Ordinary life starting from a courtyard

263 Chapter 262: Some happy and some sad

263 Chapter 262: Some happy and some sad
Brother Guo narrowed his eyes and stared at Old Fourth Liu, then sneered: "You don't want to see this son, do you?
Then let's change someone else. "

He looked at the two little girls who didn't keep their mouths shut, and then at Qin Huairu who was lying on the ground unconscious. With rounded thighs.

Seeing that Liu Laosi's daughter-in-law looks fair, Guo Ge swallowed his saliva and said harshly: "Liu Laosi, if you don't tell me, don't blame me for taking your daughter-in-law into surgery!"

"Don't..." Liu Lao Si immediately said nervously.

"Then hurry up and say..."

Liu Laosi hesitated.

Zhou Wenliang looked outside, then slowly backed away, thought for a while, and glanced at Yi Zhonghai's house, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife were sleeping at home, when they heard the knock on the door, they looked up suspiciously.

"Who is it?"

"it's me."

Yi Zhonghai and his wife looked at each other in the dark, what was Zhou Wenliang doing here?

"I'll get up and have a look, you can go to sleep."

Zhou Wenliang reminded again outside the door: "Don't turn on the light."

Yi Zhonghai was puzzled, did not turn on the light, put on his clothes, put on his shoes, and opened the door.

"What's the matter? Come here at night, is there..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Wenliang squeezed into the room and quickly closed the door.

"Something went wrong, a thief broke into the courtyard!"

Yi Zhonghai was surprised: "Has a thief entered?"

Zhou Wenliang nodded seriously: "I went to the toilet just now and saw a few people sneaking into our courtyard and went to Jia's house."

"Entered Jia's house!"

Zhou Wenliang nodded affirmatively.Yi Zhonghai hurriedly leaned over the window and looked, only to see the dim lights of Jia's house on the opposite side.

It's on, and the light is still on, isn't it...

Yi Zhonghai thought of a possibility, he was really a thief!

"Liangzi, run fast, go to the police station, I'll call someone."

Yi Zhonghai put on his shoes, explained to Zhou Wenliang, and cautiously went to the backyard.

Zhou Wenliang looked at him as if he had gone to the backyard to call for someone.

Zhou Wenliang didn't get any ink marks and went to the police station.

Yi Zhonghai came to the door of Liu's house, knocked on the door and saw Liu Haizhong, and hurriedly said: "Old Liu has an accident, there are thieves in the yard, quickly copy the guy."

Liu Haizhong saw Yi Zhonghai and dozens of men behind him, all holding dicks.

"A thief has entered!" There was no ink in his bangs, and he turned his head to greet: "Guangtian, Guangfu, get up quickly."

Hearing about catching thieves, Liu Haizhong was still very active. He was active, and Yi Zhonghai was even more active than him. He didn't want to call him at first, but thinking of his two sons, he was called anyway. Get more people to strengthen the momentum.

More than a dozen people, armed with shovels and wooden sticks, followed Yi Zhonghai to the door of Jia's house.

Pointing to Jia's house with the lights on, Yi Zhonghai said in a deep voice, "The thief has entered Jia's house.

Everyone follow me to catch the thief! "

Yi Zhonghai took the lead, and Liu Haizhong, not to be outdone, rushed forward with a groaning voice.

Holding a one-foot wooden stick, Yi Zhonghai kicked down the door of Jia's house with his big feet, and went in head-on.

What came into view was a few men in black clothes, as well as the bundled pawns and Sophora japonica flowers on the ground, all of whom were disfigured from crying.

Liu Laosi is tied up and under the table.

Beside the table is a comatose stick, and the blood on the table, under the table and around the stick is irritating to people's eyes.

"What a bold thief, dare to break into the house and commit murder!" Yi Zhonghai shouted loudly, emboldened himself, because he saw that these people had knives.

Liu Haizhong came in after him. Seeing this, he was a little frightened, his calf twisted.

"You, you, you, big, bold..." Liu Haizhong was at a loss for words, and wanted to turn around and run, but the people behind also rushed in.

Yi Zhonghai felt that he had miscalculated, and he should have waited for the police to arrive.

I thought it was a few thieves, but I didn't expect these people to be so ruthless. This is not stealing, this is clearly killing!

