Chapter 41 Reality (for collection)

That night, just Hinata and grandfather had dinner at the dinner table.

Mother has to take care of the fireworks, and she is in confinement, she is in her own room, and she can't go out easily.

According to his father's words, he took a few sect jonin as guards and left in a hurry.

I don't know where the family property is placed, it is most likely in the ancestral land, and, in the ancestral hall with multiple seals, I find time to ask my grandfather.

Hinata was preoccupied, and finished the dinner as quickly as possible, and locked her eyes on her mother's side. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, she chatted with her grandfather for a while.

Seeing her grandfather going to the movies, Hinata left the clan's house and came to her uncle Risai's house, where there were already ten members of the branch family waiting for her.

They are the uncle Rizai, the housekeeper's second uncle, the two team leaders of the senior group, the two team leaders of the middle-aged group, the two team leaders of the youth group, and the two team leaders of the juvenile group.

The two team leaders don't have one who is the master and who is the deputy. The difference is the male team leader and the female team leader.

We can’t have a large group of people come to every meeting, that would be too conspicuous. After a period of polishing, such a pattern has gradually formed.

Grouping by age group was decided by Hinata. As for who should be the group leader, it was decided by members of the family through anonymous voting.

Well done, keep going, if you don't do well, or if you are complained anonymously, after verification, it is confirmed that there is a problem, and you will abdicate.

There are three team leaders under the team leader to assist the team leader in handling affairs.

Hinata > housekeeper > team leader > team leader, the general framework is like this.

Richa holds the position of head of the branch family and is Hinata's uncle, so he will not participate in the competition and give others a chance.

"I want to take the position of head of the clan as soon as possible." Hinata said straight to the point: "Look, what should I do, what good ideas do you have?"

Seeing Hinata sitting down, the ten people just took their seats, and just after they sat down, they heard Hinata say this, and everyone froze for a while.

"When the patriarch reaches a certain age, he abdicates himself. This is the most common type." Richa said.

"There is another kind. The previous patriarch, that is, the current patriarch, decided that the current patriarch was not good. He took a fancy to the successor's talent and used his privileges to let the successor succeed to the throne in advance. We have been working hard for this."

The others nodded.

"Is there no other way?" Hinata said, "Don't be afraid to say the wrong thing, everyone can speak freely."

After half a sound.

"Yes, it's this method, it's a little bit of that..." The butler's second uncle hesitated.

"What method, tell me." Hinata said.

"The key lies in the current patriarch. If he doesn't step down, the successor will not be able to take over." The second uncle of the butler said in a low voice: "Unless there is no accident, the current patriarch is doing well, and it is impossible to abdicate. I mean, We can proactively create surprises."

The leader of the youth group, the leader of the youth group, looked over in astonishment.

The middle-aged team leader looked at each other, nodded, and the male team leader said: "It's an accident, but it's not an exaggeration. It's not life-threatening. It's just kidnapping the current patriarch and imprisoning him for a period of time."

"It's very rare for an elder of the clan to assume the position of patriarch again." The middle-aged female team leader answered.

"As long as the heir's talent, talent, and intelligence are not bad, and the current patriarch cannot be found in a short period of time, there is a high probability that the heir will be promoted."

"When the heir is in power, let the former patriarch go. No one is injured or killed. Everyone is happy."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" The elderly male team leader looked at Hinata and couldn't help but said, "I don't think it's a good thing to succeed too early, although I personally want to see that scene soon."

"I have my reasons, the sooner the better." Hinata said, her wealth is not revealed, she does not want to test people's hearts.

"Is there any other way?" Hinata asked, and waited, but no one answered, she nodded and said: "Then write me a plan of action based on the kidnapping."

After the meeting, Hinata got up and left.

"Don't leave, stay and finalize the plan together." The second uncle said.

"What kind of reason is it? I really care about it." The male team leader of the youth team whispered.

"Don't think about it if you don't think about it, and don't say it if you think about it, just know what you have in mind." The second uncle said: "Speak less and do more, which is a qualified tool."

The boy shut up and obediently lowered his head to write the plan.

Each person wrote a plan, and selected the best among the best. After an hour, a complete action plan appeared in Hinata's hands.

After reading the whole article, I think it’s okay, pass it to the branch maid, and ask her to take it to the housekeeper, and follow the above.

"Father, from now on, you can eat, drink, have fun, and enjoy yourself. I will bear all the troubles and sorrows." Hinata murmured when she came to the window and looked up at the Milky Way.

Being the head of the family is not so easy. Seeing that her father is less than fifty years old, he has gray hair. As a daughter, how can she have the heart to let her father continue to work hard.

Overnight, 37 hidden jounin, with the enchantment that isolates perception, left the village secretly. At [-]:[-] midnight, they successfully caught up with Hizuru and his party.

As the main family's Hizuru, he has already fallen asleep, and the three branches of the family are in charge of protecting his safety. Two of them are sleeping with their eyes closed, and the other is in charge of the night watch, rolling his eyes at regular intervals, and scanning the surroundings.

With another glance, the branch jonin saw twenty hidden junin, including his father and his aunt.

"..." Branch family Jonin, what are you going to do!So many people come!
The two parties read each other's lips through their eyes to complete long-distance and silent communication.

The other two branch ninjas who were resting were gently patted awake, and then, at the signal of the vigilant branch ninja, they rolled their eyes.

After the three figured out what was going on with the plan, tension rose.

Acting in a scene with the kidnapping of Rizu is too exciting, their hearts can't stand it.

Regardless of whether you can bear it or not, the plan has already begun, and you have to come to catch the ducks on the shelves.

A hidden jōnin opened his bow and set an arrow, his white eyes fixed on his feet, and the curse mark of the bird in the cage reacted immediately, the severe pain struck, he involuntarily shifted away, and the pain subsided.

call out!
The arrow pierced through the air and landed right next to Rizu's head. The two packets of powder tied to the arrow, one for anesthesia and the other for drowsiness, exploded under the trigger of the organ.

One-third of the fingernail is enough to knock down an elephant. Without defense, and without medical ninjutsu, it is inevitable to be hit.

Twenty hidden jounin quickly stepped forward, cleaned up and arranged the scene, picked up the four people who passed out, and disappeared into the night.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" echoed in my ears.

Hands and feet are bound by iron chains, fixed on an iron frame, and a seal symbol that inhibits the flow of chakra is attached to the body.

When he woke up, he found that he and two guards were locked in a simple wooden house, and the other guard was outside the wooden house, being tortured. Rizu muttered: "This dream is quite real."

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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