Chapter 33 Not sick... (for collection)
Hearing Itachi's answer, he was decisive, Fu Yue was stunned for a moment, and then asked the reason.

Itachi offered to borrow a step to speak.

Leaving a word of impoliteness, Fu Yue followed Itachi to a nearby waterfall.

"Speak, beware of Hinata's reading lips through the eyes, don't move your lips, use ventriloquism." Fu Yue opened his lips slightly, using ventriloquist skills to make a sound.

"For so long, the black hands behind the scenes have not appeared, and the suspicion of the Hinata family is not small." Itachi said.

"Before hiring the Hyuga family, our people were killed shortly after they left the village, before they left the country of fire. The actions of our two families are so secretive that it is impossible for outsiders to know and investigate."

"May I ask, under what circumstances would the murderer not appear?"

"I have thought about the problem you mentioned." Fuyue said: "But it doesn't make sense. Why does Rizu dare to target us? What good does it do him? What is his motive?"

The same as Jonin, Uchiha's Jonin, the comprehensive strength is above the Hinata family.

The development of Sharingan is too comprehensive, it was born for fighting. On the other hand, Baiyan, insight, clairvoyance, farsightedness, the focus is on assistance.

If the two families really went to war, the Hinata family would have no chance of winning. In the Warring States Period, the two families had never fought before. Every time, the Hinata family suffered a disastrous defeat and paid huge compensation.

"Of course the Hyuga family doesn't dare to be our enemy, but suppose the Hyuga family has received external support." Itachi said.

"You mean... high-level Konoha!" Fu Yue changed his face.

"I don't think three generations of adults will participate in it." Itachi said: "Maybe it's the opinion of the two consultants, or it may be the meaning of that adult."

Hearing Itachi's defense for the third generation, Fugaku snorted.

"It's very dangerous to make an enemy rashly before finding out who the murderer is," Itachi said.

"The village is the general trend of ninjas. The power of the clan is vulnerable in front of the village. We should take the initiative to rely on the three generations of adults to stabilize the situation and stand firm before thinking about other things."

"Do you think there is a chance that the Hyuga family is behind the scenes?" Fu Yue's eyes flickered.

"It's very simple." Itachi said: "After returning to the village, send a member of the tribe out, and at the same time, keep an eye on all the jonin of the branch family, and the answer can be revealed."

Hearing this, Fuyue didn't hesitate any longer, and made up his mind: "Okay, let's go back now."

If after the verification, the result proves that the Hyuga family is the murderer, thinking of the losses suffered by the Hinata family these days, and being played around by the Hinata family, Fu Yue will be out of anger.

Once it is confirmed that it is the Hinata family, he will make the other party pay a heavy price for whatever he says.

Seeing Fuyue who came back, he made up his mind not to continue, Hizuru sighed.

Knowing that she was going home, Hinata was very happy.

After a year or so of careful recuperation, the mother's body has already returned to health, and it is time to have a second child in its prime. The current time period is just right.

As for why he was happy because he came home, it wasn't because his father didn't want a second child, even though Hinata repeatedly said that his mother was already well and extremely healthy, and his father had never touched her.

For this reason, Hinata specially developed a medicine for his father and secretly put it into his father's wine.

It can only be said that as expected of Jonin, my father's perseverance and sincerity are strong, and he still doesn't want to touch his mother under such uncomfortable circumstances.

Seeing that the medicines brought out were all used up, and he had to go home to continue to take medicine for his father, helping the birth of Hanabi, of course Hinata was happy.

"Nosebleed again! What's wrong with you?" Jian Rizu raised his head and wiped his nose with a tissue, his grandfather frowned and asked with concern.

"I'm not sick, I'm not sick, I'm in good health." Rizu muffled.

"If you are sick, go to the doctor. It is not advisable to avoid the doctor when you are sick." Grandpa said.

Don't look calm on the surface, in fact, Rizuo is very flustered in his heart, how come he has a nosebleed when he is so good?

And recently, his body has been inexplicably hot, and his heart beats very fast. The symptoms are getting worse day by day. He has to use soft fists on himself to seal the chakra point in order to properly relieve it.

"Could it be too much?" She was also worried about her husband's early death, and thought about it.

"Look at you, you force yourself to vomit every meal, eat so many good ingredients with high nutritional value, how can your body withstand it! Hinata, you know a little bit of medical knowledge, what do you think? ?”

Hinata, who was drinking tea, looked up at her father, and said uncertainly, "Uh...maybe..."

"How is it possible! Hinata eats so much every meal, nothing happens at all, I only eat as much as I am alive and kicking." Rizu retorted.

"People's physiques can't be generalized." The grandfather said angrily: "Eat lightly in the future, and go to the hospital for a check-up when you go back. The medical ninja who is separated from the family can't tell. There is a medical ninja in the Konoha Hospital. They should be able to check. Something went wrong."

"It's been said that I'm not sick... I'll be fine after a few days, there's no need to go to the hospital." Rizu said irritably.

Two days later.

Near Muye Village, the two families separated, one in front of the other, and the time to go back was staggered.

Back in the clan, this safe zone, Hinata ran away in a hurry, eager to find medicine.

"If you don't want to be beaten, go to the hospital quickly." Grandpa grabbed Hizuru's sleeve to prevent him from leaving.

"The symptoms of nosebleeds are all relieved, what hospital should I go to?" Rizu shook off his father's hand: "I didn't say it a long time ago, it's because I ate too much good food and made up for my body, just pay attention to my diet in the future. "

"You don't even listen to me!" Grandfather said angrily, "Day Cha, and you guys, come here and take him to the hospital, I still don't believe it, who is in charge of this family!"

"I'll see who dares to move!" Rizu hurriedly said, "Don't forget, I am the patriarch!"

After half an hour.

Konoha Hospital.

"No problem, it's just that, I've been holding it in for too long." Medical Ninja said strangely.

The chakra acupoint was sealed, and he was tied up with five flowers. Rizu, who was tied up on the hospital bed, became agitated when he heard this, and glared angrily: "What did I say! What did I say! I'm not sick! Let me go!"

The grandfather ignored him, but looked at the medical staff, wondering, "Holding for too long? What do you mean?"

"Ahem, it's between husband and wife..." Medically, I can't bear to say it too bluntly, but everyone understands it.

Grandfather was speechless.

Worried and concerned about her husband's health, Zao Wei, who came with her, had a blank mind. After realizing it, she covered her face and ran away.

The Nishi who was in charge of escorting Nizuzu over, and the rest of the sub-family Jōnin, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and it was very hard for them to endure.

On the other side, Hinata, who was buried in a pile of medicinal materials, prepared the medicine as quickly as possible.

"Taking into account the mother's share, and avoiding any protective measures, can be sure." Looking at the two small packets of powder in her hand, and thinking that the birth of her younger sister, Hanabi, is just around the corner, Hinata laughed happily.

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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