Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 192 Acquired the Chakradan Refining Technology (Subscription required)

Chapter 192 Acquired the Chakradan Refining Technology (Subscription required)
In front of Hinata, Naruto created a red chakra chain. This chain had an autonomous consciousness, and flew forward to tie her tightly. The other end of the chain was in Naruto's hand.

It was at this time that the gray-white world returned to its original color, the time-stop ended, and time continued to move forward, finishing the last two seconds.

After receiving the reminder, one of the five immunity rights will be deducted automatically, and the remaining four times, Hinata asked, "How do I get this time-stop ability?"

"The big tube wooden peach pose sometimes stops, but this move consumes a lot of chakra, and his chakra strength cannot be used at will." Naruto said.

"When he arrives, you can get Shiding by refining him into Chakradane and taking it. After that, you have to go to Otsukimoto's family to get it."

"Time stops, time speeds up, time goes backwards, and travels back and forth between the past and the future. Some are used for oneself, some are used for others, and some are used for the world. There are many types."

"This is the planetary coordinates of Otsutsukimoto's family."

"You have to eat at least ten chakra fruits from the sacred tree before you can try to hit these marginal planets. Before that, don't be too far away from the earth, don't go wandering in other different spaces, in case of bad luck, touch If you go to Otsutsukimoto's house, you will die miserably."

For Naruto's complex coordinate map of different spaces drawn by Chakra, Hinata just took a look at it and remembered it in his heart: "Those seniors in my list also said that there are ten. If you eat the tenth Chakra fruit of the sacred tree, it is Has there been any qualitative change?"

"Each one more fruit of the sacred tree is a qualitative change." Naruto said.

"The reason why there are ten is simply that the strongest of Otsutsukimoto's family planets in these marginal positions are at this level. If they are below this level, they will die if they match."

"Eat enough of ten sacred tree fruits, and then use the infinite monthly reading to gather the chakras of many lives, 100% can win the Otsutsukimoto family of the same level."

"Thank you for your clarification." Hinata said earnestly, "This has helped me a lot, thank you very much."

"We are not on the same list, there is no conflict other than competition." Naruto said.

"It's nothing more than a little effort. When I was a newcomer, I received help from others. When I meet newcomers in the future, please help them as much as you can."

"Definitely." Hinata said, and found that the world was collapsing, disintegrating, and disappearing, she hurriedly said: "I'm curious about how Chakradan is refined, can you let me see it? "

"Simple." Naruto smiled slightly: "Xue Ji Snare and Reincarnation Eye, you can refine Chakladan if you meet these two prerequisites."

He raised his right hand, consumed his own chakra, and refined four chakra pills in the blink of an eye.

"There are four types of chakradan, each corresponding to an effect, which is healing, temporary burst of chakra, prolonging life, and enhancing strength."

"Extending lifespan is effective for everyone. How long it can be extended depends on the Chakra consumed and the user's own physique."

"The same is true for strengthening strength. The specific degree depends on how much chakra is consumed. The most important thing is the user's physique, or potential, which has a lot to do with these."

"If this person's potential is only Chunin, you can't let him eat more than this level of Chakradan, a little bit more is death."

"I see, I see." Hinata said.

"Goodbye." Naruto waved.

Just like when he came, the white light filled his eyes, making him unable to see anything. When the white light dissipated, Hinata suddenly found himself back in her parallel world.

In the empty Konoha Mountain, there is a big pit there, and time is still there.

Noticing that there was a 10-minute countdown in the window, Hinata seized the time to replant the sacred tree. The branches of the sacred tree extended outward, penetrating into the building of the Hyuga clan like a network cable, and reaching into every household.

Repair the broken places and restore everything to the way it was when it was good.

There were still 24 minutes left in the clock, Hinata went home, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and summed up the gains of the trip.

Judging from the information obtained by Naruto's traveler, the earth is super important and must not be lost.

Strength is divided by the number of fruits of the sacred tree eaten.

"My left eye, the Nine Gouyu Eye of Reincarnation, is the power gifted by Yuyi, and the Nine Gouyu Reincarnation Eye between my eyebrows belongs to Kaguya's eye."

Hinata's current strength is very strong, but seriously, she is still not as good as someone who has eaten a fruit of the sacred tree.

The most distinctive feature of eating the fruit of the sacred tree is that it is like Kaguya, immortal, immortal, and can't be killed no matter what, it can only be sealed.

And Hinata, as a ten-tailed jinchuriki, can be killed. Once the ten-tails are taken away, she will undoubtedly die.

Conventional means, including the inflated Dao-seeking jade, the ultimate mystery that can wipe out the body and soul of the six-level powerhouse, and even destroy the world, have no effect on people who have eaten a fruit of the sacred tree.

The only thing that can work and kill those who have eaten the fruit of the sacred tree is the chakradan refining ability. Of course, the premise is that you subdue the opponent so that the opponent has no ability to resist.

Even if the other party does not resist, if the strength of each other is too different, the chakra fruit refining ability will not be effective.

"The point is the fruit of the sacred tree." Hinata thought.

Trick newcomers into taking the bait in the barrage of the same leaderboard.

Win the competition.

Attack the Otsutsukimoto family.

All of this is to obtain the fruit of the divine tree.

Hinata is better than the Naruto traveler in that the parallel world she lives in, Earth, is not destroyed, and she is the only super excellent in the comprehensive score, ranking No.1, enjoying the best benefits.

Five immunities ensured that she could get through the early stage safely.

The earth's energy is strengthened and lifted, forming an effect similar to a perpetual motion machine.

As long as you survive, as long as your ranking is not lost, the energy of the earth will be continuously produced and supplied to the sacred tree, so that the sacred tree can grow, and eventually, it will bear the fruit of chakra.

Not only the energy of the earth, but also many ninjas voluntarily sealed up Chakra, and the resulting ninja coins piled up, which is also a very scary number.

"As the base camp, the earth needs to be managed more properly."

Thinking of the four big countries and the many small and medium-sized countries that are still jumping around, I don’t know that the times have changed.

There are also those nobles, merchants, who keep a large number of ninjas in captivity, treat ninjas as slaves, and engage in life-and-death struggles in private for profit and fun, Hinata squinted.

With Yuyi, Yumura works in the dark department, checking for leaks and filling in vacancies, the possibility of accidents is infinitely reduced, and there are more people who can be sent to other places with free hands.

"It's time to speed up the progress." Hinata said to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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