Chapter 86 Three Conditions (for collection)

"That's impossible!" Fuyue hurriedly argued: "At the time of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, everyone in our clan was behind to maintain order and assist the villagers to evacuate."

"Who can prove it?" Hinata asked.

Fuyue got stuck.

At this time, he suddenly realized why since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, every family has been ostracizing them.

The high-ranking Konoha, headed by the third generation, even forced the whole family to relocate to the edge of the village.

Every ninja in the clan will be closely monitored as soon as they leave the clan territory.

"I can also swear on the future and destiny of the family." Fuyue said: "People in our family have never been close to Nine Tails, and the Sangouyu Sharingan that appeared in Nine Tails' eyes, I, I don't know why One thing..."

"That's strange." Hinata wondered: "In the records, there are no Uchiha people who defected outside. If it wasn't you, who would it be? I haven't heard that there are scattered sharingan."

"Kakashi Hatake, he has Sharingan..." Fu Yue whispered.

"You suspect he did it?" Hinata said.

Fuyue had no words to answer, he himself knew it was impossible, how old Kakashi was at that time, and it is well known that Kakashi was very lacking in chakra due to the burden of Sharingan.

Suspecting that Kakashi controls Kyuubi to sabotage, forget it, this is less credible than suspecting that the Fourth Minato is an undercover agent sent by Yunyin Village.

"The same question, I asked the Uchiha people who married into Hyuga's family, and they gave the same answer as you." Hinata said.

"For the sake of the family, I can try to trust you, and I can also guarantee you, re-establish contact with various families, join the big family of Konoha, and no longer be excluded."

"There will be no more surveillance during the third generation. You can move the clan land back to its original location."

"Anbu, hospital, ninja school, these positions are open to the Uchiha clan, whether you want the village or the family, you can choose the job you like."

"What do you think?" Hinata said.

"What do we need to pay?" Fu Yue asked.

"Three conditions." Hinata said.

"First, donate one billion to the village. You don't have that much cash, and you can use items of the same value."

"Second, anyone from the Uchiha clan who comes to a meeting or wants to see our clan must accept the treatment of having their chakra points sealed."

"Third, your second son, Uchiha Sasuke, is going to join our Hinata family."

Fu Yue frowned.

"Where you are not satisfied, you can mention it." Hinata said.

"We can't get out supplies worth a billion yuan in a short time." Fuyue said: "The second condition is that the Chakra Cave is sealed. How can we ensure our safety? Finally, let my son marry and separate... I can't accept."

"You can owe the money first, and pay it back slowly." Hinata said: "I don't think there is any need to worry about safety issues. If I really want to kill you, I will directly let all the jonin of the branch family go to the bank immediately after the root organization is captured. Attacking you."

"Since I didn't do that, I just sat down and talked with you here, which means that I am very sincere. Naturally, I won't harm you again when you keep yourselves. It's unnecessary."

"Speaking of getting married, this is a necessary condition. If you don't get married, how can I trust you? You should know that women of our family will not marry outside."

"I don't have a problem with being a matriarch. What I mean is that you can't be a matriarch and separate the family. If you want to be a matriarch, you are also a matriarch." Fu Yue said.

"I don't know how to get married, and I don't know how to find a partner." Hinata said: "For the detailed reason, you can go to Hinata Moyu and get the answer from her."

Fu Yue was stunned.

"Come on, let's choose." Hinata said: "I've told you so much, how do you choose? Do you agree to the conditions and reintegrate into the village, or refuse."

"What happens if you refuse?" Fu Yue asked.

"It means that we are not from the same way. We want to invite your family to leave the village and go to develop elsewhere." Hinata said: "Don't worry, we won't intercept and kill halfway, and we will definitely let you leave the Fire Kingdom safely."

That is to wait until out of the country of fire, and then take action to kill them, Fuyue cursed in his heart.

He didn't believe that the Hyuga family, who won the position of Hokage, would let their family, such a powerful family force, join other villages, and in turn become a big threat to Konoha.

It must be cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots, so that there will never be future troubles.

"Candidates for the position of consultant..." Fu Yue said.

"You don't need to think about the consultant, at least in a short period of time, it has nothing to do with you." Hinata said.

"You will be eligible for nomination only after you have won the trust of everyone with your practical actions and made great contributions to the development of the village."

"My eldest son, Itachi, is better than my second son, Sasuke. It would be better to replace him with him." Fuyue said, "This is my sincerity."

"It can only be Sasuke." Hinata said: "We don't take people's favors, such an excellent Itachi, you keep it for yourself, so that you can inherit the family business in the future."

Fuyue secretly said it was a pity.

Itachi's hair is crooked, his elbows are turned outward, it doesn't matter whether he is at home or not.

On the other hand, Sasuke is still young, and his three views are immature. If he is properly guided, he may not be able to compare with Itachi in terms of strength, but he is definitely facing the family.

Speaking of this, Fu Yue knew he had no other choice.

To refuse means to perish, to agree, the family has the possibility of further growth, and even, with the successful example of the Hinata family in front, the family can follow suit.

First ensure that the family can survive, and then consider other issues. Thinking of this, Fuyue nodded and said: "On behalf of the Uchiha clan, I agree to your terms."

Immediately, a guard stepped forward, shot, and sealed Fu Yue's chakra point with a soft fist, and then, the wall blocking Hinata's front moved away to the left and right, and the two sides really saw each other face to face.

"This is the contract, please read it first, if there is no problem, sign it here and press your fingerprint." Hinata said.

Fu Yue stepped forward, picked up the contract and read it carefully. He moved very close and looked very carefully to prevent any hidden clauses.

After confirming that it was the content just mentioned, without additions or deletions, he took a pen, signed it, and pressed his fingerprints.

"Happy cooperation." Hinata said.

"Happy cooperation." Fu Yue said.

"You can take this file back directly and explain it clearly to the clansmen, otherwise the misunderstanding will continue and cause the conflict between our two families to escalate." Hinata said: "It's not good for anyone."

Fuyue nodded: "I want to ask, Sandai, Danzo, how to deal with them."

"I don't know, my father seems to have some ideas?" Hinata pretended to be confused.

"I hope it can be handed over to us." Fuyue said calmly: "I want to make them feel the pain, and they can't die plainly and simply. That would be too cheap for them."

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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