Ordinary life starting from a courtyard

Chapter 227 226: 1-day trip to the official tour

Chapter 227: Chapter 226

After the iron chain lock on the iron door of the warehouse was opened, the sound of angry boiling was heard inside.

"The door is open!
Brothers, come with me..."

The iron gate was smashed open from the inside, and the angry crowd ran out one after another.

Li Huaide and the other dozen people were dumbfounded.

Li Huaide waved his hand, just about to explain: "Everyone is suffering, don't get excited, I will give you a..."

"Here you M..."

At this time, all the angry and jealous crowd rushed up to them, punching and kicking, no one listened to their explanation.

The scene was chaotic, and it was very lively with shouts and shouts.

In front of the No. 13 warehouse door, people were boiling and the sound was noisy.

Looking from a distance, a group of excited people are fighting something.

Because there were too many people, a few people or even dozens of people gathered around a few groups and bent over to beat something.

What's more, they stand outside the crowd and try to squeeze in, but they can't squeeze in.

Because the location of the No. 13 warehouse is relatively remote, it is on the far right side of the rolling mill, and it is 500 meters away from the nearest workshop, but it is close to the men's toilet. Many people who came to the toilet heard the noise and ran over to watch the excitement.

Among them is our factory manager Yang. He was running here while pulling up his pants. When he was about to arrive, he saw a person standing behind a tree not far away.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Zhou Wenliang. He was standing behind a big tree by the flower pond, smoking a cigarette, smiling and looking in the direction of Warehouse No. 13.

"Xiao Zhou, what are you doing!"

Zhou Wenliang, who was concentrating on watching the excitement, was taken aback by him. He settled down and turned around to explain something, but saw that Director Yang had already run away.

Zhou Wenliang clicked his tongue and smiled, now it's over, it's too late.

Zhou Wenliang looked back again, and saw that there were too many people, let alone four or five hundred people gathered there!

In such a short time, so many people came.

This is still a small number, and those who got the news are running here.

However, the more people the better, this effect is what you want.

However, it came too fast, so we should slow down and let everyone vent their anger for a while.

Zhou Wenliang was afraid that this group of people would not be angry enough, so he didn't dare to do anything. He even added some side dishes to completely ignite this small flame, and the fire must burn vigorously.

Not long after, I saw Director Yang shouting on this rock to stop everyone.

"Everyone stop hitting, stop hitting, stop it!"

Even he wanted to beat the red-eyed group of people.

But at this time, there were too many people, and they were all blocking them, and the security department ran over and scolded them to back off.

At this time, they almost woke up, and the security department was not used to them, so they really had the power to enforce the law.

Seeing the situation stabilized, Director Yang began to understand the situation again, and wailing everywhere, he ordered a dozen injured people to be sent to the infirmary first.

"Deputy Director Li!"

While lifting the wounded, someone suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, everyone looked over.

Factory Manager Yang hurried over and pushed aside the crowd. After a closer look, the man on the ground who looked like a blood gourd was Li Huaide!
Factory Manager Yang almost laughed out loud, held back his smile, squatted down, and asked hypocritically: "Old Li, Lao Li, how are you?"

The ground was tattered and covered in blood. Li Huaide, who was lying on the ground with his head tied, was bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

He had no face to see people, pretended to be unconscious, pretended to be dead, and did not answer.

"Oh, you have hit so hard, look at how you beat Deputy Director Li, you are lawless!"

Factory Manager Yang laughed to death in his heart, but put on a face and criticized this group of people.

This group of people refused to accept it, and the idiot in the crowd stood up and murmured loudly: "Why can't we beat people, this kind of bad elements who are in high positions and domineering over our heads, why can't we beat them.

Not only do I dare to beat him, if you didn't come quickly, I would dare to kill him. "

"Yes, fuck them..."

"These scum..."

"They blackmailed..."

Seeing the hustle and bustle of the staff and the complaints, Director Yang was not surprised at all, and heard the main problem.

"Everyone stop, what extortion?
Can you tell me something. "

Factory Manager Yang finished asking, and as soon as the words fell, someone immediately started talking.

Factory Manager Yang listened and probably understood what was going on.

It turned out that it was Li Huaide and Liu Haizhong who were holding these people, and they had to be rewarded in order to let them out.

This is simply unreasonable!

No one can take it.

The group of people who were originally locked up by Liu Haizhong felt inexplicably annoyed.

