Ordinary life starting from a courtyard

Chapter 268 Chapter 267: The daughter-in-law has the intention of treason

Chapter 268 Chapter 267: The daughter-in-law has the intention of treason

Everyone in the courtyard had left, leaving only Zhou Wenliang and He Yushui. Zhou Wenwen looked at the ground lying on the ground, her body twitched, she seemed to be crying, she stuck out her tongue, and ran away.

I thought to myself, I am so grown up, I still cry.

This can't be said like that, being spanked in front of so many people.

Because the clothes are thick, and the skin is rough and fleshy, I don't feel much pain, but it is extremely insulting!
No matter what he is silly, he is 30 years old, and he has a good face. Today, he was spanked by Yan Bugui in front of the whole courtyard, and he can't hold his head up anymore.

He Yushui walked over, squatted on the ground, and asked cautiously, "Silly brother, are you okay?"

Silly Zhu held back tears, rubbed against the padded jacket, looked up with red eyes: "What do you think! Are you still my sister?

I'm just being pushed to the ground and beaten, you don't care?
Watching me being beaten..."

He Yushui said weakly: "I can't pull them away..."

Lack of confidence, it was Zhou Wenliang who pulled her just now and didn't let her mess up.

Zhou Wenliang came over and said, "Okay, don't blame Shui'er, I didn't let her go.

You deserved to be beaten up this time. "

Upon hearing this, Silly Zhu became unhappy: "The co-author didn't hit you, you're talking sarcastic here.

You don't care, just watch me get beaten.You are still not my brother-in-law.

You little brother-in-law can't do it! "

Zhou Wenliang squatted down, laughed and scolded: "Go away!

Is my brother-in-law unqualified?

If it weren't for me, you would have been beaten so hard that you wouldn't be able to get up!

Let me tell you, it will be good for you to be beaten once this time.

At least in the future, everyone won't bother you so much.

Just think about how messed up you were before, how many people you offended without saying a word!

Today I was pressed and beaten, and everyone became angry. When you talk to everyone in the future, they will be polite to you. "

Evil people are like this. After honest, kind-hearted people take advantage of a wicked person, the next time they see a wicked person, they will feel guilty and worry that the wicked person will retaliate.

So it is also appropriate to speak politely.

Of course, this theory is all fart, and it's all a lie.

Just let him stare at Yan Bugui and kowtow to death.

Otherwise, with Shazhu's temperament, I don't know what happened in the end.

In fact, there are not many chances of being punished if you can hit silly pillars in the courtyard.

How else could he be so crazy?

They used to rely on Yi Zhonghai, but now they are breaking up.

Then came the deaf old lady, and now the deaf old lady is still squatting in the cell.

So no one helped him out, so he was beaten by everyone.

However, this time beating someone, beating Sha Zhu, somewhat ignored him!
As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog.

Zhou Wenliang rubbed his chin, thinking it would be inappropriate for him to keep silent.

Sha Zhu gritted his teeth and stood up angrily: "Yan Pugui, I want to kill him!"

Seeing that he was going to fight in the front yard, Zhou Wenliang held him back and asked knowingly, "Why are you going?"

"Didn't you just say that these are Yan Bugui's incitement to everyone, otherwise how could I be beaten, I will go to him to settle the score!"

Zhou Wenliang smiled, should I say, Shazhu is really strong, how many sticks did he hit?

Twenty or thirty strokes, there is nothing wrong now!

"Go home and change your clothes first, look at your butt, the cotton is exposed, it's not embarrassing."

"That won't work, I can't suppress my anger, I have to beat them up.

Don't think about it for the Yan family. "

There will never be peace in the Yan family.

Shazhu turned around angrily and wanted to leave, Zhou Wenliang said, "You beat people in the past, and Yan Bugui will hold a general meeting of the whole hospital to beat you on the ground?
Do you still feel like you haven't been beaten enough? "

He Yushui held Silly Zhu, and said cautiously: "Silly brother, don't go, you were beaten just now, what are you doing now?"

Silly Zhu was stunned, he had to advance or retreat for a while, he was in a dilemma, "Where, why am I being beaten in vain?"

