Ordinary life starting from a courtyard

Chapter 259: Chapter 258: General Assembly: Discussion on how to fight sticks

Chapter 259: Chapter 258: General Assembly: Discussion on how to fight sticks

In the front yard of the courtyard, the old and the young are surrounded by a group.

In the middle position, the stick twisted its head, squinted at the sky, and was full of rebellion and dissatisfaction.

Qin Huairu stood beside Bang Geng, persuading him in a low voice: "Bang Geng, be obedient, admit your mistake quickly, and don't let these uncles and aunts talk about you."

The head of the stick was wrapped with a white cloth strip to stop the bleeding, and the neck was stuck: "I was right, why should I admit my mistake! Are you helping whoever?"

There was a table not far away, and the third master had already sat down beside the table, before Yi Zhonghai could ask any questions, Liu Haizhong patted the table and angrily shouted: "Our hospital... something happened!

What's the matter?
It's a little ruffian, a street slipper in the future, little cannon!
so!This will!It had to open..."

Zhou Wenliang gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. What Liu Haizhong said always started with nonsense.

He is the most active during the meeting. When others are having dinner, he keeps urging him again and again.

After Liu Haizhong finished speaking, Yi Zhonghai said loudly: "Everyone knows the details.

Just now Lao Liu talked about the behavior of sticks, and Lao Liu said that sticks are not good, which is wrong.

I agree more, the stick stem is indeed "wrong"

First of all, I am sorry for my parents, and secondly, I am sorry for my morality!
In the end, I'm sorry, it's those of us who care about him and love his neighbors...

The behavior of sticking out just now disappointed all the neighbors sitting here.

Everyone knows that my apprentice Dongxu left unexpectedly, leaving them orphans and widowed mothers, how much I took care of them...

Of course, everyone also..."

Good guy, let him say this, first pull everyone together, and work together to deal with sticks!

This is Yi Zhonghai's cleverness. He will always stand on the side with more people, unite with others, and make everyone isolate him in the end.

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, everyone nodded subconsciously, as if they cared about the stick.

"But recently, I was wronged because something happened to me before, and I didn't take much care of it..."

Hearing this, Zhou Wenliang was unhappy: "Yi Zhonghai, can you be thicker?
Are you being wronged?

How can you be morally deficient!
Still have the face to say being wronged? "

Seeing his angry eyes, Zhou Wenliang gave a disdainful smile and said, "What's the matter? Do you want to break it?
Let me tell you, Yi Zhonghai, your story is getting darker and darker, everyone knows what it is, and you don't feel ashamed if you don't go out of your pocket. "

Listening to Zhou Wenliang's harsh words against Yi Zhonghai this week, everyone has different ideas, and no one will take up the quarrel anyway.

These two people can't be provoked, just watch the fun.

Yi Zhonghai kept a dark face, staring at Zhou Wenliang in silence, secretly resenting him, and there was nothing he could do about it, his little bit of power was in the courtyard.

But he wanted to mobilize the big guys to resist isolating Zhou Wenliang, but it was impossible. He knew what was going on, and Zhou Wenliang's prestige in the courtyard was not inferior to him.

In the past, the whole court elected Zhou Wenliang as the uncle. At that time, the court was the happiest time.

It's a pity that Zhou Wenliang resigned from the job of the uncle later, which made everyone feel sorry for a long time.

Sticking a glance at Zhou Wenliang, his heart jumped for joy, that's it, that's it, but he didn't have the momentum to attack Yi Zhonghai, and let the old thief kill him.

If BangGong knew how he was arrested, he would not have the slightest admiration, but hatred, because Zhou Wenliang did that kick.

"Now we're talking about sticks, let's not talk about the rest." Yan Bugui immediately smoothed things over.

Yi Zhonghai heaved a sigh of relief and almost couldn't get off the stage, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "

Stick is not young now, almost thirteen, right? "

Qin Huairu lowered his head and refused to accept the errand.

"My kid is as old as him.

13 years old can't be wrong, born in the same year. "

If Qin Huai didn't say anything, many people in the courtyard knew about it and spoke up one after another.

Yi Zhonghai: "I'm thirteen, I'm not young, I would have married in ancient times! Stick is still running around outside, and he has no elders, contradicting his mother is really unfilial!
If it goes on like this, the stick will grow crooked!
We have been neighbors for many years, and we have watched BangGong grow up since we were young. Now that the boy BangGong has no father, and his mother is weak, we can't take care of him. Uncles like us can't let him go!

As for us, we have the obligation and responsibility to help him get back on the right path.I can't watch him step by step towards the Pao'er Bureau!

The next thing to discuss is how to correct the wrong behavior of the stick, so that the child can turn over a new leaf and become like a child again, filial to his parents, well-behaved and sensible, and respect his elders. "

Haha~ Zhou Wenliang lowered his head and started laughing. If you want to play tricks, just say, what are you doing in such a big circle.

The big guys were also puzzled after hearing this, what should I do?
If it's your own child, you can still take care of it. Do you need them to take care of other people's children?

