Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 188 New Welfare of Hyuga 1 Clan, Illusion Trial (Subscribe)

Chapter 188 New Welfare of the Hyuga Clan, Illusion Trial (Subscribe)

The addition of Yuyi made Konoha even more powerful, which greatly relieved the pressure on Hamura. The two brothers cooperated to protect the stability of the Fire Kingdom with ease.

Seeing through the true meaning of chakra can be called a mobile lie detector. You can tell whether you have lied, Hagoromo, Hamura, just by listening.

Coupled with the eyes of reincarnation and Tenseiken's perfect peeping of memories, it is many times superior to the mind reading skills of the mountain clan. No spies, undercover agents, or spies in any village can fool them.

Before you actually launched the sabotage operation against Konoha, your plan has been clearly seen. May I ask, is there any possibility of success?
"What's the progress?" Moyou asked.

"I give up, don't! Don't rush to do it! Listen to me!" You Dalian said hastily.

"I dated him four times before and after, and the other party didn't even accept gifts. The conversation was very happy, but after learning about my strength, it was over."

"Actually, it didn't work at the beginning. They have a partner, a boyfriend. If my sister didn't come forward to help me make an appointment, I wouldn't even have the chance to have a meal with him."

"If you were a girl from the Hyuga family, who had a high social status, had no worries about food and clothing, and was sought after by many people, ask yourself, would you fall in love with me?"

Moyou was silent, she couldn't help letting go of the hand holding her brother's ear, and sighed: "Oh, well, it's my imagination."

In her eyes, her younger brother is only good-looking, poor in academic performance, poor in strength, and can't do housework. How can he compare to those competitors?

The siblings took the elevator up to the sixteenth floor. You Da walked behind the elder sister, looking around, dazzled: "This carpet, this decoration, this lampstand, this vase, this arrangement, how much does it cost!"

"If you can catch up with a girl from Hyuga's family and marry her in, it's not just a place to stay, but also benefits that your heart can't bear." Moyou said casually, walked to the door of her own house, and opened the door with the key.

Youda noticed two women lying on the sofa who were applying facial masks and reading novels at the same time, and knew that it was her brother-in-law who married two other wives besides her sister.

One is from the Mountain Clan and the other is from the Thousand Hands Clan. Both of them gave birth to a child for their brother-in-law, but I don't know how my sister gets along with these two people.

Considering that my sister has the strength of Jonin, it is impossible to suffer and be wronged no matter what, Yuda didn't look at it, and followed her sister into the bedroom.

"See the branch protruding from that wall?" Moyou said, "Grab it and put chakra into it."

Youda obeyed: "Ah! This branch can move!"

"Don't interrupt the Chakra input." Moyou said.

"Oh." Yuda nodded, and continued to input chakra into the branch.

The branches are growing and extending, like a snake, running up Yuda's arm, wrapping around his limbs and head.

Suddenly, Yuda tilted his head and lost consciousness.

After two hours, the branches let go and retreated back to their original length.

Moyou, who was lying on the bed applying a facial mask and reading a novel, immediately sat up when she heard the movement: "How do you feel?"

"This is me?" Youda was in a daze.

"Only the Hyuga Clan and the students of the Ninja Military Academy can go to the trials and practice in the different world." Mo You said, "Especially in that super-gravity space, the cultivation efficiency is super good, but it's a pity that you can't go. "

"There are not so many restrictions on this illusion trial now. It can be used by family members or rented out to outsiders."

"Trial of illusion?" You was stunned, and said in disbelief: "You mean that the place I was in before was an illusion! It's so real, how could it be an illusion!"

"You ask me, who do I ask." Mo You said: "Your brother-in-law has inquired with the higher-ups in the clan, and I only know that this is the handwriting of the eldest lady, no matter how much it is, I won't know."

"First of all, there is no problem with safety. You can rest assured about this, otherwise the eldest lady will not let the clansmen use it."

"As long as you pay some chakra, you can fight all kinds of ninjas in the illusion trial. It's the most realistic experience."

"Will not be life-threatening, and can hone combat experience and combat skills. Is there a better choice than this?"

It's not that if you have a lot of chakra and powerful ninjutsu, you won't lose. Combat experience and combat skills are extremely important indicators.

"It's not just fighting, you can also practice ninjutsu in the illusion trial. The consciousness is first proficient, and then gradually affects the body. In short, there are many benefits." Moyou said.

In the illusion trial, the dead will be resurrected immediately, and the chakra can be refined endlessly. Yuda, who has experienced these, deeply agrees with what his sister said.

"Since it's an illusion, then the so-called two days is also fake?" Youda said.

"One hour in reality is equivalent to one day in the illusion trial." Mo You said: "The above stipulates that a person can stay in the illusion trial for a maximum of two days a day. After the expiration, the illusion will be released."

"Unbelievable." Yuda sighed.

"Xiao Rui and other children of the same age are practicing in a different world." Mo You said, "When he comes back, I will let him use this to enhance his combat experience and improve his combat skills. You too, spend two hours a day come over."

"If I'm not at home, just call your brother-in-law and ask him to pick you up. If your brother-in-law is not free...just call the two people outside. Here are their phone numbers. Please write it down."

Youda wrote it down silently. Before leaving, he said to his sister: "Can I trouble you to make an appointment for me?"

"En?" Mo You was stunned.

"It's too early to give up now. I still have a chance to succeed until she actually gets married. I want to try again." Youda said.

"That's how it should be!" Mo You happily jumped up from the bed, and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of failure, it doesn't matter if I'm underestimated, as long as I can succeed in chasing him, no matter how much effort I put in, it's worth it."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help reminding: "I can warn you, you must never use despicable means or force it."

"I haven't lived enough yet." Youda was speechless.

The uncle of the eldest lady of the Zong family was arrested and imprisoned in Konoha Prison just because he wanted to force a married woman.

He is so ruthless to his own family members. If foreigners want to force and use despicable means to target members of the Hyuga clan, it is hard to imagine what kind of punishment they will face.

The same scene happened in the families of foreigners who married or married into the Nizu family.

As the instigator of all this, after observing for a week, Hinata found that everything was normal, so she confidently entrusted the task of maintaining the operation of the illusion trial to the sacred tree and the Jiugouyu reincarnation eye at the center of her eyebrows.

In the two, there is the independent consciousness given by her, and the operation is carried out according to the set rules, and she does not need to stare at it all the time, which is very worry-free.

(End of this chapter)

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