Chapter 129 Hinata: You Can't Surrender So Quickly (Please Subscribe)
Lei Ying mentioned in the letter that in Yunyin Village, voices of early surrender and stop losses have been produced.

This intention is also shared by the daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder, and many ministers also support this proposition.

Judging from the current situation, Yunyin Village, where Renzhu Riki was captured by Konoha, has little chance of winning.

Nine-tailed Jinzhu could not attack, Konoha gradually approached Yunyin Village, one stronghold after another was captured, Konoha was as imposing as a rainbow, but Yunyin's side, on the other hand, became more and more confident.

According to everyone's discussion, the best choice is to surrender early to avoid further losses, and then speed up the pace of catching up, develop pistols, sniper rifles, Chakra armor, and improve and optimize Chakra cannons.

Assassinate Nine Tails Jinchuriki.

Concentrate on eliminating the Akatsuki organization that is still looting every now and then in the Land of Thunder.

After reading the information sent by Raikage, Hinata was thoughtful.

Yun Yin Village's fighting power is very strong, and the strongest Raikage has not yet entered the battlefield. It is impossible that Yun Ren wants to surrender. It is probably a daimyo who has suffered heavy losses. Ministers and nobles can't sit still.

Fortunately, it is only a slight sign now, and it has not yet reached the point where it is really about to surrender. As long as Lei Ying does not let go, and the situation is not so bad that there is no hope, the probability of surrender is not very high.

"We need to increase the confidence of the cloud ninjas. We can't surrender so quickly." Thinking, Hinata said goodbye to his grandfather, went to the root organization base, and read the latest information.

Soon, Uchiha Fugaku and Senju Taiping arrived after receiving the notification.

"The relationship between your two clans towards Konoha can be said to be the most complicated, and there is a mission that is very suitable for you." Hinata said.

Fu Yue, whose chakra point was sealed, took the document handed over by the guard, read it quickly at a glance, and was dumbfounded: "Collaborating with the enemy..."

Wearing presbyopic glasses, Taiping, who reads at an equally fast speed, took a deep breath: "Sell it! Sell the village!"

"Don't worry, this is not testing you, it's just a simple task." Hinata said.

"Think of ways to find ways to sell them the information, ninja tools, medicines, and resources that Yunyin Village needs. The motives are also easy to find. For example, lack of money, want to overthrow the Hyuga family, and seize the position of Hokage. You want to kill the third generation, Danzo."

The sweat on their faces was increasing.

Fu Yue said with a dry smile: "Lack of money, killing three generations, yes, but the one in the middle belongs to Zixuwu, I never thought about it that way at all."

"Yes." Hinata said.

"No!" Fu Yue said firmly.

"I mean, in this mission, you can pretend to have it." Hinata said.

"Even if it's just pretending, it's nothing." Fu Yue shook his head.

"Why do you want to do this?" Taiping wondered: "Now that the victory is in sight, it seems that the victory is about to be won. If you provide resources to Yunyin Village, isn't this asking for trouble for yourself?"

"I don't like people who pretend to be smart." Hinata said, "I don't like people who pretend to be stupid when they ask questions knowingly. I don't believe that you can't guess my purpose based on the direction of the situation."

Taiping said nothing more.

Fuyue looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, restraining the redundant expression on his face.

"In a word, can you do it well?" Hinata said.

"Yes." The two said in unison.

"Okay." Hinata said: "You get [-]% of the money from the sale, and [-]% goes back to the village. Information sales must be reported to the Anbu or the branch of the root organization. Only when permission is obtained can they be sold. There are no restrictions on other materials."

Walking out of the root organization base, Fuyue invited: "Mr. Taiping, let's have a drink together?"

Taiping didn't refuse, and the two came to a tea house in the south of the village, and they were called here before they finished their breakfast, so they happened to settle their breakfast here.

"For this task, we should each rely on our own abilities, or we should negotiate a share in advance. Of course, we can also cooperate and do it together."

"Our family has just recovered, how can it compare to you."

"Just kidding, we didn't live much better than you before. We have been monitored by high-level officials and suppressed."

"In that case, let's cooperate."

"it is good."

The cooperation intention is simply determined, and the follow-up in-depth cooperation requires the high-level executives of the two companies to get together, and it can only be implemented after many meetings.

"You said, what is the ultimate goal of this series of operations by the Hinata family?" His lips did not move, and Fu Yue was speaking in ventriloquism.

"That's not something I should ask about." Taiping also said in ventriloquist.

"Some problems don't exist if you pretend to be an ostrich and bury your head in the soil." Fuyue said: "Yesterday, the granddaughter of the first generation returned. Are you not worried at all?"

"So what if you are worried, so what if you don't worry." Taiping said: "The weak are not qualified to speak. This process will be abandoned by the Hinata family."

"The old man is right, I'm just worrying about it." Fu Yue sighed: "I'm still not reconciled. I have the strongest bloodline, but it has been going downhill. I think Mr. Taiping also knows about my second son. thing."

"The one who got the eternal kaleidoscope?" Taiping asked strangely.

"It's him." Fuyue said sadly: "Agreeing to the conditions of the Hyuga family and letting him marry is probably the decision I regret most in this life."

"What makes me even more at a loss is that even if I know the result and start over again, I still have no choice but to agree to let him marry me, alas..."

"The Hyuga family is better than the second generation, third generation, and Danzo, but they have one thing in common, which will not give us a chance to rise and overtake them."

"When I think about it, I feel that life has no hope."

"Everyone is short on time, don't put this acting on the back burner, just tell me what you want to do." Taiping interrupted.

"Marriage." Fuyue coughed dryly: "Our two families were once recognized as the strongest family in the ninja world. The children born from our union must be stronger and stronger. This is one of the benefits."

"Except for the Hinata family, which never refuses anyone, other families are also aware of our strength, and they are guarding against us and crowding us out."

"Simply marrying with the Hyuga family, their female clan members will not marry outside, and their male clan members will not marry into their families. I am afraid that in the end we will all be gnawed until there is no bone left."

"It is the best choice to deepen the connection and cooperation between our two families through marriage."

"Jumping off the ship of Hinata's family in the middle is a dead end. If you choose this road to continue, you don't need to think about the position of Hokage. You still have to work hard to get the position of advisor."

"In this way, you can only get one consultant position at most." Taiping said.

"We take turns to sit, Mr. Taiping, you go first, I'm not in a hurry." Fu Yue said.

"Okay." Taiping chose to agree without hesitation.

At the same time, Hinata, who was arranging matters related to the Ninja Military Academy, received a piece of information from the Land of Winds.

(End of this chapter)

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