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Chapter 197 Guidelines

Chapter 197 Guidelines
It is not the first time Lynn has heard about the concept of curfew.

Uncle Wu Shisan told him about this a long time ago.

"Many newcomers don't know much about the situation in our street. The reason why I called you over in person is to remind you of the importance of this matter."

"There are several rules on the main road of Clan Street, whether it's you, me, or the cops who come to patrol the street, everyone must abide by it. As far as I know, people who break the rules generally have no good end. "

"First, there is a curfew on Clan Street. No one is allowed to go to the street from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am every day."

"Second, you must remember to close the door and window before going to bed at night. When you hear any strange noises in the house, no matter what, never open the door. Don't try to go out to find out the source of the sound. Sometimes , Curiosity is usually the fatal blow to troublemakers."

"Third, at home at night, try not to make too much noise"

After listening to it, Lynn felt puzzled. The whole city of Anning was singing and dancing, and no matter when he went out, he could always see people having fun.The only problem is the area of ​​Clan Street.

His rent is cheaper.

But cheap is also cheap for a reason.

For example, whenever twelve o'clock in the morning is approaching, the people on the street will disappear at the speed of light, and soon, the originally noisy street will be empty.

Lynn couldn't help but wondered: "Are other places the same as ours? I think they have people playing outside no matter what time of the night."

"Other places are of course different from ours." Uncle Wu Shisan said, "Actually, there are only a few problems in the land around us. As for what I said, it's all passed down from our ancestors."

"Following the rules is very important."


Lin En recalled Uncle Wu Shisan's warning before,

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and in just a few minutes, almost all the people on the street were gone.

A gust of wind blows,

Now Lynn was the only one on the whole street.


And his long shadow in the light.

Press the terminal at the temple,

There are still ten minutes before twelve o'clock in the morning, which is enough for Lynn to return home.

There is still plenty of time.

But the environment has made such a contrast, for some reason, Lin En always feels a little flustered in his heart, and the pace under his feet has unknowingly accelerated a lot.

The neon is still flickering, but the surrounding streets are empty, which looks very strange,

At this time, Lynn suddenly turned around,

The street behind was quiet, a gust of wind blew by, and a soda can slowly rolled out from beside the street lamp.

Nothing worth noting.

thump thump.

Returning to his new rented house a little strangely, Lynn turned on the light and closed the door behind his back.

"Huh" Lynn let out a long sigh of relief.

On his way home, he always felt a strange panic, as if something was chasing him behind him.

Lynn didn't think much about it. After checking whether the doors and windows were closed, he closed the curtains with a whoosh, lay on the bed and started surfing the Internet.
The attraction of the Internet to people is huge,
Lynn understood this truth a long time ago.

Now as soon as he enters the city of Anning and connects to the Internet, Lin En's daily life becomes a bit boring.


just play,
But from a certain point of view, this kind of life is the goal he has been striving for for so long.

For that.

Lynn opened a gunfight game. The game's graphics are very realistic, and the arc projection is used to fit the player's field of vision. It can give people an immersive feeling, but Lynn is still not satisfied.

Now that my vision is higher, I can't appreciate some things.

For example, this game can only be regarded as a nostalgic work more than ten years ago. After such a long period of operation, the player base has almost been lost, and the rest are only some ashes players, such as nostalgic players.

No energy.

Why is this so,
the reason is simple,
With the rapid development of science and technology, everyone has already used a very advanced game cabin. As long as the player lies in the game cabin, the game cabin can fully control a person's sense of taste, touch, smell, hearing, etc. simulation,

This is called real immersive,

It is far from being comparable to just giving a vr screen.

And Lynn's terminal was not even purchased by himself,
It was picked up from an unknown corner of the firefighting place,

After some comparison,
Lin En found that his terminal style was an antique model that had been discontinued more than ten years ago, and it was not suitable for many functions. It might be regarded as high-tech in the eyes of people in the crossfire, but it was not enough to put it in the city. up.

But the latest terminal is more expensive,

Lynn simply can't afford it right now.

"We still need to think about making money." Lin En closed the terminal and sighed a long time.
Although my money is barely enough now, my expenses are indeed a bit high during this period.

It is foreseeable that going to school to do research in the future will also consume a lot of money.
Making money is something that must be done sooner or later, so it is better to think about it earlier.

Drowsy, Lynn fell asleep.

All night.

Lynn's house is located in a slightly dilapidated tube building.
Tongzilou is located at one end of Zongzu Street. Its surface is covered with moss. At a glance, it is full of mottled years.

When renting a house, Lynn really spent a lot of effort before renting an old-fashioned community that he thought was more suitable.

right here.

quite suitable,

Whether it is from the quality of the building or from the surrounding environment, it is cheaper.

As far as Lynn is concerned, he is already very satisfied,

No matter how broken this tube building is, it is still reinforced concrete.

Compared with the bungalows in the firefighting area, it is a world of difference.

Similarly, in Anning City, the distance between neighbors is further shortened, they are almost close to each other in the corridor, and they are only a few steps away.

Lynn's house lives in 502, and the tenant of 501 is an unattractive man with glasses and a crew cut. He seems to be very bad at dressing up and looks very greasy.

The tenant of 503 is a woman with heavy makeup. Every time Lynn passes by her, he will smell a scent of perfume.

The number of times a few people meet each other is really not much.

When you see it, you just nod your head.

The closer geographical distance does not seem to be able to quickly bring neighbors closer.

The neighbors in this tube building always seem to feel less enthusiastic than the firefighting place.
Everyone dragged their tired bodies when they came back,
Lynn didn't have any other complaints, and he felt that this was fine.

Useless social interaction is avoided.

But things have changed until this day,
A strange case quickly narrowed the distance between neighbors.
(End of this chapter)

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