Chapter 99 Darkness (for Subscription)

Root Organization Base.

Jirai was also invited here.

Thinking of what he saw and heard after returning to the village, his heart sank again and again.

Just at eight o'clock yesterday morning, a chunin from the Hyuga branch appeared in front of him, told him about the great changes that had taken place in Konoha, and at the same time asked him to return to the village as soon as possible. It's up to him to live.

Jilai didn't care about the truth, so he rushed to the village in a hurry, intending to catch this branch family ninja and torture him, but who knew it was a shadow clone, and the main body didn't know where it went.

Helpless, I had to go back to the village to have a look before talking.

The name Sannin is well-known in the ninja world and has become a legend. Among the Sannin, Jiraiya has the most friends. Tsunade and Orochimaru together are not as many as him.

But what made Zilai feel cold was that these friends kept silent. He asked several times, but they all shirked and couldn't explain clearly, didn't understand, didn't understand.

In the end, he only found out that the third generation and the other three high-level officials were in prison and were beaten and seriously injured. He knew nothing about other aspects.

For example, who the attacker was, the complete history of the Hyuga family's seizure of power, and the current power structure in the village are all unclear.

"It's the first time I've met you. I'm Godaime Hokage, the eldest daughter of Hyuga Hinata, the next generation heir of the clan, Hinata Hinata." Hinata said: "I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, Sannin, Ziraiya-sama."

"Where's your father?" Zilai also asked.

"He is too busy to spare time, so let me do it for you." Hinata said: "This is also a kind of exercise for me. If there is no accident, the Sixth Hokage is me. It is more beneficial to get in touch with some things in advance."

"Hokage is a position that can only be held by people who are recognized by everyone." Jiraiya said: "It is not your family business."

"Accreditation, is it important?" Hinata said: "It is very important, but it is very simple to me. Let everyone live a good life, eat well, wear warm clothes, life is guaranteed, and benefits are good. This recognition Naturally there will be."

"Simple..." Zilai also wanted to laugh. An eight-year-old girl thought that getting everyone's approval was a simple matter, and she was speechless: "Let your father talk to me. What you should do now is to endure it." School, work harder on your homework."

"First, I have strength." Hinata said, "Second, I can make money. Third, I am not greedy for money, so I can spend all my money on practical things. Think about it yourself, meet these three requirements, and be recognized Is it difficult or easy."

Zilai is also silent.

"The topic has been dragged away by you, let's get back to the main topic." Hinata said: "Before talking about the real thing, I would like to ask you to read these materials."

The guards brought tables and chairs.

Seeing that the information on the table was half the height of a person, Jiraiya looked at Hinata who was protected by many guards.

"It's not something insignificant, it's all related to the Third Hokage." Hinata said.

He didn't even sit down, he just stood there looking down one by one from top to bottom, and the contents recorded in it made him shocking, bone-chilling and blood-cold.

Knowing that the village is not all bright and beautiful, and there is a hidden dark side, but this is too scary, too sensational, and too cruel.

Especially those spies who took the risk of going undercover to the enemy for the sake of the village, made a lot of contributions and found out a lot of valuable information. In the end, in order to keep it secret, these spies were killed.

Not at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of one's own.

After watching less than one-tenth of it, Zilai couldn't watch it anymore, and he didn't want to watch it anymore. Such content that strongly conflicted with his values ​​made him uncomfortable from the inside out.

"Where there is light, there is darkness. Showing this to you is not to condemn the three generations for their actions." Hinata said.

"In fact, from the standpoint of Hokage and Konoha's senior management, they have done a perfect job. Thanks to them, the village can develop smoothly until now."

"During this process, it's understandable to be a little selfish. How many people are not selfish?"

"What exactly do you want to express." Jiraiya said: "Don't go around the bush, just say it."

"Tell me, if these materials are publicized, what will happen?" Hinata said.

Even with anticipation, Jiraiya's heart still seemed to miss a beat.

"Danzo is black, no matter how dark it is, I don't feel it. The real trouble is the third generation, who has always been a bright and gentle old man. No matter how small a stain is, it is fatal, let alone so much darkness." Hinata said.

"At that time, it was the families who most wanted to kill the three generations, and the common people would hate the three generations to the extreme, especially the commoner parents whose genius children were strangled, and they had the heart to strangle the three generations."

"Everyone is not stupid, you can distinguish right from wrong and black from right." Jiraiya said: "These darkness cannot offset the contributions made by the three generations to the village, not to mention, many of them are done by Danzo without the knowledge of the three generations. "

"The third generation is your teacher, you can no longer look at the problem rationally." Hinata said: "Your feelings make your judgment of people's hearts shift."

Jiraiya took a deep breath, calmed the brain, and kept calm.

"The disciple you accepted in the Land of Rain was framed and died by Danzo's design." Hinata said: "You can see it later."

"..." Zi Lai Ye.

I don't know what kind of mood I was in, I found this information and saw the general process of the matter.

When I saw Yahiko being threatened by Hanzo with Xiaonan's life, and actively pounced on Kunai in Nagato's hands, and died at Nagato's hands, Jiraiya was also stunned, and his mind went blank.

He couldn't be more clear about how much that Nagato child cherishes his companions, this...

"The Kingdom of Rain is Konoha's potential enemy. Danzo did this for Konoha, causing the two forces in the Kingdom of Rain to fight each other and become stronger in order to get the Eye of Reincarnation. That's right." Hinata said: " Why did you react so strongly?"

Ji Lai also tried his best to keep calm, and said in a calm tone: "I know that you want to get something from me by talking to me so much, so let's just say the conclusion."

He didn't want to hear about the dark side of the village anymore.

"Worthy of being one of the most outstanding ninjas, he can endure what ordinary people can't bear." Hinata said: "I can show mercy and prevent the third generation of them from being notorious and ruined. The price is that the key that the fourth generation left with you, That’s right, the key to unlock the gossip seal.”

Jiraiya was just about to say how you knew about this key, but thinking of the Hinata family's Ketsutsugi Kinkai, he just rolled his eyes. When he saw that the key was sealed by Minato, it was reasonable to infer that the key was with him.

"What do you want to do." Zilai also said.

Naruto is the son of Minato, if the Hyuga family wants to get away from Kyuubi and gain the power of Kyuubi, then no matter what he says, he can't make the Hyuga family succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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