Chapter 36 Slogan!Shout! (for collection)
Leaf Village.

Fifth practice field.

With the consent of Hinata earlier, the Separation family spent money to rent this place for a long time, and it was specially used as a training and practice place for the Separation Family.

In addition to the unusable five-element escape technique, others, such as non-attribute ninjutsu, sealing technique, enchantment technique, illusion, medical ninjutsu, body technique, archery, and so on.

Hinata seldom practiced, and she didn't visit the special dojo of the Zong family very much. Today was the first time she came here.

"You said there was a surprise for me, what is it?" Hinata looked at her housekeeper and asked curiously.

"Ryosuke Uchiha, the jounin recorded on the list, seven days ago, [-] hidden jonin secretly beheaded him." The second uncle, who was in charge of the housekeeper, said.

"He has been flying in the sky, it is difficult to control the strength of his strikes, and he is worried that he will escape, so everyone shoots at random, but no complete body can be left."

"I know about this." Hinata glanced at the branch maid behind her: "It seems that a very expensive ninja tool was seized, right?"

"Yes." The second uncle beckoned.

Not far away, a handsome man with waist-length hair and good looks, who looked a bit like a woman at first glance, trotted over.

"We originally wanted to dismantle this ninja tool according to Hinata-sama's wishes, turn it into the original chakra metal and sell it, and then use the money to improve the living standards of the tribe." The second uncle said: "He , put forward different proposals.

"What suggestion?" Hinata wondered.

"That..." The handsome man with white eyes is very introverted, and his language skills are not very good, so he hesitated to speak clearly.

Hinata looked at the second uncle again.

"This child has been very interested in ninja tools since he was a child, and he has neglected his own practice." The second uncle said: "Frequently accepting tasks related to the country of craftsmen and the village of craftsmen and ninjas, using supercilious eyes, I secretly learned a lot of things that are not rumored. Ninja forging technology."

"Ninja forging technology!" Hinata's eyes lit up. All peripheral products related to ninjas have amazing profits. Among them, ninjas are among the best.

"That flying ninja set is in his hands, and it was remade." The second uncle took out a scroll and opened it, sealed it, and took out what was sealed inside: "It became this, a brand new ninja."

The body of the mercury-colored bow is bounded with gold silk, and abstract patterns of dragons and phoenixes are engraved on it. Hinata looked at it carefully and found a question: "This bow has no strings. Is it a semi-finished product?"

"It's already finished, there is no string because it is not needed." The second uncle said, demonstrating it himself.

Hinata looked carefully, when the second uncle's right index finger was hooked on the place where the bowstring should be, and when he pulled it back, a string as thin as silk flickered.

At the same time, a light blue arrow took shape, from the initial gaseous state to the solid state in just an instant.

The breeze wrapped around the arrow slowly rotates in a spiral shape.

The off-string arrow was as fast as lightning, wrapped in a strong wind, and easily destroyed more than a dozen big trees in a straight line in front of him tens of meters away.

Then, the arrow disappeared.

"Injecting a small amount of chakra can condense the arrow, and the quality of the arrow is linked to the amount of chakra injected." The second uncle said.

"The effective range fluctuates between 130 and [-] meters. If the distance is exceeded, the chakra arrows will evaporate."

Hinata took it over and played with it a few times, blowing out two small craters on the ground, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "What if we use real arrows?"

"It depends on the quality of the arrow. After actual measurement, the maximum effective range can reach about 470 meters." The second uncle said: "Of course, our white eyes can't lock on the target that far away. Master Hinata's white eyes are extremely pure. It must be no problem."

"Wow!" Hinata exclaimed, this is probably the ninja tool with the longest attack range, and it is a perfect match with the white eyes, you can't see me, I can see you, and I can shoot you when it's over.

Can't help playing for a while, Hinata couldn't put it down: "Thank you, I like it very much."

"That's good." The second uncle smiled.

The white-eyed handsome man also smiled happily.

Handing the ninja tool to the handsome man with white eyes, Hinata said: "Since you have mastered the technique of forging ninja tools, then please, go back to the furnace and reforge it again, disperse the chakra metal, and forge as many ninja tools as possible. "

Simply selling chakra metal, how can you sell finished ninja tools to make money, a kunai, or a shuriken, if you add a little chakra metal to it, the price can increase by ten or twenty times.

"Anyone in the clan who needs it can use it for free, at most they will be charged a fee for their hard work, and the money they get from selling it to outsiders can be used to improve the living standards of the clan members," Hinata said.

"Don't say that there is meat for every meal, at least one meal a day, and you have to eat when you are full. If you don't eat enough, how can you work hard?"

The white-eyed handsome man was dumbfounded.

The second uncle was also there in a daze, his mouth opened wide.

The nearby members of the branch family who were secretly watching the eldest lady while practicing, and some of them were eavesdropping, all of them froze.

Afterwards, Hinata confessed some things, she was worried about her mother, she didn't stay for long, and left in a hurry with her maid and guards.

The second uncle stood there for a long time, and said, "Am I too old-fashioned to keep up with Hinata-sama's thinking? Why do you care so much about our separation? It's not about paying lip service, but actually paying the price."

"Uncle, uncle, then I'll go back to work." The white-eyed handsome man whispered.

"Go, go, do your best, and use one Chakra metal as five." The second uncle said: "Be sure to do your best."

"The workload is heavy, can you work overtime?" the white-eyed handsome man whispered.

"Ask knowingly!" The second uncle glared at him: "Master Hinata has made a rule that you are not allowed to work overtime, and you can work up to eighteen hours a day. Don't play tricks on me. I will make Mr. Hinata unhappy. See if I can't beat you to death!"

In fact, the second uncle also wants to work overtime. He can't wait to be exhausted at work, make up for all the time wasted in the past, race against time, and work overtime.

But there is no way, there is a group of separated family members who are not in good physical condition, so they continue to work hard for five days and six nights without sleep, then they collapse and are admitted to the hospital.

"Time, time! There are only [-] hours of practice time in a day! Hurry up and move!" The second uncle cursed at the surrounding branch family members who stopped practicing.

"You are the most talented young people in the generation of the branch family! Hurry up and improve your strength to Junin, and go out to work and make money for me!"

Everyone quickly started to practice.

"Slogan! Scream!"

"Make big money! Buy a big country!"

"The sound is not loud enough! There is a sound-proof barrier! What are you afraid of? Shout out your throat!"

"Make a lot of money!! Buy a big country!!"

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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