Chapter 136 Take Hamura to Visit Konoha (Subscribe)
In any case, Sasuke, Naruto, are genuine Indra and Ashura Chakra reincarnations, this cannot be faked.

And according to the description of the three people about what happened in history, it is also very clear.

It is also true that the golems of heretics are not on the moon.

Before the mother was sealed, the third son Heijue left behind was something that even he and his brother didn't know about. After thinking about it, Hamura didn't find any loopholes.

Hinata is completely copying what happened in the plot, and you will be damned if you can find a loophole.

The only change is Kaguya's own will, from Kaguya's initiative, changed by Hinata to Kaguya's passive. It is a stupid thing made involuntarily under the erosion of the ten-tailed sacred tree, and I want to try my best to make up for it .

Even if you want to find the person concerned to verify this, you can't do it, because when Kaguya was sealed, you couldn't communicate with her, and Kaguya untied the seal, and it was under the erosion of the Ten-Tails Divine Tree.

The cause and effect are very complete and logical, the only flaw is Hinata's memory, which is revealed at a glance.

For this reason, Hinata took the initiative to ask Yumura to look at the memories of her and Naruto Sasuke, and deliberately showed a little resistance.

Naruto and Sasuke's memories are not afraid to look at them at all, even if they want to look at them, let Hamura look at theirs first, and then see if they can shirk when it's their turn.

If it is true that the memory was seen by Yumura, and Yumura saw through this deception, then I am not afraid, Hinata still has a backhand.

It's true that she lied, but isn't the result bad?Isn't it what people on earth should do to resist and fight against the invasion of aliens?
The development of the family, the prospect of Konoha Village, and the blueprint for the future in Hinata's mind.

Even if Yumura finds out that this is a scam, and even knows her identity as a time traveler, Hinata still has the confidence to convince Yumura with her penetrating tongue.

Everything is based on the fact that she is for the good of the earth. What she does can feed and clothe more people, and she can end the war on the earth.

These are all verifiable facts, and Hinata has nothing to fear. Of course, it is best not to look at the memory, which can save a lot of trouble.

After pondering for a long time, Hamura retracted the chakra in Naruto and Sasuke's consciousness, and looked at Hinata: "Mother didn't say how to save her?"

"No." Hinata said: "Just let us not talk nonsense, and go all out to seal her. She knows that she is hopeless. Sealing is the best and only way."

"Otherwise, driven by the erosion of the Ten-Tails Divine Tree, she dare not imagine what she will become and what she will do."

"By the way, she also asked Sasuke and Naruto who can see Yuyi, and let them help to say sorry to Yuyi."

Why I'm sorry, of course it was Kaguya who sent an ordinary woman whom Yuyi had a crush on, into the sacred tree, and killed her.

Hamura was silent.

Hinata remained silent and did not interrupt.

Lacking the concept of time in consciousness, I don't know how long it has passed, Hamura sighed: "What has happened is hard to recover, so let's not talk about it."

He is not an elder brother, and he is not qualified to represent his elder brother to decide whether to forgive his mother. In contrast, there is a matter related to him right now, which needs to be decided by him.

"Hinata Hinata." Hamura said.

"Yes." Hinata said.

"You's white eyes are very pure, very close to me." Hamura said: "With the bird in the cage, sooner or later there will be a day that surpasses me, even close to the level of mother's white eyes, it is not impossible."

Speaking of this, suddenly the subject changed, Hamura said: "Who is in your family?"

"Grandfather, father and mother, and a younger sister." Hinata said.

"What about friends, how many friends do you have, and what is your relationship with each other?" Hamura said.

Following his family and friends, Hamura asked about the members of the branch family, the current situation of the main family and the branch family.

Originally, it was Hamura who asked, and Hinata who answered, but gradually it became that Hamura kept silent, and Hinata talked about his ideals and practices with eloquence.

Use the will of fire to pull out the concept of Konoha Village, and then talk about the differences between yourself and the previous generation of Hokage, from point to surface, expanding to the class division of the entire earth.

Why do wars continue and have not stopped for thousands of years?

The power is so strong that it is easy to destroy the moon or the earth. Hamura, who is so powerful, has never deeply involved family and family, village and village, country and country, and issues between classes, so he listened with gusto.

"Before my mother, the earth was in a state of constant war. It was my mother who ended the war and brought peace by herself." Hamura said: "You know what happened after that."

"Like my brother, I don't want to see a single individual possessing absolute power, without the power to check and balance, it is very dangerous."

"Our situation is different from yours." Hinata said: "Naruto, Sasuke and I are very good friends. We are a family. If there is any difficulty, we will not choose to fight it alone, but we will face it together."

That's right, Hamura was silent.

Back then, if the mother had confessed to the two brothers and the three of them worked together, would there be any difficulties that could not be overcome, and what enemies would not be defeated?
"As for checks and balances, it's not easy? Me, Naruto, and Sasuke are each other's checks and balances." Hinata said: "If I want to do something outrageous, the two of them will definitely not allow it, and vice versa."

Thinking of Asura's fraternity, Hamura nodded secretly.

"I want to see the Konoha Village you mentioned with my own eyes," Hamura said.

"What do you think?" Hinata was puzzled. The next moment, she was stunned to find that she appeared outside the earth's atmosphere and floated here as if her soul had come out of her body.

Not far away is the old and aged Yumura. It is worth mentioning that there are nine more Taoist jade behind Yumura, arranged in an S-shape.

"I would like to trouble you to show me the way," Hamura said.

Hinata controlled her emotions, looked down at the earth, first found out the country of fire, and then determined the location of Konoha.

With a flash in front of her eyes, Hinata, who pointed in the right direction, found that she had already appeared in Konoha Village, and the pedestrians coming and going passed by herself and Hamura, unable to touch each other.

"There are so many people." Hamura sighed, compared with thousands of years ago, the number of human beings in this era has increased by an unknown number of times.

Passiveness is not Hinata's style. She let go of her thoughts about Hamura's power and said, "How about going to see the school first? This is related to the new generation."

"Okay, please show me the way." Hamura said.

"Here, take this road, turn left at the next intersection, and..." Hinata said.

This is my home field, and of course Hinata knows how to introduce it to her best advantage. Before going to the ninja school, I can drop by and introduce the layout and structure of the village.

Hamura watched and listened casually, without expressing his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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