Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 122 New realm

Chapter 122 New realm

Romit talked about the planting theory with everyone,

After his professional guidance, the output of this wheat field can at least return to a relatively normal level.

Soon, this part of the wheat was replanted,

Presumably the income of the farm will also be greatly improved.
At this time, Lynn's cell phone vibrated.

Lin En picked up the phone, only to see that it was a call from a four-eyed person from the Evolution Society:


After some greetings, the four-eyed person cut a long story short, saying: "Our people have the latest harvest at the Madmen's Association."


"The thing is like this. A few days ago, our people discovered an abandoned laboratory in the wild. After our investigation, this laboratory was once owned by the Madman Society, and it was only abandoned in the last few months.

We learned that the Madman Society has been doing biological experiments during this time, and they seem to be using the shelter of the Ronin Society in Anning City to extract genes from the alien beasts outside the city and make them into various genetic potions."

"Different from the stable genetic potions sold in the city, these genetic potions are very unstable, and most of the users will die. Although the remaining people will gain powerful abilities, they are likely to have animal traits on them." certain features"

Lynn was taken aback,
Thinking back on Sonny's appearance again, I felt a little more enlightenment in my heart,
He's probably here to catch that particular mouse.

"Do you know how their genetic potion is made?" Lynn asked suddenly.

"... I don't know." The four-eyed person said: "But the extraction of tissues from animals obviously has a strong timeliness. I estimate that they are most likely to be extracted on the spot in the firefight. This means that there will be Specialized operators do the extraction, they probably understand this”

Lynn didn't speak,
He is thinking about something.

He has already understood most of the pre-knowledge of biology, but this does not include the crude extraction technology of this animal gene. If he can master this technology, he may also be able to create a A batch of animal genetic medicine,
Lynn guessed that this unique technology is likely to be stored in the local database of the Madman Club,
No matter how bad it is, it should be a paper version, stored in the laboratory of the Madman Club.

Lynn's eyes flickered.

As long as you can obtain this theory, you can gradually perfect it.

Coincidentally, he had a computer and a set of attack components at hand, so Lynn wanted to try to see if he could break through the Madman Club's database by himself and steal files from it.

".Hey, are you still listening?"


"If you have any inquiries about the Madman Association, please let me know as soon as possible."

end the conversation,

Romit is still guiding the work in the farm, watching the outrageous operations on the cultivated land while walking,

Blood pressure can't help but rise again.

Lin En went back to the hut first,

That night, he began to search the surrounding LAN,

After some twists and turns, Lynn found the local area network of the Madmen Club,

Start analyzing peripheral vulnerabilities,
Vulnerability analysis is in progress.
It will be analyzed soon,
Lynn cracked it tentatively, and it was connected immediately.

Lynn has hacked into the LAN of the Madmen Club!

Lin En shouted surprise, but after thinking about it, this is actually reasonable,
With his familiarity with network theory, he can already be regarded as a dimensionality reduction blow in this firefight. Simply cleaning up a gang's database is not easy.

After entering,

Lynn actually found a precious piece of information called:
"Experimental animal mixture extraction method"

Lynn immediately copied this document and other trivial information, which may be useful later.

copy complete,

Lynn opened it and took a look,
"Please note that the crude animal mixture produced by this method has no commercial value and is only used for scientific experiments. Any adverse and abnormal reactions of users have nothing to do with the editor, Dr. Stryker"

"The one I was looking for was you."

Lynn was delighted,

In the past few days, he has devoted himself to studying the craft of making this animal mixture.

Animal mixture refers to a mixture made of ingredients extracted from a certain animal, and the user will obtain characteristics and abilities similar to the animal.

Lynn was actually very confused when he saw this explanation at first.

What is the use of this thing?

But after he looked through the information carefully, he felt more and more that it had a wide range of applications.
According to the book, this animal mixture can be roughly divided into two different models,
They are the animal mixture prototype and the standard animal mixture.

The so-called prototype animal mixture refers to animal mixtures that lack functionality. They usually only have a certain part of the functions of standard animal mixtures, and most of them are still unstable.

The manufacturing process is not perfect,
Side effects will arise spontaneously.

Most of the people who use this animal mixture will cause irreversible damage to their bodies. If someone is not compatible, it is not impossible to die suddenly.

The standard product will not have such a problem,
The effect of the standard animal mixture is more stable, with a lot less extremes, and it can be used in the armed forces on a large scale or for personal use.

"Then I'll make it now."

Lynn is ready for a big fight,
But first, he needs a bunch of instruments.

The selection of instruments is also a technical task. It is impossible to buy instruments used in urban laboratories, so we can only roughly manufacture a few in the firefighting area.

Lynn has studied instrumentation and has his own understanding of what kind of instruments to use.

The only difficulty was that he had no access to the glassworks.

This thing can’t just remove a piece of glass from the window and grind it by yourself, but Lynn immediately thought of Hans, and asked him if there was a glass factory with quartz sand in his vicinity, and the answer he got was:
"There was actually one in the southeast of this area, but after the Tianxiameng flourished, the surrounding area was very chaotic, and the factory had already closed down."

To no avail, when Lin En was at a loss, he thought of another person.


She is very good at the field of material science. At that time, she also provided the color-changing painting to herself, which means that she has access to a complete chemical production system.

So Lynn immediately contacted Jura.

the phone is connected,
Lynn explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail, and as expected, he got the location of the glass factory.Then he drew the contours and parameters of various instruments in the design drawings, and submitted the order to the manufacturer, and he was relieved.

"It's good to know more people."

Lin En couldn't help but sigh, although there are constant disputes in the firefighting area, the more economically developed the area, the stricter the order, and the more rewards you get for treating people sincerely.

It is also a bit emotional to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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