a sacred tree and a divine fruit. Extraordinary ability, can row with the flat peach tree."

"Where are the ginseng fruit trees?"

"Stop." Ding Wugong stopped everyone who was excited: "I digress, let's discuss the most practical thing. We need a new generation of supercomputers, better supercomputers, otherwise... let's name that thing, Since it is possible to come from the Muria civilization, it is called Muriya."

"Whatever, overcalculate this matter, let Lao Chen take responsibility."

Mr. Min: "In my opinion, let's think about how to make photosynthesis first. At most, let Old Chen participate in the photosynthesis experiment first. If he becomes stronger, he will be able to create a better supercomputer."

Almost everyone agrees with Mingong's statement.

Ding Wugong had no choice but to say: "Okay, let's discuss photosynthesis. However, let me state my personal opinion first. Photosynthesis may not be the best choice. With the excavation of prehistoric civilizations, there may be more of"

Speaking of this, Xu Yanlong who was sitting by the door suddenly opened the door, and Ning Ren came in.

Ding Wugong said: "You should go to rest. Your condition is very bad. It should be due to excessive consumption. If we discuss anything interesting, there will be a discussion record for you to see."

Ning Ren: "Just one word."

Ding Wugong nodded.

Ning Ren said: "I suddenly thought of one thing. Now that everyone knows my origin, I will say it directly. Aliens have invested huge resources in researching a kind of machine. My predecessors put together countless people and got it. One, the strange thing is that it is almost unusable whether it is the original species of the extraterrestrial repopulation, or after they have fused the carrier."

Ding Wugong took over the topic: "But, they are still investing huge resources in research and upgrading?"


Ding Wugong asked: "What is it probably?"

Ning Ren: "The result of the analysis is a magnification auxiliary device. What is it? Because there are too few successful cases, there is no answer in my database. It can't be made with our current technology. This is helpless, but I want to say Surprisingly, the alien species must have a huge purpose, and many of their behaviors are very weird."

Ding Wugong asked: "Aliens, have you seen them?"

Ning Ren showed a hint of pride on his face: "I killed a low-end carrier with my own hands, and dug out the alien species. It is a bug-like thing that parasitizes on the brain stem of the carrier. It is as powerful as a superman. It can be protected from damage for a short period of time under direct solar wind. There is a damage-inhibiting protein in the body, and its function can be described as a myth."

"That's all, I think I should tell you."

Ding Wugong was thoughtful after listening.

Zhuge Buyi said: "Arrange someone to catch some water bears and study them. The weakness of water bears is physical damage, but they can resist environmental damage."

After listening, Ning Ren said, "I'm going to rest, call me if you need something."

"it is good."

After Ning Ren left, Zhuge Buyi said: "Back to the topic just now, the village head has already provided us with the information, Guanghe, in fact, I want it too. At our age, I still want to maintain the physical strength of young people. Guanghe is a method. As for the side effects, I don't care."

"The place where the village chief lives, it's very hard to live. I mean, if it is true that there may be a multiverse as Ding Lao said, the old man will go and crush those bugs to death."

"Second!" The average age of those present is over sixty, and their physical strength has declined, not to mention concentration, thinking ability, energy, etc.

Of course, there is one exception.

Driving fairy.

Now, he has really become a fairy, full of energy and vitality.Apart from drinking more water than others every day, there seems to be no side effects. Of course, you also need to bask in the sun, which is the kind that you can’t get tanned no matter what you do. The sun peeled off, and he was fine.

Therefore, photosynthesis is really a very remarkable thing.

It is also an immediate, certain, and necessary research project that everyone is looking forward to.

Ning Ren stayed in Xiaoshan Village Machinery Factory for a week, and Ning Ren couldn't make any further progress in Mu Lijia's research. As Ning Ren described, it was like a country child walking into a huge library. sense of direction.

It can only be further interpreted by the previously found information.

Mulijia is a top-level secret, and no more than 40 people know of its existence at the moment.

The twenty surviving seniors of the Xuntian class put aside all their existing research and were all summoned to the Xiaoshan Village Machinery Factory. Is a top character.

Then there are natural sciences, botany, Chinese medicine, communications... and another [-]th class senior.

On the day after Ning Ren left, Mr. Jia Xian asked these people to put them on the shelf. Two leading Han family physicians got in touch, and a senior natural science student was already fiddling with his equipment.

Then, one after another.

Jia Xiangong has an extra paper ring in his hand, on which is written Xiaomo with a brush, sample one.

Humans can produce photosynthesis! ! !

The new seniors were shocked. After putting Xiangong on airs and studying it for a few hours, they began to frantically read the academic materials left by Ning Ren, and then they looked at the process of photosynthesis of Gongxian and the changes in scientific reasoning.

Ding Wugong and others are experts in physics.

There is a specialization in surgery.

Since Haitang Courtyard selectively let very few people know about Ning Ren's origin, the research institute directly under the Xiaoshan Village Machinery Factory began to expand their research laboratory.

Haitang Courtyard seriously considered it.

Prehistoric civilization, future civilization, alien alien civilization.In addition to the Han family's own civilization, the combination of the four civilizations is not a small project. It must gather all the strength of the Han family to bear fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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