Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 200 Pu Shi: The Guy Who Gets in the Way (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 200 Pu Shi: The Guy Who Gets in the Way (Please Subscribe)

An unknown space with no signs of life.

Bang bang bang!
In less than two rounds of hand-to-hand combat, Urashiki's fishing rod was shattered by Hinata's lion fist.

"Bowei God." Hinata's left eye widened. The chakra and pupil power were consumed at the same time. The crimson chakra chains that had been made in advance and stored appeared out of nowhere, dexterous like a snake, binding Pu Shi tightly .

At the same time, ten red long knives pierced Pu Shi in no particular order.

Pu Shi's body turned into a few red paper cranes again, and fled away.

"The ability to fight is not very good, but the ability to escape is really powerful." Hinata put away the chakra chain and chakra long knife.

"However, every time you use this trick, your pupil power will be extremely consumed. With your remaining pupil power, how long can you escape?"

After a little induction, Hinata opened the Underworld Hirazaka, and stepped into it one step at a time.


Urashiki, who came back here again, rushed towards Hyuga's building immediately.

"It takes at least a week for the plow to cool down. It is not advisable to keep running away. If the ten tails can't be collected, the other scattered chakras will be collected first. The sacred tree planted in the back mountain is also very important."

To achieve this, hostages are essential.

No better than the noble Datongmu, who ignored his feelings and was extremely indifferent.

These poor inferior beings still place a lot of emphasis on feelings. When their strength is not as good as the opponent's, it is necessary to use this rationally.

The sudden blow caught Pu Shi by surprise, and he flew upside down for a certain distance, still floating in the sky, frowning and looking ahead.

Nothing, what hit him just now?

"Who allowed you to approach this building." Standing by the balcony, Kage glared at Urashiki angrily: "Master Hinata just left, you came here, are you playing tricks?"

"Samsara Eye..." Seeing Ying, Pu Shi immediately realized that it was the ability of the Samsara Eye that attacked him just now, no wonder Bai Yan couldn't see it, so he immediately opened the Samsara Eye.

Now I can clearly see the colorless figure floating in the air, the image is consistent with the shadow.

"White eyes! Reincarnation eyes!" Seeing Pu Shi's image, dressing style, and Pu Shi's eyes, everything is different from the people on the earth, and I think of the aliens that my mother said, and the aliens His brows were wrinkled and powerful.

She has confidence in her own strength, and she doesn't think that she will lose if she fights alone.

But if the alien escaped because of her own bravery, even if her mother didn't say anything, she couldn't forgive herself. Aliens are something that my mother cares about very much.

After thinking a lot in a short moment, Kage took a deep breath, separated into two shadow clones, and used the Flying Thunder God technique to notify the two old ancestors, Yuyi and Yumura, respectively.

There are many shadow clones of the ancestor, but she doesn't know which body is or where.

"Who are you?" Shadow said.

Urashiki ignored Rikage, and continued to approach the Hyuga House building, avoiding the round tomb prison blocking the way.

Seeing this, Yingshun rushed forward, suddenly, a dark hole opened in front of her, she just rushed in, Urashi immediately closed Huangquan Hirazaka.

In the living room on the top floor where Hinata lived, Ying appeared here out of thin air, but it was just at the nick of time, she used the Flying Thunder God technique to jump here before Huangquan Biliangsaka was closed.

Huang Quan Hirasaka, who has personally experienced the mother, naturally she is not unaware of the effect of this move.

Without the time and space ability to cross different spaces, it is difficult to come back after being sent to other different spaces. The Art of Flying Thunder God can only jump and shuttle freely in the current space, and does not have the ability to cross boundaries.

"Don't lie on the balcony and watch, it's dangerous." After leaving these words, Ying quickly rushed out of the balcony and went straight to Pushi.

It is best to be able to take down the aliens alone, even if it is not possible, the aliens must be held back until the arrival of the two ancestors.

Hearing that there was danger, Ziyuan shrank her neck, and hurried back, the cat was under the table.

Ino hesitated for a while, but when she heard the roar and collision outside, and the large number of sparks shining under the night, she went back decisively, and hid under the table like Zi Yuan.

"The guy who gets in the way!" Urashiki was annoyed, there wasn't much time left for him, this brat, who was the same as Hinata Hinata's, with completely different Chakra reactions, was still bothering him, damn it.

Not long after, Chakra, the main body of the two brothers Yuyi and Yumura, arrived.

"Is this an alien?" Hamura looked at Urashiki curiously, and compared Urashiki with his mother.

"Chakra's reaction is very unique." Yuyi said, looking at Ying: "Hinata hasn't come back yet?"

"No." Ying shook his head, staring at Urashiki: "I was in the first prison, but a shadow clone working in the enchantment class disappeared, and the memory came back, saying that it was Master Hinata's Chakra The reaction went away."

"I immediately went home and asked Ino, she was a friend of Hinata-sama, but she couldn't explain clearly, Hinata-sama didn't say anything, and suddenly disappeared."

"Not long after, he appeared. No matter what you think, Master Hinata's whereabouts are all related to him!"

"It may also be a misunderstanding. No matter how you say it, do your best and never let him escape. At that time, you will have your own answer." Yuyi said immediately.

In the night sky, it was like fireworks blooming, and it happened near the tallest Hyuga House building in Konoha Village, which was extremely eye-catching.

The four lights, like shooting stars, flew straight out of Muye Village, and hit heavily on a big mountain at the end of the line of sight.

Under the stunned gaze of many ninjas, villagers, outsiders, and Ronin, the mountain collapsed and collapsed on the spot, and countless gravel, dust, and trees were lifted high.

The aftermath of the earthquake struck, and the distance was far away, so it didn't have much impact on Konoha.

In the first prison, the third generation subconsciously raised his hand to take a couple of puffs of a cigarette, but only when his hand was near his mouth did he remember his current situation, how could there be any cigarettes to smoke.

"The various families were just assigned out, and they were attacked that day. Who do you think would do it?" said the third generation.

"The high-level people of Yanyin Village, the high-level people of Shayin Village, the high-level people of Yunyin Village, and the high-level people of Wuyin Village have all been locked in." Danzo frowned, puzzled.

"The power of Da Ninja Village has been disintegrated and shattered. It stands to reason that no one should be able to resist. It is only right to have the courage to attack the Hyuga family."

"If there is such a strong force, it can bypass the investigation of the Anbu and the root organization. Why has there been no movement before? Did you take action at this time?"

"It's becoming more and more incomprehensible, this ninja world." Sandai sighed.

Danzo didn't answer the call, and watched the movement in the distance through the narrow window.

Suddenly, he saw a huge sphere that was growing in size and soon surpassed the previous mountain floating in the air. He couldn't help but said hoarsely: "I really don't understand it."

(End of this chapter)

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