Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 235 Self-defeating

Chapter 235 Self-defeating
"...Although you made mistakes first, I didn't expect you to know your mistakes and correct them." Lin En couldn't help but sigh: "There are very few noble people like you in today's world."

The boss was speechless, but his heart throbbed every time he saw Lin En's extravagant consumption.

He took a deep breath.


When the reinforcements from the rear arrive, the money will be recovered sooner or later with interest.

But just as he was thinking like this, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and a few panicked people stumbled towards them.

Lin En looked up, and saw that two people were carrying a wounded man. This wounded man seemed to be seriously injured, with bandages all over his body, especially on his head, where blood oozing could still be vaguely seen.

Lynn rubbed her nose,
It's like ketchup.

Lin En originally wanted to bypass these two people who looked abnormal at first glance, but it was a coincidence that these two people seemed to be really coming for him.

As they approached, Lin En knew that there was no way to retreat, so he could only bite the bullet and go up, but when he heard them coming up, he said,

"Hi, my friend has a head injury, and the ambulance is already outside the gate of the amusement park, can you do us a little favor and carry him there together?"

One way.

"Yeah, yeah, just for a while, it won't take too much time for you. There's nothing you can do about it, he's really too heavy, the two of us can't lift him..."

Lin En's eyes flickered. After some thought, he still nodded. Just as he was about to agree to the request of these people, he heard the boss next to him say anxiously:
"and many more!"

"What's the matter? Where are you taking it?"

After the two explained, the boss had a bad idea, and his face became ugly to the naked eye.

He spent so much money, wasted so much time, and swallowed his anger along the way, wasn't it just to keep Lynn in the playground?
Now suddenly encountered an accident.

Lifting these people into the ambulance will inevitably leave the playground.Let’s not talk about what to do if the support troops arrive at this time, even if they haven’t come, there is a high probability that Lynn will go home straight away, even if they haven’t come, the amusement park still needs to pay for the entrance fee.

Never let him out!

So he said directly: "...I'll go with you, and I'll help you carry it." After that, he looked at Lin En again and said, "Just wait here first, don't move around, just wait until I come back .”

Those two people glanced left and right, and their faces became a little ugly, and there was a trace of coldness in the eyes of the boss.

Where did this guy come from?

If it weren't for this person, the Mafia would have succeeded by now, and the relationship between this person and Lynn is also open to question.

Could it be his bodyguard?

One person was about to refute the boss's request, but the other said first: "Okay, then let's go." Then he lifted the wounded man and wanted to leave the place. His companion was stunned for a while, as if he understood something, and nodded.

The boss followed the two, and when it was time to lift the wounded, the two lifted the front and rear ends of the stretcher respectively, but the boss had nowhere to start.

He had nowhere to lift, so he had to lift one side of the stretcher. The three of them carried a stretcher together, looking very clumsy. Passing tourists turned their heads to look at this bizarre scene.

The boss followed the two of them and left, noticing something was wrong, he loosened his hands slowly, and a trace of vigilance rose in his heart.

The two people carrying the stretcher didn't look weak, and the wounded man wasn't very fat, and it didn't take much effort to lift it up. Why did they have to find an extra person to help?
So take a closer look at these two people.Looking at their clothes, there is a place on it that has attracted the attention of the boss.

It is right uniform pants.

There is a triangle logo on the trousers, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

Although the upper body clothes of these two people are different, the pants seem to be the same, which may mean that they are from the same organization.

The three walked out of the amusement park.

Just after turning a corner, the wounded man on the stretcher made a sudden attack. He fetched a dagger from nowhere and wanted to plunge it into the boss's chest.

The boss seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and quickly dodged the dagger, only scratched the clothes on his chest, and said angrily: "Sure enough, I knew it was cheating."

The three of them didn't give the boss any time to delay, and there was a flash of swords and swords coming up. The boss couldn't dodge, blood poured out, and he drew his gun in a hurry, but was preemptively pierced through the chest by a laser shot.


At the same time, a message that had been edited a long time ago was automatically sent to a certain chat group.

"Watch out for people wearing triangle trousers and black clothing, they are most likely Lynn's bodyguards."

In the noisy night, a group of people also wearing black quick-drying suits were walking mightily on the main road.As soon as the leader saw the message on his phone, his pace slowed down unconsciously.

"The person who wears the triangle pants..."

He is not in a good mood at the moment.

Can't blame him for that either.

Anyone who suddenly knows that the target of his assassination has a team of bodyguards will not be in a good mood.

The place is here,

The group of men in black came to the designated place according to the information provided by the boss, but found that there was no one there at this time.

There is no Lynn waiting.

Only the pedestrians on the side are constantly flowing, making all kinds of noisy sounds, which makes people feel at a loss.

"What about people?"

Several people were taken aback, and one even subconsciously talked to himself.

This is not the same as said.

But when a few people were looking around, they suddenly heard footsteps coming towards them. When they turned their heads, they found that three people also dressed in black were walking towards them.

The killers immediately became vigilant. Under the poor lighting, they saw a triangle logo printed on the trousers of these people.

They're all Lynn's bodyguards!
The three members of the Black Hand League knew nothing about the idea of ​​hiring killers, but looking at their black clothes, they thought they were also teammates sent by Germany and Austria, so they directly communicated:
"We don't know where Lynn went. After we got rid of his bodyguards, we came back and found that he was no longer here."

"Bodyguards?" A hired killer repeated. He wondered, aren't these people in front of him Li En's bodyguards?

After a moment of silence, one of them dialed the phone, and the contact on the phone was the boss who had just been killed by these gangsters.



The phone rang twice.

A burst of color bells suddenly sounded from the men in black in front of them, and one of them took out the terminal he had stripped out of his pants belatedly, only to hear that it was him ringing.

The two parties were silent for a moment, and then suddenly drew out their guns to shoot at each other. The battle was once very fierce.

On the Ferris wheel behind everyone, Lynn was watching all this quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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