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Chapter 263 Epilogue

Chapter 263 Epilogue
Attend class,

Associate Professor Sandov walked onto the podium as usual, and the teaching plug-in on the projection screen began to play automatically - just like most teachers in this school, Associate Professor Sandov himself is not very good at teaching students, but in fact, He is also not good at scientific research.

What is he good at?

Lynn didn't know either.

At this time, he was just reading the content of the courseware according to the script, and the whole class was lifeless and very boring.

Lynn lowered his head and flipped through the textbook,
Automation in this class,
He looked at the textbook,
I just feel that the content in the textbook is very simple, and he has already mastered it all.

After reading it, it will not help you master your knowledge.

after class,

A few classmates went up to ask him questions, and he, as usual, didn't know what to do, and said a little annoyed: "Oh, isn't there an answer to such a simple question? You can find it with a search software. I am Associate professor, I'm busy, I have something to do after class."

In a sense, Sandov's words seem to be correct,
Now that technology is advanced, it is indeed more convenient to directly search for questions than to ask the teacher. There are various problem-solving ideas above, and some even have video answering functions.

But this ignores the fact that
He himself has almost never answered students' questions, which of course aroused everyone's curiosity. Those who have good things know the truth, saying that he is actually not good at teaching automation subjects. It's not that he doesn't answer these questions for students, but he also No more.

After the teacher left, Lin En said to the people around him speechlessly:

"One thing to say, this professor's teaching level, in a sense, is even worse than mine."

Unexpectedly, this was heard by McGee next to him, and he sneered: "No matter what you say, you are still a professor and a teacher. How can you be comparable?"

Lynn scratched his head,

In fact, this matter is really not sure.

However, he didn't have the time to make more excuses, but he was a little puzzled and asked, "What are the prerequisites for being a professor? How do they become professors?"

"At the very least, you must obtain a doctorate first." McGee glanced at Lynn and said, "Find a mentor and apply for and complete a project

, preparing the thesis, and finally defending. Of course, all of this is based on the fact that you have already obtained a master's degree. "

“It’s not enough to have a PhD alone, you need to have some teaching experience in addition to your academic background. This can be achieved through positions such as teaching assistants, lecturers or professorial assistants.

Published high-quality research papers in your field are also required.Attend academic conferences, seminars and research projects to communicate and collaborate with other professionals.Only after you have sufficient academic background and experience can you apply for the job. "

"Sounds like trouble."

"What do you think!" McGee said with a cross-eyed look: "You do the math, just for university, you need at least four years, three years for a master's degree, and two years for a doctor's degree, which adds up to nine years, and ten years if rounded up. , and all of this is based on the fact that you can always complete your studies in time, but in fact, those good universities are difficult to graduate, and the courses are very difficult, and those universities that are almost impossible, even if you get a doctorate , and simply not good enough to teach at a university."

"Taking it is tantamount to taking it for nothing!"

Lynn thought for a while, but in the end he didn't want to, so he called Giovanni directly, saying that he wanted to ask the director for a question.
"Looking for the director?" Giovanni was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, but he still transferred the call to the director, who was the one who had dinner with Lynn at the wine table that day: "Hey, Xiaolin, it's you. Good day work, okay?"

"Ah, you said you want to apply for a doctorate in chemical synthesis?" The director was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that Lin En was here to get a commission from process improvement, but he didn't expect to talk about such a trivial matter. He couldn't help but wondered. : "You are not a doctor yet, so what level of education do you have now?"

"Elementary school." Lynn replied quickly.

"Elementary school?" The director frowned, almost thinking that his brain was convulsed, and he heard it wrong, and repeated: "You never went to school? How is this possible?" But he immediately said: "I don't know much about this matter. , How about this, let me help you ask someone who may understand, I have a friend, he is also a professor in the school, these things, his major may be suitable."

Just when Lynn was concentrating on it, McGee suddenly came over and said with some doubts: "What are you looking at? You really don't study at all. The monthly exam will be in a few days."

In an instant, Lin En closed the screen in front of him, and said calmly:
"Nothing." So he still opened his book,
Looking at Lynn's appearance, McGee always felt that the other party was a little weird in it, as if there were some things he didn't want to let him know.

In the afternoon, Associate Professor Sandov returned to the class. Suddenly, some students panicked and said quickly: "Teacher, this class is not your class."

"I know."

Associate Professor Sandov said, looked into the classroom, and asked, "Which one is Lin En?"

The atmosphere in the classroom became a little quieter, and then gradually became active again. Since it's none of their business, there's no need to care about it.

Lynn got up,

Walking out the door together with Associate Professor Sandov, McGee's eyes were even more confused, but let him guess, and he couldn't guess why. The most reliable explanation he could think of was that someday Lynn I didn't write my homework again, and was taken out by the associate professor for questioning.

Outside the door, Associate Professor Sandov didn't see Lin En staying in the corridor, but walked directly along the stairs to the playground. The crowd density on the side of the road was much less, so you can chat for a while. The content will not be heard by the students who stop and go.

". The dean has already told me about you." Associate Professor Sandov said: "Then let's make a long story short. Let me be your tutor first. There will be a group of defenses in three months this year. There will be mine. Guidance, it is not impossible for you to prepare your doctoral dissertation within these three months. I will give you a topic direction and a manuscript for defense. It’s beyond the scope of the original manuscript, you just say you don’t know.”

"Our school's requirement for doctoral graduation is to publish one S journal, and if you want to get a lecturer position as the first author, you need at least ten S journals or more."

