Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 175 Chlorine Attack

Chapter 175 Chlorine Attack
with a snap,
The light on the ceiling went out, and the light on the entire second basement floor disappeared in an instant, accompanied by a special sound produced by electrical appliances due to lack of power.

In the darkness, the hearts of several people reached their throats,

So, they turned on the night vision function of the eyes one after another!
Lynn thought for a moment,

The Lynn robot he just made was not equipped with such high-end observation devices.
no night vision,

This is not good.

But it's not like there's no light at all in this corridor,
Even if the power is cut off, there will always be light seeping from some places, but it is very unfriendly to ordinary people.

thinking about it,

Lynn turned the brightness of the screen to the highest,
Can barely see clearly.

The four-eyed person is adjusting the position of the night vision compound eyes. His current vision is the same as before, and the visibility is as good.

This first wave of difficulties was easily resolved by everyone using technological means.

You don't even need to turn on the lights.

Several people originally thought that the power outage was only a partial power outage.

Elsewhere there is electricity,
But after they walked around, they realized that the electricity on the entire second basement floor seemed to have been cut off.


Someone flipped the light switch,
No lights came on.

He couldn't help it, and said in a low voice: "What's going on, have they noticed our whereabouts? Why did they suddenly cut off the electricity on this floor?"

"It doesn't matter." The four-eyed person stayed on a wall,
On the wall is a brief space layout of the second basement floor, which seems to be used for fire protection.
So he said, "Let's act quickly and go in this direction."

let's go

The crowd followed,

"The secret elevator is used to transport some unapproved biological materials. It should be powered independently and not with other laboratories. Although there are people guarding it, they should have all been evacuated now. We act quickly now. and get back to the ground in time.”

After about 3 minute,

Everyone came to a simple freight elevator,

The four-eyed person pressed a button,
Nothing happens.

"Damn it, the elevator is out of power." The four-eyed person's tone was gloomy. After the power was cut off, he had a premonition of uneasiness.

Unexpectedly, the elevator was also unusable.

"Well, what should we do now? Should we go up now?" Someone asked anxiously.

"Is there a switch on the second basement floor, cough, cough, if we find the switch, can we restore the elevator's power supply?"

"Why are you all coughing?"

"cough cough"

Lin En was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized something was wrong.

Colors cannot be distinguished from the images of the night vision device, but his images are broadcast live.

Lynn could clearly see,
The air around here seems to have turned yellow.

"Is there some gas around here?"

One person pointed to a certain place in astonishment, and everyone followed the reputation, and saw that in that direction, there was a cloud of unclear color gas permeating here.

They can't see clearly,

Lynn could see clearly.

The yellow-green gas, like a wall, filled the corridor and slowly pushed towards everyone.

It is chlorine gas.

"Cough, cough, cough." With the advance of chlorine gas, some people soon couldn't stand it anymore, their lungs were oxidized, they felt pain, they coughed loudly, and finally fell to the ground, unconscious.

But in contrast to the four-eyed people and some members of the Evolution Society,
They are relatively less affected.

Members of the Evolution Society are keen on transforming their bodies. Some people's lungs have already been modified and turned into artificial iron lungs.

Some people pull a gas mask directly over the back of the neck to wear it, which is also effective against chlorine,

At most, the skin is irritated.

"Stay away from that mass of gas and go in the opposite direction!"

The four-eyed person immediately said,

Withdrew like a flight,

But in the end there was no way back.

There was a dead end behind him, and the concentration of chlorine gas remained unabated, and it was still slowly advancing. It estimated that it would only take a few minutes to completely envelop the group of members of the Evolution Society.

Members of the Evolution Society have only done some mechanical modification, they are still human in essence,

There will be biological weaknesses.

such as mucous membranes,

When you encounter chlorine gas, you will feel a strong tingling sensation.

All over the body, as long as there is an unmodified place, a strong reaction will be felt.

Even someone as strong as the four-eyed person, wrapped in chlorine gas, can only escape in a hurry,

can't escape,
is going to die.

For a moment, everyone panicked.

How to do?
At this critical juncture,
Lynn may be the only person who can keep a clear head and think.

"Let's quickly go to the nearby laboratory to avoid it." Lynn said.

"Laboratory?" The four-eyed person was taken aback, then turned to look at the surrounding rooms,
Indeed several biological laboratories,

The fly in the ointment is that the doors of these laboratories are left a little crack.

"However, these laboratories are not airtight. Even if we enter, we can only die slowly. The chlorine gas will slowly push in. What should we do after we enter the laboratory?" said the four-eyed man.

"Then what can you do now?"

Lynn said.

The crowd fell silent.

This is the only way to survive,

The laboratory is quite open, and there are many bottles and jars in it.
and various chemicals,

Biological specimens.

A large pile of messy papers was laid out on the table, but now everyone has no intention to look at it.

"Can this faucet work? Let's take a look." Lin En said,

A laboratory will always have a faucet.

The four-eyed person froze for a moment, then seemed to think of something, turned the switch,

The rapid stream of water shoots from the tap,
"The faucet works, what are you going to do?" the four-eyed man asked suspiciously.

"You don't need to ask, just do it. First you go find a few pots and fill them with some water," Lin En directed, and then began to quickly recall chemical knowledge in his mind.

Since he came into this world,
I never studied chemistry.

But I learned it before I came to this world.

A group of people were busy receiving water, and Lynn continued to direct: "Turn over and show me the chemicals in the medicine cabinet. Yes, bring that, sodium hydroxide, that transparent bottle with The one with the label, yes, that's it, take less of it and throw it into the water."

"Then throw the rag in the water, fish it out again, and use the rag to fill up all the gaps in the doors and windows."

At this time, not only the four-eyed person, everyone was puzzled.

They never studied chemistry,
I didn't know what Lynn was going to do, so he asked suspiciously: "Using these rags to block, there will inevitably be gaps, this is just a temporary move."

"It's not a temporary move. I'll tell you, if you do what I say, the chlorine gas will never get in."

Seeing Lin En's vows, everyone had no choice but to do so.
The preparations are done,
Here comes the chlorine gas,

Looking through the glass, the corridor has become yellow and green,
But it really didn't seep into the laboratory at all.

All of a sudden, everyone's faces were full of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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