Chapter 62
Ji Zhenlong was immediately dumbfounded.

Can anyone explain to him what is meant by "Your balance is insufficient to receive wages"?
Obviously he knows every word, but he doesn't know what it means when you put them together.

Unexpectedly, the accountant of the Finance Department snorted coldly when he saw this situation, and said: "You are always lazy this month, and your salary has been deducted as a negative number! You are limited to raising enough money to make up for the company's losses within three days." compensation, otherwise.
Use at your own risk! "

"My lord, I was wronged!" Ji Zhenlong couldn't understand why he had worked so hard every day this month, but in the end he ended up in such a fate.

What's going on?
He began to explain to the distinguished accountant, but when he heard the other party wave his hand, he said annoyedly: "Stop talking useless, you know what you have done."

"My lord, is there something wrong, please look again."

The accountant was furious: "I can't see it! Those who are left and right, get out and don't affect my work. Damn, there are a lot of things today, and there is a troublemaker here."

Two burly security guards came in and forked Ji Zhenlong out.

He shed two lines of tears.

"Damn, this company is really not a good thing!"

"I have done so many things for it, and all the strong men are drawn to it, but in the end I ended up in a betrayal!"

Ji Zhenlong returned to the dormitory in a daze, but happened to meet Lin En in the corridor.

"Yo, let's see who's here?"

Lynn greeted each other with a smile as usual.

Some perverted killers often have the habit of returning to the scene of the crime. Lynn was quite confused about this before, but now he actually feels the same.

There is a kind of revenge, which is at the level of art.

Ji Zhenlong looked dazed today, not very energetic, his face was pale, he had a few words with Lin En before going back to his room.

lock the door,

Lynn couldn't help laughing.

Shaking his head, he regained his composure,
If his predictions were correct, Ji Zhenlong was going to collect the money today, so he should have been called out for a wave of debts for no reason.

Let's see if he can pay back.

If not, the fun will be even greater.

If he still goes up, then he will not go up one day sooner or later, if it's not next month, if it's not next month,
Lynn is in no hurry,
The contract I signed for him is 120 years, and it is not enough to dismantle the entire Lizard Gang into organs and sell them for a fraction.

Of course I can't be idle.

What should I do? The network knowledge can be further studied, or it is also good to ask Easley for advice on the principle of automatic control.

Lynn went back to work in the company, took out his mobile phone, and lay down on the ergonomic chair to read e-books.

This place is so comfortable,

to be frank,
It's really more comfortable than a dormitory.

The bed in the dormitory is too hard, the air is too cold, and there is no machine to squeeze the shoulders. If you want to drink a drink, you have to do sit-ups yourself, and you can get it from the table.

Too lazy to move.

After watching for about an hour, Easley greeted:
"Lynn, come and play cards."

So Lynn put the book away and started a new game.

Two days later, Lynn had finished reading the deep theory of the Internet,
To be precise, it is completely mastered.
The experience bar of LV2 is half filled, and it is not so far away from LV3.

Lynn's understanding of the Internet has also gone up a notch.

At noon that day, he was playing computer games with pay in the cafeteria, searching the surrounding electronic equipment, and checking the properties of the hardware in detail.

It's not about what to do.
Simply search and play, and test the effect of the knowledge learned a few days ago.

Lynn hacked into a surveillance camera on the top floor of the cafeteria,

As far as he knew, the top floor of this cafeteria was specially reserved for some distinguished people, and ordinary people were not qualified to go up there.

But now there is no one on the top floor of the cafeteria. After Lin En wrote down the name of the monitor, he released the control.

Suddenly, Lynn's eyes lit up,
Bring up a minimized page,

This is a monitor in the corridor of the dormitory, which can take pictures of what happened in the corridor.

In the monitoring screen, we can see Ji Zhenlong and a group of strange people.

Lynn started watching the movie.

The first act is "Physical collection methods",
Of course, Ji Zhenlong didn't raise enough money. It was extremely difficult for the people in the firefight to obtain a place of peace. If they want to exchange resources for funds in the city, that kind of difficulty is really not small.

So, he clashed with several security guards who were sent to collect the money.
"Give a little more time," Ji Zhenlong said, but the unhappiness in his heart was gradually accumulating,

Oh shit!

It's just too deceiving!

"Give a little more time?" A security guard snorted coldly, and said coldly: "There is no more grace! Come with us, you have become the person subject to execution in our company, and the higher authorities have new arrangements for you!"

Hearing this, Ji Zhenlong finally couldn't control himself,

Of course, it is impossible for him to go with these people, if that is the case, it will be beyond redemption!

So draw your gun and shoot!

Lynn shouted wonderfully, and the movement of chewing food in his mouth suddenly slowed down.

Ji Zhenlong's gun is completely different from the ones on the market. The gun looks like a pistol, but as soon as it is taken out, the various parts begin to deform and transform, and finally it turns into a submachine gun!

Folding submachine gun!
Lynn recognized it the moment he saw it. This gun was equipped with a T3 energy-level gyromagnetic energy laser, which had a certain ability to track living objects. The energy rays shot out were allowed to deflect within five degrees, which greatly improved hit rate.

Those arrogant security guards were beaten to death as soon as they met.

Lynn was taken aback.

These security guards look awesome, why are they so good, without any resistance?
But the fact is true. These security guards who came to collect money were not armed. They only relied on their status as company dogs and the weapons and hardware equipped by the company to have the arrogant capital and confidence. You, who doesn't have one head and one heart?
This is not that fantasy novel,
Like Dazong disciples who seem invincible, one look can break people's minds and souls, shatter the galaxy, and cut off the sun, moon, and clouds with a single blade of grass, that doesn't exist.

Then again,
Ji Zhenlong himself knew that he had to run quickly,

But if you kill people here, if the company lets you run away, it's the company's fault.

Ji Zhenlong ran halfway, and before he had time to leave Sanyuanhuikou, the entrance and exit were already closed.

Many people heard the gunshot just now.

Monitoring is also automatic alarm.

Well, it was actually a semi-automatic alarm, and Lynn accidentally pressed the alarm button.

He should have called the police, but after he hacked in, he took over the control authority. It would be weird if he didn't call the police when such a major event happened.


(End of this chapter)

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