Ordinary life starting from a courtyard

202 Chapter 201: Buying an Airsoft Gun

202 Chapter 201: Buying an Airsoft Gun
Zhou Wenliang was speechless when he thought about it. The lead bullet in his arm was not taken out. If this thing stays in the body for a long time, it will cause lead poisoning!
When the lead bullet enters the body, it will stick tightly to the bone, which is very difficult to remove.

And if you don't take it out at that time, this thing will melt after staying in the body for a long time!

It is difficult to take it out again.

As for Jia Zhang's coma, it should be the sequelae of excessive blood loss, and it is impossible to become a vegetative state!
"Does Qin Huairu not care about it? Just let Jia Zhang lie down like this?"

On their way to the gynecology department, He Yushui asked curiously.

Just now, both of them heard the middle-aged nurse talk about Jia Zhang's situation. Now he is half dead and can't wake up. He has been lying on the hospital bed.

Qin Huairu paid Jia Zhang's medical expenses for the past two days and the previous operation fee.

But when he wanted to have an operation again, Qin Huairu said that he had no money and couldn't afford it due to family difficulties, so he didn't do it.

As for what Jia Zhang can become, the doctor is not sure!
May wake up, may never wake up.

Isn't this a vegetable?
Zhou Wenliang clicked his tongue and said, "Qin Huai wished that Mrs. Jia and Zhang would never wake up.
No wonder Qin Huairu laughed so happily just now, it turned out to be like this..."

When Jia Zhang woke up, she didn't know what to do.

If Qin Huai can pay Jia Zhang's medical expenses, it's all for good reputation.

Although she is married, she does not forget her ex-husband's old mother.

Besides, there are so many people watching in the yard and on the street.

Even if Qin Huairu didn't care about the Jia Zhang family, it would be justified.

But she said she would take care of her ex-mother-in-law in front of everyone in the courtyard, but it is not appropriate to ignore her now.

This will be poked in the spine.

Qin Huairu was mainly forced to come here, and had no choice but to continue to take care of Jia Zhang's affairs.

Besides, she didn't even think about mentioning marriage in front of everyone.

Things are in a hurry, and they all rushed together.

Zhou Wenliang took He Yushui for a gynecological examination. There was no major problem, the fetus was moving normally, and the doctor explained some precautions.

On the way back, the two walked in the street.

Women like to go shopping, don't look at He Yushui with a big belly, riding a bicycle, it is inconvenient to take a car, when he came, he took a tram, and on the way back, He Yushui wanted to take a stroll.

Zhou Wenliang readily agreed, and while walking and chatting, he suddenly saw a state-run department store by the side of the road and suggested, "Go to the store for a stroll?"

He Yushui looked at him curiously and asked, "What do you want to buy?"

Then he patted his head suddenly and said, "By the way, my mother said that I want to buy some floral cloth and make a small winter dress..."

"Isn't it all done a lot better, and I still do..."

Zhou's mother loves her unborn grandson or granddaughter very much, so she made a lot of children's small clothes and pants.

There are also small quilts, small mattresses, and diapers, all of which are new.

When she is free, Zhou's mother is either sewing clothes for the children at work, or sewing quilts for the children at home, anyway, she is not idle at all.

The whole family is nervous about cloth tickets.

The two strolled around the mall. Zhou Wenliang first bought two catties of sunflower seeds.

Otherwise, I want to smoke, the addiction to smoking is huge!
Then I bought another foot of floral cloth, eighty cents a foot, with the big red peonies printed on it, looking very happy.

This kind of floral cloth is the memory of several generations. When I was a child, my quilts were all like this.

The main purpose of Zhou Wenliang's visit to the store was to look at guns and air guns.

He also wanted to buy one, and stood in front of the counter, looking at several airsoft boxes on the opposite shelf.

Basically, they are all I-shaped cards, and they are in the style of sticking out.

In the 60s, there were very few types of air guns to choose from. The most representative ones were the B1 and B2 air guns produced by the Shanghai Air Gun Factory.

Now there are no such brands as Sanjian, Emei, Xifeng, Jianwei, Admiralty, Yangtze River, Seagull, Kuailu, and Pioneer.

Now is the era of planned economy, and air guns, like other commodities, are exclusively produced by Guojia, so only a few fixed brands of products can be seen in different regions.

Shanghai Gongzi brand air guns are famous, as famous as Shanghai watches and Shanghai bicycles.

"Comrade, do you want an air gun?" A young salesman put his hands on the glass counter, looked at him, and asked with a smile.

Zhou Wenliang took out a cigarette and handed it to him, saying: "

Brother, let's have a cigarette. He pointed to the box on the shelf again. "Help me get an I-brand B2 air gun. How much is it?" "

He Yushui followed him, looked around curiously, secretly thinking that men like these, and danced with guns and sticks all day long.

