Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 134 Advancer Troops

Chapter 134 Advancer Troops

Lin En had just put the computer into the bag, and suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and something approached quickly towards him!

He reacted quickly and immediately swung his arms to block,

A mouse with a large head bit hard on Lynn's metal prosthetic frame. Although the impact was huge, Lynn's foot was very stable, and he still maintained his body shape, so he was not thrown down by the mouse.

Seeing that one blow failed, the mouse bounced back and kicked the ground, launched another attack, and shot towards Lin En like a cannonball.

The space in the house is small, and there are many sundries under his feet. Lynn can't avoid it even if he protects the computer.

With a single blow, the mouse was smashed against the wall with the metal arm,

This blow was powerful. Although the mouse was huge, it vomited blood and died after hitting the wall.

Before Lin En could relax his vigilance, his sharp ears accurately caught a burst of chaotic sounds in the living room.

More than one mouse in the house!

Lin En didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately found a jar of lavender solution from his waist, and drank it down.

His right arm immediately began to extend, and a long membrane formed around the fist. The membrane changed for a while, and the texture of the carapace became harder and harder, forming a huge bone knife!

This is an animal mixture made from some kind of praying mantis in the wilderness. Lynn had been vaccinated long ago. At this time, he was stimulated with primers, and the evolution was completed in a few seconds!

The door was smashed by a mouse, and another mouse rushed towards Lin En. Lin En held the computer in one hand, and with a twist of his right arm, he cut the flying mouse in half precisely!

Leaving the house hastily, the situation of the werewolf troops staying outside was not optimistic.
There was too much commotion here. Although the werewolves were well-equipped, they were only struggling to support them.

As soon as Lin En came out, everyone shouted for help, and wanted to go back the same way and join Hans' large army.

But the situation is beyond everyone's expectations,

There were too many rats rushing here, several times as many as when they came. Once they left this yard, they would inevitably fall into the predicament of being surrounded by enemies.But it's not a problem to resist here all the time. The werewolves tried twice in a row, but they could barely move forward a few steps, so they had to retreat and stick to it.

"Damn it, we can't get out at all!"

Delita said anxiously,
The situation intensified and deteriorated, and everyone's faces turned blue, only Lin En was not too nervous,
He first took an emergency degradation agent to fade away his previous evolution.

Genes are like a mountain of history, after thousands of years of stupid construction by nature, it has finally been handed down to this day.

What we usually call "the miracle of nature" is just to describe this pile of codes. Isn't this a kind of miracle that this bunch of unknown things can actually make living things move?

But the way they move is generally very imaginative, and there are hidden dangers in it.

The code can be temporarily added a few lines, but at this stage Lynn can't change too much at once,
You can't touch the underlying structure, either.
It cannot become single-celled organisms, viruses, or plants with certain immortality, asexual reproduction, fungi, etc. Otherwise, the mountain of genetic garbage will cause an avalanche sooner or later, and it will have extremely terrible consequences.

When a person wants to perform operations beyond his cognition,
Usually ask for trouble,
The stock market is like this,
The same is true in the field of evolution.

Lynn has never tried to use multiple different evolutions at the same time, such as first becoming a werewolf, then growing fish gills on the basis of the werewolf, and finally taking the praying mantis to change into a bone knife.

This is unknown knowledge territory, which may bring some unexpected accidents.

Therefore, after each evolution, it is necessary to degenerate the redundant changes before.

In a few seconds, the sharp bone knife in Lynn's hand began to soften and eventually fell off.
Lin En picked off the remaining arthropod structure on his left hand and said:
"Give me another minute."

and sat down,

He is turning on the computer now.

The computer turns on.

Lynn opened the software adapted to the combat computer,
Frame the 32 advancers scattered in the home, right-click on the ground next to you, and directly draw them out.

A few seconds later, just as the werewolf troops were retreating steadily and were about to fail, a group of small armed robots using crawlers came out, and immediately fired fierce laser fire at the rats!
In just the blink of an eye, the rat swarm had already lost a lot of people, and a large number of rats fell down like straw under a sickle, opening a bloody path for everyone in a short while.

Originally there were only ten guns here, but suddenly there was a 32-man miniature army, and the balance of the original battle situation was directly broken!

This is a rat slaughter conference!
Everyone killed all the way, and the mice in the surrounding area were almost emptied, and the road after that was unimpeded.
Lynn wiped his face, but when he looked up, he felt that there were a lot fewer mice.

The Rat Swarm is shrinking in size!
How is this going?

Lin En felt strange, and looked carefully into the distance, only to find that there were raging fires everywhere outside the fence of the farm!

It turned out that Lynn just ordered the gasoline to be poured down the hillside.

Before that, he had judged the direction of the wind and confirmed that the flames would not burn back into the farm.
Then just light it up,

That's all.

Under the influence of the wind, countless drifting fires were carried to farther places,
Then it burns hotter and hotter,

There is also a garbage dump around here, which is used to recycle some domestic waste around here,
To make a little money or something,

Now a big fire is coming,
It's all over.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and now it has reached the entire hillside, and everything that can be burned in the vicinity is burning!
This started a fire.

In fact, in a sense, this is very good news for Lynn and others,
First, the fire blocked the rats' access to the farm,


Burning produces thick smoke,
Statistical data prove that in the fire, the vast majority of victims were not burned to death by high temperature, but choked to death by thick black smoke.

Now that the Yamahara fire is burning so big, black smoke is billowing, most of the smoke rises into the air, drifts to farther places along the wind direction, and sprinkles a large pile of black unknown dross.
There is also a small amount of smoke poured in along the hole made by the mouse, and of course there is also kindling in the smoke, which is attached to the fur of the mouse.

It's on in one go,
The burrow was so narrow that a mouse got stuck,
There will be a chain reaction.

Billowing thick smoke filled the tunnel, directly choking most of the rats in the cave to death.

The people led by Lin En met with Hans' main force, shared information with each other, and discovered the news that the number of rats was decreasing.Fewer and fewer mice came out of the burrow, and some even died by themselves not long after they came out.

With Lynn's advancing troops, the speed at which everyone cleaned up the rats increased dramatically. After a few hours, only sporadic rats remained in the farm.

The east has already turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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