It was quite sudden.

It's never happened before.

A group of people were locked up together, and the more they talked about why they were arrested, the more angry they became.

Like drinking cold water, smoking a cigarette... that's all.

Who farts in the rolling mill, catch or not?

Not sure!

Your fart is too stinky, it affects everyone, catch it...

It's not that Liu Haizhong can't do this.

This became very popular, and then another piece of paper was thrown from the warehouse window, which said: If you want to go out, [-] per person.

Seeing this, everyone was annoyed. They were imprisoned for a day for no reason, and they were already very irritable. Now they have to seek favors from them in order to let them go.

The dog who is so good at riding a horse is big!

Factory Manager Yang looked at the note handed over, and instantly showed a dumbfounding expression.

This was obviously designed by someone, and I don't know who did it, but it's a good whole thing.

If it wasn't for this note that aroused everyone's anger, Li Huaide might have come to speak a few words and throw a scapegoat, and this might have passed.

Now it’s not worth the beating, but half of the power in my hand has to be lost.

Who wrote this note?
Factory Manager Yang looked at the note, the font on it was crooked, it seemed to be written by someone who just learned to write, and he didn't know who it was.

But no matter who it was, Factory Manager Yang thanked him in his heart, secretly thinking that it was a pity, this is also a talent, and I don't know who made the handiwork, so we must thank him if we know.


On the way home from get off work, He Yushui asked the silly brother beside him about the beating.

He Yuzhu bragged: "You didn't see that Li Huaide was beaten by me..."

He Yushui blinked: "Silly brother, did you hit Deputy Director Li?"

"Of course, who told him not to deal with me, whoever saw me in the past two days, scolded me a few words.

Moreover, he made Liu Haizhong an official!
I don't beat him and anyone. "He Yuzhu became more and more angry: "I came here this morning, and Liu Haizhong also brought people to our back kitchen to find fault. He also said that we were wasting things and cooking uncleanly... Several of us were arrested back and forth. I went to him to argue, and he also arrested us...

His grandma's!I'm furious. "

He Yuzhu was aggrieved and ran away.

He Yushui was full of worry, Zhou Wenliang smiled, reassured her, and said, "It's okay, 'the law does not blame the public' understand?
You see more than 100 people are fine.

Director Yang just criticized them and didn't dare to punish them because there were too many people. "

Although the rolling mill is off work, meetings are still held in the conference room.

Director Yang took a sip of tea and asked with a sad face, "Does everyone know what happened in the factory?"

Nearly half of the people in the conference room were in a good mood and nodded repeatedly.

"I know, Deputy Director Li was beaten..."

"Ha ha……"

Factory Manager Yang raised the corners of his mouth, and quickly put on a straight face, knocked on the table, and pretended to reprimand: "Why are you laughing, is this funny?
A deputy factory manager, because of improper employment, ideological problems, and brutal treatment of comrades and comrades, caused this bloody incident, shouldn't we reflect on it? "

Immediately, many people echoed: Yes, Director Yang is right.

Deputy Factory Manager Li is too hasty, he doesn't know how to employ people...

I heard that he was beaten by comrade workers for accepting benefits...

I also heard about this...

How could he, a deputy factory manager, ask for benefits from our comrade workers!
Chatting and chatting, they rushed to the vital point.

Li Huaide's team couldn't sit still for a while, they questioned one after another, supporting the deputy factory director Li is not this kind of person, he must have made a mistake.

Factory Manager Yang put it on Li Huaide's body. If there is no hole in the hole, it's better to check it out.

Who can resist the investigation, as long as there is an investigation, there are faults in many people.

This is the rhythm to kill Li Huaide!
A group of Li Huaide's comrades were terrified and strongly opposed it, and the conference room became a mess.

Factory Manager Yang vowed not to give up. At this time, Factory Manager Yang also issued an order to Section Chief Feng to investigate the real situation of the note and see if Liu Haizhong asked for benefits from everyone.

So far, Director Yang of the rolling mill now has the final say.

Li Huaide entered the hospital, and his department couldn't resist anything.

By the time Li Huaide was discharged from the hospital, the rolling mill had already changed.

This is the end of Liu Haizhong's one-day tour of being an official, and Li Huaide was paralyzed by this swindler.

When the courtyard heard that Liu Haizhong had been beaten, they all applauded happily.

When the Liu family got the news, they cried and mourned, and the others almost set off cannons to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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