Chapter 29: Chapter 29
The first quadrangle meeting that Zhou Wenliang attended was held tonight, and it was a courtyard meeting held just for him.

After dinner in the evening, they all gathered in the front yard. Zhou Wenliang and the fat man stood in the middle of the yard. Silly Zhu was covering his face covered with wounds. His nose, bruises and face swelling were mild, and he hissed and gasped without even looking at them.

A table was set up in front of the hall, and Yi Zhonghai sat in the middle, stood up, with a serious face and a loud voice: "Today we called everyone together because a terrible and vicious incident happened in our hospital!
I won't say it, I believe everyone knows it.Zhou Wenliang and Wang Yanan from the backyard viciously beat He Yuzhu. "

Yi Zhonghai slapped the table angrily, and pointed at Zhou Wenliang and the two in the middle: "This is lawlessness, and there is no family education at all."

Zhou Wenliang said bluntly: "My lord, just say what you say, and others will attack you personally."

Fatty calmed down at this moment, his face began to sweat profusely, he was actually quite afraid of Yi Zhonghai, after all, the uncle in the courtyard, he has been in charge of the affairs of the courtyard since he was a child, and the people in the courtyard respect him, which also includes Too fat.

Not to mention Fatty, everyone in this courtyard respects Yi Zhonghai. After all, he handles things impartially and has high prestige. If he has been a master for so many years, it is impossible for him to be stable.

In addition, there are a lot of employees in the rolling mill in this courtyard, and Yi Zhonghai is a senior worker in the rolling mill, so he is a big deal in the factory, let alone in the courtyard.

However, Zhou Wenliang was not afraid of him.

His indifference made Yi Zhonghai even more furious.

"There is no respect for the eyes."

Yi Zhonghai yelled angrily, and then pointed to the stupid Zhu, "Big guy, look at the one who was beaten, how will he see people in the future, he hasn't married a wife yet, what should he do if he breaks his acquaintance, your Zhou family Do you care?"

"It's just like a dead vegetable with a silly stick. A broken face is like a plastic surgery. Maybe a broken face will make you look better."


When Shazhu heard this, his anger came up again, he looked at the crowd, and shouted angrily: "Who, whoever said that, step on the horse and stand up for me."

At the end of the crowd, Xu Damao slowly lowered his body, covered his mouth, and laughed non-stop.

Liu Haizhong knocked on the table with a jar: "Stop arguing, silly Zhu, let's talk about your business now. Zhou Wenliang, the three of you, tell me what's going on, why are you fighting! Do you still think you are a child? You adults You know, I'm no longer a child! This, the construction of the Guo family needs you all, this..."

After listening to the radio for two days, Liu Haizhong found that this person was different, his tone of voice had changed, and his small speeches were all the same.

After Liu Haizhong finished his long speech, Zhou Wenliang pointed to the silly Zhu on the side first: "Second uncle, the cause of today's incident is that the silly Zhu blocked me, and he refused to let me go home, so he started to fight, the fat man just watched Then, they ran over to start a fight, and started fighting too. So we don’t blame us for this.”

Who wouldn't do it wrong, and besides, he wasn't doing it wrong.It is true.

Fatty nodded again and again: "Yes, what Liangzi said is correct, that's how things are."

Sha Zhu: "Get out, I asked Zhou Wenliang to apologize to the uncle, and you were the first to do it."

The fat man sprayed back: "Fart, you were the one who hijacked Liangzi and prevented him from going home. We asked you to argue, and you were annoyed, so you did it first."

Fatty was kicked by Sha Zhu when he was a child, he didn't dare to provoke him before, and he usually blah, but today he found out that Sha Zhu had only kicked him twice, so he wasn't afraid of him anymore.

Shazhu's eyes were red with anger, and he was furious: "You are looking for death."

He said he was going to come and do it, Zhou Wenliang and the fat man were ready to beat him up.

Liu Haizhong slapped the table and shouted angrily: "That's enough, silly Zhu, what are you going to do, fight? Did you take our three uncles seriously.

