Chapter 167 Unlimited Resurrection Benefits (Subscribe)
Sending a shadow clone to the root organization to understand what happened in the past two days, Hinata dived headlong into Huangquan Hirazaka, and came to the Shiqiu space dominated by Tianzhi Yuzhong and belonging to Kaguya.

This is the core space of the Heavenly Palace, and from here, Kaguya can mobilize the chakra of the person controlled by Infinity Tsukiyomi for his own use.

Turning around and finding nothing, Hinata went through Huangquan Hirazaka to the ice and snow space connected to the first ball space.

The sky is cold and the snow is fluttering. Using the Heavenly Control Center can control the natural environment in this different space to a certain extent.

Hinata flew very high, and saw a castle built on a snow mountain from a distance, she flew over curiously to check, the castle was old for a long time, and some places had decayed, including the statue of Kaguya in the castle.

Walking around, looking around, getting familiar with the space that already belonged to her own territory, and then, Hinata left her footprints in lava space, sand space, and supergravity space one after another.

The lava space is an endless mass of volcanoes and magma.

Sand space is an endless desert.

The supergravity space is very interesting, it is also endless, and the supergravity here is automatically adjusted according to the strength of the person involved. The stronger the strength, the greater the gravity that oppresses the body.

This is also a matter of course, otherwise there is no way to explain it.

You must know that in the plot, the supergravity that can make Kaguya, Naruto, Sasuke, and the three immobile, but Obito and Kakashi can trot.

Obito has been baptized by the power of the Six Paths, and his physique is quite different. That's all. Kakashi is an ordinary elite jonin without any bloodlines. Why can he run?

"You can let the students of the Ninja Military Academy come here for training on a regular basis." Hinata thought that she would forget about it by herself, and would not easily come to the hypergravity space again.

The strength is too strong, and the supergravity that oppresses her body makes her exert all her strength, but she can barely lift her arms, half-sit up with support, and cannot stand, let alone walk and run.

The last strong acid space, inside is a sea completely made of strong acid, it can be said to be the place with the worst environment.

Except for Hinata, who can go in and swim in it without injury, everyone else will end up being corroded, either dead or injured.

Returning to the first ball space, Hinata moved her hands and feet, hit the air, and used the newly acquired various abilities to adapt to the soaring power, while conceiving in her mind how to use the Heavenly Control Center reasonably.

She is not in her strongest state yet, but after using Infinite Monthly Reading, she will be at her strongest when she absorbs the chakras of everyone and gathers them together.

Therefore, while expanding the population, how to allow more people to refine chakra, practice, and how to increase the strength of more people has become the top priority for Hinata.

Not only for humans, but also for animals.

Looking for animal cubs that can extract chakra, and then carefully cultivate them into ninja beasts for sale. On the earth, many people are doing this business and eating this bowl of rice.

After the animals have extracted chakra, after a period of training, the improvement of combat effectiveness is the basis. Individuals can even speak, and their IQs have skyrocketed.

In short, ninjas and ninja beasts have to work together.

Unlimited Moon Reading is the most powerful hole card, which can be used without, but the powerful ninjas and powerful ninja beasts that go with it cannot be without.

It took about an hour to get used to it, and it felt almost done. Hinata returned to the earth, and from the memory fed back from the shadow clone, she learned about the events that happened during the two days when she was not there.

Sand hidden village, grass ninja village, long ninja village, rain ninja village, and some small ninja villages that are not well-known, are active outside, and the hired rebel ninjas are attacking Konoha ninja together.

Yunyin Village is powerless, and Lei Zhiguo's daimyo is paying Renren to make trouble.

The fourth generation of Mizukage, who was controlled by Obito in Wuyin Village, was persecuted miserably with the Blood Mist Transformation, and he was also powerless.

It has not been a day or two since the daimyo of the land of water wanted land. According to intelligence, Terumi Mei, the fifth Mizukage of the new jominin, was scolded by the daimyo of the land of water.

In addition, it was supposed to be Kage who sent Naruto and Sasuke back and forth between the front line and Konoha with the Flying Raijin technique, fought and experienced on the front line, and ate and slept at home. Now it has become Minato who personally uses Flying Raijin to pick up Naruto.

"Master Hinata, since yesterday, many foreigners have been asking us about the resurrection of the fourth generation. Among them, people from the Uchiha and Senju clans are the most frequent." The branch maid said.

Lin was brought to earth, and Kakashi protected it very well.

Dressing style, dress has been modified to a certain extent, her reputation is not very big, not many people know her, even if they know her, they can't recognize her.

Therefore, it has been several months since Lin was resurrected, and there has been no movement.

Minato is different. He served as the Fourth Hokage, was born as a commoner, and is so powerful that the enemy village issued an order that he could choose to give up if he encountered Minato during the mission.

The strong reputation is extraordinary.

Even though Minato wore an animal mask to cover it up, he still couldn't hide it well, and was quickly recognized by acquaintances, and then caused an uproar among the high-level people and among the various families.

"If it were me, I would be so concerned about this matter that I couldn't sleep." Hinata said: "In the future, everyone in the Hyuga clan will have unlimited resurrection privileges."

"At the same time, every five years, a tradable resurrection quota will be obtained. How to sell it is up to the parties themselves to decide. After the review, if there is no problem, they will be resurrected."

"No no! Unlimited resurrection!" The branch maid who was taking a pen to record what Hinata said was dumbfounded.

"Really?" One of the guards standing by, an elderly aunt, couldn't help but said, "Well, Master Hinata, the bodies of my husband and eldest daughter have already decayed. Can?"

"Of course." Hinata said: "As long as part of the body tissue of the person concerned is preserved, if there are no bones left, then I can't help it."

"Master Hinata, my sister has been dead for almost 20 years, can this also be resurrected?"


"Master Hinata, my parents, grandfather and grandmother, can you also..."

"As I said, all members of the Hyuga clan can be revived unlimited times. By the way, it's not free, you have to pay."

The guards surrounded Hinata asking questions, chattering, talking non-stop, thinking of family reunion, thinking of seeing family members who had died for many years, no one could calm down.

Soon, the news spread among the Hyuga family, and it was further spread to more foreigners by the married couple and the foreigners who married into the Hyuga family.

The crowd was in an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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