Chapter 162
The atmosphere in the conference room was sluggish, and a group of people began to discuss what to do, and Lynn dozed off listening.

He is not the decision-maker of the power, so he does not need to understand these things,

The meeting was indeed a bit boring.

It's nothing more than one person proposing to make friends with some forces, and then listing the reasons, and finally jumping out a person objecting, and then the two of them confronted each other in a hurry,
Lynn yawned.

Sure enough, a group of people discussed Datong, but there was no final decision.
Of course, everyone at the meeting agreed that,
Maintain a hostile relationship with Tianxiameng.

Soon the meeting proceeded to the second item, and all the people present changed the topic to discuss.

This new topic is,

How can we resist the next wave of beasts?
Someone said: "Since we can already mass-produce flying thunder cannons, the beast swarm is nothing to fear. No matter how many mutant beasts there are, they can be repelled by spending a little more shells. Therefore, we only need more Just produce some dynamite packs."

But there are also people who disagree: "That kind of mechanical spider is very lethal to our city walls. A few days ago, the scouts we sent out found that the rear of the mutant beasts was gathering again. This time, their number and scale Far more than last time.
It's good that there are more other mutant beasts. If the number of this kind of spiders also increases, once our city walls are smashed, the consequences will be disastrous. "

"Yeah yeah."

Some people agree.

"So, the main problem at this stage is how to efficiently remove those mutant spiders." Barnetta took a sip of coffee, said lightly, and began to draw on the whiteboard behind him.

While everyone is thinking,
Lynn said suddenly, "I have a solution."

"You have a solution?" Barnetta was stunned for a moment, and then involuntarily there was a sense of expectation in his heart.

Since he knew Lynn, he felt more and more that this person was not simple.

First, the staff of the farm, when interviewed, found that he was eloquent and able to deal with the camera with ease.Later, by accident, he also learned that the other party was a well-known mechanic.

Later, when the war became tense, he even built a cannon, which turned the tide of the battle in one fell swoop.

Now that this person speaks, it can be said to be full of promises.

"What can you do? Come out and listen." Someone said.

"Those spiders are all made of alloy, if they are closely spaced, we can hit one of them with an electric arc, and then cause a series effect.

They can be completely wiped out, and it is estimated that their energy modules will be paralyzed, making them unable to continue to pose a threat to us. ’ Lynn explained.

"It's easy to say, but there are no high-voltage power stations around here, and there are no wires to use. Where can we find something that emits high-voltage arcs?"

Someone questioned.

"It's easy to handle." Lynn said: "I have already created a magnetic storm coil... To be precise, it was designed by a friend of mine, but now I am presenting it to you."

Lynn said.

"Magnetic storm coil, what is that?" Someone asked in confusion.

Lynn gave a brief explanation at the meeting, and when it came to the feature of series electricity, everyone's eyes lit up.

If the effect is really as good as Lynn described, then it could not be better to use it in war.

One of them was an intelligence gathering officer who knew the information on mutant beasts like the back of his hand, so he analyzed it directly:
"Our current information shows that the spider is actually a composite creature of flesh and machinery. He was originally made of meat, but was artificially transformed with machinery..."

"If you can use the characteristics of series electricity, you can immediately paralyze them."

Soon, everyone asked Lin En to show his design, and Lin En came to an open space, placed many small electronic parts on the ground, and fired a round with a magnetic storm gun.

These electronic components are connected in series with each other.

Someone said: "The mutant beasts on the battlefield are a mixture of metal and flesh. For accuracy, you should wrap a layer of pork on these parts."

Hello Lynn,

Someone immediately found a lot of pork.Cut them into thin slices and wrap them on the surface of electronic parts.

Lynn is a bit strange,
Doesn't it mean that there are not enough supplies?Since there are all these pork, why can everyone only drink porridge?
Lynn fired a bullet,
good results,

A series of electricity,
The pork is fried directly into fine charcoal blocks,

But Lynn repeatedly tested, but found that the range was not satisfactory.

Soon, Barnetta questioned, "Although your design is very good, its range is too short, and it is not suitable for us to use."

"I haven't finished showing it yet," Lynn said.

"Oh, tell me, tell me." Barnetta was taken aback, and said hastily.

" I set up a power-up suit."

A tricycle was rolled over, with a heavy metal armor on it.

Lynn explained: "...the armor can be divided into two modules, one is the power module and the other is the radio module.

The external electric arc can be absorbed when it hits the armor, and then it can be used by the radio module.Through this kind of relay between the arcs, we can shoot a more powerful enhanced version of the arc. "

After all, Lynn showed it,

For the sake of safety, he didn't want to wear this suit to show himself, but put him on the scarecrow, and controlled the radio module through the automatic control program.

In addition, he set up two more targets.

Afterwards, Lynn took out the radio gun and fired at the target from a distance.

Did not hit.

Not enough range.

Everyone looked at each other.

Lynn had expected this a long time ago, and continued to raise the gun and fired the second round, hitting the scarecrow in one shot.

As soon as the blue arc touched Lynn's power-connecting suit, it seemed to be trapped, floating back and forth on the surface of the armor.

Then, with the sudden shot of the scarecrow, they were all released, and the target was another target.

This time, the target was directly blown to pieces!Countless tiny blue electric arcs lingered on the fragmented wood.

Obviously, the arc's range, power, and numerical comparisons in all aspects have been significantly improved.

"As long as we find a group of security guards and let them all wear this kind of special power-connecting suit, we can form a battle formation... put the vast electric energy on one person, and then send it out at once."

Lynn explained how the new equipment worked.

Fierce applause sounded again.

All the people present were overwhelmed by Lynn's genius idea.

In fact, Lynn's invention was not deliberately thought up by him. It all dates back to a dream when the mutant beasts attacked the city a few days ago.

In the dream, Lynn recalled the battle formations formed by ancient soldiers when they fought.

It was that dream that inspired Lynn.

As soon as this research came out, Barnetta began to arrange for people to make such electric suits specially, so that they could be equipped with a large number of people.


(End of this chapter)

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