Speaking of this, Sandov couldn't help feeling a little proud, and said with his head held high: "Most of the lecturers in our school now publish articles in the S journal, which is close to the passing line, but it's different for me. , I published a total of sixty S magazine articles, even in the entire district, I can still be regarded as the number one famous person.”

Associate Professor Sandov began to boast, and most of his words were praises for himself.

Associate Professor Sandov talked for a while, and then realized that the most important thing was not asked, and then said: "By the way, what is your current education level, have you done any research projects, etc., you can write a Write."

"I'm an undergraduate and I don't have a bachelor's degree," Lynn replied.

Sandov froze for a moment,
Then he frowned.

"Are you an undergraduate student?" Sandov felt astonished,
Undergraduates don't even know how to submit articles to journals.

He was silent for a moment, organized the language in his mind, and said: "...that problem will be a lot more troublesome." Sandov couldn't help feeling a headache. It's not very complicated to teach undergraduates to publish publications from scratch, but he I'm busy, and I really don't want to take on this job.

Logically speaking, it is not uncommon for such students to contact themselves before.

It's just that in the past, those students were more or less basic, as long as I made special arrangements for them, they would be able to skip a grade and graduate soon.

Today this
But at this time, Lynn said it again.

He didn't finish what he just said.

"I haven't got a bachelor's degree yet, but I have a research direction, and I just made some results." Lynn said.

Associate Professor Sandov was not very interested. He waved his hand and said: "What research direction, you undergraduates, what good research direction can you have? What you should do now is to learn and memorize some basic knowledge. Rather than aiming too high and starting to think about this kind of thing, your foundation is not solid, even if you write one according to the gourd painting, it will be fine."

He was talking, and suddenly he didn't want to talk anymore.
What I said, I was about to scold myself for no reason.

Isn't my task to help these people publish a few papers according to the gourd painting?

It just so happens that he is still an expert among them. For so many years, he has mastered the tricks of a water journal, and he can madly publish some useless hydrology in first-class magazines. Academic background, and because of this, he will be contacted by a special person to become a professional tutor in the field of publications.

"I made this direction." Lynn didn't give Sandov too much time to think, and quickly threw out a document.
It says New Technology for Narcotics.

"Huh?" Professor Sandov glanced at it, then was taken aback, looked at Lynn in disbelief, and said, "You made this?"


The professional fields are different, and Sandov can't understand the specific operation process above, but he actually knows this.

A major breakthrough occurred in the industrial production of anesthetics.

There are only a few people in the academic circle around here, and if there is any trouble, everyone knows it by passing it on to each other.

After thinking for a while, Sandov said: "Your research direction is not the same as mine. Although I have a lot of research in this area, I actually feel that it is better to use your personal direction to write publications. Okay. In, in the hospital, I have a colleague who happens to be a well-known person in this field, you may follow this address to consult him, and he may be able to give you some guidance."

After finishing speaking, he gave Lynn a note.

The contact information and address of a district joint hospital are written on it
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cut the book testimonials:

Okay, today is the last day of full attendance.

No need to sit around every day.

Let me tell you something from my heart,

In fact, I didn’t want to cut this book. It has a beginning and an end. After all, it’s also the first book. I thought to myself, no matter what, I have to finish it.

But, this, this.
Plans have changed.

How should I put it, my book has always been full-time income, which is a very abstract thing.
Now, almost no one sees it.

Let's follow up with single digits.

In the first three months, there was full attendance. From the beginning of the next month, I really earned one or two hundred a month.

I can't write anymore, the author has to eat every day.
But this is also normal.

The writing is not good, who likes to read it,
I was very moved by reading this chapter.

In fact, I didn’t know how to write novels at all at the time. By chance, I wanted to write a beginning and send it to the editor for him to read.

But the beginning just passed the draft,

I thought, just bite the bullet and write. In fact, I didn’t expect him to pass the manuscript. I was in a hurry at the time. I didn’t have any manuscripts saved, and things in my mind were messy. I couldn’t write anything, and I didn’t make any outline. , but it turned out to be quite lucky. I took the first manuscript fee in my life. Although it was not much, it was already a lot for a student.

Unfortunately, I didn't save the manuscript, and I couldn't update it.

I am a medical student. In the first few days of this month, I have to take exams, so I review all day every day. I feel like vomiting, and then I start writing at midnight, until three or four in the morning, and then at seven in the morning. Get up for the test.

At that time, the water was already blatant, and there was really no way, I was already exhausted.

When the water is over, the novel will collapse.

It's a pity, but it can't be helped.

look back now,

I feel like the whole structure of the novel is broken.

Uh, I created a fan group, I posted the group number: 656016968, it’s not considered a fan group, it’s just a communication group for cyber-themed novels, where you can chat with each other, of course, there is no one yet, you If you feel uncomfortable, you can come to me for a refund if you ordered an eunuch book.

However, like I said on the shelf,
This can only be regarded as the first failed novel. I feel that its eunuch has little influence.

The beginning of this book limits the subsequent development,

In fact, I feel that my writing power is not limited to this.

The author's career must continue,
The second book is already being written,

This is the same worldview as this one,

But don't worry,
I will make the setting of the new book very detailed, and the quality will be improved to a higher level, and when I publish Chapter 1, it means that I have 50 words in the manuscript, and the storyline will be very different.

Really, the next book is not at the high-quality level, and I won't even post it.

The new book is probably about light comedy, cyber, and everyday life. But it may not be the same as you think, it is not completely daily life.

(End of this chapter)

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