Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 112 Unexpected Gains

Chapter 112 Unexpected Gains

"But I probably know what Sonny is doing, and the madmen are probably researching a strange biotechnology now."

"Biotechnology? What biotechnology?"

"Sonny should be going to catch that kind of mouse and extract its blood for research. As for the specific information, we are still investigating. We will reply to you in time when we find out in a few days."

Lynn hung up the phone, took a deep breath,

He originally wanted to find a four-eyed person with a high degree of modification and rich combat experience as his bodyguard, but since the other party has something to do,

Then you can only go back and ask for the next best thing,

Randomly find an ace mercenary to escort him.

Lin En called the fat man at the AIC booth and explained to him about the bodyguards. He wanted to hire an ace mercenary to protect the law.
Soon, a person with extremely rich combat experience came to Sanyuanhuikou,

Lynn looked at the bodyguard in front of him and said in surprise:

"Why did I call you here all the time? Isn't it a bit strange that you still do this kind of work at such an old age?"

The person who came was none other than Lynn's old acquaintance Edmund.

Edmund himself is an ace hunter, so he has rich combat experience.
It's just that in Lynn's impression, he should have retired to the second line to bring in new hunters.

It's not something you should do yourself.

"Boss Lin, why is it you?" Edmund also exclaimed in surprise, "This is really a coincidence, but I didn't come here just to earn some money for the hunters, I have other ideas."

During the conversation, Lynn learned that Edmund was very peace-loving, and hated the invasion of the Northeast Market by the Fourteen Thieves and the Tianxia League. This time, he heard that it was related to the Fourteen Thieves, so he came immediately .

"Don't worry, Boss Lin." Edmund said boldly, "A job like a hunter is more and more popular as you get older. Although you can see how old I am, I really want to fight. Li is also one of the best masters."

Lynn scratched his head with a complicated expression.

This old man doesn't have any prosthetic limbs, so it's really hard to give people a sense of security.

In fact, he was not afraid of the other party's safety, but mainly worried about himself.

"Let's do this first." Lin En forced himself to comfort himself.

The hands are ready,

Lynn re-checked the traps he had set in the dormitory building, and after making sure everything was ready,
The mood just settled down a little.

Time passes slowly,
The time agreed in the gauntlet is approaching,

But at this stall, some changes have taken place in the Fourteen Thieves Group.

"Crow, you will regret it."

A weird crow stood on the square table, looking calmly at Crowe who was ready to go.

Crowe was speechless.

".I've never heard of it. When a thief steals something from someone else, he has to negotiate a time with the victim."

A few days ago, he wanted to attack Lynn directly,
But his tutor insisted on letting him make a challenge.

This is simply beyond comprehension.

The gauntlet issued now is irreversible, but at least, Crowe will not foolishly follow the content of the gauntlet,
If that's the case, just be a thief and start a knight duel with someone.

And a few days ago, he learned that Lin En was going out from Sanyuanhuikou, and wanted to mobilize troops to ambush Lin En on the way back.
Originally, I could have arrived at full speed,

But the actions along the way aroused the vigilance of Tianxiameng,

Because of the failure of the Northeast Bazaar, the Tianxia League and the [-]th Thief Regiment turned against each other, so they refused to enter the troops of the [-]th Thieves Regiment.

Finally returned without success.

This aroused Crowe's vigilance even more, so he wanted to launch an attack a few days in advance.

"Crow, I've taught you for so long, you don't know anything about the profession of thieves!" The crow shook his head regretfully, and said with a complicated and remorseful expression: "The teachings of the thieves are all called thieves." Youdao, this means that thieves also have their own principles of being a thief.

We thieves are a sacred profession. The reason why I teach and preach is to let more people come to the ignorance,
Therefore, I can be regarded as a garden full of peaches and plums now.

Like the robbers in ancient times, if they can guess what property is stored in the house without entering the door, this is sageness; if they enter the house first, this is bravery; if they leave the house last, this is righteousness; if they can know whether to take action, this is wisdom; Fair distribution after the event, this is benevolence
And I happen to be benevolent, righteous, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness and five virtues, if people in the world call me a saint, it is not too much."

The crow closed his eyes and began to recite, and as he talked, his expression couldn't help but feel a little fluttering,

But when he was complacent, Crowe curled his lips in disdain,

left the camp.

He is going to gather people now and take coercive measures against Lynn!
. . . . . . . . .

Regardless of the dissuasion of his mentor, Crowe decided to act in advance,

He originally wanted to gather all the people to ensure that the event was safe,
But when it was time to act, several thieves claimed that they had something to do, and they really couldn't find the time.

This is also normal.

Although they looked up to Chroma, they didn't obey him.

Now that Telvin just died, trying to carve up his remaining territory is the top priority. As for what Crowe thinks, they don't care.
Or just superficially care.

Many of these thieves joined the Fourteenth Thief Group as a franchise, and there was considerable disunity within.

"If they don't come, they won't come." Crowe took a breath and began to count the number of people.

A total of eight famous thieves are willing to act together with him,
But these eight thieves led hundreds of men and horses, with great momentum,

Crowe thought,
Darkness is not good.

I simply can't bring so many people into Sanyuanhuikou,

Even the mere proximity of these people to the territory of Grundfos will arouse their vigilance,

It can be said to be very clumsy.

Completely inconsistent with the thief's identity.

Crowe pointed at the thieves and said, "Then, you, you, you can disband the troops under your command, and just follow me."

As soon as this remark came out, some people objected, and a bald thief said anxiously: "Boss, how can this be possible!" People, even in terms of skill, I am old now, and I am not inferior to them."

The other thieves who were pointed out also said: "Yes, yes!"

Crowe was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to know what happened,

These fourteen thieves are not like brothers,
Enmity with each other is not pleasing to the eye, but it is thanks to myself that these people can barely be brought together,
If you don't bring people with you, you will be bullied everywhere.

Crowe said again: "Then proportionally, each of you will bring three-quarters less manpower, and we will all go together, everyone will be safe, and we will not be tripped by others during the operation. You should be satisfied at once."

Everyone nodded, feeling that the situation was acceptable
This time, the manpower is much less.
No one feels safe,

Just when Crowe was satisfied, new problems followed one after another.
(End of this chapter)

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