Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 124 Subcontracting

Chapter 124 Subcontracting
In young children, the eyes of normal people are intact.

They can see every corner of their field of vision clearly, and see everything with great clarity, whether it is the shining foam in the water.The slightly wrinkled face of a loved one is still my own little train toy.

But over time, you're bound to gain access to knowledge,

access to books,
Exposure to colorful electronic devices,

Now that I think about it carefully, compared to the piles of books in my previous life, the graduation certificates and diplomas one after another, it seems that the thicker and thicker spectacle frames are more proof of the growth process.

Looking back suddenly,

The beauty buried in the depths of childhood, the carefree life, the vows we made when we were young, the rhetoric when we were bragging,

Like the field of vision after taking off the glasses, it has become more and more blurred.

but now,
Lynn's eyes had become very clear,
This clearness and enhancement of dynamic vision are not a concept.

The surrounding picture quality suddenly changed from standard definition to 4K original painting, which made Lynn experience a long-lost sense of youth.
This is the restlessness of vitality!
In addition, there are physical fitness, as well as the enhancement of various functions,
Lynn feels clear headed now,

There is so much to do in life!

So, he opened his panel at once.


Lifespan: (27/73)

[Mechanics: LV3
Shoot LV3
Parkour LV3
Automatic control technology: LV3
Hacking Technology LV2
Biology LV2
Instrumentation LV2
Vehicle Driving LV1
Animal Mixture Manufacturing: LV1

"This is finally a relatively normal person." Lin En breathed a sigh of relief,

The upper limit of life span has been raised to 73 years old, which has to be said to be good news,

Barely considered a normal person.

Although the increase in lifespan has no effect on him in the short term,
But it can effectively relieve his anxiety.

Watching the few remaining years of life go by bit by bit, this is a top-level torture.

Eat this bottle of Type 0 gene mixture,

Lynn feels really good,
I wanted to get in touch with a more advanced gene mixture again.

He continued to ask the fat man at the AIC booth to ask,
The fat man stared and screamed strangely: "Oh my god, do you really think that we have so much energy that we can reach so far into the city?
Not to mention people from Crossfire, even the adults in Anning City, it is extremely difficult to obtain the type 0 gene mixture. It is not something that anyone can buy if they want to, it must be available to someone who is superior. Possibility to get"

Sure enough, no,

Lynn went away,
However, after taking this genetic improvement potion,

In a sense,

It is already considered the same kind of city people.

As long as you want to move into Anning City,
You can go anytime.

After all, Telvin just lost an ID card for himself when he died before. The ID card has already been prepared, and he can use it directly when the time comes.

But Lynn is not too eager to move to Anning City now,
There is a good old saying,
It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

Then Anning City is really so good that all the firefighters will flock to it?

Lynn has a well-developed news channel, and has also heard Romit talk about life in the city.

According to Romit, the most succinct words to sum up the quality of life of the people at the bottom of the shantytowns are:
A pile of history.

Lynn felt that many of the stupid crossfire people were actually deceived and went to the city to work as black slaves.

It would be better to stay here.


At noon this day, Lynn was working on automatic control technology.

When he was in the company dormitory, he used to connect many trap machine guns to the combat computers in parallel and let them control them, basically realizing the function of automatic fire.

But it happened in a hurry,
Lynn did not have time to carefully study the practical use of the automatic control principle.

On this day, Lynn connected many electronic components to the combat computer and found that the maximum number of connections was 32.

Lin En found another batch of firearms and connected them to the combat computer, and found that the maximum number of connections was also 32.

After Lynn's experiment, 32 is the limit of the current combat computer.

To explain it in a simple way,

Each firearm in the automatic control network actually shares a brain. The more firearms there are, the smaller the level of intelligence that is equally distributed to each firearm.

If the number of accesses is greater than 32, the operation of each firearm will inevitably be stuck, which will cause considerable hidden dangers.

Lynn began mass production of a second model of the robot.

Unlike the three-eyed person used for individual infiltration, Lynn's newly designed robot does not intend to carry too many detection modules.

What does that take?

They are all equipped with an automatic control network, so they must use crowd tactics, using numbers and powerful individual firepower to pile up combat power.

"It is definitely not feasible to carry a machine gun. What I made is only a small robot, and the load is too heavy, so it cannot be moved conveniently."

Lynn thought,

After a while, I didn't want to, and used the laser transmitter instead.

There is still more room for improvement in the future, and there is no need to waste money in the initial place.

Sometimes you have to start working first in order to progress.People who want to pursue perfection from the very beginning often work behind closed doors, wasting time in vain.

Lynn was just about to start,

I just don't want to do it.

"My labor is very valuable. Instead of doing some repetitive work here, it is better to outsource this manufacturing project to a trustworthy person..."

Lynn thought.

I have never heard of a well-known architect who wants to move the bricks himself.

This kind of thing should be left to the drudges.

So Lynn called Sunny.

"Hey, let me make a long story short. To put it simply, I have a job here... This job is very important, and it is an important target of the Lizard Gang. I got such an opportunity by chance at this time, and I immediately thought of you... ..."

Lynn said.

"Huh?" The other end of the phone was stunned.
She has been exhausted for the past few days, why is she getting a new job now?
Before he could react, Lynn began to talk about the content of the work. The big problem was to provide parts and then assemble them. All that needed to be done was a repetitive task, which was very simple.

After negotiating the reward, she agreed immediately. Before Lin En left, he suddenly remembered something and added:
"By the way, I have the contact information of a few mechanics here. You can communicate with them more often, and maybe you can improve your knowledge..."

After speaking, he gave a copy of the phone numbers of Uncle Chen and the others.

hang up the phone,

"My labor is so valuable that it would be better to outsource this work than to do repetitive work here..."

Sonny thought.

I have never heard of architect apprentices moving bricks by themselves.

This kind of thing should be left to the drudges.

So, she said to the apprentice next to her:
"You're here to work, and there just happened to be an assembly order from the Lizard Gang, just for you to practice."


(End of this chapter)

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