I think this incident was caused by you. You are impulsive and aggressive, and you were beaten for a reason. "

That's right. Didn't you see Silly Zhu being beaten up? Didn't anyone speak for him?
Because of his stinky mouth, everyone in the courtyard was offended by him. In one, he relied on his vigor and no one cared about him, so he developed an arrogant personality and ran amok in the courtyard. disgust.

"Hey, Second Uncle, what you say is a bit vicious. Is it right for you to be beaten up for cooperating with me?"

"Who are you calling wicked!" Liu Hai stood up angrily.

Silly Zhu didn't care at all: "Whoever I say, who knows."


Yi Zhonghai held Liu Haizhong, and said, "Old Liu, it's all right, you sit down first.

I understand what happened today. The reason is that Zhou Wenliang was blocked by the pillars and prevented from letting him go home. "


Zhou Wenliang nodded and glanced at Yi Zhonghai.

"He stopped you, and you can't hit people with your hands. You are wrong. You two are at fault, so the hospital decided that you two will clean the whole hospital for three months and compensate Shazhu for 10 yuan for medical expenses..."

Zhou Wenliang's face turned green with anger, and he interrupted immediately: "Wait a minute, you are being unfair!

Isn't this obviously partial to Sha Zhu?
As we said just now, it was Sha Zhu who made the move first, and he stopped me from going home first.

Not only will I go to the police station, but I will also go to the street to sue you, Yi Zhonghai, for using chicken feathers as arrows, not to mention it in court, and to favor your son, Sha Zhu. "

What Zhou Wenliang said was good, and Liu Haizhong and Yan Pugui listened even better. The two almost burst into tears, and finally someone confronted Yi Zhonghai.

This courtyard is almost becoming Yi Zhonghai's monopoly, and everyone listens to the elder. The second and third elders are raised by their stepmothers.

Being pointed at his nose and scolded, Yi Zhonghai almost fainted from anger, especially when he saw everyone's suspicious eyes, he was even more furious inside.

Everyone listened to what Zhou Wenliang said to the fat man before, and Shazhu admitted that he stopped Zhou Wenliang and the two first, and Shazhu was impulsive and messy, so he hit people first, and everyone felt normal.

Yi Zhonghai's obvious partiality now really made everyone puzzled, but when they heard Zhou Wenliang say that Shazhu was his godson, everyone also reacted, isn't that the case?

Although Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai didn't confirm their marriage, after all, they really were.

Yi Zhonghai called the deaf old lady in the backyard his mother, and Sha Zhu called the old lady grandma. Isn't this just a family!
Now that everyone has come to their senses, they are muttering in their hearts, no wonder Yi Zhonghai will help Shazhu whenever something happens, and now they have found the reason.

Sha Zhu pointed at Zhou Wenliang angrily, and roared: "Don't frame a good man, why did the uncle favor me? The fact is that you did it first."

"Justice is in the hearts of the people. If you can't do it, call the police." Zhou Wenliang said lightly.

Anyway, no one saw them beating people at that time, so there was nothing they could do when the police came.

He and Fatty both insisted that Sha Zhu struck first, and they fought back in self-defense, and they would hit him lightly.

Silly Zhu looked reasonable and couldn't explain clearly, he yelled anxiously, rushed over, and wanted to hit someone.


"Stupid column..."

Zhou Wenliang and the two cooperated tacitly. Seeing Shazhu rushing over, the fat man stood in front of him as a meat shield and hugged Shazhu. Zhou Wenliang flew over and kicked Shazhu on the waist.

With a groan, Sha Zhu lost his balance and fell to the ground in an instant, with the fat man on top of him.

Sha Zhu struggled to get up, but the fat man hit him while pressing Sha Zhu.

Zhou Wenliang helped press it, and greeted the fool with his fist.

 Thanks to the leeks in the north of the city, the soldiers of the evil king, and the monthly pass from Bingshang Wuhen, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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