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Chapter 253 Captured

Chapter 253 Captured
"Do you know a man named Lynn?"

Giovanni said so.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became a little strange. Those neighbors on the road who knew Lin En almost all knew his real name. Hearing the police officer's question at this moment, they subconsciously looked at him.

Lin En was taken aback for a moment, he was just about to deny it nonchalantly, when he noticed that the expressions of the people around him were a little strange, and he had a bad secret, so he had to tell the truth.

"Yes, Lynn lives in this community."

"What?" Police officer Giovanni was a little surprised, and couldn't help but regret secretly. He thought that Lynn would never live in this community. After all, he had made a record at the time, so he subconsciously ruled out this possibility.

He immediately said:
"Where does he live, and in what direction?"

"What does he do? Does he usually have any job?"

"Do you have his contact information? Does anyone at the scene know him? I now suspect that he is related to a series of cases..."


Lin En said, so he provided his contact information. Giovanni was excited and called along the contact information, and soon heard the ringtone ringing in his ears.

Lynn picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

The air seemed to freeze for a second.

. . . . . . . . . . . .





After the brief transcript, Giovanni closed the cap of the pen with a click, and said, "Please explain in detail why you were present at the scene of these cases."

In the somewhat cramped interrogation room, Lynn and several police officers appeared.

"This is completely a coincidence." Lynn explained: "In fact, these cases have nothing to do with me. I just happened to pass by the scene of the incident."

"Accidentally? So many times, all by chance?"


Lynn nodded.

"Are you sure?" Giovanni frowned, and then said: "Then explain in detail why your identity is not in our database."

"I'm from Crossfire, and I came here by smuggling." Lin En said, and by the way, he had nothing to hide. Say it again without any details.

After finishing speaking, several policemen glanced at each other and questioned Lynn in a targeted manner, but they didn't find any obvious doubts.

Smuggling is not a big deal.

Just find a time to invite him out later.

But what is more important now is the investigation of the previous cases, whether Lynn committed murder, and what role he played in these cases.

A police officer brought out a bulging transparent plastic bag and said, "Do you still recognize this?"

Lynn took a look and saw something in the plastic bag.

A steel pipe twisted by force.

"I know it." Lin En nodded. This steel pipe was nothing but an item left by him when he was fighting with a group of hooligans in the playground.

He once used this steel pipe to severely beat Guo Jianglong's ass.

"So, do you still claim that it was just a coincidence that you passed so many crime scenes?" Giovanni leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Lynn. This is a very common interrogation technique that can subconsciously bring Put pressure on the person being interrogated, and finally completely break through the other party's psychological defense.

"Not bad." Lynn said.

"The steel pipes can't prove anything. I just used them to solve a few people who deliberately made trouble."

Lynn then told the ins and outs of the matter, including how he played the balloon and how he was missed by the boss, and told the police officer all these things again.

Unexpectedly, a young police officer stood up and retorted: "But we can't verify the things you said, and at the same time, no one can testify for you. How can we test whether you deliberately falsified the facts?"

Lynn felt a little puzzled: "What happened at the time was a shooting, so can you tell me, is there any relationship between the steel pipe you found and the shooting?"

Several people looked at each other and took a silent offensive.

Inquired today, to no avail.

Giovanni's eyes flickered, and he got up and went out to rest. Several police officers beside him looked at each other and followed them out. Only Lynn was left to draw circles in the interrogation room.


The door is closed.

Giovanni and the others walked away. After leaving the interrogation room where Lynn was, everyone gradually opened up their conversations. Among them, the young police officer became angry and said:
"He is clearly denying it. If you want me to say, he must have wounded someone with the steel pipe before the gun battle started."

As soon as these words came out, someone echoed.

There were also objections.

The scene of the crime was very chaotic, and the evidence at the scene was really scarce, but there was also a phenomenon that attracted everyone's attention.

On the Ferris wheel, all the people in a cabin were killed by guns, which is likely to be the fuse that caused the conflict below.

Giovanni's first reaction at the time was that Lynn boarded the Ferris wheel and shot and killed the leader of one of the forces, and then a scuffle broke out.

But there is no evidence.

He couldn't conclude the case.

Then an old police officer offered advice and advice: "This matter is easy to handle. If you ask me, he probably isn't telling the truth. We only need to torture him for a few more days, and he will be recruited."

What he said was also the method used by the police station before.

Extorting confessions by torture has already been cancelled, and the current era does not allow this at all, but Anning City is still a bit chaotic.There are many safety hazards in it, and there are many unexplainable things.

The need to extract confessions still exists, but in a different form.

For example, let the criminal suspect stay in the interrogation room with the lights on day and night for several weeks. Whenever the other party feels a little sleepy, some sharp electric bells will ring to prevent the other party from taking a good rest.

Living in this kind of house with only a few square meters, he became insane within a week, and naturally confessed to many crimes he did not commit.

But Giovanni happened to be a conscientious police officer. In this day and age, not everyone becomes a policeman for the sake of making money, but for treatment.

There are also really ideal people.

After a moment of silence, Giovanni spoke up and said, "...Is there a possibility that what he said is true?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they couldn't say anything.

Of course it is possible.

But in this case, the clues of this case will be cut off again, and the investigation needs to be re-investigated. Now it is getting closer and closer to the deadline. These police officers are very tired on weekdays, and they are often scolded. That's why they want to arrest people early Get over it early.

"It's possible, it's possible..." the young police officer said, but then he seemed to feel a little strange, and said, "But... why do I always feel a little strange..."

"Yes, this doesn't make sense." Giovanni suddenly said: "What he said is really strange. If what he said is true, then one condition must be met..."

(End of this chapter)

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