Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 101 Frustration

Chapter 101 Frustration
The situation became confusing in an instant. For Telvin, this was the first time he faced such a change. It was almost impossible to determine Lynn's position in the first place.

But now he has no way out,

He had promised the leader earlier that he would definitely tie Lin En back today,

Now that the person has entered, if he returns without success, he will not be able to hold his head up in the gang for the rest of his life.
This consequence is something he simply cannot afford!
Telvin forced himself to calm down.

Finally decided to split up.

"You, you, the three of you, go and see who that person is over there. Pay attention, don't contact him after seeing it, and report back immediately, don't act rashly, safety first."

Telvin said.

His decision is deliberate.

He had to control all the existence of these two parties, and the thing on the ceiling had just shown its strength and shot and killed several people, so the danger was undoubtedly relatively high.I have rich fighting skills and lead a large army, so I can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the encounter.

And the mysterious footsteps in the corridor, who knows who it is.

Maybe it was a passerby who came to see if there was electricity on the second floor,

Or the person who came down from the third floor to ask the dormitory management about the power outage,

This is not surprising either.

If a large force is allocated to such a trivial matter, it is tantamount to throwing away the root and chasing the end,

It is very likely that the goal of this trip will be let go in vain at that time.

So, Telvin's party split up and moved.
Most people went after the nimble and small three-eyed man, and the remaining three were led away by Lynn himself.

Those three people were named by Telvin and separated from the main force, and they were all a little reluctant in their hearts.

At this time, of course it is safer to follow the party with more people.

"... just take a look."

Someone whispered to his accomplices, apparently not intending to take the assigned tasks seriously.

This is also human nature.

The other two nodded, feeling that their companions were quite intelligent.

The three of them walked forward bravely, but after they lost touch with the main force, the sound of footsteps just now disappeared.

Lynn manipulated the three-eyed man into a trash can, turned on the monitoring screen of the pinhole camera, checked the location of the thieves, then closed the computer, slowly opened the door of the room, and crawled out on all fours.

After practicing parkour, Lynn's crawling has also become very flexible, just like a real wild animal.

Lynn approached the three who were alone.

Surrounded each other alone.

The three were still walking slowly, and one of them looked back from time to time. Lynn was originally hiding behind the water dispenser, but when this person just confirmed the scene behind him and turned his head back, he suddenly acted!
He sprang out nimbly, followed behind everyone, and suddenly activated Fire Dragon No. [-], and the raging flames shot out immediately, tearing the shields of several people in an instant, killing three people in seconds like a wind and cloud!

"Save me, save me!"

The screams quickly disappeared.

No one can withstand the fire.

After all, this is a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees, and the lungs will disappear after a few breaths.

But they still made some noise before they died.

The movement spread far and reached Telvin's ears.

"Damn it, they've already met a poisonous hand!" Telvin's heart trembled, and he quickly turned his head to be vigilant.

In the past few minutes, the sound above the ceiling had disappeared. At this moment, there was a sudden bad news, and Telvin quickly realized that he might have lost his target.

The target may have detoured to his rear!
"This is how to do?"

"Boss, why don't we escape first?"

"Yeah yeah."

"Where there is life, there is hope……"

A group of thieves panicked and talked a lot.

"Calm down, everyone follow me!" Telvin tried his best to resist all arguments. After all, he had a supernatural ability to listen to sounds and identify positions. He made a decisive decision and immediately changed direction, intending to rush to the place where the screams came from.

But at this moment,
All of a sudden, there was another rustling sound of hooks rubbing against the ceiling just now in front of everyone!

Everyone was terrified.

The morale of the army began to slacken.

The situation became complicated and confusing in an instant. For Telvin, this was the second time he had to face this kind of change. It was almost impossible to make the right decision at the first time.

"Damn it, damn it...what the hell is going on?" Telvin was also a little flustered. He had always disbelieved in ghosts and gods, but now he was terrified.


But he cannot escape.

The big words have already been blown out, and now they are fleeing in embarrassment, wouldn't they be shooting themselves in the foot?

The regiment is not all iron buckets, and it would be uncomfortable if those who squeezed them out took advantage of it.

However, he didn't plan to split up this time.

He quickly conducted a rigorous analysis.

Using the knowledge of mathematical classification discussion, there are two possibilities for these two completely different voices.One is that there are two enemies acting separately, the footsteps and friction sounds are Lynn and the unknown monster respectively.

This claim is highly unlikely.

As far as Telvin knows, the wilderness has become very unsettled recently, and it has even spread to the firefighting area. Rat plagues broke out in many places in the firefighting area, and some small animals showed abnormal behaviors.

Even some of the beasts in the wild have a tendency to get closer to the firefight, which is very disturbing.

However, it is still too early to spread to Sanyuanhuikou, so the possibility of this statement is very small.If a fool insists on thinking that there are monsters or unknown existences, it is likely that the specific atmosphere has caused psychological pressure and caused misjudgment.

For example, these cowardly boys.

I like to scare myself.

compare to,

The second argument is more convincing.

"These two voices may not all be enemies, there may be a bait. Lynn is actually a very cunning person, he is likely to deliberately lure us to disperse our troops, and then defeat us one by one..."

Telvin's eyes flickered, and he felt a long-lost excitement at this moment.

Chess meets opponent.

At the Northeast Market, he suffered a big loss. This time, no matter what he said, he had to defeat Lin En in an upright manner, so that he could feel proud.

But at this critical moment, one person stood up.

Just a sycophant.

"...Boss, why don't we split up? I'll take one or two brothers and continue to investigate the movement ahead. Boss, you lead a large army to the back. It just so happens that the corridor on the second floor is like a Chinese character. We can cooperate from inside to outside." ..."

"It's like a sandwich between two bread!"

Telvin frowned and said slowly:

To be honest, he felt that this proposal was not good, but he still agreed.

There are still so many people with him, and he has determined the truth of the matter through careful analysis.As long as you pay attention not to disperse your forces in the future, let two or three people be used as bait, and it will not hurt to test it out.

On the contrary, it also has the function of showing weakness to the enemy.

You thought that I was still kept in the dark, but in fact, I deliberately sent two people to you in order to dissuade you from vigilance.

So the two teams split up.

But neither Lynn nor Telvin thought that this sycophant actually had his own ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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