Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 259 New Ideas

Chapter 259 New Ideas

"Dear friends from the media,
Recently, through our police's full pursuit and hard work, we have successfully captured a criminal gang suspected of manufacturing chemicals without permission. After investigation, the gang has long been in collusion with organ reselling groups and voluntarily became the supply upstream of the organ reselling chain. The crime is heinous and bold , seriously violated laws and regulations.

In this operation, after police investigation and intelligence collection, we successfully determined the location of the criminal gang's activities and organized a secret arrest operation.After intense and continuous collaboration and cooperation, we successfully controlled the members of the criminal gang and seized a large amount of relevant evidence and property."

A row of headshots of people slowly displayed on the projection screen,

Lynn looked over and saw that most of these people looked familiar to him,

The leader among them is naturally the John who once claimed to be ambitious,

I saw him sitting in a position known as the "regret chair" at this time, with his hands in handcuffs, tearful, and said:

"I regret it now, especially regret it"

Anning Daily reports for you. "

Lynn clicked the terminal switch on his temple, and the picture in front of him disappeared immediately.

He was the one who put John in jail,
But unfortunately,
John himself did not know,

Because from their point of view, this Lynn, who is a chemical expert, was also arrested by the police who arrived suddenly. He heard a few policemen talking by chance, and it is estimated that this person is also in danger.

From this point of view, John felt that he owed Lynn quite a bit.
I just came to the group and wanted to make a big splash, but I didn't expect good fortune to trick people, and I was put in prison after changing hands.

I can't justify it.

Soon, a text message was sent to Lynn's terminal.

"It was thanks to you a few days ago. You don't know. I went back to the Public Security Bureau today. After a lot of trouble, the director gave me a good look. The pressure a few days ago was about to overwhelm me. .”

This text message is from Police Officer Giovanni,
Lynn replied: "Your terminal was taken from the dean? How did you tell him?"

The terminal was silent for a few seconds, and then there was a direct call. Lin En was taken aback, but then picked up, thinking that the other party was showing off his newly bought terminal, but unexpectedly the other party said: "You have a phone call tonight?" No time, our chief wants to meet you and get to know you."

"You don't need to see me, I have to go to study at night, I don't skip class every day like you." Lin En said, and then asked again: "What happened after that day, did you catch those scavengers? ?”

"No." Giovanni said: "We thought we could track down the scavenger gang and find out those gangs of scavengers, but then we found out that after their accident, those scavengers quickly refused to contact us. It should be them There are some people passing messages to each other internally, telling us about our actions."

Only then did Lynn understand, "Oh, that's it."

"That's a pity."

"However, this operation has also yielded some unexpected results." Giovanni added: "John's gang is almost the largest chemical black dealer in this area of ​​Clan Street. They produce many types of chemicals, and some can Drugs that cause physical stimulation
After we took them out, the criminal cost of some forces increased."

The two said casually,

Unbeknownst to me,
After this incident, the key link of the scavenger industry chain was hit hard, but instead, the profit of the hospital had a correction, and the supply of organs in it was in short supply, which also brought some surprises to Phoenix Spirit. outside losses.

After finishing this matter, Lynn suddenly remembered another thing, and continued to say to Giovanni:

"By the way, how did you handle the previous debt collection case?"

Giovanni hesitated to speak,

That incident had a very large impact on the surroundings, because the scale of the incident and the losses it caused were also large,
After careful consideration, he said: "We have already caught the main culprit, just a few people, and they were all at the scene at the time. As for the suspects who have gone to other places, since they have crossed the district, we can only coordinate The local police launched an arrest operation."

After Giovanni explained, Lynn seemed to understand,
To put it bluntly:

"I'm not in charge of this matter. If you want to ask, you'd better ask Gao Ming."

He couldn't help being a little surprised, and said bluntly: "You can't even do this? The debt collection company should be a small-scale company. Even their parent company, Grundfos Foods, is a medium-sized company that is not bad. With such great energy, you dare not handle the case?"

Lynn said in confusion,

Although he has dealt with Grundfos for a long time,

But it was a firefight,
Grundfos is a giant there,
But now Lin En's vision is higher, and he looks like that now.

It's just a relatively ordinary company. Although it has some background, some private military forces, and well-equipped equipment, it is not a giant at all.

How could it be possible to interfere with the police station's handling of the case?

As soon as these words came out, Giovanni was taken aback, and he quickly explained:

"No, no, this is not what you imagined, you completely misunderstood."

"Although we are usually constrained by various factors when handling cases, at the very least, this matter is not included. A Grundfos company does not have that much energy. The reason why this matter is difficult , because he was really difficult to deal with, and he cleverly took advantage of a loophole in the law."

Giovanni then explained, "Do you know the territorial principle?"

Lynn thought about it.

In terms of taxation, the principle of territoriality is a principle for taxpayers, including natural persons and legal persons, to determine the scope of tax jurisdiction based on the source or place of existence of income, income or general property value.

To put it in simple language, where the people are, they are in charge.

Lin En thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this rule had already been reflected when he was still in the firefighting area.
For example, at that time, there were not a few employees of large companies who randomly killed people in the firefight.

What Lin En remembers most is that Miss Wen, who once shot and killed a man who whistled at her in the street,
But in the end nothing happened,

Even if someone wants to seek justice, that is, superficial justice, this person will be escorted back to Anning City, where he was born to be judged by law. This is the embodiment of the principle of territoriality.

The local police station is easy to manage, and there will be room for maneuvering at that time.

At this moment, Lynn had a sudden thought,
A bold idea emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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