The young man took the cigarette, looked at it, and saw that it was a panda, and immediately smiled. Everyone was very enthusiastic.

With the cigarette clipped to his ear, he took the air gun from the shelf behind him, put it on the counter, and said with a smile:

"Brother, it's ok, special cigarettes, these cigarettes are not easy to clean!"

Other cigarettes are not uncommon for people who work in stores, only this kind of special offering can make people's eyes shine.

Zhou Wenliang said modestly: "What special offerings are not special, there are two elders in the compound..."

Zhou Wenliang flipped through the box of the air gun and talked about it, the boy was taken aback.

However, the guy's attitude is much better.

"Brother, do you want this air gun?"

"Yes, help with the introduction?"

The young man held the box in his hand and started to talk: "How can I say this kind of B2 air gun, it's much better than the B1.

The I-shaped B2 air gun has a total length of 1090 mm and a weight of 2.8 kg. The wooden butt is thickened and the angle of inclination becomes smaller.The most important thing is to increase the strength of the bullet and the length of the barrel, improving the power of the air gun...

The B1 air gun is also called the 61 air rifle, and its prototype is the Lao Maozi "Oriental" air gun.

The I-shaped air gun factory imitated and finalized the model in 61 years, adopting the barrel down-press structure and the spring-piston principle...

The gun barrel is used as a compressed air tube, and the gun barrel is pushed downwards when loading, which is commonly known as a pushed-out air gun.

This air gun has no piston sleeve and no safety device.Anyway, there are many shortcomings, the most important thing is that it is not accurate!

B2 air gun does not have this problem, it is improved on the basis of B1.

It also adopts the barrel push-down type, spring-piston principle, and the barrel and the gun body are connected by a splint, and one end of the splint is riveted to the gun body..."

Baba talked a lot, and Zhou Wenliang helped him summarize it.


Hit right!
easy to operate.

There are many advantages, such as simple structure, few parts, lightweight and durable, and there are also disadvantages, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The guy introduced a lot, and he ignored people calling him to buy goods.

Zhou Wenliang was a little confused, and then asked: "Brother, you understand it very well! Do you often play with air guns?"

"Yeah, I shoot birds with an air gun.

Brother, I’m not bragging to you, in our East City, the air gun is the most accurate, and that must be me, Liu Tao, if you don’t believe me, go ask about it..."

I'm going, it's okay to go to work, so I caught him talking.

It may also be that he was on the G-spot, and he was so excited that he caught Zhou Wenliang and blew it.

The talk was not satisfying, or maybe it was because Zhou Wenliang didn't believe it, so he insisted on taking Zhou Wenliang outside to try the gun, so that he could see how accurate he was.

"Don't, don't, the package hasn't been opened, and I haven't bought it yet." Zhou Wenliang waved his hand to persuade him when he saw him coming around from behind the counter.

"How can I use a new one!

I use mine.

I'm not used to the new one yet.

Let's go, brother, I'll show you what it means to walk through Yang with a hundred steps and a hundred shots..."

Liu Tao came over and pulled Zhou Wenliang involuntarily, said something to an older salesperson in the store, and then went to the alley behind.

I don't know how this guy's marksmanship is, but he is bragging that he is unambiguous.

Holding an air gun, Liu Tao confidently pointed at the big sycamore tree 30 meters away, and said, "Do you see the bird's nest on the top? I can penetrate it with one shot. Believe it or not."

Zhou Wenliang and his wife looked up and saw a dark bird's nest in the upper part of the plane tree.

It seems that someone has already been beaten.

This person is probably Liu Tao.

"Brother, I believe, no, let's stop fighting."

"No, I have to show you what it means to walk through Yang with a hundred steps." Liu Tao waved his hand, took aim with his gun, and took a few steps back. He stopped almost 50 meters away from the plane tree, and looked at him two times. The man shouted: "Brother, watch it."

After speaking, he aimed his gun with full confidence.

Zhou Wenliang heard the gunshot and looked up, only to see that the bird's nest hadn't moved at all, and several dry branches beside it had fallen off.

He Yushui chuckled, and quickly pursed his lips to hold back.

"This, this is wrong, there is wind..."

Liu Tao's face darkened, and he almost couldn't hang on. He made an excuse, quickly reloaded, took a few steps forward, and took aim for a long time.

One shot is useless!

Liu Tao quickly explained: "It's windy today! I'm getting closer..."

Bang Bang fired a few more shots, the bird's nest remained unmoved, and Liu Tao's face turned green with anger.

Zhou Wenliang was speechless.

what!That's it?

Not as good as him.

 Comrades, it's the end of the month, and I still have a monthly pass in my hand! !

(End of this chapter)

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