Everyone whispered to each other.

Qin Huairu quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I will teach you when I get back, so that everyone can worry about it."

No one would believe these words, and Qin Huairu couldn't control his performance today.

"Cough cough." Zhou Wenliang clenched his fist lightly, covered his mouth, coughed and stood up.

Everyone looked at him, wondering what his opinion was!
Qin Huairu also turned his head and looked over, his eyes were also curious, and his eyes were full of hope, hoping that he would say something so that the group of people would let him go.

Yi Zhonghai also frowned in doubt, this kid won't make trouble for himself!

Don't worry, if it's something else, then maybe.

But if you want to beat the stick, Zhou Wenliang still supports it.

"I have some ideas, everyone can listen to them, and point out if they are wrong.

At the age of the stick, whether it is old or young, it is the time when the outlook on life, values, world outlook, and three views are established. If the education is not good, it will be difficult to achieve anything in the future...

So this period is when a child as big as a stick can absorb knowledge and thrive.

But as for him, once he didn't go to school, he didn't know anything about the knowledge in the books!
Second, he didn't help the family with work, and he worked hard. He didn't experience it at all...

This way of educating children is not enough. If you let it go like this, and ignore it, everyone can see the ending of the stick. If it sounds good, it may be a big bag and work hard.

There is an old saying: When teaching a child at a young age, one should have an upright and upright atmosphere, so that one can keep one's body and mind in daily life, and one should not be worry-free and diligent.

In the Three Character Classic: At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good.The sex is similar, but the habit is far away.

If you don't teach, your sex will change.The way to teach is expensive...

People don't learn, they don't know righteousness, they don't cut jade, they don't make weapons..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, expressing that they didn't understand, and they didn't understand it.

But the general idea is understood, stick stems may go to jail in the future!

At this time, Qin Huairu looked at Zhou Wenliang, his eyes were shining brightly, his fists were clenched tightly, and he sighed in his heart that He Yushui was lucky.

At the same time, he smiled wryly, if Bang Giao's father was still there and educated like Zhou Wenliang, he should have taught Bang Giao well.

Unlike now, she can no longer control sticks.

As for what Zhou Wenliang said, no matter what the stick is, he will still be in prison or a coolie in the future.

Qin Huai was so convinced that he was anxious and powerless.

This is the benefit of a cultural person. Whatever he says is regarded as a wise saying.

However, Zhou Wenliang was right.

However, the character of stick stem is fixed, and it is really difficult to change it.

Bang Gauge has had three wrong views since he was a child, all of which were taught by Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu, and the result of Qin Huairu's connivance.

Yan Bugui applauded and said with a smile: "Well, what Wen Liang said is right, you should educate your children as early as possible. If you are older, it will be difficult for you to teach..."

Not to be outdone, Liu Haizhong stood up, waved his hands, and said imposingly: "You are too old mothers, teach children, you are not as good as me, look at these boys in my family, which ones are stabbed!

As the old saying goes: a filial son is born of a stick!
If the ancestors passed it down, there could be something wrong!

If the child is dishonest, hit him!

Hit him until he is honest.

The little boy has gone against the sky..."

Many people rolled their eyes when they heard his words, no one stabbed him yet, how did your eldest son escape, have you forgotten?

But there is one point that everyone agrees on. If a child makes a mistake, it is right to hit him. If he is reluctant to do it, what can he do!
There are children in every household, who are mischievous and mischievous. Let's see which one is not beaten and scolded every day.

Qin Huairu was reluctant to beat the child, let's see how he got used to it.

Seeing that everyone agreed, a smile flashed across Yi Zhonghai's mouth, and he knocked on the table with an enamel jar.

"As the saying goes, a tree will not be straight unless it is cultivated, and a man will not be obedient if he is not taught.

If you don't care about the sticks, you will go astray sooner or later.

So we uncles are going to discipline the stick..."

How to discipline?

"Come on, put the bench in the middle, unwind, Guang Tian, ​​you hold sticks..."

Stick roared again and again, struggled to no avail, was pressed and crawled on the long bench, his pants were pulled off, revealing his buttocks, not to mention very white, many elderly people laughed and laughed at Stick...

The stick felt ashamed, and everyone cried, but it was useless.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know where to get the rattan stick, the thickness of his fingers seemed to be prepared for a long time, and it finally came in handy today.

Qin Huairu relied on not letting him be beaten, crying and said: "No, no, you are so cute, don't beat him, come at me for anything. It's my mother who did it wrong..."

Yi Zhonghai pushed her away, let the first and second aunts hold her, and reprimanded: "Qin Huairu, do you know what a loving mother is but a loser? It's because you are used to it.

Stop talking now, those of us who are uncles, can't let it go..."

clap clap~
The cane was drawn on the white buttocks of the stick, leaving a blood-red mark.

Ah~ old dog, you wait for me... ah!

clap clap~
The screams of sticks echoed in the night sky!

(End of this chapter)

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