Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 179 The Land of Fire, Included

Chapter 179 The Land of Fire, Included (Subscribe)

Knowing that after her, her grandfather went to see her uncle and beat him up, Hinata clicked her lips, and immediately felt that the ice cream in her hand became more delicious, and she licked it in small bites.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the deadline agreed with the daimyo arrived.

After reading today's schedule, Hinata patiently waited until noon.

While eating lunch, he opened his right eye Tenseiken, and Pai's invisible space projection appeared in the capital city of the Land of Fire in the blink of an eye at a moving speed comparable to the speed of light in phantom mode.

Entering the castle located in the center of this big city, I saw the daimyo who was dressed formally and sat upright, who had been waiting here for a long time.

"What's your answer?"

Hearing Hinata's voice, Daimyo perked up, cheered up, and looked closely.

Then, under his gaze, Hinata's space projection exited the stealth state, still unable to touch the material interface, and at the same time, the phantom mode that he could not touch the material interface appeared in front of Daimyo's eyes, floating in mid-air .

"At this point, do I still have a choice?" The daimyo said with a self-deprecating smile, "I can fully cooperate with you, but I hope you can keep your word and not hurt me and my people."

If the green hills are left, there is no need to worry about no firewood.

Compared to being beheaded and killed, being imprisoned in Konoha Prison and working for free until death.

If you agree to cooperate, you can still keep one-twentieth of your assets, and your own people will be safe and sound. With this foundation, even if you can't make a comeback, you can still live a comfortable life.

With proper management, he may not be able to overthrow the rule of ninjas and regain power in the future, but he will not see it in his own lifetime, so he can only hope that such a genius who can set things right will emerge from his descendants.

"A wise choice." Hinata said, and at the same time, Hinata, who was having dinner at home, informed the senior management of the daimyo's reply.

Soon, a group of branch members who had mastered the Flying Thunder God technique were teleported to the capital of the Land of Fire to meet the daimyo.

"This is Your Excellency's schedule for the next quarter."

"Regarding the assets of Your Excellency Daming, this is the result of our investigation. Please take a look to see if there are any omissions."

"Your Excellency, the guardian ninja can be disbanded, and we will protect your safety later."

"Your Majesty..."

"Big name..."

What to say, what to do, the arrangement is very full. For this, the daimyo, who had been psychologically prepared, acted as a good puppet with a blank face, and was controlled by the Hinata family.

On the other hand, after Hinata finished her meal, the branch maid brought a form, which was completed under the daimyo's answering questions.

There are 24 more gold exchanges, [-] banks, and other private collections of gold and silver treasures, antique calligraphy and paintings, and there are countless.

Hinata nodded in satisfaction, and said: "The gold exchange and the bank must take it. For the rest, everyone can take whatever they like, and finally leave one-twentieth of the total value to the daimyo."

"Yes." The branch maid ran away in a hurry.

Hinata closed her eyes, recalling the ninja world map engraved in her memory.

The Kingdom of Fire has already been firmly in the pocket, and next is the Kingdom of Thunder, which is difficult to recover in a short period of time after a hemorrhage, followed by the Kingdom of Earth, and then many small countries around it.

In this way, the mainland is under control.

The remaining two big countries, the country of wind in the desert, and the country of water overseas, have very bad geographical locations and environments.

But relying on his mysterious and unpredictable power of the Six Paths, no matter how bad the environment is, he can transform it into a place suitable for people to live in.

"Unify the ninja world, put an end to the consumption of population by war, introduce various benefits, and encourage everyone to have more children." Hinata thought to herself.

"Find a way to make ordinary people who are born unable to refine chakra able to refine chakra."

"Before the population explodes on a large scale, agriculture and animal husbandry must be strengthened, and the issue of food is the most important."

"The problem of living, with my strength, I can build cities on the seabed, including underground cities, and big cities floating in the air."

I have thought a lot from the beginning to the end, and I have made it clear in my heart what to do in the follow-up plan, so that I know it well. This is what Hinata does every day.

Meditate repeatedly.

Stand on the sidelines and see if there is a problem.

From the perspective of the person involved, see if it is acceptable.

From the perspective of all classes and industries, we can see whose interests are being harmed by such actions.

After going through these things in her mind, Hinata happily slipped back to the top floor, the living room of her home, flung herself on the sofa, and lay there comfortably.

Rip open a bag of potato chips and watch the latest movie while snacking.

This is not being lazy, the shadow clone has been busy saying that when the shadow clone disappears, memory and fatigue will be added to her, which means she is doing it.

With the blessing of the giant Tenseikan, especially the super-useful ability of space projection, the intelligence network of the Anbu and Gen organization is even more powerful.

Except for inspections and meetings, the shadow clone spends most of its time at the root organization base, reading and grasping the latest information.

Hinata House seldom goes out at home, which does not affect her understanding of various trends in the ninja world.

For some people and things that she cares about, she will personally use space projection, go incognito to observe the scene, eavesdrop and peek openly.

Time, under such an orderly development, moved forward slowly, and came to the 60th year of Konoha, which is the time node at the beginning of the plot according to the original trajectory.

Hinata, Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Sakura, and Ino, including the other six girls who were born as commoners with Sakura, graduated early, and the other students participated in the graduation assessment of Ninja this year.

Konoha's business model has changed, so naturally it can no longer use the old way, Jōnin, Chunin, a lot of affairs entangled, how can there be time to bring new people?
There is no longer a Jonin or a Chunin.

These ninjas who have successfully graduated from the ninja school after passing the written test and survival exercises, decide which department to enter according to their own specialties and wishes, and participate in the work as interns.

Until you have accumulated enough experience to be able to stand alone.

Hinata is very concerned about the new generation, so he specially sends space projections to various departments, hides aside, observes these ninjas who have just come out of ninja school at close range, and observes their attitudes towards work.

There is no one who is lazy and fishes, everyone is very serious, very careful, and very attentive to learning.

From running errands to running errands, asking seniors whenever they find an opportunity, there are even little clever ghosts who secretly give gifts to seniors.

It is understandable, after all, this is an iron rice bowl for a lifetime. If the Hinata family does not fail, they can continue to eat. No one is a fool. Even if the child does not understand, the parents will let the child understand.

After observing, Hinata nodded in satisfaction.

Anyway, self-motivated is a good thing.

A salty fish who lacks self-motivation and gets by, can do her job well, as long as she doesn't give her a vegetarian meal and neglect her duties, she is good.

(End of this chapter)

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