Chapter 28 The True Value of This Money (For Collection)
A week later.


Naruto was lying by the window, looking at the snow outside in a daze, and he was thinking of the white-eyed elder sister who took care of him carefully and tenderly when he had a cold and a fever, felt uncomfortable all over, and was bored.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Naruto rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was dazzled and misread, but who knew that he was not mistaken, and that was what really happened.

An ancient old house with a simple shape and a sense of time, rising from the ground, leaping from roof to roof.

As the distance got closer, Naruto finally saw the truth of the old house's movement. It was actually carried by dozens of people on their shoulders.

"!!" He went up to the roof in a hurry, and watched the old house, carried by dozens of people, and under the guard of dozens of other people, quickly marched towards the entrance of the village.

Naruto was dumbfounded.

At the gate of Muye Village, people came and went. Suddenly, as if the pause button was pressed, everyone froze in place. Soon, after reacting, they quickly spread out to the left and right to make room for fear of being hit. .

Uchiha Fugaku, who knew about this in advance, was still shocked and lost his voice when he actually saw such a scene.

The other Uchiha Jonin, one counts as one, all have exactly the same performance.

I have seen people in cars, people carrying sedan chairs, this kind of people carrying houses, this is the first time in my life.

"Princess's row is not that big!" Fuyue came back to his senses, squeezed himself, and said to the Uchiha tribe with sideways eyes: "There is no daimyo either! That guy Nizuzu really dotes on his daughter."

"Is this okay? The goal is so big, and there are so many Chunin with us. We are going fishing, not playing." A Uchiha tribe said dissatisfied.

"Is there any way." Fu Yue sighed: "The money has been spent, and I don't worry about his daughter at home. I proposed to take his daughter with me. If I don't bring his daughter, he won't come, and I will lose a part of Jonin."

"Then there's no need to bring so many other people. Many of them are elderly, and they look older than my parents." The youngest Uchiha Jonin, who was present, complained.

"I heard from Rizu that his daughter is very good at eating, and these are basically all for her food." Fuyue said.

"Looking at it from another perspective, with these people in charge of taking care of them, Jonin can free up his hands and not be tied down by other things, which is more conducive to our actions."

The house stopped, Hizuru pulled the door out, got used to the warmth inside, and suddenly went outside, it was so cold that he couldn't help shivering: "We're not late, are we?"

"Ten minutes earlier." Fu Yue said with a smile.

"That's good." Rizu said.

Can't help but look around, there are quite a few of the branch family ninja who are responsible for carrying the house, and the rest of the branch family members who are carrying huge scrolls and guarding the house, and they are even older than him.

Let the young people in the village continue to be busy in the shops that sell everything from ice cream in name to everything.

Focus on the older middle-aged and elderly people, let these people who have suffered for half their lives continue to work hard without paying a penny.

The daughter's oppression and oppression of the division made him, a father, amazed.

"Let's come as planned?" Rizu said after a moment of silence.

Fuyue nodded, took the [-] Jōnin from the clan, and set off first, heading towards the west.

Rizu rubbed his hands together: "Let's go."

The people who carried the house had a tacit understanding and left the village entrance with a stable body and mind, heading south.

"Richa, you should come in too, it's too cold outside." Rizu said.

Riji, who was also carrying a large scroll, shook his head and said, "Thank you brother, no need, I need to adapt to this environment and be ready for battle at any time."

Seeing this, Rizu smiled, said nothing more, turned around, and got into the room.

Rizai wiped the fine sweat off his face, he didn't dare to sit in the house carried by the 63 Hidden Jōnin.

Passing through the Konoha Forest and stepping into the wider Fire Country Forest, the two families that were separated at the entrance of the village met here. There were three more people in Uchiha's team. They left the village one day in advance and were on standby. The name is Zhongren.

"They are the bait this time." Fu Yue introduced.

Hizuru nodded, unexpectedly found that Fugaku's eldest son, Uchiha Itachi was also among them.

"Come here, remember the appearance of these three people." Rizu said: "Next, while they are acting as bait, you will be stared at by me. If any suspicious target approaches, you must report it immediately."

Including the day's difference, Jonin, the nominal branch family, obediently obeyed.

"Open the enchantment." Rizu said.

The four branched jonin spread out and used enchantment together. A layer of translucent enchantment, like an upside-down bowl, covered everyone. After it stabilized, it changed from translucent to transparent again, invisible to the naked eye. visible.

"With this isolation barrier, the sensory ninja will not be able to detect us. On the contrary, we can clearly see everything nearby with our white eyes." Rizu said.

"The black hands behind the scenes will either not come. Once they appear, they will be kept in safekeeping so that they will never come back."

The true value of the money, Fuyue secretly thought.

Itachi, who had been silent since seeing the old house, carrying the house and the rest of the accompanying people, now relaxed a little with his tense face when he saw the arrangement of the Hyuga family.

No matter how extravagant and wasteful that young lady is, as long as it doesn't affect the fishing operation and can successfully destroy the mastermind against Uchiha, it will be fine.

"Father, let's go." Itachi said.

Fuyue looked at Rizu, and saw that he nodded, indicating that the arrangements had been made. He nodded and said, "Well, be careful."

Itachi and the other two Uchiha Chuunin disappeared into the vast white snow.

Uchiha's people can't see it anymore. The distance, coupled with a large number of trees blocking it, makes Sharingan powerless.

The Branch Family Jonin, who was in charge of monitoring, could see clearly with his white eyes.

In this way, the three Chunin decoys walked in front, covered by the enchantment, and a large number of Chunin who had disappeared followed behind.

"Brace yourselves up. The Jōnin of the Hyuga family lacks long-range attack means, and they are easy to be targeted and unreliable." Fuyue whispered: "It is impossible for the Nichizu clan to take risks. To really make a move, you still have to Look at ourselves."


"I want to see who dares to target us."

"Finally I can avenge my brother!"

"This time, if we set up such a net, unless the black hand behind the scenes has achieved his goal and gives up targeting us, otherwise, he must make the other party pay a heavy price."

"Bless the ancestors, don't let the black hand behind the scenes give up!"

Fu Yue smiled, thinking that if this trip goes well, it will definitely hurt the hands behind the scenes, and even destroy the other party, so he is very happy.

"No matter who you are, what kind of power you are backing, you are dead." Fu Yue secretly said: "If you dare to touch us Uchiha, you will not make it easy, absolutely!"

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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