Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 128 Fishing Law Enforcement

Chapter 128 Fishing Law Enforcement
The matter of seeing the animals has been entrusted to Hans,
Lynn is not in a hurry,
Continuing his research on biological mixtures,

During this time,

Lynn successfully extracted a biological mixture of the Misty Wolf,

But Lynn is in trouble now.

Just the other day, he experimented with some biomaterials,
The results of the experiment were satisfactory to him.

at the very beginning,
All the animals that had taken Misty Wolf Mixture died,
Later, Lynn continued to study and improved the secret recipe,

Therefore, the animals that took the improved misty wolf mixture did not die,

But as expected, he lost his mind and became quite crazy, wanting to tear everything in front of him,
Later, Lin En continued to study and further improved the secret recipe,

The experiment was thus partially successful.

The animals that had been injected with the second modified animal mixture performed very well,

They not only maintained the original biological characteristics, but also obtained part of the fighting ability of the Misty Wolf,

Having learned the lesson from the rabbit and chicken incident, Lynn has already disposed of all the surviving animal experiments that had received the biological mixture.

But now there is a problem,
I really want to give people to drink this stuff,
He always felt insecure,
This is not the genetic potion that is guaranteed in the city. It is made by self-improvement. Although it was successfully tested on rabbits, it does not mean that it can be replicated on humans one by one.

Lynn wanted to find a few lucky viewers to experiment and see if there was room for improvement.

But he thought about it,

It seems that this kind of thing is not good for the members of the Lizard Gang.
What if you really drink to death?
Lynn's conscience will be condemned!
So Lynn thought of a good idea,

"You mean, you want a house in an old street?" Hans scratched his head, "I know you are a very nostalgic person, but we just snatched that place back from Tianxiameng, and it's a mess inside. There are robbers everywhere, if you want it, I'd better sell you a set at the market."

"Of course, it's not impossible to send it away"

"No, it's Old Street." Lin En said.

"Also, if you set me up there, I will still open a prosthetic body shop there for a while."

. . . . . .

Lynn's new prosthetic shop will be ready soon,
There are many primary prosthetics inside,

For the current Lynn, these prosthetic bodies can hardly be seen at all.
But when he first came to this world, every time he made a new model, he would feel sincere joy in his heart.

This place is not the original location of Lynn's prosthetic body shop, the original location is on the other side of the street, the geographical environment is not good,
This place was specially chosen by Lynn,

There is enough space in the small shop, and there is a basement,

very suitable.

Lynn, as usual, operating from the shop,
It's just that there are twelve parallel improved deflection shield generators in the lobby of the small shop, two automatic control machine guns, a set of automatic alarm devices, and a flash grenade launcher modified from a grenade launcher.

Lynn wore a pair of welding sunglasses,

After thinking about it, he still didn't feel right.
So I deliberately put a sign outside the door, writing:

"Best prosthetic shop on the block."

The first one is coming soon,
He asked, "Boss, how much is your prosthetic body?"

"Two hundred and one."

"Damn it, is your prosthetic body made of gold or silver, can it be cheaper?"

Lin En issued an order to evict the customer, and the two big men lurking in the prosthetic body shop threw him out as soon as he slipped away.

The second person will come soon,
Lynn greeted as usual:
"Muyin prosthetic body shop, what do you want?"

The man looked around, and finally met Lynn's eyes:
"I want a prosthetic."

Lynn chewed gum in his mouth, touched the gun between his legs with his right hand, and said calmly:

"The prosthetic limbs are all on the shelf. There are only everyday ones here. They don't carry any weapons. Just tell me which one you like."

These prosthetics are all imitated old things from a few years ago. The cost of each is below 100 points, and no one usually buys them, and they are covered with dust in the store.

Putting it in the store is just for facade, Lynn doesn't make money from it at all.

The man nodded, picked one from the shelf, weighed it in his hand, and——

Turn around and run!


The big iron door of the prosthetic body shop slammed shut with a dull crashing sound. A person at the street took out a walkie-talkie and said in a low voice: "C28, C32, this is C93, close the net, repeat, close the net."

The man was shocked, and soon there was a hint of ferocity on his face, and he shot backhand, but the gun floated too far,

Not only that, when the bullet hit the deflected shield head-on, it didn't even deflect, and it made a ripple on the shield and disappeared.

Like water drops into the sea,

out of sight.

On the other hand, Lin En suddenly kicked the table in front of him to the ground. Among the flying sawdust, his sunglasses were crooked. He took out an assault rifle from the bottom of the table with his left hand and a compound crossbow with his right hand. When it was opened, two six-barreled machine guns popped out, and the guns were pointed straight at the prostitute.

Lin En raised the gun, hesitated like a year ago, calculated the position, the gun muzzle burst into flames, clicked four times, and precisely penetrated his limbs.


He subconsciously called out, but a numbness came from his left arm, and a needle tube full of anesthetic drugs had pierced into his skin through the compound crossbow.

He was unconscious.

"This doesn't even have a shield, so all the preparations have been made in vain."

Lynn was speechless,

Two big men pushed the door open one after another, and moved this person into the basement.

Lynn got up and put up a sign outside the prosthetic body shop:
"Suspend business"

The basement has been transformed into a simple operating table model,
It's just that the operating table is a bit strange.
There are many more components to control patients, as if they were moved from a mental hospital.

"Come on, come on, I'm coming in, you guys control it well."

Lynn pushed the syringe of the animal mixture and began to call the shots,
Everyone said hello, after a long meal, Lin En was still not satisfied, and said:

"He might turn into a werewolf in a while. If you're like this, find something to stuff his mouth to prevent him from biting. It's disgusting."

Several people searched around, randomly found an original rag, stuffed it into the person's mouth,
Lynn didn't feel well, so he found a spherical scientific bite force device instead, pushed the ball into his mouth, and wrapped several rounds of tape around his mouth,

Then a tube of mixture was pushed in,

nothing happened,
1 minutes later,
A large amount of black hair suddenly appeared on his body surface, and the whole person began to grow bigger, looking extremely terrifying,
2 minutes later,

His canine teeth were driven off by two sharp teeth,
After 3 minutes, his nails started to grow longer and sharper,

Lin En pinched the stopwatch and watched with cold eyes.

4 minutes later,

He is fully awake,

He opened his eyes suddenly, and let out an extremely terrifying roar of anger:

"Wang! Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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