Zhou Wenliang smiled: "It's not like that, there are still lessons that should be learned."

"Hurry up and say, I'm going to kill him, Yan Pugui." Silly Zhu had a vicious look on his face.

"Hey, that's not bad, they are all neighbors, how can you say that. What kind of death is not a death, rude!"

Silly Zhu urged anxiously, "Hey, Brother Liang, Master Liang, why don't I call you Master!

Tell me quickly, I'm dying of anxiety! "

He Daqing saw this shameless appearance, and could beat him to death with the sole of his shoe.

Zhou Wenliang: "You can say it, but I want half of the compensation you get."

He doesn't care about this little money, but he likes the fun in the middle.

"No problem, as long as it makes Yan Pugui feel uncomfortable, I will give you all the compensation you get."

"That's all right.

There are three ways to deal with him!

First, later, Yan Jiecheng's three brothers go to work, and those who go to school go to school.

You cover your face and block them in the alley...you beat them every time you see them, and after a while, Yan Bugui will definitely come to apologize. "

Sha Zhu's eyes lit up: "That's good, I'll stop them later.

Don't you say three middle schools, what about the next one? "

Zhou Wenliang, "Don't worry, let me take a breath.

Each of these can enter the soles of the shoes.

You use this to blackmail him and ask him to pay you compensation. Of course, you decide the amount yourself, and he dare not refuse to pay. "

Silly Zhu's eyes became brighter the more he listened, and he clapped his hands excitedly: "This is good, just use this.

It has to be you, no one else can think of such a damaging move.

Cultural people are different, the knife stabs the flesh, but there is no blood! "

"Get out! What kind of emotion are you sending out?"

Silly Zhu didn't make any excuses, scratched his head, and laughed.

"What's next?"

"The next step is easy, go directly to the police station to report him, let him in, and give you compensation.

This compensation depends on how people decide..."

The third trick is a bit ruthless, let Shazhu use the second one to threaten first, so that he can also watch more fun, right?

The Yan family was full of joy and laughter, Yan Pugui sat on the chair, enjoying the respect and praise from his children and his wife,

This made his authority as the head of the family even stronger.

Yan Jiefang had a swollen face, his eyes could hardly be opened, and he didn't forget to brag, making gestures to show how he knocked Shazhu down just now.

"If I hadn't used all my strength to trip Silly Zhu, you still wouldn't be able to catch it."

The three mothers immediately praised: "This great achievement of liberation, I reward you with an egg."

Ding Feng was covering Yan Jiecheng's face with eggs, and praised him for his good job today and his masculinity!Reward him or something tonight.

Hearing what the third mother said, he pinched Yan Xiecheng and winked at the third mother.

Yan Xie set up his horse and said, "Mom, what about me? I also deserve credit. If I hadn't been the first to rush up, no one would have dared to go up and catch Silly Zhu."

Sanma and Yan Bugui nodded, this is still true.

The third mother said: "Yes, what Xie Cheng said is good, and you have merit."

There was no more to say, and Yan Jiecheng said dissatisfiedly, "Where are my eggs?"

"Your daughter-in-law has eggs in her hand, what eggs do you want?"

"This egg was bought by my daughter-in-law to make me healthy! How can this be considered a reward?"

Because Yan Jiecheng often did physical work, Ding Feng bought some eggs, fearing that he would be exhausted and his wife would love the man!
But the money for buying eggs was kept secretly by himself, and he didn't give all of it to Yan Bugui.

Therefore, Yan Pugui and his wife often said that their daughter-in-law had the intention of treason, and encouraged their eldest son to separate from them.

"You have eggs, what do you want? Jiefang is injured, he has no eggs for external application, and Jiefang is caring and obedient, so I reward him with an egg."

Ding Feng's face flushed with anger, and he pinched Yan Xiecheng hard.

Enduring the pain, Yan Jiecheng grinned and said, "Mom, you're too biased. I'm still your son."

"That's right, Third Mom, you're doing things unfairly!

If there is no reward for credit, how can this convince the public? "

"Stupid, silly column!"

(End of this chapter)

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