Chapter 106 The foundation of foothold (for subscription)
Under the night, Muye Village is brightly lit and bustling.

The happiest ones belong to the Senju clan. Even if they owe a lot of debt to the Hinata family, it still can't stop them from rejoicing to restore their surname.

In the area of ​​the clan land that has not yet been built, they held a big feast, drank heavily, ate large pieces of meat, yelled loudly, and vented their joy heartily.

Also very happy, laughing constantly is the Uchiha clan.

The Hinata family guaranteed them, resolved the misunderstanding, and successfully integrated into the big family of Konoha. There is no suspicion, estrangement, or isolation between each family.

You can live in peace and stability, and you can also choose your favorite job. Ordinary clansmen can also open shops outside the clan, do business, and support themselves.

Instead of nesting in the clan land like the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan all left the clan land and poured into the bustling North and South of Konoha Village, taking out the private money they were reluctant to spend in the past, and having a good time.

Nothing else, just happy.

Sungai tribe.

Naruto's house.

Ino couldn't sit still and was shaking her legs. Seeing fireworks rising into the sky and blooming in the north and south of the village, she couldn't help but said, "I said, Hinata will really come, you didn't lie to me."

She asked this question six times tonight.

"I invited her, she said she will come when she has time." Naruto, who was wolfing down Sasuke, Choji, and his teeth, with his mouth full of food, replied.

"Oh..." Ino sighed.

If I had known that she would not come this way, it is obvious that the village north and the south of the village are more fun. I don't understand what my father thinks, insisting on letting her come, and deducting pocket money if she can't come.

The most evil thing is that he has always doted on her, and the grandfather who loves her nods in agreement.

"What's wrong with you today? Want to see Hinata so much...what are you going to do?" Sakura, who stood out from the seven ordinary girls with excellent IQ and strength, was the strongest in all aspects, and became more and more confident, asked doubtfully.

Ino hesitated for a while, and said to Sakura in a low voice: "My father ordered me to become a sister with Hinata no matter what, and I must be the younger sister."

"Ah!" Sakura was stunned: "Are you older than Hinata?"

"That's just to say." Ino said in a troubled voice, "What age is this, and there is still such a thing as sworn worship, and sworn brothers should also be that I am the older sister and Hinata is the younger sister. There is no reason for it to be the other way around."

"One thing to say, the two of you stand together, with your words, deeds, and demeanor, Hinata looks more like an older sister." Sakura thought for a while and said, "She is more mature than you."

"So what if I'm mature, according to my birth month, I should be my older sister." Ino muttered.

The two who were whispering suddenly realized that the surroundings had become much quieter. They raised their heads and saw that everyone had stopped talking, eating and drinking, and looked in their direction in unison.

To be exact, it was behind them.

"Sister and sister, what are you talking about?" Hinata asked curiously.

Sakura turned her head and saw Hinata standing behind her, with a group of standard guards standing behind her. She subconsciously stood up and said, "Master Hinata."

The other six girls who also signed the contract and studied and practiced under the one-on-one guidance of Shangren in the branch family also stood upright and said neatly: "Master Hinata."

Hinata nodded in response, pulled a chair over, sat next to Ino, looked at her who was frozen, and asked curiously, "What's going on, you look weird."

Pocket money, younger sister, pocket money, younger sister, repeated silently many times, Ino rubbed his face and put on a bright smile: "Hinata, we have known each other for so long, how about we become sisters? You are my sister, I am younger sister."

"Sworn..." Hinata straightened her bangs, shook her head and said, "I have relatives for my sister, so I don't want to do anything."

"Kiss is kiss, what you do is what you do, how can it be the same." Ino said with a smile: "Being sisters is a closer relationship than friends."

"No." Hinata said: "Everyone is eating, why are you looking at me, this dish looks really delicious, don't waste it, everyone, work hard and finish it all."

Everyone looked at each other, and one of the boys said, "Hinata, why don't you come to class?"

"Stupid, Hinata's father is already a Hokage, what class does she need to take, it would be better to just call the teacher home for tutoring." Another person answered.

"Dad is Hokage, so he doesn't have to go to class. It's so cool. When my dad can also be Hokage..."

"How can Hokage be so easy to be, strength, recognition, nothing less."

"Nonsense, can Hinata's father be as powerful as the third generation of Hokage? I think it has something to do with money. If you have more money, you can become Hokage."

"Makes sense!"

"It's better to have a good father than to learn how to bear physical illusions."

"Ahem." Hinata said: "You misunderstood, my father's ability to become Hokage has nothing to do with strength, and it has nothing to do with money. His strength is poor, his popularity is poor, and he can't see any advantages in his body. "

"The reason why my father became Hokage is because he has a strong will of fire."

"The will of fire! Is it the burning leaves that the third Hokage has been nagging about?" Kiba couldn't help interjecting.

"Yes, it's the burning leaves, the will of fire." Hinata said earnestly: "My father memorized the content, annotations, and notes of the will of fire three times a day, one in the morning, one in the middle of the night, and five in the evening. Ten times."

"When I was young, he always taught me that as a glorious Konoha ninja, you can be weak, poor, or ugly, but you must never have the will of fire. This is the foundation of our foothold."

"Which of you has memorized the will of fire?"

Facing Hinata's gaze, everyone looked left and right, among them, Shino silently raised his hand.

"Can you recite it?" Hinata looked at him with encouraging eyes.

"Where there are dancing leaves, there is fire burning, and the light of the fire will illuminate the whole village. When the fire is extinguished, new leaves will grow again." Zhi Nai was silent for a moment, then said.

Hinata clapped her hands: "Well said! It seems that in our generation, Shino is the closest person to Hokage besides me."

"Can you become Hokage by memorizing this?" Ya said with a look of you teasing me.

"Why do you think the third generation of Hokage has been emphasizing the will of fire?" Hinata said: "This is the most important and indispensable criterion for becoming Hokage. Without this, no matter how strong, handsome, or rich you are, you will never even think about it." Be Hokage."

"The main time I spend now is to learn this, engrave it into my bone, heart, and soul, first formed by the will of fire, and then learn other things."

"In this way, it is possible for me to become Hokage in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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