Liu Laosi's eyes are full of joy, this kind of scene seems familiar!

Sophora japonica and Xiaodang on the ground seemed to see their relatives, whining and groaning, arching and arching on the ground.

The group of Qianmen were stunned for a moment, and quickly yelled, "Brother Guo, something happened, someone came in." Then they rushed up with a knife.

Brother Guo in the back room just wanted to enjoy the beauty, when he yelled outside the window, he knew he was exposed.

Now the little brother shouted, he has put on his pants.

Muttered: "Unlucky."

Because Qin Huairu has been inconvenient for the past few days, something happened, and he passed out again, so he remained motionless.

Brother Guo felt that he was going to be unlucky when he saw the woman's dirty blood.

There has been a rush outside, strange screams, screams can be heard endlessly.

Relying on his stature and burly, Yi Zhonghai waved the bastard back and forth in his hand, knocking down one person at the first time.

But the room is so big, there are more than [-] people, and the people in the back can't get anything out of their hands.

There is not enough space to display it.

Fortunately, they were all long guys, and these people couldn't get close for a while.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong were in front, and the long guy in his hand could still be waved.

However, as soon as Brother Guo came out, he first crippled the two fiercest ones, namely, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong, each of whom gave him a knife.

Yi Zhonghai was stabbed in the back, and Liu Haizhong's arms and shoulders were chopped off.

Liu Guangtian panicked and said: "Killer, murderer! Withdraw, retreat~" waved the shovel in his hand, and retreated.

A group of people were also very frightened, and those behind also ran away quickly.

At this time Zhou Wenliang also ran over with eight policemen.

Pointing to the messy door of Jia's house, he said, "This is the place, the thief is here."

Listen to the cry of murder.

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, the captain of the criminal police took out his gun and shouted: "Hurry up, go."

Eight policemen immediately surrounded Jia's house. Seeing that there were many people at the door, some windows were smashed, and Jia's house was slammed tightly. Then they heard gunshots.

bang bang bang~
After three violent gunshots in a row, everyone woke up, including Qin Huairu who was in a coma and Jia Zhangshi who was lying on the bed.

Jia Zhang didn't know how long she had been lying on the bed. She only felt her ears buzzing and her mind was in a mess. When she opened her cloudy eyes, she heard a loud and stern voice:
"Don't move, don't move at all."

Jia Zhang's body was stiff, he couldn't move at all, and he didn't know what happened. He opened his mouth and made a hoarse sound like walnuts colliding: "Huairu, Huairu, what's wrong."

When Qin Huairu was fully wrapped in clothes, curled up in the corner of the bed crying bitterly, he heard Jia Zhang's voice, he couldn't hear clearly at first, but when he turned his head, he saw that she had woken up.

Qin Huairu's heart sank, it was bitter!


The house was under control, and there were a lot of people in the courtyard outside, some from the courtyard, and some from outside the courtyard. They all heard the gunshots and came to watch the commotion.

A few were scratched, sitting on the ground in the courtyard, receiving bandages from their wives and family members, and still bragging to everyone about how bravely they fought against the gangsters just now.

Zhou Wenliang rolled his eyes when he heard that, if he hadn't asked for help, you would all be wiped out.

Just these few out-of-town desperadoes, really killed you and ran away, it's really hard to catch.

If it wasn't for keeping a low profile and hiding his strength, Zhou Wenliang would have solved them by himself.

However, Zhou Wenliang didn't need to be noticed, much less wanted to be noticed, so he kept a low profile.

In the house, Brother Guo was shot to death, lying on the ground with a knife in his hand, and there were two corpses beside him.

Comrades from the police have rescued Xiaodang and Huaihua, and they ran into the room crying to find Qin Huairu.

The rest of the thieves held their heads in their hands and squatted on the ground.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong also lay on the ground and screamed again and again.

Criminal police captain: "The injured will be sent to the hospital soon."

At this moment in the courtyard, after Yan Bugui heard about it, he hurriedly greeted everyone for help.

The next day, New Year's Eve, was supposed to be a happy day, but some families were happy and others were sad.

Ke Yi's family, Jia's family, and Liu's family were all frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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