Chapter 126 The Unbelievable Secret (Please Subscribe)
Three years ago, on the day when Hanabi was born, Hinata's white eyes appeared strange for the first time, and she could see ripples and light spots, but she could only see but not touch.

It took another period of time to control these ripples and light spots, so as to use the gravitational and repulsive forces.

After three years, a similar feeling appeared again. Hinata had reason to look forward to what kind of ability she would awaken this time.

"It seems that it can be used directly!" Hinata felt it carefully and thought unexpectedly.

I didn't rush to use it, my mother and Huahuo were by my side, what if it was some dangerous ability and accidentally injured them by mistake?
Waiting patiently until returning home, Hinata got out of the car first, away from her mother and Hanabi, while walking, trying to activate this ability that can be used just after awakening.

Suddenly, with the self as the center, in the perception, light blue light spots appeared one after another around, some of the light spots were frozen, and some were moving.

Looking at this position, isn't it the guards around me?Realizing this, Hinata immediately opened her eyes, and a wider vision emerged.

Sure enough, these light blue spots came from the guards.

Not only the guards, but the entire Hyuga clan, including villagers outside the Hyuga clan, ninjas, outsiders, many people have such light blue light spots on their bodies, and some people have no light spots.

Not only humans, but also some animals, most of them are Ninja Dogs, Ninja Cats, Ninja Crows, Ninja Pigeons, and Ninja Hawks.

The bugs of the oil girl clan are also included.

"Looking at this feature, could it be that this spot of light is Chakra?" Hinata thought thoughtfully.

Thinking better than doing it, I randomly chose a cute ninja cat, locked it, and Hinata continued to further stimulate the newly awakened ability.

In an instant, the ninja cat, which was about two kilometers away from Hinata and was playing tricks on the mouse, blew up and panicked.

It was horrified to find that its body was refining chakra uncontrollably, and then this chakra left the body uncontrollably.

From the perspective of Hinata's white eyes, these chakras that were forcibly pulled out of Ninja Cat's body evaporated without flying too far.

Let go of the ninja cat, and try other psychic beasts, and try it on humans.

In the end, I chose my own guard to try, but failed, and failed to extract the opponent's Chakra.

That's right, this is one of Tenseigan's abilities, the chakra that forcibly pulls away from the target remotely is only ineffective for people with white eyes.

In the tenth theatrical version, Hinata sits on a swing and cries.

The appearance is a puppet of the Sheren, and under the control of the Sheren, I met Hinata, and took out Hinata's Chakra at close range, making Hinata lose the ability to resist, and even the strength to climb up while holding the scarf No.

Thinking of this, Hinata walked up to a guard and activated this ability.

Ignoring the protection of the Chakra armor, under the stunned expression of the guard, his Chakra was forcibly pulled out of his body and gathered on Hinata's right hand.

Seeing this, Hinata stopped, as expected, it was aimed at those with white eyes, not at a long distance, but at a close distance.

Soon, the chakras that were not used in time evaporated and disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Hinata said.

"Uh, no, it's all right, Master Hinata, who was that just now?" the guard asked puzzled.

"I'm not very proficient in the newly learned secret art of the sect. Try it. Of course, you only try it when you are sure there is no danger." Hinata said.

"Oh." The guard was stunned, and stopped asking any more questions. The secret art of the clan is not something that can be achieved by the branch family. It is not good to know too much, it is better to ask less.

"It seems that Datongmu cells are not necessary, and the power of the white eyes is enough, and the ability of Tenseiken can be gradually awakened." Hinata walked into the Zong's house, thinking so in his heart.

"Attraction and repulsion are not special cases. The more members of the branch family who are marked with the caged bird curse and successfully awaken Baiyan, the greater the power of Baiyan I get."

"In the end, advanced Tenseikan, or in the form of white eyes, has the ultimate power comparable to Tenseikan."

Probably not.

Take the two descendants of Yuyi as an example, especially Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

The limit of writing sharing eyes is the eternal kaleidoscope, without transplanting the interstitial cells, it is impossible for Madara to get the sharing eyes.

Hinata guessed that she could awaken several powerful abilities by virtue of her huge white eyes, but if she really wanted to obtain Tenseiken, she still couldn't do without the other half of Otsutsuki's cells.

"In the theatrical version, Hinata only met Chakra of Otsutsuki Yumura when she arrived on the moon, and she is also known as the white-eyed princess. Shall I go there myself?"

Without stopping, Hinata looked up at the moon, thinking.

In the spacious bathroom, adjust the water temperature. Hinata stood under the shower, washed off the foam from her hair and body, and then sat in the bathtub after washing. She closed her eyes and let out a slight sigh of emotion.

I like bathing more and more, especially bathing, it's so comfortable.

"Sister, let me tell you an astonishing and incredible secret." Huahuo said mysteriously.

Wanting to teach her sister to respect other people's privacy, not to peek with white eyes, and thinking that she often peeked at others, Hinata swallowed the words that came to her lips, and asked curiously instead: "What secret?"

"I only discovered it recently." Huahuo said, "That's right, I can become stronger when I sleep! Are you scared?"

Hinata was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted pretending to be frightened: "Hey? Really!"

"Really!" Huahuo said: "I thought it was an illusion at first, but these days when I wake up in the morning, I can feel that my body is getting stronger. Look, I haven't exercised much, and my muscles have strengthened. It got bigger too."

"Awesome!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Hee hee!" Huahuo smiled happily, clenched her small fist with one hand, grabbed her sister's hand with the other, and said childishly: "I'm a genius, I will definitely become very strong, my lord sister doesn't need to be afraid of anyone , I will protect you."

Hinata smiled, and gradually the smile disappeared, and sighed: "If you can protect yourself and not be bullied by the big pig's trotters, I will be satisfied."

"Ah? Who? Who wants to bully me?" Huahuo didn't quite understand: "Whoever dares to bully me, I'll punch him flat!"

"You still use your hands, if he dares to make you wronged, I'll kill him alive." Hinata said.

"Sister, who are you talking about?" Huahuo was at a loss: "Is it someone I know?"

"After you enter the ninja school at the age of six, you will meet more people, and you will meet them gradually. It's still early, don't think too much." Hinata said.

In Boren Zhuan, Huahuo is 27 years old and still single, a typical leftover fighter.

However, Hanabi in the plot has never been to a ninja school, has been practicing at home, and has little chance to contact outsiders, which leads to her remaining. Once she enters a ninja school, no one knows what will happen.

Might still be a leftover fighter.

It is also possible to meet the right one.

(End of this chapter)

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