Chapter 126 Cow

"It's completely inhumane that you build this kind of facility on these cows!"

Lynn was taken aback, and looked at the person who squeezed out.

This person is wearing a pair of glasses and looks like an aunt from the outside, as if he has a big opinion on these artificially deficient cows.

But said:

"Oh my God, you guys made such a big gash in the cow! It's a very bad thing that you made this man-made fetter, it's very cruel."

"If you look at the city's laws, you may have been suspected of cruelty to animals!"

As soon as the words came out, there were whispers behind him, and some curled their lips in disdain.

Lynn felt a little puzzled,

What is this nonsense?

Did this person come here on purpose to find trouble?

But looking at the other party's expression, it seems that they didn't deliberately find fault, but were really angry.

At this moment, I heard the glamorous host say:
"Mr. Hans, I believe the doubts raised by the animal protection organization have also asked the audience in front of the TV. Is there any ethical issues involved in the newly developed rumen cannulation technology for cattle? For example, can they feel the pain of having a hole in their stomach?"

It turned out that this person came from an animal protection organization.

Lynn subconsciously touched his head,
This question is not in the manuscript!
Why do you ask a question that I am not familiar with at this time?

But at this moment, with so many cameras staring at him, Lynn didn't panic,

There was lightning in his mind, and he quickly explained:
"This, I can tell you, obviously not."

"During the operation, we used anesthesia drugs throughout the operation. The operation on the cow was absolutely painless, and it did not feel any pain after the operation."

Lynn's language is organized quickly and his description is fluent,
After explaining the principle of the operation a little bit, he also said emphatically:
"Also, I don't think the suspicions of animal protection organizations are appropriate. You say that this kind of behavior is cruel to cattle, but you are clearly looking at cattle from the perspective of humans, but humans are not cattle. How can you know that cattle are What about your happiness?"

When the animal protection member heard this, he said angrily:
"What do you mean by that?"

"You said that I am not a cow, and I cannot know the emotions of a cow, but you are not a cow, how can you ensure that a cow is really comfortable with your company's surgery? This is just a sophistry of your company!"

"Although none of us are cattle, there must always be a standard for judging things. If the human-oriented perspective cannot evaluate the emotions of cattle, then we will not be able to understand anything about animals."

Lin En was agitated by the words and was also a little angry. He followed the other party's words and said:
"Well, since we are not cattle, of course we can't put ourselves in the shoes of cattle."

"So we might as well ask the cow what he thinks about rumen fistula surgery."

When Lin En said this, everyone was stunned.

What does it mean to ask a cow for its opinion?

Doesn't this staff member have the ability to communicate with animals?

While everyone was wondering, Lin En patted a passing cow.

Niu stopped in doubt, and looked blankly at a group of strange people.


"Number 4655, you are a member of the big family that has undergone cow rumen transformation. After your two-week life of making flaccidity, you must have felt the changes in your life. During this period, you are new to our company. Do you have any comments on the developed bovine rumen fistula surgery?"


Lynn spread his hands.

There was thunderous applause.


As soon as the shutter sounded, and the small plastic sheet on the camera lens blinked, a photo appeared in tomorrow's shantytown morning newspaper.

Of course, it's electronic.

"Grundfos has made a major breakthrough in biotechnology!
Recently, Grundfos has successfully established the artificial artificial flaccidity system of cattle rumen. At the interview site, the staff responded to the issues of animal protection organizations wittily.

The shanty town daily reports for you. "

All of a sudden, Lynn was pushed to the forefront,
Countless people are full of curiosity about him,

"Looking at this person's conversation, it doesn't look like a person in a firefight."

"Explosive Animal Protection 666"



But there are also objections,
I think Lynn deliberately changed the topic, avoiding the important,
Most of these people are loyal supporters of animal protection organizations. Of course, they ridiculed and scolded Lynn online.

They all thought that he disrespected the cause of animal protection, and asked Grundfos to disclose his data and expel him from the company.

This thing seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
But apart from those financial speculators, not many people really care,

Grundfos is also a food company.
cold for a few days,
Everyone also forgot,
The Internet has no memory.

If you want to be famous in the whole city, you have to be in the news many times.

As for Lynn, he once again lost a chance to make money as an Internet celebrity,
He cannot see the real-time Internet in the city.

In the past, evolution would break through the high wall of information and steal Internet resources, that is, it only stole part of the website.

Just this almost made all the servers in the crossfire site scrapped,
And these websites are also static. To put it more vividly, the content on it is only up to that second at that time. If there is any real-time update in the city, Lynn can't see it.

Very limiting.

But at this time,
In a building in the shanty town of Anning City,
There is an office on a certain floor of the building. The office is decorated with a sci-fi atmosphere. There is a light blue arc-shaped two-dimensional projection in front of the boss's desk, which displays various items.

At this time, a finger is pointing somewhere on the screen,
A photo of Lynn posing with a cow pops up,
A deep voice said:
"Pay close attention to this person, and notify me as soon as he enters the city."

. . . . . .

Of course, Lin En didn't know that he was already being missed by the mysterious figure at this time,

He felt that he could handle this matter fairly well.
Once this matter is over,
The tasks assigned by the company were completed successfully,
Lynn also took a large share of the funds,

In the crossfire, his current wealth has reached a certain level,
To what extent?

When he buys something now, he no longer needs to look at the price.

Of course, the premise is to use the exchange of fire to settle the currency.

As for real estate, the current price has also plummeted. Before the Tianxiameng was established, the price of a house might be very high, but now the firefight is in chaos, let alone the house, whether people can keep it is still a problem.

Real estate, I have said nothing,

Doesn't that make it clear that it is used as a granary for others?

Lin En's life in the farm has also been idle. In the past few days, he is still practicing the research and development of animal mixtures.
On this day, he has a new harvest.
(End of this chapter)

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